Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Falco columbarius: Where have all the radicals gone?, Some visions of radical care and helping went to the World Wide Web, Went to the Scottish Games earlier - The Caledonian Club of San Francisco 152nd Scottish Games - in Pleasanton, California, Ended up bringing my Scottish small pipes, carrying them on my shoulder in their (GHB) pipe box (not light), and playing for about an hour and a half, much while women tossed the caber in front of the main viewing area for massed bands, And while I didn't see much about the Scottish Independence movement at these California Scottish Games, it too continues to emerge out of a power-to-the-Scottish-people ideal, so fulsomely expressed in the 1960s and '70s ... https://twitter.com/NicolaSturgeon ... https://twitter.com/theSNP ... https://twitter.com/bellacaledonia ... http://bellacaledonia.org.uk ...

Next: Orthetrum migratum: May explore descant lines if I begin to sing countertenor in a new choir at St. Paul's Episcopal Church choir in Burlingame, Think I'll do this a bit as a hippy ethnographer as well, A Tongan choir sang this morning in addition to the Chancel Choir ... and this Tongan choir could emerge online as well - in Tongan - https://to.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lea_faka-Tonga - ! Since Wikipedia is in Tongan, this NEW wiki World University and School !! - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/ - will soon be in Tongan too :) Please feel free to wiki-edit / teach to wiki WUaS, New Riders of the Purple Sage - Dirty Business (1971) - this is happening music ... /Rock_and_Woll at World Univ, Vino? ... Steve Winwood, Eric Clapton - Can't Find My Way Home > Good for STEM studying bliss neurophysiology generation

Where have all the radicals gone? ...

Where have all the radical political activists, the environmentalists, the civil rights activists, the Black activists, the radical feminists, the radical socialists, Marxists, poets, radical rock and roll musicians, radical churches, the radical professors, and radicalized student bodies, the communards, and back-to-the-landers, the radical folkies, and radical farmworkers, and approaches to care and helping people, the visionaries and everyone else who radically wanted to make the world a better place in the 1960s and 1970s, on campuses around the US and the world, gone?

I hope World University and School will radically help people around the world in all ~200 nation states and ~7,100 living languages, and with free, wiki, CC MIT OCW Uni degrees and education

... so with free universal education {in all 7,099 living languages} ...


I also think that many of the great and far-reaching thinking-anew, radical visions of the 1960s and '70s migrated into web pages and internet coding, and computer science, and that this continues, but are re-configured in these contexts, and because times have changed ...

I'm an appreciator of Manuel Castell's thinking and research with regard to a radical analysis of the Network Society, and society and information technology, and how the information age developed / is developing ... (and am teaching a free open online course this autumn building on what I've learned from him - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html - ... and in some ways World University and School itself emerges partly in conversation with the inspiration of Castells' ideas and thinking ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/)

Went to the Scottish Games earlier today ...


The Scottish Games were hot, hot, hot - around 105 F degrees at times - with relatively few people. I ended up bringing my Scottish small pipes, carrying them on my shoulder in their (GHB) pipe box (not light), and playing for about an hour and a half, much while women tossed the caber in front of the main viewing area for massed bands (on a big athletic track in a huge sports field) as I and others also watched this heavy athletic event ... it was so hot even around noon! ... Very California to have women athletes throwing this log, trying to get it end over end and land it in a straight line.

... It was quite fun to bagpipe, and somehow the context, milieu, culture of these Scottish Games brought out the music-making in me - newly. I had found an open chair and piped / read through some of my favorite sheet music, a way I enjoy playing ... familiar music played newly with some technical complexity ... almost all lyrical (sheet) music to my ear ... so, music I enjoy playing ...

The Games - it's a big and old Scottish Games - had their full accoutrement of clan tents, concessions in big open halls (some air conditioned), highland athletic events, birds of prey, sheep herding trials, historical re-enactments, dynamic contemporary Celtic bands, folk performers, not to mention the individual and band piping competitions, the highland dancing competitions, the Scottish Country Dancing ... and all the Scottish goods in the Scottish booths with Scottish food ... it's quite a scene ... some bands traveled from as far as Cleveland, Ohio ... am a bit glad I'm not playing in the Prince Charles' Pipe Band, because while they're good, they're not changing or developing all that much (as I hear them) ... so in seeking to play well as a bagpipe corp - in a kind of unity or oneness - there's a fair amount of repetition too, and they're only about 10 forms of bagpiping light music genres, albeit much variation within this ...

Was glad to visit the MacLeod tent and see Tammie Vawter (Mrs MacLeod of California Pacific) who does the MacLeod tent circuit on the west coast and is great, and her daughter (Tegan Vawter) who is also a regular contributor to this MacLeod tent ... she's working on her online Bachelor's degree in a multimedia program ...

Here are some related posts, with a video of Tammie Vawter from last year, and many posts about these Scottish Games over the years ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/09/canola-scottish-games-at-pleasanton-ca.html - again, here ...

Canola: Scottish Games at Pleasanton, Ca, Are these/could these all be Scottish computer programs in a sense-uploading video in a realistic virtual earth, Betsy Skrip, an animator / artist - designing MITx Bio courses, JuryX HarvardX course, Previous years' Scottish Games' posts


I suppose the women tossing the caber here at these California Scottish games is an outgrowth of women's liberation ... writ large anew sociologically (social theory-wise) in a California Scottish identity way ... :)

And while I didn't see much about the Scottish Independence movement at these California Scottish Games, it too continues to emerge out of a power-to-the-Scottish-people ideal, so fulsomely expressed in the 1960s and '70s ... https://twitter.com/NicolaSturgeon ... https://twitter.com/theSNP ... https://twitter.com/bellacaledonia ... http://bellacaledonia.org.uk ...



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