Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Salmon eggs: WUaS Livestream today w/ Petros Kalligas in Athens, about Greece WUaS didn't livestream - Please see our 3/23/20 talk here * 40 courses over four year for free MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees, studying from home in these 6 majors - http://worlduniversityandschool.org * Some of this in a realistic virtual earth, with Home Robotics - And here's MIT in Minecraft, re #Covid19 * WUaS exploring - "What we look for The match between you and MIT" * * * * Updating "WUaS 14 Planned Revenue streams 2020" - and - "WUaS Business Plan both wings in GDoc April 2020" * * * Appreciating 'The Desiderata' n ongoing way, for its thinking ... & re 'Go placidly ...' ... I see on Google Smart TV a number of pictures of pairs of a species - When will this knowledge thru pictures become interactive knowledge in an immersive realistic virtual earth virtual world, akin to the thinking-wisdom in the Desiderata, esp. if we live as long as Bristlecone pines or Koi fish? * * Am appreciative too of Guidelines for Practicing a Musical Instrument about seeking out private lessons * Beyond bagpiping ... on to further dolphin play, metaphorically, and practices for eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology - which I'm just re-visiting exploring ... :)


Greece WUaS Livestream M Apr 12 20

WUaS is learning newly Google Suite & today's @WorldUnivAndSch Livestream w/ Petros Kalligas in Athens, about Greece WUaS https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Greece didn't. Please see our 3/23/20 talk https://youtu.be/q4H-Li-Ei0o< https://www.youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch! Seeking 50-100 undergrad students for fall


Hi Petros, Peter, and Universitians, 

WUaS is learning newly Google Suite & today's @WorldUnivAndSch Livestream w/ Petros Kalligas in Athens, about Greece WUaS https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Greece didn't livestream (that I could see). Please see our 3/23/20 talk 
https://youtu.be/q4H-Li-Ei0o < https://www.youtube. com/WorldUnivandSch! Seeking 50-100 Greek undergrad students for fall in English.

Thanks to Petros K (in Greece) and Fritz L (in Germany) for joining today's conversation!

Peter B, am thinking that it might be logical to stream to the new WUaS Livestream channel you helped create. So it might be great to stream to the second WUaS Livestream channel below, or connect the two even - and for next week, when Petros and I are seeking to explore doing another outreach Livestream (for which we did a test run today). Am thinking, Peter, that it might have made sense, re PS below, for me to log into the new LiveStream email account for today. What do you think?

English speaking at first - 
Seeking 50-100 Greek undergraduate students for this autumn. 
Seeking 500 German undergraduate students for this autumn.
Romanian students, Nicolai? 
Indian students, VJ and Ajit?
Polish students, Andrezj?  
Malaysian students, Govind? 

40 courses over four year for free MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees, studying from home in these 6 majors - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ 

Some of this in a realistic virtual earth, with Home Robotics, like - 

Here's MIT in Minecraft, re #Covid19 -
https://twitter.com/MIT/status/1247544633086881797?s=20 - & where @WorldUnivAndSch is MIT OCW-centric in its 4 languages, & wiki (in ~300) eg http://worlduniversityandschool.org & planned in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM research, classrooms & in all 7,117 known living languages - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1247664522799636481?s=20 - 

Minecraft has a coding relationship with Lego 
Minecraft is on MIT servers, with an educational version apparently, that predates Microsoft's getting Minecraft around 2014
Minecraft avatars are blocky, a bit like Lego


I wonder if you could possibly, brainstorming-wise re WUaS, explore sharing these MIT - 

"What we look for
The match between you and MIT"

https://mitadmissions.org/apply/process/what-we-look-for/ >

in exploring outreach questions.

Very nice to chat in Google Meet with you just now. Thank you, Petros, Fritz, Peter and All.


the WUaS MAIN Youtube Livestream (and for video recordings)
(associated with worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com email address)

WUaS's new Youtube Livestream channel (and for video recordings) -
(associated with the new livestream@worlduniversityandschool.org email address, which Peter is minding these days)

* * *
Hello WUaS Board Members & Universitians,

Updating WUaS 14 Planned Revenue streams -

Adding a first reimbursement focus from US counties in US states, on the nonprofit side, due to CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare's licensing, which says WUaS can A) share, B) adapt, but C) non-commercially MIT OCW's 2500 courses (and in its 4 languages, too)

with -
14 planned WUaS revenue streams - both wings - April 2020

Google platform for each of all 14 planned revenue streams, with related project managers ?
In coding for matriculating students in all 200 countries, and wiki teachers and learners in all 7,117 known living languages, am adding too Universal Basic Income UBI experiments to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of 200 central banks, and thinking in terms of coding for all 7.5 billion people, planning-wise, and for a number of reasons.

