Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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American bullfrog: Epistemologically, the #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital in #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM will never be a 1-1 correspondence exactly but it's endlessly generative for scientific & philosophical inquiry. How to grow NEWLY #ActualPhysical epistemological questions re > #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics? . . . I suppose the guy moving in the MIT video above could be doing a Pas de Basque eventually as well ... and then the robot would do it concurrently ... so all you SCD teachers, how to teach the guy at MIT to do a Pas de Basque * * * Will inform my next upcoming book of poetry in one way or another - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ... "To the Dance or the Pools ~ Virtually?: How Different it is to Soak at Harbin, than to Realize it in Virtual Reality" :) * * * What if the MIT man and the robot were dancing together for example ... and in the Harbin warm pool? :0)


Stanford University Press - 'Epistemology'

First published Wed Dec 14, 2005
Defined narrowly, epistemology is the study of knowledge and justified belief. As the study of knowledge, epistemology is concerned with the following questions: What are the necessary and sufficient conditions of knowledge? What are its sources? What is its structure, and what are its limits? As the study of justified belief, epistemology aims to answer questions such as: How we are to understand the concept of justification? What makes justified beliefs justified? Is justification internal or external to one's own mind? Understood more broadly, epistemology is about issues having to do with the creation and dissemination of knowledge in particular areas of inquiry. This article will provide a systematic overview of the problems that the questions above raise and focus in some depth on issues relating to the structure and the limits of knowledge and justification.

* *
Scott MacLeod
7:35 AM (9 hours ago)
to Patti, Barbara, Peter, Janie, edX, Alden, Gantt, Ed, Bruce, David, Heather, Ann, Alex

Where o where is that solar panel to 24-hour lithium battery for storage - to heat this 2-room house-let's electric baseboard panel, and illuminate the abode too? On this ridge and with the house's full exposure rooves, in the California 10-month summer sun, there's a perfect testing opportunity. The passive solar water heater - with 2nd water tank as storage unit/almost battery - that went in about 4 years increases efficiency greatly, but it's solar panel energy system isn't a standalone success yet.

Where o where is effecient solar panel to effective 24-hour lithium battery system for storage to heat this 2-room house-let's single electric baseboard panel and illuminate it?


Glad the electricity is back on ...

There are some World Univ & Sch wiki subjects about this. See one below ...


Where o where is effecient solar panel to effective 24-hour lithium battery system for storage to heat this 2-room house-let's single electric baseboard panel and illuminate it?
Re #PowerOutage, glad the electricity is back on

- https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1189550632736153600

Scott MacLeod
12:04 PM (5 hours ago)
to Jonathan, Linda, Patti, Barbara, Peter, Janie, edX, Alden, Gantt, Ed, Bruce, David, Heather, Ann, Alex

This wee video is kinda wild - !!! Mindstorms Solar Tracker ! ...

https://youtu.be/DXA1r2KleJ0 - because it shows you how to use Lego Robotics' Mindstorms EV3 to code for making a solar panel rotate to track the sun, including how to use its block programming language (and eventually with Scratch drag and drop programming language out of MIT MEDIA LAB as well) ...

thus making using solar panel energy systems potentially much more efficient. I didn't go out to look at my roof, or at the satellite dish on it either (probably re numerous other applications), ... but let's let little Mikey do it ...

lego robotics and solar system
- "2018 First LEGO League"

- Solar system project with LEGO & craftwork

- !!! Mindstorms Solar Tracker !
-https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Solar_Engineering ~


Where o where is efficient solar-panel-to-effective-24-hour lithium-battery-system-for-storage to heat this 2-room house-let's single electric baseboard panel and illuminate it too?
Re #PowerOutage, glad the electricity is back on


Haven't climbed up on my wee roof yet either to play with Lego, but I could see putting something up there re Lego standard, and using Legos too, that would make a solar panel rotate to track the sun that much more efficiently, and stream energy into a 24 hour lithium ion battery (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-DbCslTabz_4/TgC0ydqI65I/AAAAAAAADyI/K3aulaNyrJc/s1600/energizerbunny.png) since they're coming on ... and with MindStorms ...

