Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Giam Kanching (Hopea subalata): "Join a network of almost 600 Old Fettesians on Fettes Community," Biggest busy-ness is the writing of a daily blog post, I suppose - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/bagpiping - with much envisioning of MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, planned in ~200 countries' official languages, and in all 7,117 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning * "Dear Scott, Very exciting developments. Are you still playing pipes? ..." * Impressive that your son is Editor in Chief of Edinburgh University student paper. (Let's stay in touch about the WUaS Universitian student newspaper * * I began this WUaS Newspaper - The MIT OpenCourseWare Daily - some years ago in the free Paper.li - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1257484405582503936?s=20 - and now it posts daily to WUaS on Twitter with, importantly, the MIT OCW licensing clarifications, that WUaS is building upon. AMAZING > the name, the daily posting, the images, and the contacts and #hashtags, and while I think it's partly AI generated, I also think there's a person behind this, and I don't know who! :) * Am reading many newspapers these days online, in the coronavirus pandemic, Andrew - and Google Translate is making reading many non-English papers accessible

Previous: Geissorhiza ovata: "Hot spring inns invite #onsen lovers to go virtual as #coronavirus halts tourism" @HarbinBook "The 1st batch of videos, already on YouTube, takes viewers wearing VR headsets to 5 inns"> #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarth * * * Poetry reading Paul Jolly online (who's both a non-theist and a Quaker) * * * Brainstorming-wise, questions about your thoughts about how a project manager might work out of the city you live in; It's wouldn't be like going to the Google office near you or in Mountain View, CA, but hopefully much via Google software, as well as regarding online bookstore, computer store, robotics' store, hospital technologies' store, for students and learners, but eventually with on-the-ground stores ... and perhaps all also in a single realistic virtual earth for everything * * Further ideas for #VirtualHotSprings in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth How to begin to do #BrainResearch w these Japanese beginnings https://youtu.be/AFrTTMbQx1o & #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy >& in creating #RealisticVirtualHarbin for ethnographic & #MindResearch?

Dear Andrew (friend in the Fettes Pipe Band), Yuen Lok (my study mate), and George (my Kimmerghame Housemaster), 

Blogged about this today a bit: 

Yuen Lok, in seeking out the natural item for this blog post today, I cam across the endangered Giam Kanching (Hopea subalata) tree in Malaysia. Do you know this tree? This forest? This nature center? 

This video is quite interesting, and well done, although I don't speak Malaysian, and translation here isn't yet available:
Giam Kanching (Hopea Subalata)

With very best wishes, Scott


Have you joined this emerging Fettes' Community - https://fettescommunity.org/directory? Am appreciating the possibility for posting updates - and re networking. (I teach about the Network Society and Information Technology - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html - in these regards as well). 



Fettes College
Dear  Scott
We are very excited that almost 600 Old Fettesians are now registered on our new online portal, exclusively for members of the Fettes community, which launched last week.
Why don’t you join them today at fettescommunity.org.
Once registered you will be able to access:
  • A directory of other users
  • A calendar of events
  • Exclusive content
  • Photo albums
  • Career networking and mentoring opportunities 
  • A jobs board 
  • Groups 
  • AND, towards the end of the year, access to the newly digitised and searchable archive of Old Fettesian Newsletters and Fettesian Magazines. 

What is your 'Peer Year'?
On registration you will be asked to enter your 'Peer Year'. Your 'Peer Year' is the year that connects you with your contemporaries during your time at school. 
If you arrived in or before 1970 your 'Peer Year' will be your start year and if you arrived after 1970 your 'Peer Year' is your leaving year.
If you left early you might prefer to enter a 'Peer Year' that matches your contemporaries.
You will also be able to connect with others via the portal and contribute to the Fettes Community feed by commenting on posts or by posting yourself. Please do get involved and help us create a vibrant and thriving digital community.
You can sign on with LinkedIn, Facebook or Google, or you can register with an email address and password. 
Fettes Community is currently open to Old Fettesians and former staff. We plan to launch to parents, past and present, senior pupils and current staff later this year. 
We are very grateful to Ryan Li (Gl 2010-2015) and his family for providing the financial support to make this possible. Their commitment to this project will help us keep the Fettes community connected for years to come.
Download the app
Fettes Community is also available to download as an app on the Apple Store and Google Play Store.
IOS Device
Step 1: Go to the Apple Store
Step 2: Search for 'Graduway Community' and download the app
Step 3: Open the 'Graduway Community' app and select 'Fettes College' as your institution
Step 4: Sign in/Register
Android Device
Step 1: Go to the Google Play Store
Step 2: Search for 'Fettes Community' and download the app
Step 3: Sign in/Register
If you have any queries about signing up to the portal or are having trouble logging in, please get in touch with us by emailing fettes.community@fettes.com.
Publicly available content now on fettes.com 
Finally, just a reminder that, as part of the transition towards launching this new Fettes Community portal, publicly available content, such as news and sadly departed announcements, is now on fettes.com/familyforlife.
With best wishes


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

9:59 AM (2 hours ago)
to AndrewYuenyuenlok.mokGeorgeGeorgeGeorge
Dear Andrew (friend in the Fettes Pipe Band), Yuen Lok (my study mate), and George (my Kimmerghame Housemaster),

Have you joined this emerging Fettes' Community - https://fettescommunity.org/directory? Am appreciating the possibility for posting updates - and re networking. (I teach about the Network Society and Information Technology - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html - in these regards as well). 



Andrew Lownie

10:05 AM (2 hours ago)
to me
Dear Scott,

Very good to hear from you. I tried to sign up but had difficult but will try again.

Impressed by your World University initiative. It must be doing well now.

