Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Nelumbo nucifera: To refract - to make such symbolic 'rays of light,' or communications, change direction, or 'glance' away * * * Changed political party from Democrat to Green in California recently, and got the confirmation card from the voter registration office yesterday in mail. (I guess this makes me a card-carrying Green Party member) * * * So we're all coping - and symbolically - in a great way (re Lacan's symbolic, real and imaginary / narcissistic 3 registers of the mind or "PSYCHE CAN BE DIVIDED into three major structures that control our lives" speculatively and theoretically - and perhaps too re John Money's 3 'Coping Strategies' . . . Am an appreciator of Lacan's focus on parole - speech, language - in communicating !

Previous: American bullfrog: Epistemologically, the #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital in #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM will never be a 1-1 correspondence exactly but it's endlessly generative for scientific & philosophical inquiry. How to grow NEWLY #ActualPhysical epistemological questions re > #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics? . . . I suppose the guy moving in the MIT video above could be doing a Pas de Basque eventually as well ... and then the robot would do it concurrently ... so all you SCD teachers, how to teach the guy at MIT to do a Pas de Basque * * * Will inform my next upcoming book of poetry in one way or another - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ... "To the Dance or the Pools ~ Virtually?: How Different it is to Soak at Harbin, than to Realize it in Virtual Reality" :) * * * What if the MIT man and the robot were dancing together for example ... and in the Harbin warm pool? :0)

Hi M,

. . . I learned of the verb to refract from my Swiss French friend Marc Dupuis, and in a way I've also learned to make such symbolic 'rays of light,' or communications, change direction, or 'glance' (hit something at an angle and bounce off) away from me. . . . Refractory means however - stubborn or unmanageable, and I guess this could apply to . . . as well. May be emblematic of a successful coping strategy over 5 decades here in Canyon, interestingly.

So, I pull into my parking place in the evening, headlights shining on the shop door, and there's a new symbol or assemblage of symbols in front of me ... like viewing a stage set (symbols in the sense of stage props too). This property is his 'range' (in a primate sense even) and perhaps this is how he's learned to cope here in Canyon since the late 1969s or early 70s. There's a kind of wild 'Dingo Den' quality of relationships here in Canyon in my experience that D understands in a way I don't ... 

* * *

I changed political party from Democrat to Green in California recently, and got the confirmation card from the voter registration office yesterday in mail. (I guess this makes me a card-carrying Green Party member). This could be more significant in other places / countries than California / the USA but I agree with the Green Party platform in general, - and voting with a smaller party may make it possible to effect change with greater impact, than in a larger party. California's on the left coast anyway so I don't think Rs would win here, and I can still vote for the D presidential nominee if sensible. Am glad we have longest constitutional democracy on planet, and that the democratic political process is well developed and developing now anew in the information age.

It seems like new alliances between Green party CA and Green parties in Europe might be possible, - but not necessarily with US Democratic Party members, since this isn't a party in other countries - and I think alliances are where it's at in the politics I've learned in Europe. Re Manuel Castells' fairly recent book "Networks of outrage and hope - social movements in the Internet age" (2012), the Greens are a social movement in this sense, and more international than other political parties in the US.

* * * 

So we're all coping - and symbolically - in a great way (re Lacan's symbolic, real and imaginary / narcissistic 3 registers of the mind or "PSYCHE CAN BE DIVIDED into three major structures that control our lives" speculatively and theoretically -  and perhaps too re John Money's 3 'coping strategies' - http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html - which I find interesting to think about and theoretically - 

"Coping Strategies

The human organism has three generic strategies for coping with the five universal exigencies: adhibition, inhibition, and explication. These strategies are under the governance of bodymind and should not be attributed to such inferential entities as unconscious motivation, voluntary choice, or willpower.") 

Am an appreciator of Lacan's focus on parole - speech, language - in communicating ! 
How are you all of you (and re thresholds of stress - where threshold is another concept I've learned from John Money, and will post to one of these pages from his 1988 book eventually - http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html)

And I suppose, I'm also a symbolizer re this daily blog or web log - eg http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/05/eastern-cottonhead-rabbit-building-on.html - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/05/sweet-birch-questions-of-determinism-on.html - with some interesting ideas, and John Money and Jacques Lacan MD 'labels.'

On with seeking a partner here who's a great fit ... 

L, Scott

some platforms - ideologies too? a word I don't dis-engage from some/much, ... or cultures in the information age, or social movements, and especially re the 'real''realism' of their histories, or political organizations' ideas ...

"The modern Democratic party emphasizes egalitarianism and social equality through liberalism. They support voting rights and minority rights, including LGBT rights, multiculturalism, and religious secularism."

The party promotes green politics, specifically ecology; nonviolence; social justice; participatory, grassroots democracy; gender equality; LGBT rights; anti-war and anti-racism.


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