Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Leopard frog: Fascinating interview with Law Prof. Kate Klonick: "Social Media & Internet Law: A Discussion With Kate Klonick" * One question I haven't explored explicitly in now 27 blog posts about the coronavirus pandemic is whether it could be a massive disinformation campaign, which this interview lead me to inquire about - and in terms of the memes (replicating cultural units) of a radical action * * Harvard Law Review article by Kate Klonick - "The New Governors: The People, Rules, and Processes Governing Online Speech" * * * here's MIT in Minecraft, re #Covid19 and where @WorldUnivAndSch is MIT OCW-centric in its 4 languages, & wiki (in ~300) eg worlduniversityandschool.org & planned in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM research, classrooms & in all 7,117 known living languages, On MIT's servers w educational version re #Coronavirus in what ways can we create MIT with MIT students at the cellular/atomic levels, for #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM research & in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego ~ #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics too?

Next: Bio light: Click the Green Flag and Funky Snail Glowy Snail Robot will introduce snail-self :) - * * * Am wondering about the role of critical thinking in protecting oneself from the coronavirus meme (as 'replicating cultural unit' - and here as a word that's being imitated much). While MDs can help protect one against viral genes, cultural 'memes' (eg words that get imitated) are different. * * * I heard Juan Enriquez in this great Neo.Life Boston panel mention the phrase "dress rehearsal" a number of times with regards to the coronavirus pandemic, which I associate with the words "fire drill," and "in case of emergency" * * * MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School is updating - our 14 planned WUaS revenue streams (for both WUaS wings, the 1) nonprofit 501 c 3, and the 2) for profit general stock company in California legal entities), and is planning online-on-the-ground bookstores in all ~200 countries' main languages, and in all 7,117 known living languages, with machine translation, and with books, too, published by the Academic Press at WUaS

Fascinating interview with Kate Klonick:

"Social Media & Internet Law: A Discussion With Kate Klonick"https://spreaker.com/user/gallupstrengthscenter/kate-klonick-social-media-internet-law @Klonick https://twitter.com/jpalfrey/status/1247935249134292992?s=20
To /Internet_Studies, /Law, /Computing_History https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects ~ Goodly relevant as @WorldUnivAndSch emerges as platform in ~200 nation states, 7k Langs


One question I haven't explored explicitly in now 27 blog posts about the coronavirus pandemic is whether it could be a massive disinformation campaign, which this fascinating55 minutes' interview, that John Palfrey shared on Twitter this morning - "Social Media & Internet Law: A Discussion With Kate Klonick" ... https://twitter.com/jpalfrey/status/1247935249134292992?s=20 - lead me to inquire about. And I wonder about this in terms of the memes (replicating cultural units) of a 'radical action' (perhaps to address the following 5 issues - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html ) - too, as well as an exercise in learning about how successfully to create a directed or focused internet viral 'meme" (imitable word as meme here - "coronavirus") - and in order to study these processes academically too.


Himalyan Monal: How are the Harbin Hot Springs' Residents coping - in this time of 'national emergency' in the USA? * * * New newspaper ... "Hypothetical News" ... with first tentative headlines: The novel coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2) pandemic has been primarily 1 a fire drill - i.e. 'in case of emergency' (eg genetic, war, nuclear) - and lead to governments, internet media, and economies working together internally in all ~200 countries, and internationally too * * * I think this question of caring for Harbin Residents comes back to the state of California and Lake County as governmental entities in part ...

