Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Oystercatcher eggs: Covid19 #Coronavirus memes seem to have downed ~200 countries' fleets of planes for weeks/months & put out of commission their fleets or cars too #RadicalAction for #GlobalWarmingReversal? New data opportunities re measuring far less Co2 Ocean & Climate Management Plan @WorldUnivAndSch? * * * Could some Americans' Constitutional Rights be being breached, in this coronavirus "pan"-demic 'national emergency,' even if they've done something potentially illegal in other ways under the law, hypothetically, in the past? * * * Check out the amazing bagpiper Stuart Liddell's videos here - Scottish 'method' for learning ... (& with a wee bit of his Scottish wisdom and his extraordinary 'calm mind' and such 'sure footed' bagpiping (like a Boreray sheep??? * * * Walking, dancing or moving 2 miles per day, during this time of coronavirus pandemic? * * * How please to draw in and share on Google Maps with a friend the route I walked cross-country? * Richard Byrne - I made this video about it https://youtu.be/9KNkiNExSl0 !


Covid19 #Coronavirus memes seem to have downed ~200 countries' fleets of planes for weeks/months & put out of commission their fleets or cars too #RadicalAction for #GlobalWarmingReversal? New data opportunities re measuring far less Co2 https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ocean_%26_Climate_Management_Plan @WorldUnivAndSch?


* * *
Could some Americans' Constitutional Rights be being breached, in this coronavirus "pan"-demic 'national emergency,' even if they've done something potentially illegal in other ways under the law, hypothetically, in the past?

The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?


Nice to talk, Ed. Am curious what Amelia thinks if Americans' Constitutional Rights are being breached, in this 'national emergency,' even if they've been potential illegal perpetrators / offenders in other ways under the law, hypothetically... here are 5 Hypothetical News' items re CoronaVirus from a few days ago - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html?m=0 - at bottom ... and some 30 blog posts too regarding CORONAVIRUS pandemic in blog's genes' label ... could this be a opportinity to develop psychiatry significantly, and for everyone ... eventually with avatar bots even? Thanks for your call, Ed!: Fond regards, Scott

* * *
Glad to read, Nick! Am hanging in their blogging-wise re creativity - & with some humor. - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/lava-tubes-in-terms-of-vision.html?m=0 - in the 'humor' label - see too the 'Scotland' and 'bagpiping' labels :)  Check out the amazing bagpiper Stuart Liddell's videos here, esp. the middle one "Ascension ... of pipe band" 

The Ascension of Inveraray & District Pipe Band - 2004-2013

which begins humorously (and is also Scottish 'method' for learning) ... (& with a wee bit of his Scottish wisdom and his extraordinary 'calm mind' and such 'sure footed' bagpiping (like a Boreray sheep??? - see further Stuart Liddell resources here -  http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/emu-eggs-how-best-in-1-multidimensional.html?m=0 - from today :)

Hi Taylor,

Here are some amazing burls, at the end of this:
Stuart Liddell - Lunchtime Recital 2010: 3 of 8 at Piping Live in Glasgow


All 8 parts are stellar in Stuart's amazing piping and playing all kinds of tunes!

And here are the lyrics to Scots Wha Hae again -



Hi Taylor,

I find Stuart Liddell amazing as a piper and a person in a number of ways. If possible, please bring a cork for your SSP chanter bore, so we can explore tuning each of the drones, and the chanter, independently with the tuner. See you tomorrow!

Cheers, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com


Sounds good. There's a waver in the tuning of the Scottish Small Pipes when I have one drone going and am playing an E on the chanter (I noticed recently). Getting each of the 3 tuned independently to A with the tuner, is a step in the right direction. Bellow blowing differs between High A and Low A too, but tuning to the tuner can help one get there to a tuned set of bagpipes, as one learns to hear them (and the waver or no waver on the A :).

Stuart Liddell's fingers are so independent from each other, and he plays so 'sure footedly' (like a Boreray Ram??, and am wondering if this is a Boreray Ram horn - http://www.stuartliddell.com/about :) Boreray is part of the St. Kilda island archipelago off the west coast of the Hebrides.

Cheers, Scott


:0 Scottish SP tinkering as innovation of a sort :) ... If you play Scotland the Brave, explore playing with Stuart Liddell with your practice chanter in B flat mixolydian. I think it's at the end of the 4th out of 8; here again is

Stuart Liddell - Lunchtime Recital 2010: 3 of 8 at Piping Live in Glasgow

I suppose you took the opportunity to drink all the champagne with your wife as well :)

Cheers, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

* *

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

8:02 AM (14 hours ago)
to ConnorRoddyAndrewScott
Hi Connor, Roddy, and Andrew, 

Greetings. I realize the National Piping Centre is closed, but I'm writing to you sheltering-at-home (due to the coronavirus pandemic) with the following idea which just came to me. 

