Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Quercus chrysolepis (Canyon live oak): Genes and genealogy? - Here's Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church (again): "How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?" * * * Any chance you see a Peter Norvig (is a director of research at Google Inc., and used to be its director of search quality) / Google / Alphabet / Stanford getting their coding hands on Ancestry .com and especially with WikiTree (for all 7.5 billion people's genetic samples ... as well as for archaeology genetic samples)? * * * Another take on genetic ownership questions (gene database / narrative ownership, etc.), re other species ... a Wikidata Q-item # for individual species * Found the language I was referring to re "world's only open-access human genome and trait data sets" (per George Church)


Genealogy software planning for all 7.5 billion people with DNA sampling (and for other species?) ... WikiTree? You at WUaS? 


Any chance you see a Peter Norvig (who is a director of research at Google Inc., and used to be its director of search quality) / Google / Alphabet / Stanford getting their coding hands on Ancestry .com and especially with WikiTree (for all 7.5 billion people's genetic samples ... as well as for archaeology genetic samples) ... and improving and integrating both software (perhaps even in a realistic virtual earth for genetics - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?src=hashtag_click? :) and DNA sampling, anticipating all species, living and past?

Would still like to add your great DNA-related find of James Edward McLeod's parents from Isle of Raasay in Scotland - Norman MacLeod and Isobel MacKenzie - to my tree with a click, but this hasn't worked out any number of times. (A kind of frustration emerges regarding the $20 / month too to A .com that their software seems to be so bad, that there's no feedback loop for improving it, and they don't seem to be on a path to improve it either, whatsoever). Would seek to give people the control of their own narratives in such a related emergent realistic virtual earth for home genealogy - and at WUaS even ... in a way that echoes Google's ethos / culture (re data ownership questions too, re science questions, as well as re narratives) - and with time in 3D conversational interactivity even (eg I'd like to be able to converse with James Edward McLeod on PEI, in the Boston area, and in Scotland - am thinking Google Street View with time slider where the little "Pegman" avatar grows into realistic avatars or 'artificial humans' per Samsung 'Neons' even) - All dovetailing with a single realistic virtual earth for history, realistic virtual earth for geology, realistic virtual earth for archaeology (see related #Hashtags in Twitter ).  

Mark, thanks again for your remarkable Norman MacLeod and Isobel MacKenzie DNA discoveries!

Best regards, 

Open Band (Berkeley) @TheOpenBand Mar 4
Church of England to launch a 'Google Maps for graves' w/i five years enabling family historians to search for burial records & locations in an online database -https://dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8068893/Church-England-launch-Google-Maps-graves-five-years.html #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Thanks for the note Scott. Ancestry software does indeed suck. But I have found ways to get around some issues and mostly have learned to live with the inefficiencies. I think the reason people stick with Ancestry is their huge worldwide database of information, including the largest DNA database. Somehow I don't think they will freely give that over to Google or anybody else.

As I have said before, simply having the data does not mean you understand how everyone is connected. That still takes work and time. AI could make it easier but I think it will be a while before we can eliminate the tedious work of piecing it all together. I suspect a lot of what Ancestry serves up as 'hints' is driven by some sophisticated software.

Now for a fun fact and an example of just one complexity:

Yesterday I discovered a DNA connection to a Gary Johnson. Jim Alan MacLeod,  you, my sister Jen, my nephew Mark Shoemaker, Mary Bonczek and I are all matches to both Gary and his sister Lori. You'll find both in your Ancestry match list at a low 8 cMs. Jim Alan matches at 24 cMs.

Who is Gary Johnson, you ask!

Do you remember, in 2016, that there was a Libertarian candidate for President, running against Trump and Clinton? It was Gary Johnson, the same person that is our DNA match! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Johnson#CEO_of_Cannabis_Sativa_Inc.

And how are we related, you ask!

It's complicated. His father was adopted and it looks like some wily ancestor of ours got his grandmother pregnant when she was only 19 and unmarried. She gave Gary's father up for adoption. We don't know who this wily bugger was but we may just find out with some more digging a DNA matching. I've been in email contact with both Lori and Gary.


