Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Bull Run River (Oregon): Learn to program together online (for free) with Scratch on Thursdays from MIT's Scratch Team: Good "Create-Along LIVE! Let's make Scratch projects together!" on Thursday, March 26, 2020 ... with Zoë Bentley Thanks for this "Thank you," Scratch Team, and your great "Create-Along LIVE! Let's make Scratch projects together!" on Th. March 26, 2020 ... oleracea (Wild cabbage): Humor * * * * Clothes and water, for ex. - fluid things - aren't easy to model in an interactive realistic virtual Harbin, realistic virtual Earth ... and especially with machine learning and natural language processing * * * * W I K I ' S ... 2 5 T H ... B I R T H D A Y ... S I L V E R ... A N N I V E R S A R Y ... M A R C H ... 2 5 , 1 9 9 5 ... A Skype film is being made of this! ... * * A brief history of wiki CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch in 3 links - 1) https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects, 2) https://worlduniversity.fandom.com/wiki/World_University, 3) http://globaluniversity.pbworks.com * * * How best to apply WIKI processes to virtual worlds, and regarding ethnography - and with the Scratch programming language? I'm calling this ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, for STEM fields too, in a single realistic virtual earth!

Previous: oleracea (Wild cabbage): Humor - “Don’t worry, there are 2 parachutes left, the smartest man in the USA took my school bag.” * * Learning programming socially and together in "Create-Along LIVE!" - in the middle of this national emergency (presumably with different laws) - the new Scratch drag and drop visual programming language * Sweden's taking a different approach to the worldwide "coronavirus" meme 'fire drill' (I hypothesize) ... "The world stands still. Only Sweden doesn't" * * * Was there a kind of 'eco-radical' action, reversing global warming, in Wuhan, China, gene-wise - that could be contributing to far less airplane travel and people staying home, thus burning far less fossil fuel driving cars * * * Some further dancing (potentially with singing) in #VirtualChoir for benefits of movement while 'sheltering-at-home' during the #coronavirus meme pandemic #UnitarianUniversalist @WorldUnivAndSch #RealRealTime #GoogleMeet ~

Learn to program together online (for free) with Scratch on Thursdays from MIT's Scratch Team:

Good, first "Create-Along LIVE! Let's make Scratch projects together!" on Thursday, March 26, 2020 ... with Zoë Bentley 


Thank you for this first
"Create-Along LIVE! Let's make Scratch projects together!"

And thanks for this "Thank you," Scratch Team ... !


Explore a wide variety of #ScratchAtHome activities, all in one place, at http://bit.ly/scratch-at-home  🎉

Create an interactive card, turn your home into a virtual playground, or simply get started with @Scratch and @ScratchJr! What will you create this weekend?



oleracea (Wild cabbage): Humor - “Don’t worry, there are 2 parachutes left, the smartest man in the USA took my school bag.” * * Learning programming socially and together in "Create-Along LIVE!" - in the middle of this national emergency (presumably with different laws) - the new Scratch drag and drop visual programming language * Sweden's taking a different approach to the worldwide "coronavirus" meme 'fire drill' (I hypothesize) ... "The world stands still. Only Sweden doesn't" * * * Was there a kind of 'eco-radical' action, reversing global warming, in Wuhan, China, gene-wise - that could be contributing to far less airplane travel and people staying home, thus burning far less fossil fuel driving cars * * * Some further dancing (potentially with singing) in #VirtualChoir for benefits of movement while 'sheltering-at-home' during the #coronavirus meme pandemic #UnitarianUniversalist @WorldUnivAndSch #RealRealTime #GoogleMeet ~

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/oleracea-wild-cabbage-humor-dont-worry.html ~

"Create-Along LIVE! Let's make Scratch projects together!" ...


... The next live "Create-Along" Scratch get-together online happens next Thursday, and stay tuned to the Scratch Team's Twitter

* * * *

Clothes and water, for ex. - fluid things - aren't easy to model in an interactive realistic virtual Harbin, realistic virtual Earth ... and especially with machine learning and natural language processing. Thanks, Robert Zembowicz:

Clothes reviews analysis with NLP - Part 1#NLProc #MachineLearning #DataScience via @TDataScience https://towardsdatascience.com/clothes-reviews-analysis-with-nlp-part-1-bfb8a3a2c4bd


In #RealisticVirtualHarbin in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth with #MachineLearning, think #GoogleStreetView> http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg with #TimeSlider, Maps, Earth, #TensorFlow what would the #HarbinDressingRoom near the #HarbinWarmPool look like with clothing https://twitter.com/rzembo/status/1241754762942517248?s=20 ?



