Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Matilija poppies (Romneya): Online free-to-students' English degrees in the autumn from India at World Univ & Sch? * * Please stay tuned * * English literature: MIT OCW literature (127 courses) - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/ Yale OYC literature (4 courses) - https://oyc.yale.edu/english "English literature" Courses (7 results) https://www.edx.org/search?tab=course&q=English%20literature "Literature" Courses (62 results) https://www.edx.org/search?tab=course&q=Literature%20 ~

Previous: Native iris (Patersonia species): Yo Yo Ma: "The whole idea is service: You use your technique to transcend it, in order to serve ..." * * actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project, especially creating a realistic virtual Harbin - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualHarbin?src=hashtag_click - for soaking too is a main focus these days (a bit on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic) * * Seeking too to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGeology - in a single realistic virtual earth (for everything) - and conceptually like Google Street View / Maps / Earth with TensorFlow AI and group buildable * * I think the Tweeter is the chief CTO of Vanguard Mutual Funds (of all things) and Tweeting much about AI and machine learning * And could the windy road image have anything to do with John Hennessy, chair of Alphabet, and former president of Stanford for 16 years? * * Will Julia, R & Python be the next programming languages for #RealisticVirtualHarbin? * * So cool - probable next programming languages for a single realistic virtual earth for everything

Hi Shahbaz, 

Thanks for your emails, and your inquiries about an online free-to-students' Bachelor's degree program in English from India beginning this autumn 2020. And I hope you are doing well in these coronavirus pandemic times. 

The good news is MIT Professor Sanjay Sarma, and VP in the Office of Digital Learning has said (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/cosmos-bipinnatus-heard-back-from-mit.html) that World University and School can add MIT OCW > MITx courses on the edX platform to our WUaS Course Catalog https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk-V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P09LIk/edit?usp=sharing (http://worlduniversityandschool.org/). Thanks to Sanjay! And WUaS has begun to add these edX courses. 

The further good news is that there are about 69 'English' (7) and 'Literature' (62) edX courses (from many different universities offered on the edX platform), which I found recently (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/starfish-fromia-monilis-cc-4-mit-ocw.html), but these are not necessarily MITx from MIT OCW courses (which WUaS is focused upon due to licensing questions). There are also numerous CC-4 licensed MIT OCW LIterature courses, and there are a fair number of CC-3 licensed Yale OYC English courses too. All of these courses could be offered for free-to-students' Bachelor degrees, - with the edX courses on a more degree-oriented platform than the OpenCourseWare / OpenYaleCourses. WUaS is seeking to ask students to take about 40 courses over 4 years to complete a Bachelor's degree. 

In terms of WUaS's licensing (CA's BPPE) which is the first step in then concurrently accrediting (probably with WASC), all of the CA BPPE workshops have been cancelled through the end of 2020 (probably due to the coronavirus pandemic) - https://www.bppe.ca.gov/schools/application_workshops.shtml - which makes it difficult for WUaS to begin to offer online Bachelor (or Ph.D.) degrees that will then become accredited (as WUaS becomes accredited). (Also WUaS doesn't have the BPPE fee money to begin this process anyway).

So the answer to your question is that World Univ & Sch is working to offer online free-to-students' Bachelor degrees in English, and in all of our 6 planned WUaS majors / programs by this autumn 2020, but there are some challenges ahead. Please stay tuned. 



English literature: 
MIT OCW literature (127 courses) -

Yale OYC literature (4 courses) -

"English literature" Courses (7 results)

"Literature" Courses (62 results)

"English" Courses (71 results)

Dear Larry,

I clicked on all of our CC-4 MIT OCW links in WUaS's 6 majors - about 75 courses - and found about 14 edX < MITx courses, and have listed them -

WUaS 'English' and 'History' majors in Course Catalog had, by far, a majority of CC-3 licensed Yale OpenYaleCourses (OYC) with no YaleX links whatsoever - https://oyc.yale.edu/courses - so WUaS doesn't have the ability to offer the first year of an 'English' major, a major I'd think might have many WUaS applicants. And the MIT Literature courses I checked out don't have any edX links as well. These 7 courses, however, could be good starting places - https://www.edx.org/search?tab=course&q=English%20literature - from BerkeleyX, HarvardX, TsinghuaX and WellesleyX. There are however 62 'Literature' courses in edX. And It seems like Yale is listing many online courses with Coursera, and not edX. (Could be worth exploring if we could add these Coursera links/URLs as well to WUaS's catalog with time? )

Our WUaS prospective 1st English major, Shabhaz Sanjer, in India, just just now emailed, and asked about an English major beginning in the autumn, and perhaps the above would work as a starting point.

