Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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buttercup (R. aquatilis): What I've been reading - 6/14/20 week - Coronavirus + BlackLivesMatter

Next: Quercus chrysolepis (Canyon live oak): Genes and genealogy? - Here's Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church (again): "How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?" * * * Any chance you see a Peter Norvig (is a director of research at Google Inc., and used to be its director of search quality) / Google / Alphabet / Stanford getting their coding hands on Ancestry .com and especially with WikiTree (for all 7.5 billion people's genetic samples ... as well as for archaeology genetic samples)? * * * Another take on genetic ownership questions (gene database / narrative ownership, etc.), re other species ... a Wikidata Q-item # for individual species * Found the language I was referring to re "world's only open-access human genome and trait data sets" (per George Church)

What I've been reading this week through Sunday, 6/14/20

and also much from Twitter, and see, for example (esp. re-Tweets):



Coronavirus Su 6/14/20 + BlackLivesMatter
Beijing's reactions exaggerated? Rather not
As of June 14, 2020 | Reading time: 2 minutes
Author photo NEW DIE WELT Photo shoot 27.09.-07.10.2016 Pia Heinemann Photo: Claudius Pflug
By Pia Heinemann
Pekings Reaktionen übertrieben? Eher nicht
Stand: 14.06.2020 | Lesedauer: 2 Minuten
Autorenfoto NEU DIE WELT Fotoshooting 27.09.-07.10.2016 Pia Heinemann Foto: Claudius Pflug
Von Pia Heinemann
Ressortleiterin Wissen

Löfven: Sweden's strategy has not failed
SwedenThe many deaths in covid-19 in Swedish elderly housing have nothing to do with Sweden's strategy against the infection. This is stated by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) in SVT's Agenda .
- It has nothing to do with the strategy. It has to do with the fact that we have shortcomings in society that we are now correcting.

Putin ends Corona
As of June 14, 2020 | Reading time: 5 minutes
By Pavel Lokshin
Putin beendet Corona
Stand: 23:53 Uhr | Lesedauer: 5 Minuten
Von Pavel Lokshin

14-June-2020 at 18:34
Covid-19: Senegal receives donations from Morocco
APA-Dakar (Senegal) By Ibrahima Dione - The Kingdom of Morocco is providing precious material aid to Senegal as part of its response to the new coronavirus.

Coronavirus tracking apps don't need 60% adoption to be effective.

Emmanuel Macron regains control of post-Covid-19 France
ANALYSIS. The French President has confirmed the end of deconfinement throughout the territory of France. A stimulus speech for the country, and for its mandate, against the backdrop of its government's good management of the health crisis

US election campaign: Trump's uncertain appearance - internet network laughs at President

Macron declares the whole of France to be a green zone, tourists can enter Spain from June 21 - the latest developments in the corona virus worldwide
To date, over 431,400 people have died from infection with Sars-CoV-2. More than 7.8 million people have tested positive since the outbreak.

Child study
Berlin also wants to test students without symptoms from this Monday
It is questionable whether the children's study will be successful: So far only 22 out of 24 schools are participating - and the consent of almost all parents and children is still missing.

Wind farms? Then much prefer solar panels
Regions are now opting more for solar energy than wind energy, as a result of resistance to windmills and the reduced price of solar panels. On balance it is more expensive, but the climate target is within reach.

How apps should free us from the virus worldwide
From Austria to South Korea, more and more countries are using cell phone technology as a weapon against the corona virus. Privacyists are concerned almost everywhere
June 14, 2020, 5:10 p.m.   648 posts

Updates: New Details of Atlanta Shooting Fuel Debate on Use of Force
The police chief stepped down less than 24 hours after a police officer shot and killed Rayshard Brooks at a Wendy’s drive-through. The officer was fired.
New video offers details of the shooting, which set off new protests and fears of destructive flare-ups. Here’s the latest.

Coop customers can check the climate footprint of purchases on their mobile
The app should tell customers in Coop's stores whether they buy more or less climate-friendly than average.

Corona will hit him at the earliest when he turns 115
Sten Hegeler is not afraid of being hit by covid-19. Or of death for that matter. Therefore, the 97-year-old writer and psychologist has also said no to meeting his clients in his private practice during the corona crisis. But he has missed being able to go to a restaurant and see people cycling past the street outside his studio apartment in Frederiksberg.
[object object]
“I don't think that has been said very wisely in recent months. On the contrary, it is as if common sense has been put out of order. When old people in the country's nursing home are not allowed to visit their family because they are afraid of being infected and dying of corona, we have lost sight. Instead, they die of loneliness. There is not much common sense in God, ”says author and psychologist Sten Hegeler. Stock Photo: Simon Løsøe

Hank Greely Retweeted
Vinay Gupta
@leashless 5h
US coronavirus books are completely cooked.

One estimate: 3000 extra deaths a week.
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Coronavirus Sa 6/13/20 + BlackLivesMatter

Europe's African American
Europas Afroamerikaner
Stand: 13.06.2020 | Lesedauer: 9 Minuten
Von Stefanie Bolzen, Elisalex Henckel, Martina Meister, Caroline Turzer, Uta Weisse


Where the corona virus invades
The virus docks on the ACE2 receptors in the body. They exist in different organs - that's why infections are different
Bernadette Redl
June 13, 2020, 5:00 p.m.

