Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Common blackbird eggs: To Stanford's John Hennessy - [codex_group_meetings] Next Stanford Law CodeX Mtg * * * We live in a new data world ... where companies and organizations (like the states of CA and USA, and Stanford too, for ex.) can organize themselves newly around data .. is what I'm suggesting here :) ... and re questioning authority questions as well

Previous: Colchicum: Stanford - "The Complexity of Open Spaces at the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük, Turkey," Archaeology field sites digitally and virtually into Google Street View with TIME SLIDER / Earth / with TensorFlow (and even with Translate) ... 'Leaf: Re-conceiving the book - Printable on paper out of a Realistic Virtual Earth ...,' Part of this realistic virtual earth for archaeology project I'm heralding would involve engaging Wikidata / Wikibase, which is the structured knowledge database in ~300 languages, and Wikipedia's backend. , How best to add all of the past archaeological research / data / photos / video (simulations too) into such a realistic virtual earth simply with a film-to-3D interactive realistic virtual world application (which program isn't written yet)?

Recent Google keynote (from yesterday May 7, 2019) wows again ... 

https://youtu.be/TQSaPsKHPqs ... will re-watch with both A) actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' research project, and visiting in mind, as well as B) World Univ & Sch (and re John Hennessy too, Alphabet's Chair) in mind ... there's so so much in this presentation re both.

* * *

Professors Roland and Robert, (and John Hennessy, and All),

I just wanted to further focus my email to all of you from May 1, 2019 in terms of a key coding moment for World University and School, where World University and School is seeking to code for all 7.5 billion people on the planet for A) wiki learners/teachers in each of all 7,111 living languages and free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare centric online degrees in ~200 countries (President Hennessy) , B) Avatar Bot electronic health records re online medical schools / teaching hospitals in same (Professor Harrington MD) , and C) a single cryptocurrency with blockchain ledger planned in some of ~200 countries'  languages, and backed by some of their central banks, and coded for by law students/faculty (Professor Vogl), and distributed by Universal Basic Income experiments (like the state of California's Stockton experiment) ...

Constituting WUaS? & via licensing/accreditation https://www.bppe.ca.gov/forms_pubs/approval_nonaccredited.pdf ? Coding 
1) for 7.5 billion wiki teachers & learners, in 7,111 known living languages
2) with 7.5 billion avatar bot electronic health records
3) facilitating single cryptocurrency distributed via #UBI ~

https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1122531500036018177 ...

Am re-sending this email from May 1, 2019 ... 

Dear Roland and Robert,

Thanks so much for your recent support, Roland, when I mentioned in Stanford Law CodeX that World University and School had gotten the green light to license with the state of California's Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE); and, thanks, too, Robert, for making it possible for World University and School to become a collaborator with the Stanford Center for Digital Health, of which you're its Director - http://med.stanford.edu/cdh.html

As you know, World University and School, like Wikipedia in ~300 languages with MIT OCW in 5 languages, is seeking to develop online university degrees and clinical teaching hospitals in each of all ~200 countries' official and main languages, based on CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare in 5 languages: Bachelor, Ph.D., Law and M.D. But MIT has neither a law school nor a medical school, and hence no related MIT OpenCourseWare which could be developed for online degrees.

Unfortunately, the $250,000 National Science Foundation award that I thought World University and School was granted - WUaS heard about this in January, and went ahead and procured a DUNS number as a next step in the funding process - has not come through, per a communication on Monday from the Program Administrator at the NSF.

So I'm writing to seek your advice, guidance and for suggestions about how best to proceed. The initial BPPE licensing fee is $5,000 and as you may have seen from WUaS's Monthly Business Meeting News and Agenda, WUaS doesn't have anywhere near this amount of money in the bank - WUaS has been running on empty financially for about 12 years now (which has also allowed us to develop World University and School and the WUaS Corporation (whose named CEO is Julian Dumitrascu in Romania) in a very lean way, and with very very low expenses). How best to proceed with finding funding? World University and School Medicine and Law are potentially significant growth stories for Stanford Medicine and Law re careers for MD and Law graduates, graduate students and staff - potentially even in all ~7,111 living languages.

