Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Kalinga ornata: Found myself teaching meditation in a Scratch programming language project with Lego robotics (having taught Yoga for many years:) * * * Re: Online psychoanalysis > #RealisticArtificialHumans aka #SamsungNeons as #AvatarBot psychiatrists & post-Lacanian psychoanalysts (in California School of Psychoanalysis in Med Schs at WUaS) to HELP * * * Happy Easter! - Καλό Πάσχα in Greece!


Time to begin adding a little further Yoga asana into my day re staying healthy.

Am enjoying my Yoga sitting meditation - inner releasing action - every morning first thing in ongoing way.

My most recent Scratch program, "Funky Snail's story," with robotics, was even teaching meditation funnily (having taught Yoga for many years:) ... A&V inspired Yoga in part:)

(in the Create a Story! studio - https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/26192944/)


Found myself teaching meditation in a Scratch programming language project with Lego robotics  (having taught Yoga for many years:)


Here's the MIT Scratch Create-Along I made the "Funky Snail story" in ...

Create a Story! Create-Along LIVE: Let's make Scratch projects together!


Thanks, Zoe!

* * *

Smartphone video-to-3D #FilmTo3D with #GooglePoly> #RealisticArtificialHumans aka #SamsungNeons as #AvatarBot psychiatrists & post-Lacanian psychoanalysts (in California School of Psychoanalysis in Med Schs at WUaS) to HELP, & in #RealisticVirtualHarbin
https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1250187619373178880?s=20 ~


The Monday #ScottishCountryDancing class in Berkeley at St. Clement's is cancelled for the foreseeable future due to concerns about novel #CoronavirusCOVID19  #DanceScottish ~ Explore online: https://twitter.com/rscdsdancescot/status/1243554219661164548?s=20> https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Country_Dancing


Smartphone video-to-3D #FilmTo3D with #GooglePoly> #RealisticArtificialHumans aka #SamsungNeons as #AvatarBot Scottish Country Dancers #ScottishCountryDancing #DanceScottish ~ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Country_Dancing @WorldUnivAndSch & Musicians https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipes ?
https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1250187619373178880?s=20 ~


Smartphone video-to-3D #FilmTo3D with #GooglePoly> #RealisticArtificialHumans aka #SamsungNeons as #AvatarBot Scottish Country Dancers #ScottishCountryDancing #DanceScottish ~ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Country_Dancing @WorldUnivAndSch & Musicians https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipes ? #DanceScottishAtHome?


* * *
Hi Tym, Sid, MDs in particular, and All,

I'm writing to follow up on this thread from some weeks ago, and which I began with my mother last May 2019:

Is anyone, any of you know of, working on online Lacanian psychoanalysis, in each of all ~200 countries' main languages, in addition to Harvard-excellence psychiatry, especially re language and psychotherapy, or talk therapy?

As just one example where I've observed some need for this: What if people lash out as adults, wrongly and harmfully and unjustly, because they've been abused as children for example? How to help all people who have been victims, and especially if they begin to perpetrate harm later, for example?

The big project I'm working on seeks to help with this (in all ~200 countries' main languages, and even eventually with avatar bots), but is in need of resources as well.

With very best wishes,
Psychotherapy - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/psychotherapy
Jacques Lacan MD - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Jacques%20Lacan%20MD -

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

Tym, Sid, MDs in particular, and All,

As a further followup, I suppose it's especially here in Canyon 94516, for example, but perhaps also in bagpiping circles, possibly in circles at Harbin Hot Springs, and possibly on Cuttyhunk Island, MA as well - all somehow 'remote' places - that I see the potential benefits for individuals of online psychotherapy. But mobile technologies make it possible - in this time too of the coronavirus 'pan'-demic - to potentially make available psychiatry both in the city, and in rural remote locations - and potentially highest quality psychotherapy as well! (I realize too that Harbin Hot Springs' thinking - my actual < > virtual ethnographic field site might offer other completely different approaches to psychotherapy than may be offered in teaching universities' hospitals, in all ~200 countries, for example, - and which is interesting to learn from as well).

How best to develop approaches that could help people?

With best wishes,
~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~
Psychotherapy - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/psychotherapy
Jacques Lacan MD - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Jacques%20Lacan%20MD -

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.