New corona outbreak on wholesale market in Beijing, Russia announces vaccine production - the latest developments in corona virus worldwide
The Muscovites are drawn outside - hardly anyone adheres to guidelines: This is how the NZZ correspondents experience the corona crisis - and the return to everyday life

Corona in Germany: border controls are lifted - the date is known
Corona in Deutschland: Grenzkontrollen werden aufgehoben – Datum steht fest

Protest against racism
Kneeling up
Those who are now demonstrating against racially motivated violence are appropriating the oppressor's knee as a combat gesture. This is very strong.  WALTRAUD SCHWAB

Corona and Floyd link Biden's agenda

Brigham and Women’s resident graduates say farewell in a socially distanced photo
This year the photo of the graduating class of internal medicine residents at Brigham and Women’s Hospital was taken by a drone, the faculty and residents standing 6 feet apart so the gathering spilled from the steps onto the lawn.

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Coronavirus F 6/12/20 + BlackLivesMatter

Infection protection Gotland about the message: Do not understand
Region Gotland's infection prevention doctors point out that other regions have been less stressed.

Live. Overnight in Copenhagen okay - except for Swedes

Forced by the pandemic, health care plunges into the digital age
Telehealth swept across the normally change-resistant world of health care with astonishing speed. And it is transforming doctor-patient interactions in ways that will continue to evolve.

WHO warns: The infection is increasing in the southern hemisphere
The virus is on the rise even in the states that have started to open in the US.

Mayor Walsh declares racism a public health crisis in Boston, will seek to transfer 20% of police overtime budget to social services
“We’re not going to let this moment or this movement pass us by,” Mayor Martin J. Walsh said Friday. “I pledged to make Boston a national leader in this work and we are following through on our pledge.”

June 12, 2020, 8:27 p.m.
Tense situation in the United States:
With the "Glock" on the terrace
Giant letters spelling out the slogan 'Black Lives Matter' are painted on the road along 15th Street in downtown Oakland, CaliforniaOpen detailed view
Large letters are used to demonstrate against racism in Oakland

Florida and Texas Report Record High Daily Coronavirus Cases
The two states both reported their highest daily totals of new infections, a concerning sign as the country begins to ease social distancing restrictions.
Amid the pandemic and mass protests, the Trump administration continued to advance policies to restrict legal immigration.
The United States may see 124,000 to 140,000 virus deaths by the Fourth of July, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. Here’s the latest.

coronavirus |A strange virus from China revolutionized life in three months - the timeline shows how the epidemic progressed in Finland

School trip to Italy :
Cancellation stress instead of school trip
Berlin teachers fear that they will be left behind if the planned trip is canceled due to fear of corona infections. As of August, the Senate also permits trips abroad again.

Schülerfahrt nach Italien :
Stornostress statt Klassenfahrt
Berliner Lehrer fürchten, auf den Kosten sitzen zu bleiben, wenn die geplante Fahrt aus Angst vor Corona-Infektionen abgesagt wird. Der  Senat erlaubt ab August auch Fahrten ins Ausland wieder.
12.6.2020 - 06:49 , Annika Leister
Families have grandparents provide "distance education"
During the coronavirus crisis, monitoring children's homework in addition to telework was a challenge for many parents. Some have called on the grandparents, through interposed screens, to ensure the class.
By Violaine Morin

HKFP Lens: Iconic photos from Hong Kong’s historic year of dissent

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Coronavirus Th 6/11/20 + BlackLivesMatter
Late night deals, international holdups, and curious characters: Inside the state’s quest for PPE
The state loosened its normal rules for purchasing supplies, giving agencies more freedom to make deals. Pandemic profiteers seized on the opportunity.

‘I’m willing to go to jail,’ says owner of Oxford gym that continues to stay open, despite warnings from town officials
Warnings from town officials and thousands of dollars of fines aren’t stopping Dave Blondin from operating his gym in Oxford. 3 hours ago

Warum Tier-Adoptionen in der Pandemie sehr gut überlegt sein sollten
Ein kuscheliger Vierbeiner, um die Einsamkeit des Lockdowns erträglicher zu gestalten – dieser Gedanke hat sich bei einigen festgesetzt
Thorben Pollerhof

What makes a German judgment on homeopathy remarkable
A court in Darmstadt has ruled that medicinal products with content that cannot be detected are allowed to advertise. Why actually?
Sascha Jung

Students likely to attend school only part time this fall, local officials warn
By James Vaznis Globe Staff,Updated June 10, 2020

With some remote learning likely for the fall, schools agonize over how much Zoom time to impose
By Jenna Russell Globe Staff,Updated June 10, 2020

Faculty grow uneasy as universities scramble to bring students back to campus
Many are concerned about their health, and plans for hybrid teaching methods.

