Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Lava tubes: in terms of vision, inspiration, approaches to daily Scottish Small Pipes' playing (which I'm doing, enjoyably) - Toward upcoming "Honey in the Bag" album " * * * [Wikidata] Wikidata office hour on April 7th, Wikidata list of 'people affected by COVID-19 - In what ways could MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School begin to use such a Wikidata list with pictures to structure our matriculating students' lists from all ~200 countries and in all 7,117 known living languages, as well as even for WUaS's planned electronic health records for our planned online Medical Schools and teaching hospitals in all ~200 countries' official and main languages - and regarding You at WUaS?

Next: Leopard frog: Fascinating interview with Law Prof. Kate Klonick: "Social Media & Internet Law: A Discussion With Kate Klonick" * One question I haven't explored explicitly in now 27 blog posts about the coronavirus pandemic is whether it could be a massive disinformation campaign, which this interview lead me to inquire about - and in terms of the memes (replicating cultural units) of a radical action * * Harvard Law Review article by Kate Klonick - "The New Governors: The People, Rules, and Processes Governing Online Speech" * * * here's MIT in Minecraft, re #Covid19 and where @WorldUnivAndSch is MIT OCW-centric in its 4 languages, & wiki (in ~300) eg worlduniversityandschool.org & planned in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM research, classrooms & in all 7,117 known living languages, On MIT's servers w educational version re #Coronavirus in what ways can we create MIT with MIT students at the cellular/atomic levels, for #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM research & in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego ~ #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics too?
Previous: Rings of Saturn: what MIT looks for in undergraduate students - and which will inform MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch in many languages * * "The full price to attend MIT for the 2019–2020 academic year is $73,160. ⁠ This total cost includes $53,450 for tuition, $10,430 for housing, $5,960 for food costs, $2,160 for personal expenses, $820 for books and supplies and $340 to cover the school's student life fee" * * * * coronavirus/ COVID-19 in new (radical action?) ways. #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for all 7.5 billion people in realistic virtual earth for medicine in collaboration with Stanford's Duke's Google's Project Baseline for testing, tracking and studying viruses, producing vaccines - and at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ and Sch * What genes and knowledge of them, have done, Joi! * * * piano hot tub out back ... would love to have a virtual Harbin Hot Springs happening for your soaking pleasure - in Glacier Glasses (and for hiking the virtual PCT walking on Athol Ave or up on Skyline :) - but it'll be awhile yet :) * * Face-to-Face in person OR Face-to-Face LIVE people? ... how to cultivate live people in group video, until in person becomes possible again, I'm asking myself. Create sociality online anew? * * * Sorry the Unitarian Universalist service Livestream didn't work - that it sounded like someone was playing last week's service from Youtube at the same time as the live Livestream from the 1st UU Church of Pittsburgh, PA, Grow further Unitarian Universalist community since the UU service Livestream didn't work? * * * Is the Coronavirus pandemic mostly a worldwide 'firedrill' ?

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

8:48 AM (1 hour ago)
to ConnorRoddyFinlayAndrewScott
Hi Connor, 

Did we have a lesson scheduled for today a few minutes ago? I took the opportunity to write about piping, which I've sometimes done before the lesson to you, to further help focus my piping learning - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/lava-tubes-in-terms-of-vision.html.
All the best, Scott

Am thinking in terms of vision, inspiration, approaches to daily playing (which I'm doing, enjoyably - and re our lessons ... but am still seeking further inspiration for longer daily playing) for today's lesson, so am writing about these instead (I think).

In terms of vision, am appreciating that you, Connor, developed a shared vision with the 'competition style' GHB - Great Highland Bagpipe - world (or culture) ... and won the amazing Northern Meeting and the Glen Fiddich piping competitions ... and play so very well, and are so capable piping-wise (and are a professional GHB piper). And I was really inspired last week by your playing both in a Gordon Duncan style, and a Stuart Liddell style, comparatively, for example, in these regards. Fabulous!

