Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Curled octopus: Recent Google keynote (May 7, 2019) WOWs again ... https://youtu.be/TQSaPsKHPqs ... will re-watch with both A) actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' research project, and visiting in mind, as well as B) World Univ & Sch (and re John Hennessy too, Alphabet's Chair) in mind ... there's so so much in this presentation re both * * * online virtual choirs at World University and School - of many varieties - but UU focused too.


Good morning, M, 

Thanks for your email, and thanks. If I head up to Portland, Oregon, around Sat. Jun 8 - with working car - I may head to City Bikes (since the Bicycle Repair Collective there where we could repair our own bikes - and which was worker-owned - is now completely closed after decades) or similar, to get a longer seat post (since Rhythm Bikes locally said they'd look around for one, but didn't seem to find one) ... and perhaps with bike on new bike rack on car (considering rain). It's so great to have a working bicycle again after years. Now for Copenhagen Wheel (out of MIT ... in 5 years or so! - for hills and weight). Glad you're singing in the choir! (Still seeking to make some very fun and excellent - thinking Bruce Olstad at UUCPA online - virtual choirs emerge online at WorldU ... but in real real time ... in a while too). 

Invited Pin yesterday to Cuttyhunk in late July (see below) .... Hope he will come ... Seeking a friend / girl friend / partner / wife / mom-to-be continues ... it would be much easier to get to Cuttyhunk in summers living in (safe/civil?) Pittsburgh. 

Recent Google keynote (from yesterday May 7, 2019) wows again ...

https://youtu.be/TQSaPsKHPqs ... will re-watch with both A) actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' research project, and visiting in mind, as well as B) World Univ & Sch (and re John Hennessy too, Alphabet's Chair) in mind ... there's so so much in this presentation re both.

How to get, in teaching Yoga in Pittsburgh, potentially, to a similar place as when I taught Yacht Club in 1979 on Cuttyhunk as head instructor (as well as with World University and School) - where there was a kind of love in the air ? It's a fascinating question ...

Here's more about 'Honey in the Bag' Scottish Small Pipes' CD ... and Rees Parker and I playing harmonies on Amazing Grace ...

Love, Scott 

Hi Pin,

How are you? And how's spring in Baltimore? Hoping it's beautifully flower-filled, and green leafy tree bursting forth, for you.

I'm writing to invite you (& Mary) again to Cuttyhunk Island sometime in the last week of July. I just talked with my mother on Sunday, and I'm planning to be there for approximately the last 10 days of the month. Would you like to explore coming out for around 2 nights either mid-week, possibly W 7/24/19 & Th 7/25, or over the weekend, e.g. Sa 7/27, and Su 7/28 (the Cuttyhunk Ferry could fill up on weekends - eg esp. on Friday from New Bedford to Cuttyhunk and on Sunday from Cuttyhunk to NB)? (If you drive from Baltimore, there are parking garages in the pretty city of NB, and I typically take DATTCO bus 1.25 hours from South Station to NB when I fly into Boston). 

It would be great to see you on this Isle of Gosnold. 

Warm regards, Scotty

* *

Hi M, 

Here's a Tweet from Lillian Thomas about Carnegie Museum University (CMU) suitcase guide robots for the vision impaired in navigating airports -

https://twitter.com/lthomas_pg/status/1125762113895579648 - (with relevance re visiting Harbin even ... :) ... seems like there could be potential for Google collaboration, for example, here for further innovation ...

And here's some great Greek bouzouki music on Youtube (Google) - how best to turn this into AR / VR and for the Pittsburgh Greek Festival you went to even ... and interactively :)

Greek bouzouki #5 Stambourlos bouzouki virtuoso

Panagiwtis Terzidis Live Solo Bouzouki

Michael Minas bouzouki virtuoso playing

I mention the Greek festival you went to at the Greek Orthodox Church Festival (across from the Carnegie Museum/ Library in Pittsburgh) here too - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/plumeria-flowers-frangipani-yoga-yo-yo.html?m=0 ...

(((Greek Food Festival (at the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral in in Pittsburgh - https://www.google.com/maps/place/St.+Nicholas+Greek+Orthodox+Cathedral/@40.4445082,-79.9499685,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNI9e-ad5I3ZzXVRerfjMwCEWfA8QqY73v78S5V!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNI9e-ad5I3ZzXVRerfjMwCEWfA8QqY73v78S5V%3Dw203-h360-k-no!7i2988!8i5312!4m5!3m4!1s0x8834f18926690adb:0x627084b3dfd03c22!8m2!3d40.4445082!4d-79.9499685 - (except for the too loud music from the speaker on one side, and that is was rock music ... seems like this could have an opportunity for GREAT Greek music ... Hmmm ... wondering where highest quality augmented reality and virtual reality will play a role in making virtuosic live bouzouki players accessible in this Pgh Greek festival, for ex. - quality's the thing re AR / VR - Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality - which is opening worlds in my thinking). The Pittsburgh Folk Festival was very fun and diverse in the 1970s. And Pgh's diversity is interesting and rich. Glad too your cold is getting better) ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/plumeria-flowers-frangipani-yoga-yo-yo.html?m=0 ... )))

... Identity and music questions are so interesting (now far from Greece - in Pittsburgh) ... and inspiration-wise, and now via the internet ... and re Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality esp. ... :)

It's interesting to me too that Angela and Victor decided to create their Yoga Hall in Eftalou, on Lesvos Greece (about as hard a place to get to as imaginable ... belying the wisdom of location, location, location) ... kind of living the vision of artists in exile :) Will probably never learn in full why A&V - as Yogis, as hippies, and A from England and V from The Netherlands - settled there ... http://www.angela-victor.com/content/schedule... 

How was UU choir practice last night? 

L, Scott

* * * 

Dear Bruce, Robert, Jack and UUCPA choir, 

Greetings from 'out in left field' (Canyon, CA 94516) ... Brainstorming-wise with regards to an online virtual UU choir - and as further creative musical opportunities online - would love it if we could simply add all the digital resources that UUCPA choir singers have shared (e.g in email, in Google Drive) - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Virtual_Choir - as a beginning. 

This creative virtual choir UU idea further conceptually is 

a) to sing together also online 

b) to reach out potentially to UU choirs with singing opportunities that might not have a (great) choir director (for example, my mother sings in the 1st UU church choir in Pittsburgh, PA, which has been without a choir director for months or years a number of times in recent years); reaching out to UU choirs in the same time zone will have merit for synchronous music-making, and planning for asynchronous music-making might help with singers and UU choirs in other countries (eg in Pittsburgh, PA) 

c) to kind of build on Eric Whitacre's successes with online choirs  ... 

Two upcoming developments will make these online singing opportunities further really great:
1) real real time video
2) connecting World University and School's "front end" eg https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Music_School - with Wikidata / Wikibase as "back end" ... a little like Wikipedia .

I'm wondering too if it would be possible to inquire with other UU choirs, that might not have a choir director, in the SF Bay Area (or anywhere from Alaska to Patagonia) if they might be interested in online singing opportunities. 

Musical cheers, Scott


Blogged about this here, at bottom: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/curled-octopus-recent-google-keynote.html

And searched on "eric whitacre's successes," and there's a good description of his virtual choir endeavors in the Wikipedia article - 

Cheers, Scott



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