Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Sustainability: Universal Basic Income for all 7.5 billion people as Assistive Technologies - and coding for this re World University and School, "Subduction (Gros Morne, Canada): Blockchain(&Bitcoin) for Health Care for All?, Jonathen Chen, Stanford Professor of Medicine (Programmer too) ...", "Plate tectonics: Blockchain ledger and planning for technical programming - re Stanford, Blockchain ledger data standards for health care sound worth developing, Robotic surgery, Conceptually - like Quickbooks/Multi-Store/TurboTax particularly for their multiple countries' multiple languages ..."


Dear Larry, Dave, and Diana,  

I'd like to introduce you all here. Dave is a Stanford Professor who teaches courses about Assistive Technologies - http://web.stanford.edu/~dljaffe/. Larry is a chemistry professor at Chatham University, in Pittsburgh, PA, - https://www.chatham.edu/physics/facultydetails.cfm?FacultyID=63 - and both the Chair of the Board of a) World University and School and its CFO, - and he's also the acting CFO of the newly emergent b) WUaS Corporation wing of WUaS. A) Non-profit World Univ & Sch just forked with the startup B) for-profit WUaS Corporation). Diana V. Do, MD, is a Professor of Ophthalmology at the Byers Eye Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine - https://profiles.stanford.edu/diana-do. (Stanford Professor Diana Do MD in one of the founding Board members of the new WUaS Corporation).

Dave, I've mentioned both your course which I've attended a few times to Larry, but not to Diana, as well as meeting Ted, the Intuit representative (re the Financial Assistive Technologies of Quickbooks / Multi-store / Turbotax) in your course earlier this year (I've posted my email to you, Dave, from March 13 about this below). 

- Larry, thanks for these interesting Assistive Technologies' resources (below) you just sent. I'll add them as resources to the WUaS Assistive Technologies' wiki subject page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Assistive_Technologies - if possible, which will then emerge in our new wiki - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org - planned for Wikipedia / Wikidata's 295 languages. And at this key moment of WUaS moving from our old WIKIA wiki to this new Miraheze Mediawiki (with Wikidata as a backend), it would be really great to build in all the assistive technologies we can think of, and that are great fits, under the sun.

Dave, World University and School is also currently in communication with Stanford Medicine (including chair B.H. MD) about starting Medical Schools with online Teaching Hospitals in all countries' official languages with the blockchain ledger+ ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/08/plate-tectonics-blockchain-ledger-and.html (which is a plan for how this might work - from my blog post from the day before yesterday) ... and as you'll see WUaS is seeking conceptually to build out from Quickbooks / Multi-Store / Turbotax in all countries' official languages as well. Would it be possible for the 4-5 of us (Larry, Dave, Diana, Ted and Scott - or some combination of us)  to talk further together about exploring developing this together please? 

Thank you all.


March 13, 2017:
"Hi Dave, 

Thanks for your email. WUaS also hopes to develop assistive technologies' code in all 7,100 languages, as well as assistive technologies for all kinds of disabilities, both I.T. as well as physical ones. 

In talking with Ted (from Intuit, he said, like you), by whom I was sitting on Tuesday (in Ralf's presentation), I hope WUaS will be able to explore growing out of Intuit Quickbooks + for accounting ... but particularly for our online bookstore in all 7,100 languages, and anticipating bit coin and the block chain, as well as Intuit taxation software (e.g. TurboTax +) in all ~200 countries' main and official languages ... and even for administration of a basic universal income. WUaS also seeks to create CC OCW law schools in all countries, partly for this, and both law students and computer science students will hopefully be able to help code all of this - and re assistive technologies.  In terms of assistive technologies - and WUaS building out of CC MIT OCW (in 7 languages - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/) for online university and high school degrees - https://ocw.mit.edu/ - WUaS would love to explore also building out of Stanford for (our law and) online medical schools with online teaching hospitals (also planned online in all ~200 countries' main and official languages). 

In what ways might we talk further about some of this, if possible please? Ted seems like he knows Intuit fairly well, but gave me the impression that they only had focused on a few tax systems in languages other than English, whereas I have a recollection that they had made a broader foray into tax software, and in other languages, relating to countries' different taxation systems.  

Thank you, Scott"

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  

- World University and School


Thanks again for your email. Re your number 4. - yes, let's explore this further: 

4. That being said, I think it might be a good project - to create assistive technology / disability coursework -
for a student to pursue, especially for the grade school and high school levels.

There are many creative possibilities here - and the potential for extending such students' work on the WUaS wikis into multiple languages is significant. 

Thank you, Scott

Hi Dave, 

Very grateful for their potential foci ... https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/ ... and the wiki side of WUaS is a creative space for experimenting and exploring. The developing language translation software (from MediaWiki and with the emerging Wikidata-Lexeme project) are themselves potential assistive technologies upon which to build. 

Thanks too for your words of caution (which I've heard). I'm very appreciative of Stanford students especially!  