Thanks, John Palfrey, for Tweeting this -
"Social Media and Internet Law: A Discussion With Kate Klonick" by All Gallup Webcasts via #spreaker https://spreaker.com/user/gallupstrengthscenter/kate-klonick-social-media-internet-law @Klonick @knightfdn @GallupNews

> https://twitter.com/jpalfrey/status/1247935249134292992?s=20

* *
More from Kate Klonick here -

The New Governors: The People, Rules, and Processes Governing Online Speech





See, too :
Constitutionalizing Speech Platforms - Featuring Kate Klonick, Thomas Kadri & BKC Community Members



* * *

here's MIT in Minecraft, re #Covid19 -
https://twitter.com/MIT/status/1247544633086881797?s=20 - & where @WorldUnivAndSch is MIT OCW-centric in its 4 languages, & wiki (in ~300) eg worlduniversityandschool.org& planned in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM research, classrooms & in all 7,117 known living languages


Here's MIT in Minecraft, re #Covid19 -
https://twitter.com/MIT/status/1247544633086881797?s=20 - & where
 is MIT OCW-centric in its 4 languages, & wiki (in ~300) eg http://worlduniversityandschool.org& planned in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM research, classrooms & in all 7,117 known living languages


Appreciating Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0 with #ScratchAtHome & Scratch Tutorials in gen. How to code with Scratch the 1st getting started Kod do Przyszłości: Lego WeDo 2.0 Świecący Ślimak - Glowing Snail
https://youtu.be/662sNIjpwQA -say with 'Animate a World"https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStarted? Thx


On MIT's servers w educational version
https://twitter.com/MIT/status/1247544633086881797?s=20 re #Coronavirus in what ways can we create MIT with MIT students at the cellular/atomic levels, for #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM research & in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego ~ #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics too?


Regarding Second Life, which some of us (Peter Bothe, Anatoly, and I) visited in-world together yesterday, I think Minecraft has a more explicit relationship with Lego bricks. And with an interest in a realistic virtual earth with Lego Robotics, am appreciative of Brick Street View (where Brick refers to Lego brick) and its relationship with Google Street View, but none of them are far enough along yet, and esp. with regards to physical Lego Robotics' educational kits and even code-able with the free MIT Scratch visual programming language -

https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1247605114283495424?s=20 ...

https://twitter.com/detlefschmidt/status/1232048477221380103?s=20 ... #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego ... Perhaps we can explore some of these other virtual worlds sometime Global Distance-wise.

* *
Thanks to Peter Bothe and Bernhard Drax aka Draxtor -
(which I only attended the beginning of in Second Life today).

Some screenshots from today's first Second Life Book Club.
Events are every first Wednesday of the month at 17:00 UTC

1:41 PM
Great, Peter!

Peter, 1:42 PM

A recording of the after-show-conversation

Peter, 1:47 PM
There will also be informal events every Wednesday at 17:00 UTC from now on
People can talk about their favourite books. Event duration approx. 90 minutes

Watch the recording of the whole event on YouTube:


The title of Draxtor's SL show here is like Tom Boellstorff's book "Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human" - with which my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" comes in conversation with -

Naked HarbiEthnography:                  
Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin
by Scott MacLeod
Foreword by 
Nelson H.H. Graburn


Draxtor introduces authors -

Lisa Huang -

CB Lee -

Ken Liu -

Matt Ruff -

Draxtor mentions -


11:00 minutes - Amazon is scaling back on books, they're prioritizing food now ...

12:45 be here in our embodiment in Second Life

* * *

We've curated a "Scratch Across the Curriculum" studio to share interdisciplinary project ideas. Bring poetry to life! Make a math mandala!

How might your students use Scratch to support creative learning across the curriculum? #ScratchAtHome



* *
Great open 'Scratch At Home' Twitter Chat conversation today -

Scratch Team @scratch · 2h
At 3:00 PM ET, join us for a #ScratchAtHome Twitter Chat! We’ll be sharing ideas and resources for teaching #ScratchAtHome


Check out what people shared! - https://twitter.com/hashtag/ScratchAtHome?src=hashtag_click ~

Here are my replies to the posted questions ...