After re-visiting a lesson recording from 3/10/20 with Connor (there is / used to be a GHB Sinclair chanter :) yesterday evening, and your mentioning your growing up listening to the Pipers of Distinction GHB Series - https://lightlink.com/siusaidh/musicd.html (and below) - in which you Roddy, Principal of the NPC, are one of the soloists on CD, I wonder about inquiring if I could explore creating another album in this series. It's possible you, Roddy, or Finlay MacDonald (or you, Connor or Andrew) know the series' producer, for example. What would be the steps for this, if you have some thoughts in these regards? 

Creating an album is a good further focus for learning and improving my piping in a variety of ways. And working with you 3 National Piping Centre pipers would help focus my "Honey in the Bag" Scottish Small Pipes' album in even new good ways regarding an album in such a series. And could such a Pipers of Distinction Series even do promotion and distribution? (I've been wondering about this, - for example, if I were to do the whole album on my own). And such a series would also offer a kind of structure, very different from my going forward with this SSP album solo / alone. And Series like this could benefit from growth, and new albums (as products or a good even). 

Could it be listed like (from below:): 

Piper of Distinction
Prof. Scott GK MacLeod
MUSBP43 - $15.95

How might I best explore this possibility further - if this could work out? Thank you! 

With best regards, Scott


Piper of Distinction
Andrew Wright
MUSBP31 - $15.95
Piper of Distinction
Robert Wallace
MUSBP32 - $15.95
Piper of Distinction
Cpl Gordon Walker (R.H.F.)
MUSBP33 - $15.95

Piper of Distinction
Pipe Major G.N.M. Stockart (B.E.M.)
MUSBP34 - $15.95
Piper of Distinction
Roderick J MacLeod
MUSBP35 - $15.95
Piper of Distinction
Cpl Alasdair Gillies (Q.O.Hldrs)
MUSBP36 - $15.95

Piper of Distinction
Sgt Brian Donaldson (2nd Btn.S.Gds)
MUSBP37 - $15.95
Piper of Distinction
Michael Cusack
MUSBP35 - $15.95
Piper of Distinction
Greg Wilson
MUSBP36 - $15.95

Piper of Distinction
William J Morrison
MUSBP41 - $15.95
Piper of Distinction
William McCalliun
MUSBP42 - $15.95

- Scott MacLeod

* * *
Walking, dancing or moving 2 miles per day, during this time of coronavirus pandemic?

Hi Ma,
Am appreciating our communication in general - and also about movement and walking. If many people walk 3 miles per hour on average, 2 miles would take 40 minutes. Down & back to the Canyon P.O. 94516 is 1.2 miles, and my other 2 walks here, also involving big hills, are similar / a little bit less - so time to double my daily walk + ! ;) (and add in a little invigorating Angela & Victor inspired Yoga too ... for a revolutionary 45 minutes per day?:)
L, Scott

And or 45 minutes of dancing at home to music that dances me :) am going to begin creating some sets of youtube videos of such music !
L, Scott

Hi Ma,

There aren't really midges, no-see-ems or many mosquitoes even around here, which is quite nice, and the temperature will be around 70 F in afternoons for the upcoming week :) ... And here below is a bit of a re-write of my earlier email. I want too to be able to share Google Maps with you with the route I walked penciled in, for example, but in a brief search didn't see how to do this. Here's Ridgecrest Road and Redwood Hwy Canyon 94516 where i live https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ridgecrest+%26+Redwood+Hwy,+Canyon,+CA+94516/@37.8328741,-122.164702,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x808f881297fc8633:0x5989dabaac0c7fdd!8m2!3d37.8328699!4d-122.162508 without much maps greenery and I can't easily show you where I went ... Just Tweeted (and also re-Tweeted) about this question to someone in Maine - see below.

So again:

No see 'em Trillium out on a new long walk just now.

I went down into 'Indian Valley' to the east, and from the bottom, then a new way, walking all the way up north to the very top rim of this valley. I then hopped the locked fence which has a "fire road" sign posted on it (and is probably used  to keep any recreational vehicles from making a big loop in this cattle grazing land) and I was soon back where I've quite a few times at a saddle looking in many directions, and near the rusty basin and potential warm pool to be (for hippy types) and which nascent robots will help prepare. It took a little more than 30 minutes, and I rested under a nice tree, then walked back about 5-7 minutes to where I live. I then brought in some quickly-dried laundry from the line, - and so was out of doors, with laundry hanging too, for about an hour. So I probably walked for 35 minutes or probably nearly 2 miles.

No trillium sitings, but I'm beginning to identify a few species of flowers. I did plant my 3 herb starts (parsley finally, oregano and sage), - and got a large flower pot of lettuce for when I run out of salad lettuce I get at store - while sheltering at home during this coronavirus Covid-19 'national emergency' and 'state emergency' too.

How was your day, and what did you see?

L, Scott

Hi Richard @rmbyrne How please to draw in and share on Google Maps with a friend the route I walked cross-country? A while ago you Tweeted how to add measurements in Maps to a ski slope, but I'm not finding this now, & idea here is similar ~ #RealisticVirtualEarth Ideas? Thanks!

(and check out my Twitter feed here to check out past related Tweets!)

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

I made this video about it https://youtu.be/9KNkiNExSl0


Thanks, Richard! 



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