Thanks, and interesting, Mark, 

Am a bit wary - philosophical skepticism might be another way of saying this - of wily critters, including re knowledge generation, and re emergent narratives too ... (and seeking here even to marry a MD, someone I'm attracted to, a Z.B. possibly? ... or ... re family tree genealogy questions ... 

Am curious in an ongoing way about WikiTree's remarkable potential (and regarding WUaS's focus on coding for 7.5 billion people in a variety of ways - and these 5 to begin, including genes-wise - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/wild-pomegranate-burchellia-bubalina.html - and happy New Year again!).



Mark, Family All, 

Genes and genealogy? - 
Here's Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church (again):
"How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?"

- which you'll also find a couple of times in these longevity label blog posts - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity ... Am wondering what the implications for family genealogy are if we manage to reverse aging genetically, and live beyond 122 years of age in our bodyminds (... the upper known documented limit - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeanne_Calment).

And to follow up on an email I sent this morning to Mark, my mother (Janie ) + ... :

Any chance you see a Peter Norvig (is a director of research at Google Inc., and used to be its director of search quality) / Google / Alphabet getting their coding hands on Ancestry .com and especially with WikiTree (for all 7.5 billion people's genetic samples ... as well as for archaeology genetic samples) ... and improving and integrating both software (perhaps even in a realistic virtual earth for genetics - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?src=hashtag_click? :) and DNA sampling, anticipating all species, living and past?

Would still like to add your great DNA-related find of James Edward McLeod's parents from Isle of Raasay - Norman MacLeod and Isobel MacKenzie - to my tree with a click, but this hasn't worked out any number of times. (A kind of frustration emerges regarding the $20 / month too to A .com that their software seems to be so bad, that there's no feedback loop for improving it, and they don't seem to be on a path to improve it either, whatsoever). Would seek to give people the control of their own narratives in such a related emergent realistic virtual earth for home genealogy - and at WUaS even ... in a way that echoes Google's ethos / culture (re data ownership questions too, re science questions, as well as re narratives) - and with time in 3D conversational interactivity even (eg I'd like to be able to converse with James Edward McLeod on PEI, in the Boston area, and in Scotland - am thinking Google Street View with time slider where the little "Pegman" avatar grows into realistic avatars or 'artificial humans' per Samsung 'Neons' even) - All dovetailing with a single realistic virtual earth for history, realistic virtual earth for geology, realistic virtual earth for archaeology (see related #Hashtags in Twitter ).  

Mark, thanks again for your remarkable Norman MacLeod and Isobel MacKenzie DNA discoveries!

Best regards, 

Open Band (Berkeley) @TheOpenBand Mar 4
Church of England to launch a 'Google Maps for graves' w/i five years enabling family historians to search for burial records & locations in an online database -https://dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8068893/Church-England-launch-Google-Maps-graves-five-years.html #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics




here's another take on genetic ownership questions (gene database / narrative ownership, etc.), re other species ... a Wikidata Q-item # for individual species (where I just started adding the Wikidata q-item # relating to my often beginning a daily blog entry with a species - or natural object - at bottom of yesterday's "Sugar cone pine" post - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/sugar-cone-pine-pinus-lambertiana-prem.html - which Wikidata Q-items will presumably carry the genome of such species eventually, and be CC-0 licensed ... and presumably carry individual organism's genomes in the future as well. (Wikidata is Wikipedia's back end structured knowledge database in ~300 languages, and to which WUaS donated itself for co-development in 2015, and then received our WUaS front end WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017 - eg https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects and see /Genetics or eventually /MacLeod_Society_Worldwide wiki subjects for ex., - as a consequence). George Church has long been developing the only crowdsourced opensource database - https://www.technologyreview.com/2006/01/20/229785/the-personal-genome-project-2/ - for research as well.



Mark, and All, 

Found the language I was referring to re "world's only open-access human genome and trait data sets" (per George Church): 

"To aid in the interpretation and sharing of genomes, Church, in 2005, initiated the Personal Genome Project (PGP),[63] which provides the world's only open-access human genome and trait data sets.[64][65][66] " (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Church_(geneticist)) ... which I would think will become interoperable with WikiTree eventually (eg https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/MacLeod-2524/5). 

Family regards, Scott



with an overlapping but distinct range from


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