Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Native iris (Patersonia species): Yo Yo Ma: "The whole idea is service: You use your technique to transcend it, in order to serve ..." * * actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project, especially creating a realistic virtual Harbin - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualHarbin?src=hashtag_click - for soaking too is a main focus these days (a bit on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic) * * Seeking too to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGeology - in a single realistic virtual earth (for everything) - and conceptually like Google Street View / Maps / Earth with TensorFlow AI and group buildable * * I think the Tweeter is the chief CTO of Vanguard Mutual Funds (of all things) and Tweeting much about AI and machine learning * And could the windy road image have anything to do with John Hennessy, chair of Alphabet, and former president of Stanford for 16 years? * * Will Julia, R & Python be the next programming languages for #RealisticVirtualHarbin? * * So cool - probable next programming languages for a single realistic virtual earth for everything



I found this insight fascinating from 

Yo Yo Ma: 
'The whole idea is service: You use your technique to transcend it, in order to serve ...'

"Most of all the whole point of Solve is service. It's you use your technique to transcend it in order to serve."

At about the 1:05 of this 1:34 MIT video:
Virtual Solve at MIT 2020: Event Recap - "We're All One Crew."

(I attended this online conference and regarding to GM CEO Mary Barra's talk with MIT President Rafael Reif: 


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Hi Taylor, 

Good music-making (bagpiping) this evening in Skype. (I didn't know you had philosophical inclinations, which I noticed in Academia.edu, even in the 'Religion' vein, which I studied and majored in at Reed College). Am finding Cellist Yo Yo Ma a remarkably virtuosic music teacher as well. 

Yo Yo Ma: 

Something like: "The whole idea is service: You use your technique to transcend it, in order to serve ..."

At about the 1:05 of this 1:34 minute MIT video:

Thank you.

Piping cheers, 

- Scott MacLeod


Taylor, thanks! My Reed thesis was on feminist theology and focused on Rosemary Ruether's book "Sexism and God-talk: Toward a Feminist Theology," but one of my junior qualifying exams was on the problem of evil (re theodicy and John Hick's work - https://www.iep.utm.edu/hick/). Am now somewhat atheistically Quaker inclined (Nontheist Friends - or NtFs), UU too, - although my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project, especially creating a realistic virtual Harbin - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualHarbin?src=hashtag_click - for soaking too is a main focus these days (a bit on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic), and I suppose am a bit of a Harbin-ite in some ways as well; see: https://www.amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity). Reed's Hum 110 required first year course also focused on Aquinas and Augustine, for example. Academically, for me, ahead: MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School. :)

Happy piping, 
Visit the Harbin gatehouse here, and 'walk' down the 'road' 4 'miles' to 'amble' around Middletown, CA ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (accessible from ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~).

- Scott MacLeod

You can get my book ~ Naked Harbin Ethnography (in the Academic Press at World Univ & Sch) ~ here http://bit.ly/HarbinBook & via @HarbinBook


* * * 

Hi Mary, and Mark, 

Good to connect on LinkedIn, Mary. I'm writing to introduce you to one another, Mark, Mary - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-murrin-84a353/ - has been working at Chevron for about 6 years in the Houston area, and was a neighbor of mine in Pittsburgh, and my high school years there from 1974 -1979. Mark is now living in Portland, Maine, having just relocated from Newfoundland, Canada, after decades there; Mark is doing remarkable genealogical work these days family-wise.

This is Mark's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-macleod-7a048916/ and Anne's is https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-shoemaker/ . I've been in touch with Mark recently. 

How are your sister Cathy doing, and your mother, Mary?


* *

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

10:32 AM (2 hours ago)
to MarkMary
Glad to see you two connecting.

Seeking too to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGeology - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGeology?src=hashtag_click - in a single realistic virtual earth (for everything) - and conceptually like Google Street View / Maps / Earth with TensorFlow AI and group buildable too like SL, but realistic, and at the cellular and atomic levels too. This would be for actual-virtual, physical-digital developments in science, as well as robotics especially. (Here's a Livermore CA oil fields' example - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/10/double-flowered-world-univ-schs-live.html - coming into conversation with a Stanford Geology talk, where Mark got his Master's degree leading to his career, I think). This would be at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch, and as STEM field sites, and as classrooms too - but also entrepreneurially/commercially (like for oil extraction with atmospheric and ocean science planning).

