Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Geissorhiza ovata: "Hot spring inns invite #onsen lovers to go virtual as #coronavirus halts tourism" @HarbinBook "The 1st batch of videos, already on YouTube, takes viewers wearing VR headsets to 5 inns"> #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarth * * * Poetry reading Paul Jolly online (who's both a non-theist and a Quaker) * * * Brainstorming-wise, questions about your thoughts about how a project manager might work out of the city you live in; It's wouldn't be like going to the Google office near you or in Mountain View, CA, but hopefully much via Google software, as well as regarding online bookstore, computer store, robotics' store, hospital technologies' store, for students and learners, but eventually with on-the-ground stores ... and perhaps all also in a single realistic virtual earth for everything * * Further ideas for #VirtualHotSprings in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth How to begin to do #BrainResearch w these Japanese beginnings https://youtu.be/AFrTTMbQx1o & #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy >& in creating #RealisticVirtualHarbin for ethnographic & #MindResearch?

Next: Giam Kanching (Hopea subalata): "Join a network of almost 600 Old Fettesians on Fettes Community," Biggest busy-ness is the writing of a daily blog post, I suppose - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/bagpiping - with much envisioning of MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, planned in ~200 countries' official languages, and in all 7,117 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning * "Dear Scott, Very exciting developments. Are you still playing pipes? ..." * Impressive that your son is Editor in Chief of Edinburgh University student paper. (Let's stay in touch about the WUaS Universitian student newspaper * * I began this WUaS Newspaper - The MIT OpenCourseWare Daily - some years ago in the free Paper.li - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1257484405582503936?s=20 - and now it posts daily to WUaS on Twitter with, importantly, the MIT OCW licensing clarifications, that WUaS is building upon. AMAZING > the name, the daily posting, the images, and the contacts and #hashtags, and while I think it's partly AI generated, I also think there's a person behind this, and I don't know who! :) * Am reading many newspapers these days online, in the coronavirus pandemic, Andrew - and Google Translate is making reading many non-English papers accessible

"Hot spring inns invite #onsen lovers to go virtual as #coronavirus halts tourism" https://youtu.be/AFrTTMbQx1o
@HarbinBook "The 1st batch of videos, already on YouTube, takes viewers wearing VR headsets to 5 inns"> #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarth ~


The 1st batch of 5 Hot Springs' inns' videos takes #onsen lovers wearing VR headsets for #VirtualSoaking - https://www.youtube. com/results?search_query=%23有馬温泉湯めぐりVR - #coronavirus halts #tourism
@HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarthForSoaking ~


The 1st batch of 5 Hot Springs' inns' videos takes #onsen lovers wearing VR headsets for #VirtualSoaking > https://www.youtube. com/results?search_query=%23有馬温泉湯めぐりVR - #coronavirus halts #tourism
@HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarthForSoaking ~



* *

Further ideas for a realistic virtual earth, virtual hot springs (now how to begin to do brain research with these Japanese beginnings), and poetry (my most recent poem, beginning with some lines by Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney, and about both consciousness as well as Harbin Hot Springs:) - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/geissorhiza-ovata-hot-spring-inns.html -Would like to explore brain research with brainwave headsets from home, and visual research too, with this first video - https://youtu.be/AFrTTMbQx1o - and ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy wise, and further with creating a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs for ethnographic and brain research in mind as well.  :)--

 - https://youtu.be/AFrTTMbQx1o -

Further ideas for #VirtualHotSprings in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth How to begin to do brain research w these Japanese beginnings https://youtu.be/AFrTTMbQx1o & #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy >https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/geissorhiza-ovata-hot-spring-inns.html & in creating #RealisticVirtualHarbin for ethnographic & brain research?



Further ideas for #VirtualHotSprings in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth How to begin to do #BrainResearch w these Japanese beginnings https://youtu.be/AFrTTMbQx1o & #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy >https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/geissorhiza-ovata-hot-spring-inns.html & in creating #RealisticVirtualHarbin for ethnographic & #MindResearch?


* * *

Thank you, Paul!
Paul Jolly

World Univ & Sch is growing, but still isn't financially operational. But this is also opening ways to further exploring collaborations with Google beyond Google for Education, and further new MIT exploratory collaborations, for example. If you know of Quaker or other 18 year olds who might be interested in a free-to-students' online Bachelor program, as WUaS licenses with the state of California's BPPE and probably WASC senior, please let me know.

Glad to see both the links you and Joann posted were Quaker (Barclay Press, and she with a George Fox University Master's Degree) - and seemingly Oregon based! Impressive turnout as well! Was glad too to see a number of friends - and some from even the 1980s - in Multnomah Monthly Meeting in Portland, OR, and at Pendle Hill, I think - as well as from AFSC SF! When were you head of fundraising at Pendle Hill? Thanks for both of your sometimes hippy-informed, or countercultural in a sense :) poetry, and creativity!

