Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Himalyan Monal: How are the Harbin Hot Springs' Residents coping - in this time of 'national emergency' in the USA? * * * New newspaper ... "Hypothetical News" ... with first tentative headlines: The novel coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2) pandemic has been primarily 1 a fire drill - i.e. 'in case of emergency' (eg genetic, war, nuclear) - and lead to governments, internet media, and economies working together internally in all ~200 countries, and internationally too * * * I think this question of caring for Harbin Residents comes back to the state of California and Lake County as governmental entities in part ...

Next: Soap bubble: Happy birthday to Ma Mère! Animated birthday card with song for Ma Mère - in exploring this "Create-Along LIVE! Let's make Scratch projects together!" tutorial . . . ... 'homemade' programming as birthday card * * "Click on the green flag to send heart to the middle! . . . " * * * * What roles are information technology and machine learning playing with the coronavirus in China? For example, in what ways could Stanford’s and Duke’s and Google’s and Verily’s Project Baseline play a role even in China? - "The Baseline #COVID19 Program is scheduling tests for people at high-risk of infection in San Mateo & Santa Clara counties. Please take the screener at https://bit.ly/2QxLxMR and learn about additional sites coming online by checking @verilylifesci " - https://twitter.com/CAgovernor/status/1241176851864637441?s=20 Thanks.
Previous: Grey seal: Gordon Duncan and Stuart Liddell 'sounds' - bagpiping-wise? That is 'vision' . . . "Honey in the Bag" upcoming Scottish small pipes' album * * How to help people "purr" - like a cat (neurophysiology-wise, ie in your brain / bodymind) - with my "Honey in the Bag" album, is a sound I'm heading for :). * * * Have China and Russia somehow 'closed their borders' with their own new legal language - (somehow potentially in relation to the Stanford Law China Guiding Cases Project - https://cgc.law.stanford.edu - which has been translating, in a time of legal reform in China, the fairly new Beijing Supreme Courts' rulings ... and law is a writer's game, - and in Chinese/Mandarin too)? * * * A #WUaSFarmRobot for every Indian or Scot or American - to do everything on farm? Like a farm tractor -"As per 2016, agriculture employed 54.4℅ of the Indian work force" - ON the FARM #WUaSRobotsAndAnimals working together in #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualEarth ? * In an ibex, or mountain goat, #WUaSRobotFormFactor as #Robot? with live ibex? #DigitalSpecies for every aspect of farm work, bringing to market etc. #WUaSFarmRobot ON the FARM #WUaSRobotsAndAnimals working together

How are the Harbin Hot Springs' Residents coping - in this time of 'national emergency' re the coronavirus pandemic in the USA?

May seek to develop a "how are Harbin Residents' coping?" approach to my actual < > virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project's focus further in a developing realistic virtual earth / realistic virtual Harbin ... visit the Harbin Hot Springs' gate house here - http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (accessible from ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook) - and "walk" down the road "4 miles" to Middletown, California, and "amble" around the town to visit it in very new ways. It's not possible to go into virtual Harbin here in Google Street View to soak and visit at this point, - and I'm hoping in particular to facilitate this for physical < > digital ethnographic comparison and online study even.

Appreciating too the likelihood of some music-making in the areas around Harbin and Middletown, CA, as ways to cope. 

Am playing Scottish small pipes here much as coping strategy ... and in preparation too for my first SSP album, tentatively entitled "Honey in the Bag" - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/grey-seal-gordon-duncan-and-stuart.html

Stay well. Be well.

Warm regards, 
... mostly in the 'genes' label in my blog, here are about 20 recent blog posts regarding the novel corona virus COVID-19 (SARS CoV2) pandemic - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/genes - 


4th Harbin-inspired book, just published:

"To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs than to realize it in virtual Reality" ~ https://www.amazon.com/Dance-Pools-Virtually-different-Springs/dp/0578625490 ~ :)


As I look at and think about the beautiful pictures on my Google Smart TV that pass by, both of nature and intense large cities (all very interesting patterns), I see a number of the aurora borealis, and one looks like a tiny community in Alaska (I think) on a body of water (probably ocean) at dusk with the community alit and borealis above a mountain range behind; this gives me a new perspective on community ... These Google Smart TV photos offer perspective on life too in interesting other ways, and make me appreciate where I live in Canyon 94516 for its beauty. Perhaps the Alaskan community, and Canyon's too, are kinds of native communities with all their historical knottedness which Angela Farmer touches on here - https://youtu.be/qQWieQ2s2eM (aka 'Underground Yoga' here - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html) but am keeping both the Desiderata in mind with regard to my big World Univ & Sch project, as well as a kind of good ethics, and possibly philosophically as well. Great ethics even ... Some of the other images are underwater, and of turtles and seals swimming too ... am wondering when all of these great images will emerge in an interactive single realistic virtual earth and for science, as well as exploration, and creation. :)

With the creation of a realistic virtual Harbin, it could be great to turn the pool Sioux and Tim and I found - HERE IT IS ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/camellia-japonica-photos-of-seemingly.html - about 1/2 mile from here into a WARM pool, and bring a digital mask up there - as if to visit Harbin - and still get a nice little walk up there (but I have no idea how it would be managed socially, or even whether nascent robots could eventually make it nice:). 