A1. Scott MacLeod  Canyon CA (near Berkeley). Critical thinking, Sitting, Blogging (eg https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/programming), Communicating / Using language, Developing wiki @WorldUnivAndSch (like CC-4 MIT OCW in 4 languages, with Wikipedia in ~300) #ScratchAtHome Nice to meet all of you ~


A2 - seeking to facilitate online wiki schools for open teaching & learning in all 7k langs (@WorldUnivAndSch), re Wikipedia's ~300 langs & to facilitate #HomeRobotics with #LegoRobotics' kits, code-able with #ScratchAtHome in #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics  #ScratchEdMeetUp ~


A3 - in seeking to facilitate #HomeRobotics code-able with #ScratchAtHome in free #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics, both #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego & #LegoRobotics' kits aren't easily available #ScratchEdMeetUp https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Programminghttps://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics @WorldUnivAndSch~


Q4. Besides https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStarted @scratch, I think #HomeRobotics code-able w #ScratchAtHome in free #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics,  #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego #LegoRobotics #ScratchEdMeetUp https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Programminghttps://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics
@WorldUnivAndSch in all ~200 countries' langs
will be


A5: Sounds great Alexis: :No internet, no problem! Ss could storyboard their programs
@scratch is so much about telling a story for my Ss, so why not program a story unplugged. Provide blocks, sprites, and send them packets and let their imaginations do the rest! #ScratchAtHome~


A6 Appreciating Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0 with #ScratchAtHome & Scratch Tutorials in gen. How to code with Scratch the 1st getting started Kod do Pr...: Lego WeDo 2.0- Glowing Snail
https://youtu.be/662sNIjpwQA -say with 'Animate a World"https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStartedhttps://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1247605114283495424?s=20?


Appreciating Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0 with #ScratchAtHome & Scratch Tutorials in gen. How to code with Scratch the 1st getting started Kod do Przyszłości: Lego WeDo 2.0 Świecący Ślimak - Glowing Snail

https://youtu.be/662sNIjpwQA -say with 'Animate a World"https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStarted ? Thx


A6 Appreciating Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0 with #ScratchAtHome & Scratch Tutorials in gen. How to code with Scratch the 1st getting started Kod do Przyszłości: Lego WeDo 2.0 Świecący Ślimak - Glowing Snail
https://youtu.be/662sNIjpwQA -say with 'Animate a World" https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStarted ?


* * * *

Hello M,

How are you faring regarding the coronavirus pandemic fire drill quarantine (I think)? That Norway and Denmark are moving on after the 'epidemic' is further evidence for this, to my way of thinking -

https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1247324352514650112?s=20 - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1247324560942182402?s=20 . How are you?

I thought I was going to have a piping lesson yesterday morning, but things are developing with Connor re next lessons now that this NPC series of lessons is almost over, so I took the opportunity to explore thinking and writing about further inspiration and vision in playing pipes and music  ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/lava-tubes-in-terms-of-vision.html?m=0 ... and they are inspiring ideas regarding my upcoming album as well. My piping is improving! (And Stuart Liddell who has taken a kind of long view, as well as connecting in Scottish piping groups is a model here too:) ... Check out the 'Ascension' video with Stuart Liddell in blog post where drummer Steven McWhirter is just a kid back in 2005, and is still Stuart's lead drummer, and very skillful. Am finding thinking and daily writing inspiring as well - much in blog - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/.

Appreciating the making of these art, programming, and creating resources online on Twitter -

https://twitter.com/scratch/status/1247593755386863616?s=20 - which relate to connecting further ... 

I'm curious about coding with Scratch programming language some of the fish in Google Smart TV in a realistic photo just earlier :) ... as well as entering into the Google Smart TV photos INTO a realistic virtual earth at the Street View, cellular and atomic levels - and with Google Poly! 