All the best, 


Double-flowered: World Univ & Sch's Live Hangout on Air 10.22.18: A) Actual-Virtual Lego Robotics & B) Twin Studies, both in a Realistic Virtual Earth https://youtu.be/RJGEeU0Eo5c A) https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics & B) https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Twin_Studies > #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego & #RealisticVirtualEarthForCRISPR, How might we best develop a #RealisticVirtualEarth, as #RealisticVirtualEarthForGeology for geology & environmental safety+, a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory re images and maps from different dates & places, and for machine learning image comparison > One focus would be to find Stanford students to take the classes, who could both add photos and videos and maps to Google Street View with TIME SLIDER, and THEN to work with them with machine learning, I see a lot of potential for a comparative actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' project and actual-virtual Livermore oil fields project - and for STEM ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy (as a form of crowdsourcing this) - and as a Stanford starting place for building out a realistic virtual earth at the street view, cellular and atomic levels, for knowledge generation, soaking ...

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/10/double-flowered-world-univ-schs-live.html -


Mark, this just popped up in Twitter:

A compact comparison between Julia, R and Python - Data science in 2020
#DataScience #rstats #JuliaLang #Python by Günter Röhrich via

https://twitter.com/rzembo/status/1266771604371103746?s=20 - https://towardsdatascience.com/julia-r-and-python-7cd50c2b0fe4 - 

I think the Tweeter is the chief CTO of Vanguard Mutual Funds (of all things) and Tweeting much about AI and machine learning. 

And will these be the next programming languages for one realistic virtual earth (re geology and atmosphere simulations too)? There's both a windy road picture in the article (that's like the one on my Google Smart TV - so presumably in Google Street View too) ... And there's also a data table in the article for an iris flower - also germane to a realistic virtual earth for evolutionary biology - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolution?src=hashtag_click - and keying flower species (angiosperms). Is the windy road in a Celtic language country? 

And could the windy road image have anything to do with John Hennessy, chair of Alphabet, and former president of Stanford for 16 years? 

All of this is very germane too for creating a realistic virtual Harbin Hot springs for actual-virtual, physical-digital ethnographic comparison (into one realistic virtual earth / universe! :) ... See blog post again - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/10/double-flowered-world-univ-schs-live.html - in these regards too. 

Mark, do you know Robert Zembowicz, or John Hennessy? 

The idea with all of us creating a realistic virtual earth together - ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy (I'm calling this) - would be even as a new kind of publishing (post -

https://twitter.com/yalepress/status/1266792774281703425?s=20 ).

All the best, 
Visit the Harbin gatehouse here, and 'walk' down the 'road' 4 'miles' to 'amble' around Middletown, CA ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (accessible from ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~).

will Julia, R & Python be the next programming languages for #RealisticVirtualHarbin? See both windy road picture in article (like the one on Google Smart TV, so presumably in #GoogleStreetView too) And see data table in article for iris flower #RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolution~


Greetings to Cathe, Mary - and to your mom. My mother's enjoying her new cottage out in Verona / Oakmont - and I think they're in communication, although I didn't see your mom over Xmas, like I saw many of their friends. Do you miss your home on Linden, then your parents' home on Juniata Ct, all of a block and a half away:)? I sometimes wonder if we live longer than the upper age limit of 122 due to aging reversal genetics - https://youtu.be/bnCEIPQFNnk (and if we're in good health) - whether my mother could consider re-purchasing her home on Juniata Ct as a kind of creative project even, in addition to a home (since I could conceivably send my kids to Shady Side Academy as a high school perhaps, for ex., too) :)

Mary, what does Corporate Affairs entail? (World Univ & Sc is seeking to create major universities in all ~200 countries with online law schools even!)

Stay well!, 

Here's Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church (again):
"How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?"
- which you'll also find a couple of times in these longevity label blog posts - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity ... 

* *

realistic virtual Harbin

will Julia, R & Python be the next programming languages for #RealisticVirtualHarbin? See both windy road picture in article (like the one on Google Smart TV, so presumably in #GoogleStreetView too) And see data table in article for iris flower #RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolution~


will Julia, R & Python https://towardsdatascience.com/julia-r-and-python-7cd50c2b0fe4 be the next programming languages for #RealisticVirtualHarbin? @HarbinBook See both windy road picture in article (like the one on Google Smart TV, so presumably in #GoogleStreetView too) And see data table in article for iris flower


realistic virtual earth

will Julia, R & Python https://towardsdatascience.com/julia-r-and-python-7cd50c2b0fe4 be the next programming languages for #RealisticVirtualEarth? @HarbinBook See both windy road picture in article (like the one on Google Smart TV, so presumably in #GoogleStreetView too) And see data table in article for iris flower


* *
Mary, Mark,

Bogged a bit about all this here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/native-iris-patersonia-species-yo-yo-ma.html (didn't your Dad, Regis, have an interest in Bog men? and partly re archaeology - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology?src=hashtag_click ? :)

Regards, Scott

* *


Have blogged about this some today -
- and much more, including UUs, family, and, - so cool - probable next programming languages for a single realistic virtual earth for everything.

Happy piping,
http://scottmacleod.com/piping.htm -


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