As you may know as well, WUaS has two wings: A) non-profit 501 (c) 3 World University and School planned in ~200 countries and 7,111 living languages building on CC-4 MIT OCW, and B) a for-profit general stock company, the WUaS Corporation, also planned in ~200 countries and 7k languages. I just checked on the state of California's WUaS's Statements of Information (SI 550 and SI 100), and it looks like both wings are up to date as legal entities - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/01/14-planned-wuas-revenue-streams.html. (And it doesn't look like the WUaS Corporation has to do anything with the US federal government, since I think the WUaS Corp is too small. The incorporation of the WUaS Co emerged out of a LawDroid AI chat bot presentation in Roland Vogl's Stanford Law CodeX meetings - and both wings together are a very remarkable growth opportunity! Thank you, Roland!

Roland and Robert, if I might ask you please, how would you suggest World University and School best find the initial funding to pay the BPPE fees, and then potential subsequent funding for accreditation, and, for example, to hire Stanford graduate student instructors to teach online to both MIT OCW and potentially Stanford faculty in group video in 'sections, conceptually? World University and School seeks to become the online Harvard, Stanford, MIT of the Internet, and in ~200 nation states and 7k languages, and Stanford's excellence could help inform this in so many great ways. Thank you.

Very Respectfully, Scott

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * *

Hi M, 

We live in a new data world ... where companies and organizations (like the states of CA and USA, and Stanford too, for ex.) can organize themselves newly around data .. is what I'm suggesting here :) ... and re questioning authority questions as well. Just thinking through in writing some of these questions here too. 

Apple MacBook Air laptop computer after getting newly MAC OS 10.13.6 can't get a 'bead' on me I think ... because the Apple ID has been broken for years (Apple sucks re Apple ID in general) and I haven't been able to add my outdated Apple ID password to new OS ... and am not missing any new or old bad Apple software as a consequence. So I keep getting this message pop up on my laptop computer with new OS saying ... sign in with your Apple ID ... and I keep clicking the "Later" button (with echoes of a teenager questioning his parents' authority) ... Apple has been on the fence re (its shitty internally defined relationship) with customers over the decades - since an IT company would seek to generate data / knowledge about its customer base ... and yet OS evolve, customer databases evolve, and the laws which say a company's operating system gets to know this about its users develop with time too. There's hence a kind of freedom for me (and others) re Apple Inc. because I think it now doesn't know what I'm doing on its machine, where I am etc.... interesting ...

Nissan rental could be transmitting data about where I travel, how fast etc (hello from Stanford ... and both to A) Nissan and B) Enterprise 

Rebecca MacKinnon's book "Consent of the Networked " and related Ranking Rights (ranking how companies watch out for end users's rights)

Note time change for our Stanford event on May 23!

and are losing ground in the smartphone market: Sales are slipping, but has their commitment to respect users' improved since last year? Find out when we release the 2019 RDR Index on May 16.

EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation - 
Hey, California: Call on these members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to support SB 561 and your right to take companies that violate your privacy rights to court. Sen. Jerry Hill (916) 651-4013 Sen. Bradford (916) 651-4035 Sen. (916) 651-4010

Are all thinking about these questions too - re end users questioning the authority of data ... it's a new frontier ... glad USA is thinking about this progressively in a different way from Europe ... and both are developing legal codes that protect end users re principles of human rights but probably not fast enough, and people also can get caught on the bleeding edge as well ... 

Google does develop its own thoughtful legal approach to many of these unfolding questions re data ... but as a private company ... WUaS's law schools as universities would be able to develop very different approaches and in all ~200 countries' official languages ... :)

L, Scott



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