Seems like the following could be 'imagined' in a Lacanian sense - 

"Why a traumatized nation is having trouble staying home:
The potential consequences of non-compliance are being outweighed by the human desire to find comfort from loneliness and feelings of helplessness by gathering in groups" ( https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/04/07/opinion/why-traumatized-nation-is-having-trouble-staying-home/ )

- but am appreciating its thinking, and re troop bonding (a John Money exigencies of being human word - http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html and http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/05/sweet-birch-questions-of-determinism-on.html - even, re emotions, in this curious coronavirus 'meme' induced time), and the words 'comfort,' loneliness, of helplessness, and gathering in groups. Am appreciating too Yogini Angela Farmer's explorations of emotions - https://angela-victor.com/content/who-are-we-anyway and https://angela-victor.com/angela-farmer - as well as the Desiderata - https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html - and Pin's call yesterday, and all regarding ongoing generation of my big projects, (i.e. universities / wiki schools, as well as my virtual - actual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic projects, 4 books, upcoming bagpiping album, - and teaching about the information age. (George A's thinking is relevant here too ... as are the prospects of raising a family even). Appreciating the knowledge from psychology and related from the past ~100 years, - and synthesized too by the excellence of thinking of George Alexander, for example, but many others. In what ways will avatar bots become successful therapists, and similar, I wonder, too - language-wise, as well as interactively with humans - and with excellence? :) 

... (after next virtual Harbin book?) Am appreciating too actual Harbin, actual Stanford, the actual beauty of Canyon (albeit am wary of its culture for raising kids) and actual California weather, but think actual Pittsburgh, PA, and MA - Massachusetts, too, - could be healthier for family generation, esp. if we figure out aging reversal and all live a very long time. 

Realizing my big project regarding remuneration could be significant in all of the above as well, Ma!
Am hoping you had a good day. Talk with you soon!

Love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com 

* * *

Dear Dick, Lucy, Ma, Ann, and Alden,

How are you faring regarding the fire drill coronavirus pandemic quarantine (I think)? That Norway and Denmark are moving on after the 'epidemic' is further evidence for this, to my way of thinking - https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1247324352514650112?s=20 - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1247324560942182402?s=20 . How are you?

This seems significant regarding the November election:"Sanders drops out of presidential race, making Biden the Democrats’ presumptive nominee" -

J. P. Gownder @jgownder · 5h
"I'm a leftist. The very progressive left: Green New Deal, M4All, UBI, a whole bunch of social democracy.
I'm also a pragmatist who fears for democracy itself right now.
Being Bernie or Bust doesn't make you a better leftist than me. It just makes you a less practical one."
> https://twitter.com/jgownder/status/1247930459331465216?s=20

(I looked up M4All, and found that it refers to Medicines for All).
Yet, again - The Boston Globe @BostonGlobe · 6h
"Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders announced Wednesday that he is dropping out of the Democratic presidential race"
> https://twitter.com/BostonGlobe/status/1247909223511588869?s=20

Could B.S.'s heart disease have lead to this decision in part? I think a Biden / Warren ticket (if possible) has just improved its chances in the November election.

One question I haven't explored explicitly in now 27 blog posts about the coronavirus pandemic is whether it could be a massive disinformation campaign, which this fascinating55 minutes' interview, that John Palfrey shared on Twitter this morning - "Social Media & Internet Law: A Discussion With Kate Klonick" ... https://twitter.com/jpalfrey/status/1247935249134292992?s=20 - lead me to inquire about. And I wonder about this in terms of the memes (replicating cultural units) of a 'radical action' (perhaps to address the following 5 issues - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html ) - too, as well as an exercise in learning about how successfully to create a directed or focused internet viral 'meme" (imitable word as meme here - "coronavirus") - and in order to study these processes academically too.

But I do here now - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/leopard-frog-fascinating-interview-with.html.

Dr. Tony Fauci MD seems to be communicating successfully and top-expertly regarding the American people navigating this Covid-19 pandemic - and even acting in a way as a very public psychiatrist for Pres rump. Am curious to what degree one could attribute our upturned American society to T's (not good) mental health in some ways too.

In the above blog post - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/leopard-frog-fascinating-interview-with.html - I also explore much else including ways of thinking about the coronavirus pandemic emotionally, and continuing to navigate with agency in our upturned society or world. What do you think?

And how are you doing/ Thinking of you, and would love to hear from you.

Fondly, Scott



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