Tym, Sid, MDs in particular, and All,

As a further follow up:
it's so-called "Artificial Humans' - https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1250187619373178880?s=20 and https://twitter.com/Sin_B/status/1248617480672538629?s=20 - aka Samsung Neons as avatar bot psychiatrists and post-Lacanian psychoanalysts (California School of Psychoanalysis as part of the Medical Schools at WUaS) that I hope will eventually be able to help, and even in a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs, as well as in a realistic virtual earth (eg in medical schools and psychiatrists' offices in major cities everywhere).

... which you'll also find here -
How best in 1 multidimensional #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics to combine Google StreetView w #TIMESLIDER on their servers, w #MINECRAFT for Lego on MIT's servers with #SamsungNeons as #RealisticArtificialHumans with SL for group build-ability with #Scratch w #BrickStreetView?



Has anyone "walked" down the Harbin road "4 miles" to "amble" around Middletown, California, here ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ as a beginning realistic virtual earth in Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth (accessible too from https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ), and where Street View works in a beginning way with Lego Bricks, too (re above).
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School
& Psychotherapy - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/psychotherapy
& Jacques Lacan MD - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Jacques%20Lacan%20MD -

* * *

Hi M,

Seeking too to travel more, perhaps in a realistic virtual earth in Google Street View on Google's Smart TV (and in the back of our glasses/glacier glasses - a materials' science thing:) as this develops - and is created, and even by all of us (via http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy?m=0 ).


HI Ma,

Here's an interesting story from Harvard Economics' Professor Greg Mankiw - who the Epples know a little, Dennis said -

It's both a coronavirus as 'real' story, and a keeping healthy via walking story, I'd suggest. It's about his mother, who died recently from Covid-19 (my deepest condolences), and it's a very interesting glimpse into her life too - and a skillfully told story as well.

I'm wondering if an aging reversal drug - adding enzymes to aging genes per Harvard / MIT Prof George Church? - will emerge before I'm Greg Mankiw's mother's age - and you too.

His blog entry story, since he's based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I could read as informing me marrying a young woman, since it's also the story of how his parents met in Ukrainian church functions. (I'm wondering if a friend has some Scottish background, for example). And he also interestingly mentions the harbinger word, as well as the MASH TV show (which touches on the craziness of the 1960s humorously, although it was about the Korean war in the early '50s), - both aspects of my research, in a different social science than economics, namely anthropology. Go figure :)

Heading out for a walk now :) Hope you had a good day.

Love, Scott

Deepest condolences to Harvard Professor Greg Mankiw on the death of his mother!

Did you have a good walk today, Ma?

Just came back from a nice one. Saw Ellin Barrett and a couple I like, he with very long hair - he reminds me of Legolas from Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" some times - and quite together with a sense of good hippy ethics, chatting on the road, physically distant. All are mature and long time Canyon folks. Big smiles and greetings all around - almost a first for big smiles for me here - but I also didn't stay to chat, maybe re inner sense social distancing (and not only coronavirus 'pan'-demic), and instead headed on, and at the bottom on the road, there were a bunch of 20 or 30-something  y.o. Canyonites around a fire, hanging out. not so physically distant (and maybe with an inferred Canyon ethic I'm much more wary of - and over heard the words in a loud story of 'not killing but rape' - which loud social narrative further confirmed my Friendly concerns about aspects of the culture of Canyon. (Around the fire on the beach is a Cuttyhunk thing too - but Cuttyhunk's ethos is better or good in comparison, in my experience).


Current coronavirus hypothesizing -
- SARS CoV-2 in China with dramatic mortality ?
- Coronavirus COVID-19 in rest of world and China, with 90 year olds at risk, with parallels to the flu?
- reversing global warming?,
- addressing illegal global sex trade? - a 'pan'-demic
- as fire drill, test, in case of emergency, dress rehearsal?

And what happens if coronavirus were to come to Canyon, to people who weren't physically distant? ? ?

Time to begin adding a little further Yoga asana into my day re staying healthy. Am enjoying my Yoga sitting every morning first thing in ongoing way. ...  My most recent Scratch program, "Funky Snail's story,"was even teaching meditation funnily :)

Piping and dinner ahead ... hoping you have a great day tomorrow :)



But my coronavirus 'pan'-demic healthy scepticism also continues re: 1 testing, 2 vaccine 3 re kids not getting it at all 4 Sweden's thinking, and measured outcomes, as well as Denmark's and Norway's ... 5 KP physician Ed Smyth's lack of concern ... 6 the hype of the media selling news ... 'fire drill'?