* *
Am thinking #GoogleStreetView >http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg with #TimeSlider, Maps, Earth, #TensorFlow, and Second Life, conceptually ...

* * * *

A Skype film is being made of this! ...

W I K I ' S   2 5 T H   B I R T H D A Y    S I L V E R   A N N I V E R S A R Y        M A R C H   2 5 , 1 9 9 5

Ward Cunningham ward@c2.com

Wed, Mar 25, 12:40 PM (2 days ago)
to me

 W I K I ' S   2 5 T H   B I R T H D A Y
   S I L V E R   A N N I V E R S A R Y
       M A R C H   2 5 , 1 9 9 5

 Mark Dilley has helped me pull together
 this mailing list of wiki pioneers who
 might have a few words to add to our
 permanent record. David Bovill and his
 film making colleagues will apply their
 remote skills to what you have to offer.

 Pre Party: 1:30 to 2:00 pm
 Open Invite: 2:00 to 3:00 pm
 Pacific Daylight Time


 Thank you, Ward Cunningham

* *

Thanks so much for your wiki birthday today, Ward, and nice to meet you!

A transcript from the text chat is below. And here's 

A brief history of wiki MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch in a few links, 3 being wiki - 
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - 

Best regards, Scott

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:02 PM)

+1 what Evan's saying

From Jack Park to Everyone: (02:02 PM)

I was programming in Java, built NexistWiki in 2002 which was a wiki as a topic map

From Bill Seitz to Everyone: (02:02 PM)

From David Bovill to Everyone: (02:02 PM)

I was programming in HyperCard

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:02 PM)

I got into wiki not as a coder but as someone interested in hypertext. Remember FAQ-O-Matic? (still exists) But I was learning Perl around that time as well.
Had done some HyperCard to

From Peter Kaminski to Everyone: (02:02 PM)

when I started with wiki, i was into Perl (after coming from assembly language, APL, C, Pascal...).  Socialtext was in Perl.

From mike hales to Everyone: (02:03 PM)

Strange attractor sounds good

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:05 PM)

FAQ-O-Matic - allows visitors to edit http://faqomatic.sourceforge.net/fom-serve/cache/1.html
Christopher Alexander wrote of "the quality that has no name"  which also seemsrelevanthere

From Me to Everyone: (02:06 PM)

Hi Everyone - Have been appreciating Ward’s wiki thinking for a long time, and blogged with Ward in it back in April 2019 even - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/04/petunia-40-musical-aphilo-scott-macleod.html -

From Peter Kaminski to Everyone: (02:07 PM)

Ward is like a good Zen teacher, showing people an interesting small object, and asking illuminative questions.

From Sunir Shah to Everyone: (02:07 PM)

Hey everyone! It’s nice to see you all again! I reopened MeatballWiki.org 2 months ago to see if I can salvage it.

From Peter Kaminski to Everyone: (02:07 PM)


From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:07 PM)

+1 to everything everyone is writing here

From mike hales to Everyone: (02:08 PM)

One of the things about Ward is he’s a designer rather than a mere code maker - so it’s the whole system of code + device + (‘user’) person/s, and what the whole system is able to do?

From Me to Everyone: (02:09 PM)

(Hi Pete - fellow Reedie here :)

From Peter Kaminski to Everyone: (02:13 PM)

I have an opposite experience of coming to wiki than folks have related. For me, it was like a fish being put into war, it all seemed intuitively obvious, and that people should just work together that way.

From Pete Forsyth to Me: (Privately) (02:13 PM)

Hi Scott! Nice to see you!

From Me to Pete Forsyth: (Privately) (02:14 PM)


From David Bovill to Everyone: (02:14 PM)

Yes - or at least ti was what I was looking for and trying to create with the communities I was with.

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:14 PM)

war -> water - yes!

From Pete Forsyth to Everyone: (02:15 PM)

@Pete K Yes, that's more or less what I was trying to say -- that's the "feeling" I experienced. The rest of what I said was more hindsight/analysis.

From Peter Kaminski to Everyone: (02:15 PM)

APL ftw. I learned programming in APL and BASIC at the same time, on an actual Teletype, with paper tape for storage.

From Peter Kaminski to Everyone: (02:16 PM)

Ward mentioned Perl being a good system tool, which is true.  I also think of it as a good text manipulation language, as a natural way to work with plain text.

From Me to Everyone: (02:16 PM)

HI Eugene!

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:17 PM)

APL was my first too I think!
Is he part of Holochain?

