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Grey seal: Gordon Duncan and Stuart Liddell 'sounds' - bagpiping-wise? That is 'vision' . . . "Honey in the Bag" upcoming Scottish small pipes' album * * How to help people "purr" - like a cat (neurophysiology-wise, ie in your brain / bodymind) - with my "Honey in the Bag" album, is a sound I'm heading for :). * * * Have China and Russia somehow 'closed their borders' with their own new legal language - (somehow potentially in relation to the Stanford Law China Guiding Cases Project - https://cgc.law.stanford.edu - which has been translating, in a time of legal reform in China, the fairly new Beijing Supreme Courts' rulings ... and law is a writer's game, - and in Chinese/Mandarin too)? * * * A #WUaSFarmRobot for every Indian or Scot or American - to do everything on farm? Like a farm tractor -"As per 2016, agriculture employed 54.4℅ of the Indian work force" - ON the FARM #WUaSRobotsAndAnimals working together in #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualEarth ? * In an ibex, or mountain goat, #WUaSRobotFormFactor as #Robot? with live ibex? #DigitalSpecies for every aspect of farm work, bringing to market etc. #WUaSFarmRobot ON the FARM #WUaSRobotsAndAnimals working together

Previous: Lavacicles: This picture in "Who delivers the drug when - and at what price?" - looks like a big homemade ice cream making machine :)) ... and perhaps vis-a-vis pharmaceutical products ... even a bit Alice-in-Wonderland like as well :) ... but it's partly about competition, and lack of sharing of data ... Hopefully my big project - for example ONE realistic virtual earth for pharmaceuticals / everything - will change some of these contours regarding CC-4 licensing too, and of MIT OCW in 4 languages as well, and regarding clinical trials planned with machine learning - for speakers in all 7,117 known living languages (the number rose from 7,111 recently) * * * Am developing "coronavirus" meme 'radical action' inquiries here https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/mt-shasta-at-sunrise-inquiring-here-was.html (and in some of 18 recent blog posts) * * * See: Greece World Univ & Sch with Petros Kalligas in Athens - 23 March 2020 Q & A and News ... mostly in the 'genes' label in my blog, here are 19 recent blog posts regarding the novel corona virus COVID-19 (SARS CoV2) pandemic ... check out the questions re "radical act"?, 'pan'-demic? and "archery contest in Wuhan, China" ... among other inquiries ... ?

Stuart Liddell - Lunchtime Recital 2010: 1 of 8


1998 Gordon Duncan Trophée Macallan Fil Lorient


Stuart Liddell (solo) - The Blue Cloud, Mason's Apron


Not only fantastic, metronomic ... but also so assured ...
15 Solo Stuart Liddell Inverary Pipe Band 2013 Royal Concert Hall


Wing Commander Donald MacKenzie / Ash City / The Inverness Incident / The High Drive

Gordon Duncan Just for Seamus

(interesting mix, and photos too - almost kinda hippy:)

J. S. Bach - Sonatas & Partitas For Lute played by Hopkinson Smith





* * * *

Scott MacLeod
Mon, Mar 23, 10:39 PM (8 days ago)
to Connor

Hi Connor,

Looking forward to our lesson soon (and am watching out for the differential Daylight Savings' Time - Scotland re US - for Tu March 23, 2020).

I've been observing and learning from a recording from a lesson - enjoyably and edifyingly - and would be grateful if you'd be willing to play some or all of the tunes I've uploaded so far. I've also be interested in the lesson recordings to hear me play with you there (so socially and as my teacher, and with your confident knowledge of piping) - which gives me new ideas about where to head with recording 'Honey in the Bag' album.

GDoc folder - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_sAhhfNbJAKmZf3Ibr-PFv1nTcV_qMKe -
Tune list -  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/western-honey-bee-re-my-upcoming-honey.html.

Thank you, and cheers,

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

Scott MacLeod
Mon, Mar 30, 10:19 PM (16 hours ago)
to Connor

Hi Connor,

Thanks for a good lesson last week, and thanks too for playing a tune from my upcoming "Honey in the Bag" album and then allowing me to play it in a kind of call and response, - learning wise. Thanks also for singing the hornpipe rhythm out loud (appreciating your skillful knowledgeable piping experience and esp. confidence). This lesson, I'm curious to talk about and explore, riffing-wise, how to 'hear a sound in your mind' regarding - http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm -
I think regarding playing Scottish small pipes this week, I'm going to focus on hearing every note in my mind per

"2 Write out a schedule, a plan with goals. (Choose pieces you enjoy playing – S.M.).

Yo-yo Ma says, never make a sound without hearing it first; hear it in your mind."

 - which I've done a little of in recent weeks, but want to go further.

And how to learn to play both in the manner of the very great pipers PM Stuart Liddell and Gordon Duncan, and in conversation with your playing ... What does it mean for Connor to play as Stuart does, or Gordon did? :)

So let's also talk, if we could, about / explore further what is a
Stuart Liddell sound?
Gordon Duncan sound?