See, too, from 2009 ... :))
Deep Canyon: into the pools, into the vision vessel, releasing

* *

Camellia japonica: > Hippy Van Bookstore into Ambulance into Hospital ... Your call from Harbin Hot Springs, Deirdre * * * If only Harbin had a Paris Book Stall on wheels - then Harbin could start to earn money on the books it sells right now * * * My "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book which lists at $64.95 would bring in $25.98 to Harbin for each copy sold.* * * Planning to publish my 4th partly Harbin-inspired book this autumn as well, price not yet determined: "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually!: How different it is to soak at Harbin, than to realize it in virtual reality" * * * WUaS may seek to develop a fleet of bookstores on wheels, or bookstores in a van ... :) ... for the WUaS Press and the WUaS Corporation in particular, Costs to bring down in such vans ... besides fuel? How much revenue could such vans generate in other ways - in addition to book sales?



Tea (Camellia sinensis): Bring Eric Dodson's 10 indicators of wisdom - one after the other - to the creation of a musical album (like 'upcoming'"Honey in the Bag" bagpipe album? :) (Do I hear these in YO YO MA playing Bach cello suites? A bit) * * * American Revolution - Boston Tea Party ship * * * Selling my 'Naked Harbin Ethnography' book in the Harbin Hot Springs' bookstore itself?


* *
Searched in Google on:
"Harbin Hot Springs - Coronavirus"

on April 1, 2020:

"We are temporarily closed

In response to increasing public health concerns around the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have made the difficult decision of closing our facilities for 24 days effective 5 PM Tuesday March 17, 2020.  Please read our update below for more information.

Reservations Now Available ... "

https://harbin.org ...

Guest notice:

Dear Guests,

In response to increasing public health concerns around the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have made the difficult decision of closing our facilities for 24 days effective 5 PM Tuesday March 17, 2020. We will be monitoring the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation very closely and have a tentative reopening date of Friday April 10, 2020. The final decision to reopen our facilities will be made based on all the available information including from the federal, state and county health authorities. If your reservation falls within that time frame, it will be cancelled and our office staff will add a credit to your Harbin account. We will post COVID-19 or other updates on our website and Facebook Pages. We apologize for any inconvenience to our guests.

Please stay safe.

* *

These articles also came up ...

Clothing optional resort Harbin Hot Springs reopens its pools 3 years after wildfire



New Age, clothing-optional Harbin Hot Springs rises from embers in Lake County



Well-loved Harbin Hot Springs ravaged by Valley Fire; pools survive



Lake County’s Harbin Hot Springs will reopen its pools next year


Nudist Resort Destroyed By Valley Fire To Reopen
March 9, 2016 at 10:35 am (Sacramento, California)


* *
Lucid dreaming ...

Blue dacnis: Lucid Dreaming - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, 'Awakening the Luminous Mind,' David Chalmers on the virtual and the real, Grateful Dead Yoga, Yoga Robotics to teach yoga poses, to help with vegetarian cooking & FREEDOM Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations, Esalen, Harbin Hot Springs, Monty Python's John Cleese, his ex-wife Faye Alyce Cleese, May add 'reading'& 'self-study' words to http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html re ~ 'Cultivate learning consciousness of your own neurophysiology' w more STEM research, In what ways could a realistic virtual Harbin become a site for Yogic "reading" and "self-study" re Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations? 

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/11/blue-dacnis-lucid-dreaming-tenzin.html -

* *
Am curious about this recent Minnesota UMN Prof of Public Health Michael Osterholm interview - https://youtu.be/E3URhJx0NSw - with 2 mentions of sauna and 1 of hot tubs  ... and re "coronavirus" pandemic . . .

UMN Prof of Public Health Michael Osterholm: 


Sexual selection in birds: Thanks to Stanford Professor Jonathan Chen MD (and computer scientist) for sharing this video with an interview with UMN Prof of Public Health Michael Osterholm regarding #CoronaVirusCOVID19 * And in a "pan"-demic interpretive vein, thanks, too, to Stanford Law Prof. Greely for sharing this WHO 'pandemic' Tweet: (where Pan could refer to the genus 'Pan' as in Pan Troglodyte or Pan Paniscus ... ) * * And I could interpret this recent Tweet by Stanford Law Professor Hank Greely, with his focus on biosciences, and as an (actual<>virtual, physical<>digital) ethnographer of Harbin Hot Springs in the following ways: "I apologize (ish) for flooding my followers w/retweets. There's just SO MUCH interesting stuff going on. This would be a wonderfully fascinating time..if it weren't real" * * * And ... there's an ... AMAZING opportunity in creating in GROUP VIDEO an online LEARNING CULTURE (due to #coronavirusCOVID19 pandemic in US) eg since MIT & Harvard & all Massachusetts' universities are moving classes online? > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School in fall '20 ~ An algorithms as culture study @npseaver? * * * Cambridge Univ video "Spanish Flu: a warning from history" and related videos * * * * Heartsong and All, Brain to brain blog to blog species to species creativity evolves https://youtu.be/GFn-ixX9edg (Just for Hits - Richard Dawkins ... on genes and minds, - and a bit of a trip) 