Best wishes,  Andrew


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

10:10 AM (2 hours ago)
to Andrew
Dear Andrew, 

Thank you for your support!

I had some difficultly signing up, - after initial successful sign in. I assume they're iterating their software.

World Univ & Sch isn't doing well yet, but am seeking further collaboration with MIT per https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/04/dear-mit-president-rafael-reif-possible.html - and 2 other recent blog posts there. 

Seeking to matriculate online undergraduate students from the British Isles for free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch Bachelor degrees this autumn - and from Fettes?

Best wishes, Scott


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

10:12 AM (2 hours ago)
to yuenlok.mokGeorgeAndrew
Dear Andrew, Yuen Lok, and George, 

Thank you for your email reply, Andrew!
I had some difficultly signing up too with this Fettes community web platform, - after initial successful sign in. I assume they're iterating their software.

World Univ & Sch isn't doing well yet, but am seeking further collaboration with MIT per - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/04/dear-mit-president-rafael-reif-possible.html - and 2 other recent blog posts there. 
Seeking to matriculate online undergraduate students from the British Isles for free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch Bachelor degrees this autumn - and from Fettes?

Best wishes, Scott

Dear Scott,

Very exciting developments. Are you still playing pipes?


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

10:20 AM (2 hours ago)
to Andrew
Dear Andrew,

Yes, but now the Scottish small pipes, and am working on my first album, tentatively entitled 'Honey in the Bag' - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/western-honey-bee-re-my-upcoming-honey.html . Am also both giving SSP lessons on Skype, as well as taking lessons with Connor Sinclair at the National Piping Centre in Glasgow (who recently won the Glen Fiddich and the Northern Meeting at around age 23:).

Do you ever find your way to playing your practice chanter in London (since the GHB could be rather loud there in a town house!:)?



- Scott MacLeod


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

10:24 AM (2 hours ago)
to yuenlok.mokGeorgeAndrew
Andrew subsequently enquired if I'm still playing the pipes:

Yes, but now the Scottish small pipes, and am working on my first album, tentatively entitled 'Honey in the Bag' - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/western-honey-bee-re-my-upcoming-honey.html . Am also both giving SSP lessons on Skype, as well as taking lessons with Connor Sinclair at the National Piping Centre in Glasgow (who recently won the Glen Fiddich and the Northern Meeting at around age 23:).

Andrew: do you ever find your way to playing your practice chanter in London (since the GHB could be rather loud there in a town house!:)? Am waiting for real, real time music making on the web (and maybe World Univ & Sch's Music School can help facilitate this further - and regarding a Google platform - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Music:). Music-making at Fettes was fun - and there was a lot of it. 


- Scott MacLeod


Andrew Lownie

10:26 AM (2 hours ago)
to me
Dear Scott,

Very impressive cv.

My son learnt for a while  and I leant with him but I was terrible and – as you say the neighbours complained.


Dear Andrew, 

I hope your son might pick up the pipes again, if that would be enjoyable - and with you? Is he still boxing as well? 

Best regards, Scott
Scottish small pipes are playable in a town house! - 


Andrew Lownie

10:33 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
Dear Scott,

He’s stopped boxing but writes about it for boxing magazines. He’s currently Editor in Chief of Edinburgh University student paper.

Have you children?

Impressive that your son is Editor in Chief of Edinburgh University student paper. (Let's stay in touch about the WUaS Universitian - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_%22Universitian%22_Newspaper_at_WUaS - planned in all ~200 countries' official / main langauges, and with some machine translation). 

I began this WUaS Newspaper - The MIT OpenCourseWare Daily - some years ago in the free Paper.li - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1257484405582503936?s=20 - and now it posts daily to WUaS on Twitter with, importantly, the MIT OCW licensing clarifications, that WUaS is building upon. AMAZING > the name, the daily posting, the images, and the contacts and #hashtags, and while I think it's partly AI generated, I also think there's a person behind this, and I don't know who! :) 

Brainstorming-wise, start a Paper.li for your publishing endeavors? For the Edinburgh University student newspaper? 

Not yet! But I'm still seeking to ... with ??? 

Cheers, Scott 
Am reading many newspapers these days online, in the coronavirus pandemic, Andrew - and Google Translate is making reading many non-English papers accessible - the Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, and Dutch ones, for example - https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/news.html#record - but many other German newspapers especially (since I know German - and to improve my German as well; the media landscape too in German papers is much more (Goethe-?) grounded in reason, in my experience, than online USA papers! ). 

- Scott MacLeod


Andrew Lownie

10:50 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
Gosh you are busy. Best wishes, Andrew

Biggest busy-ness is the writing of a daily blog post, I suppose - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/bagpiping - with much envisioning of MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, planned in ~200 countries' official languages, and in all 7,117 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning. Hoping to create many academic faculty and staff careers, as well as 2.2 million jobs (as big as Walmart?) in all ~200 countries, on the bookstore/ computer store /robotics' store /hospital technologies' distribution center side of things - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/04/15-planned-wuas-revenue-streams-both.html?view=sidebar

More about piping here at times - 
https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand - and Scottish Country Dancing / music-making (in Berkeley - where I play in Open Band for SCD when we're not in the middle of global virus epidemic!). 

- Scott MacLeod




Giam Kanching (Hopea Subalata)


Amiruddin Alauddin

A documentary in the Malay language about one of the most rarest tree ("Hopea Subalata" or "Giam/Merawan Kanching" - Scientific name / or known as in the Malay language) which can ONLY be found in the forests of Peninsular Malaysia, no where else in the world. It is now categorized in the "Endangered Specie".

A documentary project done by my wife in Malaysia.


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