(I'm glad to be starting to teach a student soon - from which I'll learn in different ways).

I added further "Honey in the Bag" tunes to -

GDoc folder - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_sAhhfNbJAKmZf3Ibr-PFv1nTcV_qMKe (and rotated most them this time!)
Tune list -  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/western-honey-bee-re-my-upcoming-honey.html.

I think Scotland had a time change on Sunday, March 29, 2020, so see you at 4pm Glasgow time again, - back to 8am Pacific Time for me (from 9am for a couple of weeks).

Might taking another series of 10 lessons be possible please, as I proceed with this album? I think this one on March 31, 2020 will be the 9th out of 10 .

Cheers, and thank you,

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com



Thanks again ... I have much to play this week (thanks in part too to the lesson recordings). Enjoyed particularly your playing Wing Commander Donald MacKenzie in a Gordon Duncan style, and then by way of comparison in a Stuart Liddell style (so so great! :)

And here's some of the music we talked about: :) ...

1998 Gordon Duncan Trophée Macallan Fil Lorient

Stuart Liddell (solo) - The Blue Cloud, Mason's Apron

15 Solo Stuart Liddell Inverary Pipe Band 2013 Royal Concert Hall
(Not only fantastic, metronomic ... but also such assured bagpiping ... )

Wing Commander Donald MacKenzie / Ash City / The Inverness Incident / The High Drive
(Gordon Duncan)

Gordon Duncan Just for Seamus
(interesting mix, and photos too - almost kinda hippy ... where Scots' fiddler Alasdair Fraser who lives in northern California mostly ... is very much a Scottish hippy in 2020 still ... where the 1960s and 1970s, alternative culture, and hippies are an interest and focus of mine, including regarding my actual<>virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project ... interesting how culture informs bodyminds especially re Alasdair, for example :)

(I have about 3 strings of Xmas lights around my place on all the time, one of which is what's behind me during our lessons, FYI, - liking the colorful lights ... kind of like the high notes on the chanter, and in music in general - does something to my neurophysiology :)

Still aiming to bring the other D & B flat chanters into our lessons with drones, as well as explore further, and identify, the various keys in the 9 notes of an A chanter (or B flat:).

May see how to fit the tune Mason's Apron (up to speed, re Stuart Liddell above) onto my upcoming album.

GDoc folder - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_sAhhfNbJAKmZf3Ibr-PFv1nTcV_qMKe
Tune list -  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/western-honey-bee-re-my-upcoming-honey.html.

Strathspeys and reels next week, from my "Honey in the Bag" album?

Appreciating too the 'vision' aspect of Gordon Duncan's and Stuart Liddell's bagpiping, and regarding -
"Legacy of Pitlochry ‘musical visionary’ Gordon Duncan, who played AC/DC’s Thunderstruck on bagpipes"
https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/lifestyle/entertainment/1227028/feature-legacy-of-pitlochry-musical-visionary-gordon-duncan-who-played-ac-dcs-thunderstruck-on-bagpipes/ ... and learning from their 'vision' (where there's also a 'vision' label in my blog https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/vision :)

Cheers, Scott

If you listen to this, and it makes you 'purr' too - like a cat (neurophysiology-wise, ie in your brain / bodymind) - let's explore why in conversation ...

J. S. Bach - Sonatas & Partitas For Lute played by Hopkinson Smith

How to help people "purr" - like a cat (neurophysiology-wise, ie in your brain / bodymind) - with my "Honey in the Bag" album, is a sound I'm heading for :).

Thanks, Connor!

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com


Hi Connor,

Had actually never heard AC/DC play Thunderstruck -
AC/DC - Thunderstruck (Official Video)


And here's Gordon Duncan playing his amazing "Thunderstruck" -
Thunderstruck-Gordon Duncan

Appreciating too some of the language (but not all, since I don't agree with some of the interpretations) of the first few paragraphs of - https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/lifestyle/entertainment/1227028/feature-legacy-of-pitlochry-musical-visionary-gordon-duncan-who-played-ac-dcs-thunderstruck-on-bagpipes/ - re Gordon Duncan's creativity ...

Amazing how Gordon transposed Thunderstruck into piping music, and also rock and roll energy-wise :)

Cheers, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com


Here are Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas, where the picture's interesting of Alasdair, as is "The High Drive" (by Gordon Duncan I think) played nicely ... (but the first tune, not enough drive, a little blasé ... is Alasdair from Uist, I wonder?)

The Wee Man from Uist / The High Drive



- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

* * * *

Thank you, Niall Ferguson and Tom Gilligan, for - https://www.hoover.org/events/niall-ferguson-covid-19-light-history-and-network-science - this morning.

