Hi Uncle N and Friends at SFFM,
Thanks for your email. Quaker-informed World University and School, as I've mentioned in both a 2nd hour presentation at San Francisco Friends' Meeting and in SFFM Business Meeting a few times would like to create numerous jobs, and within the Meeting, too, and also explore renting San Francisco Friends' Meeting during the week, as a WUaS Meeting place as we begin to grow. And as we begin to hire, WUaS would like, too, to offer child care for F/friends beginning to develop WUaS potentially at SFFM.
In a related vein, I'm glad to say, too, that WUaS is taking out its first 34-word advertisement in the Quaker publication "Western Friend" for 3 issues this autumn, which reads - "Quaker-informed World University and School - http://scottmacleod.com/worlduniversityandschool.html - like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, seeks high school students to apply this autumn 2013 to matriculate online in autumn 2014 for free, MIT OCW-centric, undergraduate degrees." You'll find an introductory video on this page (with SFFM's S.M. in it - yay, S! :), as well as the MIT OCW courses in video, a WUaS wiki page in the Conference Method and G+ group video Hangout information, for planning purposes.
I'm glad to say, also, that WUaS received a Translation Affiliate agreement with MIT OCW to translate MIT OCW into Indonesian recently. With WUaS's all languages-, Wiki- and MIT OCW-centricity, this agreement is what I think will become the beginning of WUaS contributing to translating MIT OCW into many, many languages - (see - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2013/08/august-10-business-meeting-agenda-at.html) - toward online credit and degrees, at the bachelor, Ph.D., law, M.D. and I.B. diploma levels, and in many, many languages and countries.
So WUaS is interested in exploring further not only a) hiring F/friends / people who might have children, b) providing great child care, but also c) renting SFFM during the week. And Quaker-informed WUaS has much to do this autumn in seeking its first high applicants (application deadline will likely be January 1, 2014) to matriculate online as undergraduates in the autumn 2014.
With F/friendly greetings,
Western barred bandicoot:
Eastern barred bandicoot: