Peter Mollo, what architectural software do you use (Or Michiaki Yamada ... Yuki Yamada )? :) ... A REALISTIC virtual earth with TIME SLIDER for history (and planning) - a ginormous idea - is something World University and School/the WUaS Corporation has long been planning (think Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with time slider together with group build-able 3D virtual world software, like OpenSim or SL ... but for realism) ... How best to add a possible virtual component to these future of Winter House questions - - here? (... recognizing that Oriel's estate could sell Winter House in an instance). There must already be a lot of historic preservation computer modeling software out there, including architecturally (Grant Schenck) - just not integrated into one earth - and open - and especially for what I'm calling ethno-wiki-virtual-world-ethnography - e.g. (where we could all add photos and potentially videos of Winter House - architectural plans we made too even - from the past, and patch them all together into an interactive virtual earth - for planning and architecture especially - since it's already possible to add photos to G Streetview, and to do financials in GDocs) - to think/plan/talk this through together further ... as we seem to be doing here, in email and in other communications. Could we bring such software together for exploring creating blueprints / a plan including financials - (and for research / history / too, I wonder?) - like what remodelers do already on Cuttyhunk (Peter Mollo-Christensen? Sarah Mollo-Christensen ) ... Google Streetview for remodeling projects? Peter what architectural software do you use? :)
Winter House on Cuttyhunk Island, Massachusetts -,-70.932391,3a,75y,101h,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s51421399!2e1!3e10!!7i1504!8i1000!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e51a728ee3430d:0x383ebb525acfad02!8m2!3d41.4182719!4d-70.9338747
If Snider is indeed withdrawing his offer then now is the time that the town should adopt a historic preservation district. I know a number of people who supported this project did so out of a fear of losing Winter House. Let's take the momentum and use it to actually address the issues of concern.
Grant Schenck This PDF discusses how towns can setup a historic district:
Deborah Middleton One of the things I suggested to Stewart Young was putting together an online group like this one to gather suggestions from everyone about what they want commercially or non-commercially for the island. I think there are many who have something to contribute who don't go to the Long Range Task Force meetings,
Scott MacLeod Harvard Law Professor Emeritus (and sympatico) Charlie Nesson has recently tweeted some about Kialo as a new kind of platform for group decision-making - and and - which could help grow this Winter House conversation very fruitfully.
Scott MacLeod I think the idea of a Historical Preservation District / museum / cultural / heritage site would be great - and be excellent and potentially draw visitors in the winter as well (and avoid some of the problems that can arise with hotels / resorts - yet possibly preserve the income potential for even a winter Inn on Cuttyhunk). And any monies would conceivably go to Cuttyhunk.
Scott MacLeod What would be a Cuttyhunk islanders' plan (e.g. us?) be to make Winter House financially self-sustainable I wonder? And which ideas in particular, Deb, did you find helpful in FB, and re this email thread per your email below yesterday?
In terms of possible self-sustaining business plans, brain storming-wise, I see these possibilities:
a) Resort / Inn,
b) Country Club (membership),
c) Museum / heritage site (a Plimoth Plantation even?)
d) Oriole's estate continues ownership (and with managers like a) Bonnie at Fishing Club or b) Heron and Tam at Avalon),
e) one family purchases it as summer home (e.g. Porters purchasing the Allen House)
f) Cuttyhunk Yacht Club and Church receive it as donation as fancy Yacht Club house / hostel for Church fund-raising in winter (with fund to maintain it in perpetuity), as some emergent ideas ...
One idea I mentioned to David re when Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of Skye needed monies, was John MacLeod of MacLeod's intention to bring in corporations ... putting a big Fuji or Apple sign on the Cuillin Mountains visible to many ...
And I was amazed that Gus (in the 1980s?) who put his life blood into building the house of his dreams on the point near the Fishing Dock, making it hurricane proof, had to take it down due to the State of Massachusetts' environmental regulations (as I understood this at the time) ... so I have some faith in "process" (democratic, legal, regulatory) and what Cuttyhunkers as a whole want against money-driven ownership interests ...
We can all probably come up with some other ideas as well in these regards ...
Scott MacLeod I think eventually it was a patchwork of heritage trusts throughout the British Isles that helped sustain Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of Skye in the Hebrides in Scotland with monies for massive repairs for an ~800 year old remote structure by the sea (
Scott MacLeod The Cuttyhunk Ferry already visits in the winter a couple of times per week, so the Winter House property as an historic district with Inn run by Cuttyhunkers would dovetail with the Ferry as an island business, and perhaps guests could stay many days at Winter House, or the Avalon which is heated (or the Fishing Club?) from Tu-F or Fr-Tu ... ![]()

Scott MacLeod Winter House (Tim House?) as Inn for the historically minded - in winter too - Avalon as Inn as artists' colony too, and the Fishing Club for attracting Fishing folk in the shoulder season?
10 Benefits of Establishing a Local Historic District*
Scott MacLeod
Scott MacLeod
While the "fat lady may have sung" Nancy Wilder (with MS withdrawing his offer) - or? - we don't know what the next Winter House song will be yet, I suppose. And we might be able to write this song, and even sing it ... What I like about the "historic preservation district" idea is the potential for Cuttyhunk to define further this Winter House preservation district "culture" out of Cuttyhunk's own history (while potentially benefitting from Inn income as well with a very sound business plan including for bringing in guests - if Cuttyhunkers want this in the off season) ... instead of a scaled-up resort/hotel defining this "culture" ... And islanders / Cuttyhunkers (the people of Cuttyhunk - Jane Cuttyhunk) will be creating this together into the future (since we've lived it thus far). N'est-ce pas?
Presently, Ruth, getting both wings of a) wiki World University and School off the ground (including the b) new WUaS Corporation wing), teaching an online free open course this autumn on the Information Age - - and publishing my 2nd book (of poetry this time, this autumn) are very time-consuming ... but I wonder if there might be some dovetailing possibilities with the new WUaS Corporation (having forked from World Univ & Sch) somehow - and the Cuttyhunk Long Range Planning Committee ... what would you suggest?
... a bit scary in FB for Cuttyhunk re an out of control planned resort/hotel ...
Hy-Line docks in Edgartown for the first time in almost 60 years*
Scott MacLeod: Just poked around in Google Maps and found Cuttyhunk -,-70.9471465,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e51a728ee3430d:0x383ebb525acfad02!8m2!3d41.4182719!4d-70.9338747 ... Who has added photos here? Wanted to explore adding a video that could come from Cuttyhunk in the 1970s, for example, or even an architectural design I might make of sitting on the ramp of the barn near the schoolhouse with friends in the 1970s (has this changed since then?), and being there, but can't yet seem to add videos or even "builds" from OpenSim / SL to Google Maps / Streetview yet ... Would love too to re-visit the Grove near the Woods' road here near Tower HIll road - just off to the left here -,-70.929746,3a,75y,168h,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s78130000!2e1!3e10!!7i4608!8i3456!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e51a728ee3430d:0x383ebb525acfad02!8m2!3d41.4182719!4d-70.9338747 in the 1970s ... in terms of a historical preservation district ... at least virtually ... won't suggest any historical re-enactments if the Woods' House (Winter House) becomes an historical preservation district in these regards though :)