Here are the questions and comments I posted to the Zoom Q&A:
Have China and Russia somehow been successfully 'contained' in new ways as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic (if there were expansion developments occurring), - and China, with their own new legal language (somehow potentially in relation to the Stanford Law China Guiding Cases Project - https://cgc.law.stanford.edu - which has been translating, in a time of legal reform in China, the fairly new Beijing Supreme Courts' rulings ... and law is a writer's game, - and in Chinese/Mandarin too) - has now apparently 'closed their borders' ?
- Scott GK MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
-World University and School
- 415 480 4577- http://scottmacleod.com
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with MIT OCW.

(I sent the following to http://www.niallferguson.com/contact after Niall's fascinating Stanford Hoover briefing: https://www.hoover.org/events/niall-ferguson-covid-19-light-history-and-network-science)

Have China and Russia somehow been successfully 'contained' in new ways as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic (if there were expansion developments occurring), - and China, with their own new legal language - (somehow potentially in relation to the Stanford Law China Guiding Cases Project - https://cgc.law.stanford.edu - which has been translating, in a time of legal reform in China, the fairly new Beijing Supreme Courts' rulings ... and law is a writer's game, - and in Chinese/Mandarin too) - has now apparently 'closed their borders' ?

Thank you, Niall and Tom! - Regards, Scott (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/lavacicles-this-picture-in-who-delivers.html)

Lavacicles: This picture in "Who delivers the drug when - and at what price?" - looks like a big homemade ice cream making machine :)) ... and perhaps vis-a-vis pharmaceutical products ... even a bit Alice-in-Wonderland like as well :) ... but it's partly about competition, and lack of sharing of data ... Hopefully my big project - for example ONE realistic virtual earth for pharmaceuticals / everything - will change some of these contours regarding CC-4 licensing too, and of MIT OCW in 4 languages as well, and regarding clinical trials planned with machine learning - for speakers in all 7,117 known living languages (the number rose from 7,111 recently) * * * Am developing "coronavirus" meme 'radical action' inquiries here https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/mt-shasta-at-sunrise-inquiring-here-was.html (and in some of 18 recent blog posts) * * * See: Greece World Univ & Sch with Petros Kalligas in Athens - 23 March 2020 Q & A and News ... mostly in the 'genes' label in my blog, here are 19 recent blog posts regarding the novel corona virus COVID-19 (SARS CoV2) pandemic ... check out the questions re "radical act"?, 'pan'-demic? and "archery contest in Wuhan, China" ... among other inquiries ... ?

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/lavacicles-this-picture-in-who-delivers.html -

* * *
A #WUaSFarmRobot for every Indian-to do all? Like a farm tractor -"As per 2016, agriculture employed 54.4℅ of the Indian work force" - ON the FARM #WUaSRobotsAndAnimals working together in #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualEarth https://twitter.com/kunalshankar/status/1244932412829622272?s=20
-https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1244747753118298113?s=20 ~


A #WUaSFarmRobot for every SCOT - to do all? Like a farm tractor -"As per 2016, agriculture employed 54.4℅ of the Indian work force" - ON the FARM #WUaSRobotsAndAnimals working together in #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualEarth

-https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1244747753118298113?s=20 ~


In an ibex, or mountain goat, form factor as robot? Digital species ... for on the farm for every aspect of farming, bringing to market etc ...

These incredible ibex defy gravity climbing a near-vertical dam in search of nutritious salt.


In an ibex, or mountain goat, #WUaSRobotFormFactor as #Robot? with live ibex? #DigitalSpecies for every aspect of farm work, bringing to market etc. #WUaSFarmRobot ON the FARM #WUaSRobotsAndAnimals working together in #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualEarth https://twitter.com/ValaAfshar/status/1245087739042828292?s=20~





ON the FARM, combined #WUaSRobotsAndAnimals working together in #RealisticVirtualEarthForSpecies w #LegoRobotics in #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualHarbin #DigitalSpecies #ScratchProgramming & #MachineLearning -https://twitter.com/THEnergyNet/status/1244575068983877632?s=20 … >https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics -@WorldUnivAndSch~


* *

Hi Connor, 

Blogged a bit about today's piping - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/grey-seal-gordon-duncan-and-stuart.html (and with other ideas too, including robotics :) ... including A #FarmRobot for every Scot and American and Indian - to do everything on a farm? Like a farm tractor ... 

And here's the idea of the sideways head in Istanbul Turkey per your playing PM Tom McAllister / Links of Forth sideways -

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/20131203_Istanbul_269.jpg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilica_Cistern) - but I don't think it's the one in the so-called 'Grand Cistern' (which I actually was invited to play in, after I was busking for awhile in the main area in front of this, near the very old Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque as well) that I saw years' ago, which I can't seem to find a photo of online.

How to help people "purr" - like a cat (neurophysiology-wise, ie in your brain / bodymind) - with my "Honey in the Bag" album (per the JS Bach played by Hopkinson Smith), is a sound I'm heading for as well :).

Cheers, Scott


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