Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Pacific reef heron: Minutes for 4/18/20 open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting

Previous: Boreray (St Kilda) sheep: Are you 'teaching' robotics, in a sense, in your company, in part, Sarah? (Am wondering how WUaS can develop 'Home Robotics" toward engineering degrees, with something like the 3 Lego Robotics' kits and MIT OCW - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/experimental-study-group/es-293-lego-robotics-spring-2007/ - and esp. as a Realistic Virtual Earth for Robotics develops * * * MS's Teams' Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity information technologies * * * Seeking to facilitate one realistic virtual earth for accessible online university libraries (public libraries in a sense), and everything > #RealisticVirtualEarthForLibraries > * Bagpiping - Scottish Small Piping - Playing, and Learning * * * WUaS has a new wiki - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages - not yet in the languages of Kerala, India, but which is wiki-editable * * * Hi Aihwa (Anthropology Professor at UC Berkeley), - And re UC Berkeley Map of Field Sites and a #RealsiticVirtualHarbin - for actual virtual ethnography .* * * Kai and Chloe - PS nearly 35 blog posts now touching on the coronavirus pandemic here (Reed regards, Scott) * Covid19 #Coronavirus memes seem to have downed ~200 countries' fleets of planes for weeks/months ... * * * Memes (symbols) or genes?

Minutes for 4/18/20 open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting



World University and School

Minute 0 -
For WUaS /Robotics and /Programming -
Beyond the MIT Scratch programming which works with Lego Robotics, -

World University and School seeks to collaborate with
MIT for infrastructure, knowledge and skills to build these out, and especially for WUaS teaching of machine learning with, for example, Lego Robotics. See, for example

- Lego Robotics into Machine/Reinforcement Learning & CC-4 Wiki adding to WUaS, 3 Feb 2020 LiveStream
- "Special WeDo2 Scratch BOXER"
- "MIT Lego Robot Competition '99"
- "Google Research Football" (Soccer)

Minute 1 -
In WUaS seeking highest achieving students with related admission's criteria to MIT's - https://mitadmissions.org/apply/process/what-we-look-for/ - and while still remaining relatively open for admissions re MIT and Harvard founded edX, WUaS will seek top students and reimbursement, due to the CC-4 licensing of MIT OCW, from all 3,143 counties and county-equivalents in the 50 states and District of Columbia - (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/County_(United_States) ) as well as the US federal government. WUaS will also seek reimbursement from departments of education in all ~200 countries.

Reimbursement payment mechanism for World Univ & Sch from departments of education in all ~200 countries may begin with WUaS coding for students in all ~200 countries' official languages, wiki-Universitians in all 7,117 known living languages, and from there all 7.5 billion people on planet (for a variety of reasons, including UBI experiments to distribute a single cryptocurrency to some number of all ~200 countries).

WUaS seeks to offer 30-60 1st year courses in the autumn of 2020.

Minute 2 -
Retention of students? JuryX HarvardX edX course by Harvard Law Emeritus Charles Nesson as one model to retain ?

reimbursement from Greece regarding Prime Minister Mitsotakis, with Harvard and Stanford degrees?

Minute 3 -
Larry Viehland and Scott MacLeod will write a letter about this to MIT President Rafael Reif.
to explore in what ways WUaS and MIT help and possibly edX could collaborate. We'll also explore in this letter in what ways WUaS could explore financial collaboration with MIT regarding MIT President Rafael Reif's recent financial letter - "Letter regarding MIT's financial picture and next steps" - http://news.mit.edu/2020/letter-regarding-institute-financials-0413. We'll explore in particular how these 2020 15 planned WUaS revenue streams might all come together in collaboration with MIT.

Minute 5 -
CFO Larry Viehland now has direct access to online bank accounts for both of WUaS's wings.

Minute 6 -
The next WUaS Livestream will likely be on Monday, April 20, 2020 at 10 am Pacific time
(or possibly via the new WUaS Livestream channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdURAADdLc9ctxnbismtXzQ/ - channel, if these two channels are not combined by Monday. Thanks to Peter Bothe for helping with lIvestreaming!)

* * *

WUaSCorporation, WUaSPress

Minute A -

List on Silicon Valley long term stock exchange, which has already received one approval by the SEC. What are a list of rules to list?

On the WUaS Corporation wing, explore the emergence of the Silicon Valley Long Term Stock market - and seek to join this 'under the wing' of Alphabet / Google? More about the Long Term Stock exchange here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/centaurea-cyanus-bachelors-button-plans.html.

* * *

World University's open monthly business meeting Agenda for April 18, 2020:

- https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/04/agenda-and-news-for-41820-open-monthly.html

- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/snapping-turtle-eggs-chelydra.html



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