Do you know Anselm Hollo's 'Lost Original' poem -
(And do you or Joann know what his 'Rilke damage' in this poem refers to?)

And have you or Joann read with, or worked with, Kim Stafford, who's Oregon's poet laureate, and a Professor at Lewis & Clark (as was his father):
Kim Stafford on Haiku in the Columbia River Gorge
"Oregon Poet Laureate Kim Stafford on Haiku"

Here's a recent poem I wrote, beginning with some lines by Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney, and about both consciousness as well as Harbin Hot Springs:

Chameleon vision: Poem ~ "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality"

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/chameleon-vision-poem-to-dance-or-pools.html :)

Am hoping you're doing well as the coronavirus pandemic proceeds, and California begins to open again.

Friendly cheers,
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/poetry -
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html -
(Am hoping too our WUaS Press will eventually emerge out of the Google platform, and for machine translation too - in addition to online and on-the-ground bookstores / computer stores / robotics' stores and hospital technologies' stores - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/04/15-planned-wuas-revenue-streams-both.html) Cheers, Scott

* * *

Dear Alan, 

Thanks for your email. Yes, a professional WUaS website - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - update is long due (12 years?). 

I noticed this Boston University epidemiologist professor Ellie Murray uses Google Sites:

"Epidemiologists: there is going to be a pandemic if we don’t act now with test/trace/isolate + adequate protective equipment for essential personnel + social distancing as a last resort.

Economists: we did only the social distancing part & it didn’t work, you’re all liars!"

And WUaS's all languages' focus suggests that Google Sites would be the best platform - initially for the approximately ~100 languages in Google Translate, and also as official languages in ~200 nation states. 

Yes, this email was sent to MIT President Rafael Reif - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/04/dear-mit-president-rafael-reif-possible.html - and, as a consequence, was very glad to have a 30 minute Zoom video conference around May 1 with the head of the MIT Office for Digital Learning Sanjay Sarma, with a CMU Master's degree, but WUaS is still seeking a way forward with something like MIT OCW into MITx on the edX platform which we can BPPE license and WASC accredit upon. This didn't emerge in conversation with Sanjay; will it emerge on some sort of open Google Platform, due to the MIT OCW's Creative Commons' 4 licensing? Well, in this email to Google's Head of Open Source, Edd Wilder-James (with mention of updating website the 5th item) - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/passion-flower-sword-billed-hummingbird.html - nothing has emerged yet. Alas! 

Further Google collaborations is what I'd wish for, for WUaS, since WUaS is already in Google for Education (this email address is in Google for Education / G Suite, for ex.) and in so many ways - see letter to Edd.

Would you like to join in on a Monday at 1pm ET, 10am PT, WUaS video conference about WUaS growing WUaS? 

I would invite you from here
and it would stream and be recorded to WUaS's new Youtube Livestream channel -
(and not here - https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch). It  would be great to talk about some of your great ideas that could further help our outreach.

Greetings to Sadie (and Chris Michaels), glad you and she are both doing well, and congratulations on all your developments with film-making and videography! 

All the Best, Scott

Ideas are growing in both blogs - see the 'global university' labels, and on this Twitter feeds as well:


Has Roberto worked with Google Sites (since WUaS is in Google for Education / G Suite), and in another language, like Spanish or Italian, for example - if you happen to know?

Regards, Scott

May 6, 2020, Wednesday 


Thanks, - am following up currently in some of these regards too with MIT President Rafael Reif, and potentially regarding Google Sites too. 

I'll send you an invitation from LightStream on Monday at 1pm your time, and let's talk about World Univ & Sch - your questions, for example. I'd be interested too in exploring, brainstorming-wise, questions about your thoughts about how a project manager might work out of Pittsburgh. It's wouldn't be like going to the Google office near Penn and Fifth, but hopefully much via Google software, as well as regarding online bookstore, computer store, robotics' store, hospital technologies' store, for students and learners, but eventually with on-the-ground stores ... and perhaps all also in a single realistic virtual earth for everything including architectural design, business development, - as well as for atmospheric science re reversing global warming. 

Sincerely, Scott

Am following up with these folks, and the Chair of the WUaS Board as well: 

MIT Media Lab @medialab 6m
“Our mentality is: Keep telling us what you need and we'll keep trying to figure out creative solutions.” @MindHandHeart talks to Kyle Filipe at @MIT_ISTnews about the Institute’s technical response to Covid-19.

More about Kyle Filipe here, as well as Mark Silis, Vice President for Information Systems and Technology, whom I learned about in the first article:  

3 Questions: Kyle Filipe on moving MIT online amid the Covid-19 pandemic
Director of IT support services for MIT Information Systems and Technology describes how his unit mobilized to prepare the MIT community for our new virtual landscape.


Vice President for Information Systems and Technology Mark Silis 


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