One question/ further clarification for MIT Professor and VP in Office of Digital Learning Sanjay Sarma: "Could WUaS please add these other edX courses to our WUas course catalog, as MIT and Harvard prepare their online platforms for the autumn in this time of coronavirus pandemic" OR "WUaS is going to add other edX courses, besides MIT OCW into MITx on the edX platform ... " I wonder what edX's relationship with these other BerkeleyX, HarvardX, TsinghuaX and WellesleyX etc. universities is, re fees, and who can list, and how reimbursement to these Universities from edX works?

So WUaS is a little short presently on courses beginning in the autumn for WUaS undergraduates in our 6 majors, but I wonder about listing other edX courses - and regarding seeking reimbursement, and regarding the edX money transfer mechanism. Am wondering too what MIT lawyers, or MIT legal processes the MIT Office of Digital Learning, and edX too, check out at MIT in all these regards too. There are probable enough courses to work with to cobble something together, all in all. Am not sure, however, how edX will communicate with the Departments of Education in all ~200 countries however. Our WUaS outreach is also a question.

I've also listed all 260 MITx courses I found in edX just below WUaS majors - as one link in the WUaS Course Catalog. And I listed the "MicroMasters® Program in Finance" on one line in the Course Catalog too, with its 5 courses, just under the WUaS Business Major.

Time to begin to see if we can add some more non-MITx courses to the WUaS Course Catalog, then figure out WUaS credit hours, - and perhaps even a rockin' first year required Reed Hum 110 course transposed into WUaS Hum 101, but on the edX platform, and created by Reed - and then figure out planning for WUaS cohorts too, if possible, with this Hum 101 course?

Build this all out on a Google Sites' platform professionally, and with planning for many languages? What about registering our WUaS students with a Wikidata Q-item number or Wikidata PIN # - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University?

Suggestions, questions, thoughts, ideas?

Sincerely, Scott











* *

Dear Sanjay, and Larry, 

Thanks for the clarification. World Univ & Sch continues to seek to observe the CC-4 MIT OCW, and the edX, licensing terms (and per our communication with MIT OCW director Cecilia d'Oliveira previously, that WUaS may 1) share, 2) adapt, 3) but non-commercially the CC-4 MIT OCW (now in 4 languages), - and see the further licensing clarifications here per her: http://worlduniversityandschool.org/). Am appreciative of the opportunity to communicate with you as MIT Professor and VP in the MIT Office of Digital Learning, and with Anant Agarwal as edX CEO (and with John Hennessy as chair of Alphabet, and former president of Stanford for 16 years, and Anant's professor as well; John may also be helpful with regards to WUaS planned Law and Medical degrees in ~200 countries' official languages emerging from Stanford Medicine and Stanford Law), - with regards to where World Univ & Sch is heading first with online Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees (per CA's BPPE) first in English (and soon in many languages). Thank you!

All the best, Scott


Dear Larry,

Looks like Sanjay's email was about both linking edX courses, and licensing/ endorsement clarifications.

Thinking in terms of Shahbaz Sanjer in India, one clarifying question for MIT legal:
Can WUaS add all edX courses, in English lit, for ex., to the WUaS course catalog (not just MIT OCW into MITx)?

I think Sanjay said we can here.

In that edX is creating a MicroBachelors and MicroMasters degrees - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MicroMasters (and edX here is listed as owner, with Anant and Sanjay as key people) - and since our BPPE workshops are cancelled, could edX/WUaS somehow create a NEW 'MacroBachelor' or 'MajorBachelor' degree with edX name credibility? A 'MacroPhD,''MajorPhD' too (and skip BPPE & WASC altogether)?

Reimbursement from countries' Depts. of Education, non-student sources via edX - pegged on MIT tuition level?

Am glad WUaS may be getting in communication with MIT legal (rather than edX legal), since this could open avenues to other questions regarding WUaS matriculating students each a Wikidata PIN # in 300 languages (7,117 living languages too regarding WUaS wiki schools?, & 7.5 billion people re UBI experiments too?), transcripts, - and re questions of edX money transfer mechanism.

This would be a very edX-centric set of developments for WUaS, - and I hope that the MIT LEGAL licensing clarifications re above would include questions of remuneration for WUaS.

Am hoping Shahbaz can enroll in the autumn, as model. Quality of WUaS degrees will inform reimbursement from countries' questions. Glad too that Sanjay is beginning to think in terms too of WUaS (and that MIT President Rafael Reif has his PhD from Stanford too, like Anant Agarwal).


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