Rapid response, testing, & tracking, have been so lacking - and why? ....  per Harvard trained geneticist Spencer Wells' echoing of Singaporean thinking, as he heads up on a 'track' to visit mountain orangutan primatologist Birutė Galdikas - https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/03/12/905346/singapore-is-the-model-for-how-to-handle-the-coronavirus/ - in that part of the world, and which was posted on Twitter from the MIT Tech Review which I appreciate ...

Love, Scott

Dear Ma,

How are you? Am hoping we elect a change in November, re current 'climate' in media in US. J.B. & E.W.? Appreciating E.W. as possible VP.

Keep thinking philosophy-wise regarding religion too? Appreciating George A.'s thinking in a variety of ways in this email. Appreciating, for example - https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html for its psychology as well (re psychoanalysis and psychiatry as well). The idea of the real, and the significance of the symbolic - re my writing here even.

Philosophical skepticism is good: healthy skepticism of Greg Mankiw's remembrance too? Covid-19 could refer here - http://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/2020/04/dorothy-theresa-sawchak-mankiw.html - to something else here besides the genetics of a virus in his mother's case at age ~91. ??? Economic and political thinking may be shaping many such coronavirus memes (ideas) too, like his. Appreciating too though his story telling here - esp if it could inform my finding a mate. How to find and connect with a great life partner - much nurturing of this thinking may be beneficial. (The idea of the real, and the significance of the symbolic - re my writing here even).

Aging reversal is a potential ahead which gives me some hope (although I am realistic that we aren't there yet, and successful research may take decades), for you, and I (and Sandy, and Ann and Cathy) ...

And further regarding Greg Mankiw's blog entry too, .... focus on storytelling, which he touches on re story telling. ... and his mentioning his grandparents, I think, seeking for his mother to marry an older man, re maturity potentially ... Appreciating the Harvard Professors' network here, and even regarding Dick (Robb MD), and George Church, for example, all together here.

Psychiatry for US president could have merit (long ago even) .... and we'll see what the people think in November. If E.W. becomes VP, one gets much of Harvard's thinking, as well as Harvard Law School networks in ~13-18 contested electoral college states ... which could help them increase their chances significantly of getting elected.

Have a good day, Ma! Am not clear - if with a life partner - when to live out here and when in Massachusetts and elsewhere, but will cross that bridge if we come to it. (Was whistle-blowing a bit yesterday re Canyon in these regards in my email to you, since those 20-30 yo Canyon folks weren't sheltering at home during this coronavirus 'pan'-demic; There might be a Yogic or Quaker teaching opportunity here, but I hope the state of CA and psychiatry and cultural processes will change things for the better). On with a little Angela & Victor inspired Yoga, and philosophical thinking (Western, and Eastern, analytic, linguistic, mind-oriented, as well as a kind of meditation-philosophy re inner releasing action attuning) and f/Friendliness, and hopefully, too, my big project will help innumerable people - affecting a kind of ecology here.

Am welcoming your thinking about connecting further with a life partner, Ma! :)

Hoping you have a great day!

Love, Scott

Again, Ma,

On with a little Angela & Victor inspired Yoga, and philosophical thinking (Western, and Eastern, analytic, linguistic, mind-oriented, as well as a kind of meditation-philosophy re inner releasing action attuning) and f/Friendliness, and hopefully, too, my big project will help innumerable people - affecting a kind of ecology here.

Mind-oriented (IN WESTERN PHILOSOPHICAL SENSES) as well as CONSCIOUSNESS-oriented ...
Love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com



I hope you're having a good day. How are you?

Folks in Canyon aren't 'sheltering at home' that much at all in the middle of this 'national emergency' and 'California state emergency' - and am not sure why ... what if folks contract the coronavirus out of of Canyon, and bring it back here? Canyon may already be a little 'pan'- re the Covid-19 pandemic that's in full swing in this country, and in so many countries in the world!

So, again, on with a little Angela & Victor inspired Yoga, and philosophical thinking (Western, and Eastern, analytic, linguistic, mind-oriented, as well as a kind of meditation-philosophy re inner releasing action attuning) and f/Friendliness, and hopefully, too, my big project will help innumerable people - affecting a kind of ecology here. ... re ethics and potentially wisdom, and goodness ... and seeking a life partner :)

Philosophical thinking which is 'mind'-oriented (IN WESTERN PHILOSOPHICAL SENSES) as well as CONSCIOUSNESS-oriented ... and a kind of MIT thinking as well, I'll call this.