From Jean Russell to Everyone: (02:21 PM)


From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:22 PM)

yet ;-)

From Me to Everyone: (02:22 PM)

Inspired by wiki - thanks, Ward! - am creating a WIKI CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric group of online universities in all ~200 countries’ official languages, and am planning online wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,117 known living languages, building out of Wikidata / Wikibase (Wikipedia’s structured knowledge database in ~300 languages) - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages …

From Eugene Kim to Everyone: (02:22 PM)

Hi Scott!

From Me to Everyone: (02:22 PM)


From Eugene Kim to Everyone: (02:23 PM)

Friends, it was so great to see all of you. I’m sorry I have to jump off, but I’m glad I was able to jump on and at least see so many friends and to celebrate wiki’s 25th. (Wow!) Please, be safe, take care, and would love to hear from all of you.

From David Bovill to Everyone: (02:23 PM)

Hi Scott - would be good to contact you and your community for the documentary we are making. We start the project form this community and reach out to collaborate on its construction.

From Eugene Kim to Everyone: (02:23 PM)

And thank you Ward for gifting this upon us, as you have so many things.
My email is eekim@fasterthan20.com. Bye all!

From Me to Everyone: (02:24 PM)

Good, David - info@worlduniversityandschool.org - is one way … what would you suggest. Thanks, Eugene!

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:24 PM)

Autopoesis - cf Brandon WilliamsCraig,"Peace is conflict done well."

From Phoebe Ayers to Everyone: (02:24 PM)

hey everyone! :)

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:25 PM)


From Me to Everyone: (02:25 PM)

Hi Phoebe!

From Justin Anthony Knapp (koavf) to Everyone: (02:25 PM)

Hi. Just got invited by Ward via Mark Dilley. I'm actually on another meeting now so I'm muting here until I'm free. Even if I can't join, it's nice to have the invite.

From Marc-Antoine Parent to Everyone: (02:26 PM)

autopoiesis: a self-creating system, according to Varela, is always working on defining its own boundary... applied it to both cognition and, interestingly, immunity.

From mike hales to Everyone: (02:29 PM)

Vernacular - there’s a key notion? In Alexander, in wiki?

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:30 PM)

Just to finish the patterns set, here's a pattern language of group dynamics: https://groupworksdeck.org/

From Ross Mayfield to Everyone: (02:30 PM)

happy birthday wiki!

From Me to Everyone: (02:30 PM)

Happy birthday, Wiki!

From Diego Iñiguez to Everyone: (02:31 PM)

[file: (null)]

From David Bovill to Everyone: (02:31 PM)

[file: /Users/RedLotus/Downloads/wiki wiki.mp4]

Two different resolutions :)

From David Bovill to Everyone: (02:32 PM)

You go to preferences and then Virtual background

From Dil Green to Everyone: (02:33 PM)

it doesn’t want to open an mp4

From Jean Russell to Everyone: (02:33 PM)

Green screen

From Bill Seitz to Everyone: (02:34 PM)

Could also be that you need a newer version of zoom

From Peter Kaminski to Everyone: (02:35 PM)

or a newer computer -- Zoom says my CPU is too old :-)

From Jean Russell to Everyone: (02:35 PM)

yep mine too

From Dil Green to Everyone: (02:35 PM)

or do I need a gif?

From Trevor Hilder to Everyone: (02:36 PM)

Can’t select an mp4 either.

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:36 PM)

wagn now known as Decko

From Alex Shkor to Everyone: (02:36 PM)

If it says you CPU is too old - just update zoom and it will work - worked for me

From Sunir Shah to Everyone: (02:37 PM)

I have to go take the kids outside. It was nice to see everyone. Happy birthday, Wiki. :)

From Bill Seitz to Everyone: (02:38 PM)

From Ross Mayfield to Everyone: (02:39 PM)

open space lineage: jerry m. -> FooCamp -> Barcamp ->

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:39 PM)

openspaceworld.org - a wiki, of course
Harrison owen.

From Ross Mayfield to Everyone: (02:40 PM)


From Jean Russell to Everyone: (02:40 PM)

I don’t think jerry was involved in Recent Changes Camp. I didn’t meet him until much later

From Peter Kaminski to Everyone: (02:40 PM)

Some of the early RCC folks were influenced by Jerry, though.

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:41 PM)

for many of us, open space and wiki seemed like the same core perspective applied in person and online

From Jean Russell to Everyone: (02:41 PM)

Totally agree John

From Peter Kaminski to Everyone: (02:41 PM)

Shout out to Ross creating Wiki Wednesday, too.

