Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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golden everlasting (Xerochrysum bracteatum): The WUaS Corp is a carrier of Lego Robotics' kits now! * * * Just before WUaS Monthly Business Meeting this morning friend of World Univ & Sch in Sri Lanka, Rifai sent an email to me with a new Sri Lanka World Univ & Sch web site, with a Grenada URL ... In response ... * * * the style of your German here - http://mayranna.de/. And I'm wondering about its translation into English via Google Translate: * * * Protecting from genes - "How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?,"A Harvard geneticist's goal: to protect humans from viruses, genetic diseases, and aging: George Church's lab at Harvard Medical School ... "


Dear Larry, WUaS Board, Universitians, All, 

Amazing development for WUaS, which now carries Lego Robotics: WUaS Educational Services' Store (and Academic Press) -  http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - although WUaS is not yet a reseller, but am optimistic !

Maybe with these developments WUaS families and I can afford to raise our kids, to pay the bills!  
the WUaS Educational Services' Store - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html @WorldUnivAndSch

 is now carrying:
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Core Set (High School and College): https://education.lego.com/en-us/products/lego-mindstorms-education-ev3-core-set/5003400

Best regards, Scott

Dear WUaS Board, Larry, Govind, and All, 

Now that the WUaS Educational Services' Store (http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html) is newly functioning and carrying products, and that WUaS Corp is officially a carrier of Lego Robotics (but not yet a reseller, either online or on-the-ground in any of the ~200 countries in the world, as planned for physical robotics' stores), please check out these interesting histories of Lego (which word derives from the Danish words "leg godt" meaning "play well" ): 

"The name 'LEGO' is an abbreviation of the two Danish words “leg godt”, meaning “play well”. It's our name and it's our ideal. The LEGO Group was founded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen. The company has passed from father to son and is now owned by Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, a grandchild of the founder."

Lego seems to have a great history as a company and began over 85 years ago. Lego is a privately held based in Billund, Denmark, so not listed on any stock markets for example - and the WUaS Corp is planning to go public and be listed as a stock company first in California. And Lego has both grown a lot and been through a lot of lawsuits in many countries - with much to learn from for WUaS, and in the middle of the information technology revolution, with the world wide web beginning to grow significantly in 1993 or' 94. And Lego has worked with the MIT Media Lab since 1984!

Ole Kirk Kristiansen, the founder, seemed to be very interested in quality for Lego, as is World Univ & Sch for our educational programs! WUaS would seek to develop 'WUaS Home Robotics' for Engineering and Science majors significantly based on Lego Robotics' kits, both actually and especially virtually, both physically, and digitally! 

If you know of anyone interested in Lego Robotics's kits, please invite them to visit the WUaS EducationRobotics' store - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - and if possible to let WUaS know if they get a set through us! Thank you!

I've blogged some about this and Sri Lanka World Univ & Sch with a Grenada domain name, and much more today - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/06/golden-everlasting-xerochrysum.html

Sincerely, Scott

* * *

Just before WUaS Monthly Business Meeting this morning (3rd Saturdays at 9am Pacific Time, and open), a friend of World Univ & Sch in Sri Lanka, Rifai (founder of Freedom College there), sent an email to me with a new Sri Lanka World Univ & Sch web site, with a Grenada URL:

Freedom College | Admin

3:02 AM (11 hours ago)
to me
Hi Scott !

I hope the WUaS team is in good health and ready to launch the 6 Bachelor's degree programmes. It is better if we can discuss how Sri Lanka World University and School is going to go forward. I have launched a new domain which will be fully dedicated to this project and customised accordingly.

Let me know your thoughts so that we can setup the site and start enrolling for Autumn 2020. The site can be built in all three languages. You will have to share a how it works document to translate to Sinhala and Tamil. Also check on Open edX and edX Edge by edX. The domain supports Moodle and other LMSs.



In response, -

Dear WUaS Board members, Markus, friends, All,

World Univ & Sch MBM Minutes to come from today's WUaS Monthly Business Meeting - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/06/lotus-corniculatus-agenda-news-for.html.

A friend of WUaS in Sri Lanka just created the beginnings of Sri Lanka World University and School website with a .gd Grenada domain name. He's the founder of Freedom College there, and I thank him for his initiative. He writes:

"Hi Scott !

I hope the WUaS team is in good health and ready to launch the 6 Bachelor's degree programmes. It is better if we can discuss how Sri Lanka World University and School is going to go forward. I have launched a new domain which will be fully dedicated to this project and customised accordingly.


Let me know your thoughts so that we can setup the site and start enrolling for Autumn 2020. The site can be built in all three languages. You will have to share a how it works document to translate to Sinhala and Tamil. Also check on Open edX and edX Edge by edX. The domain supports Moodle and other LMSs.

Regards, Freedom College"

Here below is my reply to him, which could also inform the WUaS finance technologies' build-out of WUaS's information technology platform.

I'll see how he replies, but how could we help him with the Google Sites' platform, and in anticipating machine learning and machine translation - and in combination with planning for WUaS in Wikidata's ~300 languages, and possibly with a Wikidata PIN # (like a Wikidata Q-item # but different, and planning for matriculating WUaS students, Wiki Universitians, and potentially all 7.5 billion people on planet)? Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions? Thanks.

Sincerely, Scott

Dear Rifai: 
(Freedom College founder)

Thank you for your email, and for creating this - http://freeuniversity.rf.gd/ - especially as a kind of prototype. 

I've added your creation of 'Sri Lanka World University & School' to the Sri Lanka World University and School wiki - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Sri_Lanka .

I linked it using this citation approach under the "Select Websites"' section heading: 

Sri Lanka World University and School. 2020. [http://freeuniversity.rf.gd/?i=1 Sri Lanka World University and School]. Grenada: freeuniversity.rf.gd.