Wanna come over, sit on my roof, and play with Lego MindStorms ... to build solar ? :)


These Real Life Lego Houses Are Built From Bricks Made Of Recycled Plastic
'A house takes just four people five days to build.'

Scott MacLeod
12:43 PM (4 hours ago)
to Ed, Bruce, David, Heather, Ann, Alex, Jonathan, Linda, lovell, Patti, Barbara, Peter, Janie, edX, Alden, Gantt

Epistemologically, the #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital in #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM will never be a 1-1 correspondence exactly but it's endlessly generative for scientific & philosophical inquiry. How to grow NEWLY #ActualPhysical epistemological questions re > https://twitter.com/MIT/status/1189616542905823232 ~ and re #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics? (... and then re #VirtualDigital questions too ... so something like a video of the MIT person jumping AS Lego Robot in 3D virtual earth, and a related Lego Robot in a realistic virtual earth for robotics moving )


Here's Greta:

Zitat eines Mädchens,dass von korrupten, rechten Konzernvasallen als geisteskrank verspottet wird:
"Ich danke dem Rat für die Ehre der Auszeichnung. Wir brauchen jedoch keine Preise,sondern Politiker,die auf die Wissenschaft hören".

https://t-online.de/nachrichten/panorama/id_86710068/greta-thunberg-erhaelt-umweltpreis-und-lehnt-ab-.html… via

Quote from a girl mocked as insane by corrupt, right-wing corporate vassals: "I thank the Council for the honor of the award, but we do not need prizes, we need politicians who listen to science."https://t-online.de/nachrichten/panorama/id_86710068/greta-thunberg-erhaelt-umweltpreis-und-lehnt-ab-.html… via 


(there's a translate button below the quote:)

I'm finding fascinating #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital in #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM questions, and we still don't have a realistic virtual earth for exploring this (ie with Lego robotics as a start) in Brick Street View with Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth with avatar bots and at the cellular and atomic levels too and with Tensor Flow and Translate ... but beginning with Lego Robotics for kids learning via play ... and then into a Realistic Virtual Earth for Robotics ... :)

Dancing Scottish Country dancing Lego Robots: Hey all you Scottish Country Dancing teachers, is this a Pas de Basque in Lego robotics -

https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1169652703556845568 ?

I think this upcoming Lego Spike Prime STEAM Robotics may need some instruction :)

Cheers, Scott


Scott MacLeod
2:08 PM (3 hours ago)
to Patti, Barbara, Peter, Janie, edX, Alden, Gantt, Ed, Bruce, David, Heather, Ann, Alex, Jonathan, Linda, lovell

Re brainstorming NEWLY about the #ActualPhysical -

Again, epistemologically, the #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital re https://twitter.com/MIT/status/1189616542905823232 for STEM in #RealisticVirtualEarth is generative! & then #ActualPhysical - something like a video of MIT person connected wi (Lego) Robot as surgery manakin #RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery ~


I'm heading in the medicine and surgery direction, where robotics can be used for learning surgery via manakins ...

and then into a realistic virtual earth for surgery, and for one-to-one correspondence at cell and atomic levels too ... and via video photogrammetry ...

I suppose the guy moving in the MIT video above could be doing a Pas de Basque eventually as well ... and then the robot would do it concurrently ... so all you SCD teachers, how to teach the guy at MIT to do a Pas de Basque bound as he is with those cables while teaching the robot to jump up and down - and from out here in California in Skype one-to-one or group video even (but him not connected at first to the robot)? :)

Methinks this will inform my next upcoming book of poetry in one way or another - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ... "To the Dance or the Pools ~ Virtually?: How Different it is to Soak at Harbin, than to Realize it in Virtual Reality" :)

What if the MIT man and the robot were dancing together for example ... and in the Harbin warm pool? :0)


* * *

Where o where is efficient solar-panel-to-effective-24-hour lithium-battery-system-for-storage to heat this 2-room house-let's single electric baseboard panel and illuminate it too?
https://t.co/ee1LKxav7S >
Re #PowerOutage, glad the electricity is back on




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