First steps - reimbursement 
Google platform for each revenue stream, on both wings - email to Alphabet Chairman John Hennessy?

ON the WUaS Corporation wing, explore the emergence of the Silicon Valley Long Term Stock market - and seek to join this 'under the wing' of Alphabet / Google? More about the Long Term Stock exchange here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/centaurea-cyanus-bachelors-button-plans.html. 

WUaS Monthly Business Meeting is this Saturday at 9 am Pacific Time, and we can also meet in Google Meet if you'd like to join. These WUaS 14 Planned Revenue streams and a Business Plan will be key focuses - and on both wings of WUaS. 

Sincerely, Scott


WUaS Board Members, Universitians,

Founding WUaS Board Member David Byrne in June 2017 sent me this Forbes Business Plan article - 
and out of this came - 

Am seeking to update this too at this stage with - 
"WUaS Business Plan both wings in GDoc April 2020"

WUaS Monthly Business Meeting is this Saturday at 9 am Pacific Time, and we can also meet in Google Meet if you'd like to join. These WUaS 14 Planned Revenue streams and a Business Plan will be key focuses - and on both wings of WUaS. 

Thank you, David! 

Cheers, Scott

* *

Dear Larry, Govind and Universitians, 

Interesting letter from the President of MIT - 
"Letter regarding MIT's financial picture and our next steps" 
Am adding it to today's blog post, where I've added both the WUaS 14 Planned Revenue Streams, and Business Plan emails to you from earlier -  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/salmon-eggs-wuas-livestream-today-w.html (and much more) - and may develop 2 Business plans, one for each wing as well. Please remember that both wings are planned in ~200 countries and in 7,117 languages per Ethnologue, or in 8,506 entries in languages in Glottolog. 

PS - in Tweet form: 
Interesting letter from the President of MIT
Am adding it to today's blog post, where I've added both WUaS Revenue Streams, & Business Plan emails https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/salmon-eggs-wuas-livestream-today-w.html & may develop 2 Business plans, one for each wing @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress too.


* * *
1 Realistic Virtual Earth For Bookstores - #RealisticVirtualEarthForBookstores - Oregon Poet Laureate Kim Stafford on Haiku in the Columbia River Gorge -
He mentions Klindt's books in The Dalles (which I looked up here https://www.klindtsbooks.com/welcome - since 1870!


* * * *
Hi Ma, 

Nice to talk! And thanks for letting me know about Trilliums around you. (I learned a bit).

It looks like nodding Trillium is Trillium cernuum

And here's a disambiguation from drooping Trillium -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodding_trillium_(disambiguation)

And here's a list of most of the Trilliums - 


Thank you, Scott.  I think you found it.  Much more helpful than my two wildflower guides.  In the morning I’ll try to send you the photo of the one I took today.  See if you think it’s the same.  It was interesting to note there is a Pacific trillium that I’d never heard of. 





Were these what you saw?


hi Ma,

Nice to talk ...

Appreciating ...
https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html ... in ongoing way, for its thinking ... & re 'Go placidly ...' ... I see on Google Smart TV a number of pictures of pairs of a species (eg dolphins, fulmars, penguins, two primate monkeys with different color fur looking each other in the eye, as if communicating, and potentially in Africa, etc.) and individuals too (a sea turtle swimming under water, a number of other amazing underwater pictures re swimming even, & a whale doing a back flip) which display regularly ... and appreciate how many life forms come remarkably through time in such interesting habitats. And when will this knowledge thru pictures become interactive knowledge in an immersive realistic virtual earth virtual world, akin to the thinking-wisdom in the Desiderata, esp. if we live as long as Bristlecone pines or Koi fish?

Learning from nature and media ... and knowledge too.


Nodding trillium ... what are you up to this week?

Love, Scott

Connor emailed saying he has a way to accept payment now for private piping lessons, but that blocks of lessons would be available thru the NPC when it reopens, and I have 1 remaining in first block of 10. Seeking to play more daily, than my current daily playing. (Would I have liked to have known about this NPC change or policy when I first signed up for 10 lessons last summer, and initially with Finlay? I think I was aiming to begin lessons without thinking what comes after. Am appreciating Connor's playing and instruction).

Am appreciative too of Guidelines for Practicing a Musical Instrument about seeking out private lessons - http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm - as code too.

And am appreciating the Desiderata about career - of which piping is an element for me of my career in a way.

Beyond bagpiping ... on to further dolphin play, metaphorically, and practices for eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology -  http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingLovingBlissvavMusicalInstrument.htm - which I'm just re-visiting exploring ... :)



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