These section headings may all eventually be translated into countries' main languages with machine learning / machine translation. 

Please remember that World Univ & Sch is Google-centric since WUaS is in 
Google for Education & 
G Suite & re
Google Translate

- and for machine learning, and machine translation.

And please remember too that 
worlduniversityandschool.org eventually into worlduniversityandschool.edu is our domain for all 200 countries, and in all 7,117 known living languages.

WUaS seeks to add edX courses to our wiki Academic subject pages (https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects) and in all ~200 countries' official / main languages also - & all potentially in an automated way - and from our course catalog - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/  - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk-V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P09LIk/edit?usp=sharing (in a GDocs spreadsheet) - and regarding our 6 Bachelor degree majors / programmes at WUaS . 

Can you work with Google Sites - https://sites.google.com/new (which I've explored a few times in years past eg https://sites.google.com/view/worlduniversityandschool ) - and develop Sri Lanka World Univ & Sch further in these regards here? 

I'll have to think through the .gd domain name for the country of Grenada in the Carribean further in the web site you created. 

You may have begun Grenada World Univ & Sch as well ! :)

WUaS is thinking in terms of all ~200 countries, each a free-to-students' major online university in the countries' official / main languages.

Eventually, in terms of enrolling WUaS students, WUaS seeks to go from GDocs' Spreadsheet list of WUaS students relating to - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University (each person something a Wikidata Q-item #, but probably a parallel Wikidata PIN #, since WUaS is already in Wikidata too, in its ~300 languages) - and for all wiki universitians not only in Sri Lanka, but in all ~200 countries and speakers of all 7,117 known living languages (and planning for all 7.5 billion people). Are you familiar with GDocs for all of this? 

Let's come into further conversation about this re your "It is better if we can discuss how Sri Lanka World University and School is going to go forward". Thank you - and interesting! 


* * *

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

11:50 AM (1 hour ago)
to annachmayrPeter
Anna (and Peter),

I enjoyed the style of your German here - http://mayranna.de/.

And I'm wondering about its translation into English via Google Translate: 

My name is Anna Mayr and I am a journalist because I cannot do anything else. But I learned that I should better say: Because I don't want anything else.

I studied geography and literature in Cologne. In the first semester, I thought that would help me understand the world. In the eighth semester I had a bachelor's degree and still didn't understand anything.

I call Berlin my home, even if it feels strange. I stay at home most in the Ruhr area, because I can call everyone shit and nobody takes it against me.

I was a student at the German School of Journalism in Munich. Today I am an editor at ZEIT.

For research on the old pharmacy in Bottrop, I was nominated with the Correctiv team for the Reporter Prize 2017 and the Nannen Prize 2018, and we were also awarded the Journalist Prize of the Apothekerstiftung Westfalen-Lippe. Medium Magazin included me in the selection of the top 30 to 30 in 2018.


I feel responsible for the content of this website in accordance with § 6 MDStV.

Anna Mayr

I am not responsible for anything on the Internet that I have not written myself. The texts on this website are mine - please don't steal them. Google Analytics analyzes what you do on this website. But I never see what comes out of it. So your data is fairly secure.

Am appreciative of the excellence of this machine translation. What do you think? 

Alles Gute, 

Peter is a friend who lives in Bremen, while I live in the SF Bay Area, am developing the best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric wiki World University and School (WUaS), as well as my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project. Peter designed the WUaS logos as well. Ich kann auch ein bischen Deutsch. 

Here are your Twitters: 

And here are mine: 

Ich habe auch ein Jahr lang in Muenchen gewohnt vor vielen Jahren. 

WUaS is
Planned in 7,117 known living languages with machine translation - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html
 - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/

https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States (https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Germany - planned in German, and for online free-to-students' Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, M.D. and I.B. high school degrees, based on best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare)

And here is
World University & School's open monthly business meeting Agenda for Saturday June 20, 2020, at 9 am PT:



- to which you are both invited and welcome to attend; please let me know by email and I'll open a Google Meet video conference window. 

Best regards, Scott


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * *

How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?



George Church Harvard age reversal 60 minutes

A Harvard geneticist's goal: to protect humans from viruses, genetic diseases, and aging

George Church's lab at Harvard Medical School is working to make humans immune to all viruses, eliminate genetic diseases and reverse the aging process. Scott Pelley reports on how close the geneticist's team is to a breakthrough.


" ...

Despite imperfection, Church has co-authored 527 scientific papers and holds more than 50 patents. Proof that great minds do not think alike.
The best science can tell, it was about 4 billion years ago that self-replicating molecules set off the spark of biology. Now, humans hold the tools of evolution, but George Church remains in awe of the original mystery: how chemistry became life.
Scott Pelley: Is the most amazing thing about life, then, that it happened at all?
George Church: It is amazing in our current state of ignorance. We don't even know if it ever happened ever in the rest of the universe. it's awe-inspiring to know that it either happened billions of times, or it never happened. Both of those are mind boggling. It's amazing that you can have such complex structures that make copies of themselves. But it's very hard to do that with machines that we've built. So, we're engineers. But we're rather poor engineers compared to the pseudo engineering that is biological evolution."


Neo.Life Boston



Protection from genes in a higher primate sense ('alpha' male-wise, & 'alpha' female-wise too) - and psychiatrically, and psychotherapeutically too? Troop-bondage protection of ones genes from (viral) genes, as well as interlopers (in an other higher primate sense)?

Could male humans who are alpha or heads of their families, psychiatrically too, be protectors of their family, ie their genes, - and in an evolutionary biological sense too?

How would this affect the language of males in families even in Lacanian psychoanalytic MD senses?



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