And am appreciating the difference between Stuart Liddell's playing in the 2010 Piping Live Lunchtime Recital sessions/Youtube videos 1-8 -
Stuart Liddell - Lunchtime Recital 2010: 4 of 8
 - which I find very inspiring, with his Inveroran CD - https://www.gaelicmusic.com/album.php?SKU=SKYECD43 - which I don't find inspiring (to be honest, - in fact, a bit uninspiring). Am also appreciating that I find inspiring almost all of Stuart Liddell's piping in recent years on Youtube, very, and more inspiring than almost any other greatest piper out there. Why and how? What's Stuart's method (kind of for getting from point A to point B - and namely in terms of inspiration? I think he comes to express the 'vision' of the GHB bagpiping world, too, like you ... and as in one video, musicality oozes from his pores, to use one phrase for this in a Scottish parlance too) ? I think Stuart makes one approach to his method accessible here in his "Ascension ... " - 

The Ascension of Inveraray & District Pipe Band - 2004-2013
https://youtu.be/wbikiMAjhDM (which I find humorous, smart, even/ esp.in a teaching vein), - and Invererary pipe band won the Worlds for the first time this year!!! And I can see another expression of method in Stuart's "Piping the Way" - 
Piping The Way - Stuart Liddell West Highland Way Bagpipe Film

- and even a kind of wisdom. (What??? :) 

So further METHOD, for me, to create a fabulous and inspiring and out-of-the-box "Honey in the Bag" album is something I'll learn in an ongoing way from you, Connor, as well as from Stuart's "Ascension ...", these 'Guidelines for Practicing a Musical Instrument' (http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm), as well as even from the College of Piping's tutors (Green, Blue and Yellow - Vols 1, 3 & 4) wherein I find implicit and explicit method, - and regarding piping, simply in providing an initial approach to playing the inspiring GHB itself, for one.

"Honey in the Bag" Scottish small pipes' album VISION - 
- make people purr (like Hopkinson Smith playing JS Bach's Sonatas and Partitas - https://youtu.be/pTBooio3h9U)
- (even inspired by a kind of meditation from the Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool - am making connections here per the above "Guidelines" - and which is my actual <> virtual ethnographic field site, and which I've also found inspiring),
- and some of what's further expressed in this email (re Stuart Liddell and Gordon Duncan's sounds, for example, Duncan Johnstone's and Donald MacLeod's too:)
In terms of target audience, however, - and regarding vision - perhaps this is you, Connor, and you four, conceptually :), and re a Highland Piping and Scottish small piping listening audience. 

I wanted to focus today in our lesson on the MSR - Johnny Cope, Cameronian Rant, and Johnny Red Rory (which is a change, - am substituting Cameronian Rant for Susan MacLeod, - and I may also drop the MSR beginning with Glenfinnan Highland Gathering, now Susan Macleod, and Thompson's Dirk from my tune list entirely - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/western-honey-bee-re-my-upcoming-honey.html - for HitB album too). I find all 3 of these tunes inspiring. I also wanted to focus on the Hornpipes - Zeto the Bubbleman, The Pumpkin's Fancy, and The Streaker, - all of which I find inspiring tunes, melodically and in other ways, as well as the jig "Honey in the Bag" itself today - also inspiring, but perhaps played up tempo. (I think this is all by way of writing out a schedule and charting goals - but without an explicit focus on my recordings yet - and even from our lessons in a beginning way. I'm thinking I'd like to be ready to play the tunes for Honey in the Bag album recording by May, but will wait to see where I am by then). Perhaps these can wait until our next lesson.

Have begun too a tune list of recordings of you playing tunes from our Skype lessons, and am learning from these some, and am seeking to make further recordings in these regards - for learning. 

Seeking too to find my way, vision-wise, into inspiring piping for my upcoming 'Honey in the Bag' album - and somehow even methods' wise :)

More later about upcoming lessons. Thank you, Connor (and All).

Appreciatively, and best regards, 


- Scott MacLeod

* * *

[Wikidata] Wikidata office hour on April 7th

 In what ways could MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School begin to use such a Wikidata list with pictures to structure our matriculating students' lists from all ~200 countries and in all 7,117 known living languages, as well as even for WUaS's planned electronic health records for our planned online Medical Schools and teaching hospitals in all ~200 countries' official and main languages - and regarding You at WUaS?