Appreciatively, Scott

Hi Ted (and All), 

I've just received your email address from D.J. at Stanford, and vis-a-vis our meeting one another this March 13 in his course. Thank you, Dave (whom I'm including here, but who will drop out of this particular conversation soon, I think).

I'm writing to follow up on questions of building in financial assistive technologies into World University and School / the WUaS Corporations' upcoming web sites (thinking Quickbooks / Multi-store / Turbotax and in countries' languages) and with both the blockchain ledger/bit coin as well as potentially an universal basic income too (also as financial assistive technologies). See our email conversation below for further details about all of this. What would be the best way to explore some of these questions further. Ted? 

Thank you, and great to meet you at Stanford in March.

Sincerely, Scott


Hi M,

Glad to hear it! I appreciate Cuttyhunk's socialness - and glad you like this too.

Made further contact with Stanford and re an Assistive Technologies' course there this spring where I met a representative from Intuit (wearing an Hawaiian shirt). Intuit makes Quickbooks / Multi-store /
Turbotax, and WUaS would like to build out of these conceptually computer applications to create Financial Assistive Technologies in all countries' official languages, if possible - to help people. The
Stanford Faculty member (and hopefully with Ted, the Intuit representative), has offered to explore with World University and School, I think, creating disability open course ware, and presumably
financially-related too ...

DJ: "I think it might be a good project - to create assistive technology / disability coursework -
for a student to pursue, especially for the grade school and high school levels" ...

... and WUaS is seeking to potentially plan and code for all 7.5 billion people on the planet in all ~200 nation states ... and via a Universal Basic Income too, as a way to help ALL people with a key
financial assistive technology (enough money to live on! ... ) ... so this course, and meeting Ted, and some Stanford students creating coursework in these regards, may be a remarkable way in for WUaS to begin a coding process involving 7.5 billion people (with multiple other ramifications) ... and an opening WUaS has long sought, but didn't happen until yesterday. Glad a new founding Board member in the WUaS Corporation is a Stanford Professor of Medicine, Diana Do (with the same specialty as Dick Robb), and is in on this developing email conversation as well - since it brings Stanford, and the new WUaS Corporation, in more fully. All very momentous to say the least ...

There isn't really the coding infrastructure out there in the world besides Quickbooks / Multi-store / Turbotax (in multiple countries' languages) that I've heard of ... and there isn't really the planning
for major CC MIT OCW-centric universities in all ~200 countries' official languages out there (besides WUaS), and there aren't really plans for online law schools or computer science Ph.D.s in all nation states' official languages (to help with related legal and CS coding) ... so this coming together in the context of Stanford (with its international students), World University and School,  and as a
student project providing and especially creating the service of online financial assistive technologies is wondrous ... And an universal basic income emphasizing the >universal< of 7.5 billion people - coding and database-wise - and building on the block chain ledger / bit coin, with artificial intelligence and machine learning and machine translation, is an amazing coding, information technology, and helping opportunity (and hopefully all ~200 nation states will provide the financial resources for the UBI for all 7.5 billion people) ...

And then, on top of this, we'll - WUaS and hopefully with Stanford - build out health care information technologies (blockchain ledger and health tokens - ) for online medical schools and online teaching hospitals - all together ... transforming the world for the better ... and creating an enormous number of jobs too.

Anyway that's my news ... time to clean my house (as I develop all of the above further) ... and head to a meeting in the late afternoon with the choir director of an Episcopal Church in Burlingame - looking forward to singing and learning Episcopal hymns (wonder how much overlap there is with the Church of Scotland and Anglican hymns I sang at Fettes College in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1976-77) if this works out - and then potentially to Stanford.

Continuing to explore how generating loving bliss neurophysiology might work learning-wise ... such that (I might generate this frequently and) others might learn this when and as and with the qualities and freedoms they might like ...

Glad you had a nice visit with Sandy, that you had company over, and that the house is winding up for the summer (when do you depart?) ... stay warm ... :)

Thanks for your email, and talk with you soon.




Subduction (Gros Morne, Canada): Blockchain(&Bitcoin) for Health Care for All?, Jonathen Chen, Stanford Professor of Medicine (Programmer too), How to code for "BlockChain (for health care+) w BitCoin w database for all 7.5 billion people for Univ Basic Income? Law & CS-coding", In coding too for Universal Basic Income (conceptually like Quickbooks/Multi-Store/TurboTax - and planning for the Blockchain re World University and School's many academic and educational services' endeavors ... there are Quaker service (AFSC) and moral economy (e.g. THE MORAL ECONOMY OF TOURISM - questions at play here ... where World University and School seeks to be in all ~200 countries' official languages as major universities and in all 7,099 living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning



Plate tectonics: Blockchain ledger and planning for technical programming - re Stanford, Blockchain ledger data standards for health care sound worth developing, Robotic surgery, Conceptually - like Quickbooks/Multi-Store/TurboTax particularly for their multiple countries' multiple languages, A realistic virtual earth at the street view, cellular, atomic and subatomic levels-think Google Streetview / Maps / Earth with TIME SLIDER and conceptually with group build-able OpenSimulator/SL- in all 7,099 living languages




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