From Jack Park to Everyone: (02:41 PM)

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:41 PM)

I met jerry via ppl I met at rcc (and barcamp)

From David Bovill to Everyone: (02:41 PM)

Yes - I think there is an important future merging the two more closely - the physical and the online in the spirit o fwiki

From Dil Green to Everyone: (02:43 PM)

That’s it - that ability to point to something as yet undocumented - that’s the link to pattern language - because in a complex system there are unending strange attractors that have not yet been documented

From Eric Dobbs to Everyone: (02:45 PM)

From Bill Seitz to Everyone: (02:45 PM)

From Ross Mayfield to Everyone: (02:52 PM)

need to drop off in 5

From Lion to Everyone: (02:52 PM)

"How do we re-establish our social connections online again?"
It is kind of ironic that this is the question I am asking right now, since, -- don't we know how?
But strangely we do not know how.  So I am wondering what it is.

From Jean Russell to Everyone: (02:52 PM)

Thanks for coming Ross

From Mark Dilley to Everyone: (02:53 PM)


From John Sechrest to Everyone: (02:53 PM)

Would love to find a way to connect more with this group.

From Ross Mayfield to Everyone: (02:53 PM)


From Bill Seitz to Everyone: (02:53 PM)

irc? :)

From Jack Park to Everyone: (02:53 PM)


From Andrew Lih to Everyone: (02:53 PM)

hi Ross!

From Richard/Pharos to Everyone: (02:53 PM)


From Peter Kaminski to Everyone: (02:53 PM)

there's a RecentChanges slack -- send me an email to get in: kaminski@istori.com

From Jean Russell to Everyone: (02:53 PM)

Hi John. You might be the most recent person I have seen of this group!

From Alex Schroeder to Everyone: (02:53 PM)

there is #wiki on Freenode...

From Jack Park to Everyone: (02:53 PM)

From Me to Everyone: (02:54 PM)

From David Bovill to Everyone: (02:54 PM)

Yes - we have a Telegram group, and then there is the Fedwiki Riot channel https://riot.im/app/#/room/#fedwiki:matrix.org

From Lion to Everyone: (02:54 PM)

Hah!  And I was thinking we needed a Discord..!  (Not saying we do.)

From Jack Park to Everyone: (02:54 PM)

My latest “wiki” is online at http://www.topicquests.net:4000/

From Jean Russell to Everyone: (02:54 PM)

Ross, did get a chance to speak up

From John Sechrest to Everyone: (02:55 PM)

What wiki page will these links end up on?

From Richard/Pharos to Everyone: (02:55 PM)

I want to invite folks to check out the most wiki of wikis, a new experimental wiki farm on WMF cloud server: https://wikispore.wmflabs.org/

From Phoebe Ayers to Everyone: (02:55 PM)

sockpuppets at Wikimania 2008. Still looking for the RCC photos. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikimania2008-sockpuppets.jpg

From Me to Everyone: (02:55 PM)

WUaS donated ourselves to Wikidata for co-development in 2015 and got WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017, but they’re not yet interoperable - info@worlduniversityandschool.org -

From David Bovill to Everyone: (02:55 PM)

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:55 PM)

heres an archive link (there must be more recent ones) of old wiki on open space https://web.archive.org/web/20041018234457/http://www.openspaceworld.org/network/

From Eric Dobbs to Everyone: (02:56 PM)

From Jack Park to Everyone: (02:56 PM)

From Jean Russell to Everyone: (02:57 PM)

+1 Ross on quick response

From mike hales to Everyone: (02:57 PM)

mh.federated.wiki will get you to my stuff - in progress ;-)

From Phoebe Ayers to Everyone: (02:58 PM)

bye ross, so good to see you

From Eric Dobbs to Everyone: (02:58 PM)

The fed.wiki.org FAQ has links to a matrix.org chat room where we discuss federated wiki and other interesting subject as they come up

From John Abbe to Everyone: (02:58 PM)

yes! stocks happen on Google docs now :-p


- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Info WorldUniversity
Mar 25, 2020, 3:30 PM (2 days ago)

to eekim, kaminski, jackpark, me, Ward

Again, Ward,

Thanks so much for your wiki birthday today, and great to meet all of you!

A transcript from the text of your wiki birthday chat is below. And here's

A brief history of wiki CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch in a few links, 3 being wiki -
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects -
https://ocw.mit.edu/ -

Best regards, Scott


* * *
How best to apply WIKI processes to virtual worlds, and regarding ethnography - and with the Scratch programming language?

I'm calling this ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, for STEM fields too, in a single realistic virtual earth!



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