Click the Green Flag and Funky Snail Glowy Snail Robot will introduce snail-self :) - -
I started this project by making the first project in Lego WeDo 2.0 - a snail that glows, and programming it with the WeDo 2.0 block programming language. (Great to get into making robots again!). To 'Introduce this Character,' I then, in Scratch, created Funky Snail. (Thanks, Zoë! - Introduce a Character! Create-Along LIVE: Let's make Scratch projects together! -
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Don, Cuttyhunkers, Unitarian Universalists, and All,
Am wondering about the role of critical thinking in protecting oneself from the coronavirus meme (as 'replicating cultural unit' - and here as a word that's being imitated much).
While MDs can help protect one against viral genes, cultural 'memes' (eg words that get imitated) are different.
In a MIT Scratch programming language #ScratchAtHome conversation this morning, we were first asked what our self-care strategies are in this time - - and I replied:
A1. Scott MacLeod Canyon CA (near Berkeley). Critical thinking, Sitting, Blogging (eg…), Communicating / Using language, Developing wiki @WorldUnivAndSch (like CC-4 MIT OCW in 4 languages, with Wikipedia in ~300) #ScratchAtHome Nice to meet all of you ~ >
A1. Scott MacLeod Canyon CA (near Berkeley). Critical thinking, Sitting, Blogging (eg, Communicating / Using language, Developing wiki @WorldUnivAndSch (like CC-4 MIT OCW in 4 languages, with Wikipedia in ~300) #ScratchAtHome Nice to meet all of you ~— Scott_MacLeod_WUaS (@scottmacleod) April 8, 2020
What are all of your self-care strategies in this time?
Am inquiring today too whether the coronavirus pandemic could be a massive disinformation campaign - - and for a variety of reasons (in 27th blog post in these regards). What do you think?
All the best, Scott
- Scott MacLeod
Hi Scott! How’s it going there atop the hill in Canyon? Able to get out and enjoy some good weather?
Getting used to a different rhythm here in Washington, with cleaner air. Glad to have my daughters nearby.
Will we learn the lessons?? Cogitating on what those are.
Stay well, Tym
Sent from my iPhone
Very nice to get your email!
Am asking about the coronavirus / Covid-19 genes, on the one hand, and the internet media / 'memes' on the other - and regarding protecting oneself.
There are 5 hypotheses at the bottom of this post - as queries - in these regards
http://scott-macleod.blogspot. com/2020/04/himalyan-monal- how-are-harbin-hot.html?m=0
(and about 27 blog posts asking related questions in the genes' label, - all lessons I'm learning too, I think ... keeping thinking is another).
What lessons are you drawing from this, Tym?
It's pretty nice here on the ridge in Canyon, and while sheltering at home, am getting out for a daily walk. Glad you have daughters nearby regarding protecting you and your family. THE Desiderata is one thing I learn from these days - http://scott-macleod.blogspot. com/2020/04/weedy-sea-dragon- soaking-from-home-in.html?m=0 (in Sunday's blog post).
Am still seeking to have a family (with ZB in Brookline?) - one lesson I learned and haven't forgotten - even as sociocultural societal processes in all 200 countries get crazy. Is this all a reflection somehow of current Pres T's mind? I ask this at bottom here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot. com/2020/04/leopard-frog- fascinating-interview-with. html?m=0 - today.
Appreciating Fauci MD in all of this too.
What are lessons for you from the coronavirus pandemic and closing down of so many societal processes, Tym?
Fondly, and warm regards,
| 2:50 PM (7 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
This Neo.Life book talk in Cambridge, MA, but online, begins in about 70 minutes - status/1246116674329247744?s= 20 - and requests a RSVP. Has anyone being able to get their hands on this book Neo Life before this? Who's thinking about attending? See you there! If inspired, I may be Tweeting with the #hashtag - #NeoDotLife - scottmacleod (and possibly @WUaSPress!)
Join @geochurch, @EvolvingJuan, @siranushbb, @okaysteve, @BrianBergstein, @janemetcalfe for a virtual conversation on the future of our species, hosted by @NEOdotLIFE, @manifestbos, @ginkgo +@endlesswestco. Save April 9. RSVP:— george church (@geochurch) April 3, 2020
You might be able to tune in here -
Neo.Life Boston
- directly. Not sure about whether you would be able to chat in text or not.
I heard Juan Enriquez in this great Neo.Life Boston panel mention the phrase "dress rehearsal" a number of times with regards to the coronavirus pandemic, which I associate with the words "fire drill," and "in case of emergency" - as inquires I've been exploring in these regards too.
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I'm waiting for the coronavirus Opera (am thinking loosely in terms of Hamilton too)
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WUaS Book store ...
Am re-sending to - - (since Bernhard Drax <> didn't work) !
I've taught my "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University" course on Harvard's virtual island in SL for nearly 10 semesters - http:// InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv. html ...
Dear Draxtor, Peter, Larry and All,
Thanks for your great inaugural interactive in 3D Bookclub in Second Life yesterday, Bernhard (Drax), and here on Youtube:
The Second Life Book Club with Draxtor - Episode 1 - Authors SL Huang, CB Lee, Ken Li & Matt Ruff
I attended the very beginning of this in SL (as Aphilo Aarde) and blogged a bit about it here - https://scott-macleod. frog-fascinating-interview- with.html - thanks to Peter Bothe (above) for letting me know.
"14 planned WUaS revenue streams, Business plan update" - https:// worlduniversityandschool. planned-wuas-revenue-streams. html ?
I've begun a new "14 planned WUaS revenue streams - both wings" Google Doc for this - document/d/ 1aWiY70PnUJK98hEapvUazCL59w9Bq Ke9qyr6ghUVTJo/edit?usp= sharing ...
WUaS Monthly Business Meeting is in 10 days on Sat. April 18, 2020.
MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School is updating - https:// worlduniversityandschool. planned-wuas-revenue-streams. html - our 14 planned WUaS revenue streams (for both WUaS wings, the 1) nonprofit 501 c 3, and the 2) for profit general stock company in California legal entities), and is planning online-on-the-ground bookstores in all ~200 countries' main languages, and in all 7,117 known living languages, with machine translation, and with books, too, published by the Academic Press at World Univ & Sch.
WUaS is seeking to get our bookstore operational for our 2nd class of 500-2000 matriculating undergraduates this autumn.
Who wants in on this first for-profit build out (i.e. the WUaS bookstores)?
And how best to reach out to wider audiences with the WUaS bookstores, beyond students, via major social media platforms? What a great turn out, Drax (check out video), and great conversational interviewing tone especially. As you can see from my blog post, I checked out all of the authors (behind their avatars:). Thank you, Drax!
Best, Scott