Hi Universitians, All,

Regarding, as a first step to making interoperable WUaS's Miraheze MediaWiki "front end" with our "back end" in Wikidata/Wikibase and in planning for ~300 languages ... i.e.: 
the online WUaS hospitals planned in ~200 countries's languages, and electronic health records - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital
and online Medical Schools - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School ...

... these are the World Univ & Sch questions, with responses, I asked in these Wikidata / Wikibase office hours (and where these office hours are significant in the Wikidata decision-making process) - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Events/IRC_office_hour_2020-04-07 :

Hi Lydia, Houcemeddine, Denny, Wikidatans, and All:

Regarding Denny Vrandecic's recent Tweet which Lydia @nightrose re-Tweeted -

Wikidata query - people affected by COVID-19


- am wondering how extensive this list of 'people affected by COVID-19' could become in Wikidata / Wikibase. (Only notable people, or any sufferer in hospitals, testing centers?) And in what ways could MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School begin to use such a Wikidata list with pictures to structure our matriculating students' lists from all ~200 countries and in all 7,117 known living languages, as well as even for WUaS's planned electronic health records for our planned online Medical Schools and teaching hospitals in all ~200 countries' official and main languages? (WUaS donated ourselves for co-development to Wikidata in 2015 and received WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017 as a consequence, as you may know). How extensive could the list of 'people affected by COVID-19' become in Wikidata / Wikibase? Thank you.

Yeah it's pretty important work. It'll only cover a very small subset of people affected by the virus as Wikidata can not cover the whole world and shouldn't need to. We're only collecting what's of broad interest after all.

Thanks, Lydia.

Lydia, and Wikdiatans, What's the road map please for making Wikidata interoperable with Miraheze MediaWiki (and perhaps regarding WUaS, if they are already interoperable in other contexts). I don't see this here - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Development_plan ... Thank you!😊

Lydia Pintscher, [07.04.20 09:53]
[In reply to Scott GK MacLeod]
We don't currently have a plan for that as far as I know.

Lydia Pintscher, [07.04.20 09:54]

Houcemeddine Turki, [07.04.20 09:54]
[In reply to Scott GK MacLeod]
There is currently a roadmap for property federation and this is sufficient for the moment.

Scott GK MacLeod, [07.04.20 09:55]
Lydia, What might be the best way to help develop a plan? (Am thinking of WUaS matriculating our 2nd class of undergraduate students this autumn - and perhaps in terms of matriculating students and even transcripts regarding Denny's Covid-19 Tweet - and from all ~200 countries, first in English). Thank you! :)

Léa ~ Auregann, [07.04.20 10:01]
alright people, I think the time's up :) Thanks a lot for attending, as usual we stay available for further questions on https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Contact_the_development_team

Scott: So I'm glad there's a new way to contact the Wikidata development team! Amazing ... 'Politics' in these office hours seem to be changing a bit too ... less conflictual somehow, and Lydia and Léa seem to be navigating these dynamics well, and in a friendly, dialogue-oriented way. 

Here are the full minutes from today's Wikidata office hours on April 7, 2020: 

And here's a recent Tweet with Wikidata's founder's Denny Vrandečić's thinking regarding a roadmap for Multi-lingual Wikidata (and which will inform WUaS's universities as well as even Universal Translator plans regarding Wikidata's lexicographical "Lexeme" project): 

"Architecture for a Multilingual Wikipedia", where content can be shared between language editions. Content in abstract notation (Abstract Wikipedia) + an infrastructure (WikiLambda) that can translate this notation to natural language.

(Vrandečić, 2020)



Am hoping WUaS's matriculating students this autumn will be able to apply, sign up, matriculate vis-a-vis the Covid-19 approach Denny Vrandečić outlines above - and that this will bring together WUaS's "front end" with our "back end" in Wikidata / Wikibase.

All the best, 



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