Am hoping you get out for a nice walk soon, Ma! Am heading out walking at some point too. Blogged about meditation and re programming Funky Snail's Story with robotics in these regards here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/kalinga-ornata-found-myself-teaching.html - and much more, including a focus on psychiatry / psychoanalysis, - as well as creatively re 'realistic artificial humans' in these regards.

Sending love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

Hi Scott,

Isn’t this all such a challenge?  To adapt to the sheltering at home is, I should guess, particularly difficult for gregarious young people  who are always out and about.  As someone said, “I sure wouldn’t want to be a senior in high school or a college senior at this time.  The former must wonder about their fall plans at all and the latter about getting a job.  We’re going to need a lot of very thoughtful people to help rebuild this world of ours.  I’m following Chris Cuomo and his brother Andrew Cuomo, the Governor of New York as they discuss these issues on CNN.

The UU church service today was very thoughtful.  Lots of references to people struggling with adversity and figuring out some of the positive things that might come out of this.  I did hear that fracking may be a lost cause - companies have ceased fracking operations aa least at the moment.  That would be wonderful.  Western PA has been an active fracking area.  Also, I read that there is less pollution in the air which is a small benefit of the shutdown.

Trying to get through Beloved by Toni Morrison.  I may just drop it and move on to something else.

So glad you are “sheltering” and being careful in every way until this pandemic resolves.

Love, Ma

Thanks so much, Ma!

(It's Easter in Greece today! and I just wished my friend Petros, there, Happy Easter - they celebrate it in very beautiful ways, from what I've seen). Glad you enjoyed and found edifying the UU service today, and re narratives in dealing with adversity!

Yes - interesting time, it recently dawned on me in new ways: if I think about all the remarkable innovation occurring in the digital sphere (and even since the 1950s!!!) ... and re what I see on Twitter, for example, (and per my course and what I teach about in my course on the "Network Society and Information Technology, and the Global University") ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html
 ... and leave aside the mindset somehow generated by coronavirus pan-demic and as I see it our unwell pan-president.

Glad you're “sheltering” too, Ma, and hope you're being careful in every way until this pandemic resolves.

With seek to keep things simple too! Thank you!

Sending love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

Petros Kalligas
2:50 PM (1 hour ago)
to me

Thank you Scott. We are celebrating Easter this year in a coronavirus mode. Regarding tomorrow would it be possible to move our call one or two hours later as I will be seeing some friends at ca. 8am PDT and our gathering might be extended as we have not seen each other for quite some time.
Alternatively we could move it to Tuesday or next week, whichever suits you best.
Thank you very much and Καλό Πάσχα.

Scott MacLeod
3:00 PM (52 minutes ago)
to Peter, Larry, Koh, Barbara, Petros


Easter in Corona mode in Greece online sounds new, and interesting, - and Greece is 'old!' :) Καλό Πάσχα.

Let's hold off on meeting in a Livestream until WUaS gets recording and live-streaming to the World Univ & Sch LIvestream channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch - on a Monday at 10 am PT in the next couple of weeks.

Warm greetings to your mother and father. It was very nice to meet them in 2004, I think!

Best, Scott

lil easter focaccia humor from ⁦@thisischristina


(from amazing Tufts' Univ Anthropology Professor Nick Seaver's wife in Boston - https://twitter.com/thisischristina - and an impressive biologist / biotechnologist in her own right - http://agapakis.com/. Nick studies culture as algorithms in mind-expanding ways).

And a little WUaS brainstorming re artificial humans - :)

Open Band (Berkeley)@TheOpenBand
Smartphone video-to-3D #FilmTo3D with #GooglePoly> #RealisticArtificialHumans aka #SamsungNeons as #AvatarBot Scottish Country Dancers #ScottishCountryDancing #DanceScottish ~ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Country_Dancing
& Musicians https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipes ? #DanceScottishAtHome?

here, with more > https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/kalinga-ornata-found-myself-teaching.html ...

not enough space for these labels:

dancing, Quaker, Canyon, traveling, symbols, primates, Unitarian Universalist, medicine, society and information technology, Angela and Victor yoga, Greece


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