Joe Biden befürchtet Betrug Donald Trumps bei US-Präsidentschaftswahl

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Coronavirus W 6/10/20 + BlackLivesMatter

( A further argument for 'in case of emergency' - improve the science dramatically in this window of opportunity - and re my other 4 hypothetical news' items, and re science industry too? ... )

Anthony Fauci warns that ‘nightmare’ pandemic isn’t close to over
By Vincent Barone

Coronavirus Cases Surge in States That Eased Lockdowns Two Weeks Ago

14.06.20 16:21


Coronavirus enters the body through the nose
by Pamela Dörhöfer
US-Forscher mit neuen Erkenntnissen: Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 dringt über Nase in Körper ein

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Coronavirus Tu 6/9/20 + BlackLivesMatter

From overtourism to zero tourism: the Chinese do not wish many people in Lucerne back
The discomfort towards group tourists is great. This is the conclusion of a population survey in the city of Lucerne. The tourism crisis due to the Corona pandemic may change this attitude.

Erich Aschwanden

 Vom Overtourism zum Null-Tourismus: Viele Luzerner wünschen sich die Chinesen nicht zurück

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT
Several countries proclaim themselves virus-free
Anders Tegnell is skeptical: From my point of view it sounds completely impossible.

Corona crisis:
"I'm stunned right now"
Eva Schüler has been listening to people's concerns on the phone for 16 years. Because of Corona there have been more. Our reporter accompanies you through a shift.
By Dilan Gropengiesser

Continued military presence in Boston is troubling, activists and scholars say

Corona in Germany: RKI reports current number of reproductions

+++ 21.11 PM: no district in Germany currently exceeds the agreed limit of 50  new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. 112 of 412 counties have therefore not registered any new infections in the past seven days. The RKI announced on Wednesday (June 10, 2020). Most new infections are currently in Bremerhaven, Sonneberg and Göttingen.
Virologe Streeck: Corona-Lockdown war womöglich unnötig - RKI meldet aktuelle Zahlen

Virologist Streeck criticizes German lockdown
As of June 10, 2020
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Coronavirus M 6/8/20 + BlackLivesMatter

Photo: Anders Wiklund / TT
Mortality is approaching normal levels
Anders Tegnell: It is important to look at the death rates in covid-19 that we continue to measure.

“Pilot project” - 6000 Germans are allowed to go to the Balearic Islands from June 15th
„Pilotprojekt“ – 6000 Deutsche dürfen schon ab 15. Juni auf die Balearen

„Todesstoß“ für Tourismus – Airlines verbünden sich gegen Quarantäne-Plan

George Floyd
What the George Floyd protests have achieved in just two weeks
Minneapolis voted to defund its police, New York City vowed to reform NYPD and statues were toppled across the country
Moments of hope and solidarity from the George Floyd protests – video

Norway is now preparing to produce important antibiotics itself
The authorities are considering whether Norway should invest more in its own drug production and in particular antibiotics.

What does it mean that activists will liquidate the police? Sails up as hot issue in US election campaign.
Hva betyr det at aktivister vil avvikle politiet? Seiler opp som het sak i USAs valgkamp.

coronavirus |Teleworkers have started returning to offices - this way you avoid the worst risks of infection in the workplace
9.6. 6:36

Teachers brace for layoffs in unprecedented times
Layoff notifications in Randolph, Brookline, and other school districts spark concerns
By Meghan E. Irons Globe Staff,Updated June 8, 2020

Chief physician sounds alarm: Denmark
has no plan against a new wave of infection

Digital solution
What can the German Corona warning app do?
Health Minister Jens Spahn has announced the release this week. Where does the app have its strengths, where are the weaknesses? An overview.

Stanford Planning for Half of Undergrads on Campus Per Quarter Next Year
Stanford University is planning to house half of its undergraduate student population on campus per quarter in the upcoming school year in response to the ...

Shares of airlines, retailers, cruise liners and other companies tied to the reopening of the economy led the market higher on the heels of Friday’s upbeat jobs report. The technology-laden Nasdaq Composite index hit its first record close since February.

In pictures: intense flooding in Lapland reaches its peak

SCIENTISTS AT THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE have said that the intense flooding in Lapland, which is some of the most extreme in recent memory, has now reached its peak and will likely subside in the coming days.

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* *

buttercup (R. aquatilis): What I've been reading - 6/14/20 week - Coronavirus + BlackLivesMatter

buttercup (R. alismifolius): What I've been reading - 5/31/20 week - Coronavirus

buttercup (R. acris): What I've been reading - 5/17/20 week - Coronavirus


buttercup (R. aconitifolius): What I've been reading - 5/3/20 week - Coronavirus

* * *

SUNDAY, JUNE 07, 2020

What I've been watching

Over the past week, I have watched the six-part HBO miniseries The Plot Against America, which came out in March. It is based on the 2004 Philip Roth novel of the same title and tells an alternative history in which FDR is defeated in 1940 by the fascist-sympathizing Charles Lindbergh through the eyes of a Jewish family living in Newark, NJ. Compelling story, well acted. It is the best piece of television I have seen in years.




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