Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Orthetrum migratum: May explore descant lines if I begin to sing countertenor in a new choir at St. Paul's Episcopal Church choir in Burlingame, Think I'll do this a bit as a hippy ethnographer as well, A Tongan choir sang this morning in addition to the Chancel Choir ... and this Tongan choir could emerge online as well - in Tongan - https://to.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lea_faka-Tonga - ! Since Wikipedia is in Tongan, this NEW wiki World University and School !! - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/ - will soon be in Tongan too :) Please feel free to wiki-edit / teach to wiki WUaS, New Riders of the Purple Sage - Dirty Business (1971) - this is happening music ... /Rock_and_Woll at World Univ, Vino? ... Steve Winwood, Eric Clapton - Can't Find My Way Home > Good for STEM studying bliss neurophysiology generation

Previous: Falco columbarius: Where have all the radicals gone?, Some visions of radical care and helping went to the World Wide Web, Went to the Scottish Games earlier - The Caledonian Club of San Francisco 152nd Scottish Games - in Pleasanton, California, Ended up bringing my Scottish small pipes, carrying them on my shoulder in their (GHB) pipe box (not light), and playing for about an hour and a half, much while women tossed the caber in front of the main viewing area for massed bands, And while I didn't see much about the Scottish Independence movement at these California Scottish Games, it too continues to emerge out of a power-to-the-Scottish-people ideal, so fulsomely expressed in the 1960s and '70s ... https://twitter.com/NicolaSturgeon ... https://twitter.com/theSNP ... https://twitter.com/bellacaledonia ... http://bellacaledonia.org.uk ...

Hi M,

How are you and how are things winding down? Do you leave tomorrow or the next day, or might you remain another week (for what some have said is the nicest week on Cuttyhunk because of its quietness - a kind of big releasing after a busy summer, but with people still on island - the relative warmth, and often great weather ... )?


Episcopal church singing was fun this morning for the first time there ... good music, good singers, we'll be singing the Bach Christmas Oratorio and the Mozart Requiem, along with an anthem every week, and Episcopal hymns ... it's actually pretty great music ... may explore descant lines if I begin to sing countertenor, although this morning I sang bass ...

My email to D.T. from Thursday:
"Your email came a minute before I was about to meet the musical director Susan Jane Matthews (who went to Haverford) at an Episcopal church in Burlingame to explore singing there this autumn. (Could ...  and from Stanford Medicine? Looks like this could be possible, although the job was excellent). Heading back this Sunday. I may be singing counter tenor (alto) which is interesting.

What are your winding up things left to do, M?



A kind of Yoga too ?

Glad to say I'm going to be singing with the St. Paul's Episcopal Church choir in Burlingame this autumn (and potentially as countertenor with time:). 

Good music, good singers, too, and we'll be singing the JS Bach Christmas Oratorio and the Mozart Requiem, along with an anthem every week, as well as Episcopal hymns ... it's actually pretty great music too ... may explore descant lines if I begin to sing countertenor (Singing Descant: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Singing_Descant), although this morning I sang bass ... (for further bliss neurophysiology elicitation focus here re neural cascades of pleasure and music-making ...)

Heard them sing in Stanford Memorial Church - https://events.stanford.edu/events/696/69687/ - not long ago. 

Perhaps we can explore collaboration with time about a virtual choir - Virtual Choir: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Virtual_Choir - (in the World University Music School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Music_School). 

A Tongan choir sang this morning in addition to the Chancel Choir ... and this Tongan choir could emerge online as well - in Tongan - https://to.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lea_faka-Tonga - (made contact here by exchanging email addresses)! Since Wikipedia is in Tongan, this NEW wiki World University and School !! - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/ - will soon be in Tongan too :) Please feel free to wiki-edit / teach to wiki World University and School. 

(Posted about Tongans not long ago here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/07/pacific-islands-china-town-oakland-pu.html)

Thank you Unitarian Universalist Choir of Palo Alto (from which choir I'm moving on)!

Musical regards, Scott

- Posted a version of this to:
https://plus.google.com/107756025217438713733 - MusicalMacFlower

Think I'll sing in this choir a bit as a hippy ethnographer as well, since for example, taking communion, while kneeling in front of the nave, isn't really my thing - but I'll also get to think about all these religious "memes" from the inside, which is interesting too ... O look, free food someone's putting into my hand (the body of Christ) ... which I ate this morning before the wine came around, so I couldn't dip it into the wine (the blood) ... (and as pretty much a teetotaler I don't drink much alcohol anyway ... ) ... but old symbolic processes like in religion are curious ... (am an appreciator of Richard Dawkins' critiques - https://twitter.com/RichardDawkins/status/904693978741841920 - and re Nontheist Quakers' thinking too in these regards, and I conscientiously object to such religious rituals as well - as in Friendly conscientious objection to war) ... and these old symbolic processes have certainly rippled through a couple of millennia ...

New Riders of the Purple Sage - Dirty Business (1971) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJdq0OcRK3o… - this is happening music ... /Rock_and_Woll at World Univ






Vino? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT-SFgkVlno… Steve Winwood, Eric Clapton - Can't Find My Way Home>Good for STEM studying bliss neurophysiology generation







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