Courtship display: Heartsong and All, "Brain to brain blog to blog species to species creativity evolves" https://youtu.be/GFn-ixX9edg https://youtu.be/GFn-ixX9edg (Just for Hits - Richard Dawkins ... on genes and minds, - and a bit of a trip) * * UMN Prof of Public Health Michael Osterholm on COVID-19 and with talk about Saunas and Hot Tubs


* * *
New newspaper ...

"Hypothetical News"

... with first tentative headlines:

The novel coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2) pandemic has been primarily
a fire drill - i.e. 'in case of emergency' (eg genetic, war, nuclear) - and lead to

governments, internet media, and economies working together internally in all ~200 countries, and internationally too

for keeping kids safe
and seeking too to limit F&M sex offenders and perpetrators potentially with the law in new ways eg paralleling the medicinal and recreational cannabis law distinction - & w 1) rapid response, 2) continuous testing & 3) continuous tracking now with machine learning
(has CA has been doing for decades already in one way or another???)

successful in reversing global warming by getting people to stay at home or shelter-in-place and thus dramatically lessening airplane and automobile travel worldwide, as well as air pollution

for nation states' to develop their borders or boundaries in new ways - and newly with law, & legal language - thus thwarting any expansionist tendencies of countries getting rich in the beginning of the 21st century - as well as potential military aggression.

has been primarily memetic (replicating cultural unit - the 'coronavirus' word or idea), & not genetic (SARS CoVD - although may have been precipitated by this in Wuhan, China), - and as such an experiment in radical action in the information technology age, and the internet.


The novel coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2) pandemic has been primarily
a fire drill - i.e. 'in case of emergency' (eg genetic, war, nuclear) - and lead to

governments, internet media, and economies working together internally in all ~200 countries, and internationally too


(non harming or nonviolent)
... and as an "in case of emergency" situation, and because of the way this situation developed (and the value of treating this as a serious 'fire drill'), no one - the internet media on 10s of 1000s of web sites on a many-to-many information technology - or governments etc ... were in any positions to  question this for other kinds of benefits to publics. So critical thinking about this by individuals has much merit ...

The #coronavirus pandemic has been primarily
for keeping kids safe
& seeking too to limit F&M sex offs /perps potentially with the law eg paralleling medicinal & recreational cannabis law distinction & w 1 rapid response 2 continuous testing & 3 tracking


The #coronavirus pandemic has been primarily
successful in #ReversingGlobalWarming by getting people to stay at home or shelter-in-place & thus dramatically LESSENING airplane & automobile travel worldwide, as well as air pollution, for a short period: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html ~


The #coronavirus pandemic has been primarily
for nation states' to develop their borders in new ways - & newly with law, & legal language - thus thwarting expansionist tendencies of countries getting rich in beginning of 21st century - as well as potential military aggression


The #COVID19 pandemic has been primarily
memetic (#coronavirus 'meme' - as replicating cultural unit), & not genetic although SARS CoV2 may have precipitated this in Wuhan, China & as such is an experiment in #RadicalAction in the #InformationTechnologyAge, & re the #internet ~



The novel coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2) pandemic has been primarily
a fire drill - i.e. 'in case of emergency' (eg genetic, war, nuclear) - and lead to

governments, internet media, and economies working together internally in all ~200 countries, and internationally too


The #coronavirus pandemic has been primarily
for keeping kids safe
& seeking too to limit F&M sex offs /perps potentially with the law eg paralleling medicinal & recreational cannabis law distinction & w 1 rapid response 2 continuous testing & 3 tracking


The #coronavirus pandemic has been primarily
successful in #ReversingGlobalWarming by getting people to stay at home or shelter-in-place & thus dramatically LESSENING airplane & automobile travel worldwide, as well as air pollution, for a short period: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html ~


The #coronavirus pandemic has been primarily
for nation states' to develop their borders in new ways - & newly with law, & legal language - thus thwarting expansionist tendencies of countries getting rich in beginning of 21st century - as well as potential military aggression


The #COVID19 pandemic has been primarily
memetic (#coronavirus 'meme' - as replicating cultural unit), & not genetic although SARS CoV2 may have precipitated this in Wuhan, China & as such is an experiment in #RadicalAction in the #InformationTechnologyAge, & re the #internet ~


* * *
How are the Harbin Hot Springs' Residents coping - in this time of 'national emergency' re the coronavirus pandemic in the USA?

I think this question of caring for Harbin Residents comes back to the state of California and Lake County as governmental entities in part ...



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