Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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buttercup (R. arvensis): What I've been reading - 6/21/20 week - Coronavirus + BlackLivesMatter + Black Books Matter

Next: Cosmos sulphureus: Poverty Action wiki subject for open teaching/learning with 7 best STEM CC4 OpenCourseWare courses at present; WUaS is seeking our 2nd online undergraduate class this fall, taking potentially edX courses from home & #UBIexperiments * Appreciating too AFSC Tweet * * * Cosmic Skeptic Atheist Alex, the non-theist Oxford theology graduate student: "DEBATE: Would God Allow Evil? @CosmicSkeptic vs @InspiringPhilosophy" * * * Black Books Matter! Black Lives Matter! - Am non-harming inclined however in a NtFriendly, atheist Quaker (ahimsa) sense * * * Friends' Dalton Letter * Haiku-ish poem from Friends' Dalton Letter in 2014* * CoronaVirus: From Richard Dawkins: "Here's Why It's Taking So Long to Develop a Vaccine For The New Coronavirus" * * "Infrastructure online to develop vaccine for #CoronaVirusCOVID19 @WorldUnivAndSch ? ... Friends' Dalton Letter itself - http://scottmacleod.com/daltonletter.htm - which explicitly touches on Nontheist Friends, but which letter is much about an envisioning of love and caring, and many other aspects of love, *Loving Bliss as Friends"

What I've been reading this week through Sunday, 6/21/20

and also much from Twitter, and see, for example (esp. re-Tweets):


Coronaviris Su 6/21/20 Black Lives Matter - Black Books Matter

Who the hardest hit the corona crisis in happiness
Who the hardest hit the corona crisis in happiness
By Elke Bodegas
Responsible editor
Coronavirus - Berlin - Queuing
May 16, 2020, Berlin. Two young women stand in line in front of a clothing store with a distance to each other and with masks against the new corona virus. A security cooperation ...
Source: pa / Wolfram Stein / Wolfram Steinberg
What influence does the lockdown have on the happiness and psyche of the Germans? The sociology professor Martin Schröder has evaluated the first data. They show that the crisis has an impact especially in three groups.
Martin Schöder, sociology professor in Marburg, evaluated the "Socio-Economic Panel" on the pandemic, a survey that has been repeated annually since 1984 and in which the same people in Germany and other countries are always asked - even now, about their experiences during the Lockdown.
WELT: Mr. Schröder, are the Germans the same after the lockdown?
Martin Schröder: Compared to other nations, we have come through well so far. The British, for example, see their mental health burdened more. The values are the same as for unemployment, and that's pretty bad. Interestingly, the old are not that much worse, whereas the younger are more affected.
Corona debt: Central banks must not become state ATMs
The debt of the states increases rapidly because of the corona crisis. In many places the central banks rush to help and buy the debt securities. But such a merging of monetary and fiscal policies is dangerous. It must not become the rule. Thomas Fuster.

Helga Schubert erhält den Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis 2020
Das Wettlesen fand zum ersten Mal seit seinem Bestehen nicht in Klagenfurt statt. Wegen der Corona-Krise wurden die Lesungen und Diskussionen digital über Video durchgeführt.

(Pony tails on the police women in picture?)
Armin Laschet does not rule out lockdown in the Gütersloh district
The entire workforce of the meat company Tönnies is in quarantine. NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet continues to think a regional lockdown is conceivable.

Twin Cities micro apartments put to the test during the pandemic
How will tiny rental units fare in the era of shelter-in-place and working from home?

Ministry of Finance expects Finnish economy to contract by 7% in 2020
THE FINNISH ECONOMY will need at least a good few years to recover from the damage inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic.
The Ministry of Finance on Tuesday unveiled its latest economic forecast, predicting that the national economy will contract by six per cent this year before rebounding with a growth spurt of 2.5 per cent in 2021 and one of 1.7 per cent in 2022.

Anthropologist : The Corona crisis reveals that
many bosses are completely redundant
Author and lecturer Dennis Nørmark believes that the corona crisis has revealed that managers are in many cases completely redundant. He advocates that we change our way of thinking about leadership.

BRAND? (read all these machine translations for fascinating WORD choice)
Reproduction number continues to rise above critical brand

Where Sparrows soar: Inside Air Inuit’s program to turn Nunavik youth into pilots
In Quebec’s far north, planes keep communities together, but the costs of training can deter Inuit locals from learning to fly them. This initiative aims to change that

National Indigenous Peoples Day goes virtual amid COVID-19 pandemic restrictions

Future of the city:
Post Corona City
Empty shops and offices, but scarce living space and full bike paths: it's easy to redistribute that. Corona shows how German inner cities have to change.
By Rainer Müller 162 Comments

Child abuse:
"Anyone Who Talks About Abuse Abandons The Children"
Children who have been victims of severe sexual violence are by no means lost, says psychiatrist Jörg Fegert. Many can be helped to find their way back to life.
Interview: Jan Schweitzer

Corona in Germany: Reproduction number is now over 2.0
Die Corona-Warn-App ist millionenfach heruntergeladen worden. In Berlin findet eine Techno-Party statt. Der R-Wert ist deutlich gestiegen.

‘It’s like pulling teeth’: There’s still a PPE shortage — and a second wave could send medical workers into crisis mode
Even as the rate of new coronavirus cases has ebbed across Massachusetts, medical workers say they still face shortages of gear to protect themselves, their families, and their patients.

"Fuck the police! Fuck the system! » - Part of German society treats the police like a sack that everyone can hit
Racism allegations, waste comparisons, street battles: Many leftists and some young men with a migration background see German law enforcement officers as jokes or opponents. Where's the bourgeois contradiction?

Is it safe to fly? Far-flung Bay Area families weigh coronavirus risk

Here’s everything you need to know about road tripping in California this summer
By Nick Rahaim

Using hand sanitizer during COVID-19 pandemic? FDA warns these 9 might be toxic

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Coronavirus Sa June 20 2020 - Black Books Matter

Reproduktionszahl in Deutschland steigt wieder deutlich auf 1,79
Reproduction numbers in Germany rise again significantly to 1.79
More than 650 employees of the Tönnies slaughterhouse in North Rhine-Westphalia have been infected with the corona virus. Working conditions with subcontractors and collective accommodation with many Eastern European employees are heavily criticized.
Source: WELT / Jan-Friedrich Funk
According to the number of reproductions, Germany is back in crisis. Larger regional outbreaks drove R well above 1. However, the RKI continues to see an “overall low level”. An overview in numbers and maps

The crisis hits city hotels particularly hard. They hope to find their way out of the deep with local guests.
The crisis is particularly hard on the hotel industry in and around Zurich. A look at three establishments also shows a spirit of optimism - from four-star hotels to bed and breakfasts.

Greens and leftists on the role of the opposition
"Do not let clasp"
Does the executive matter in the crisis? Not true, say the faction managers of the Greens and the Left Party in the Bundestag. 
Grüne und Linke zur Rolle der Opposition
: „Nicht umklam­mern lassen“
In der Krise kommt es auf die Exekutive an? Stimmt nicht, sagen die FraktionsmanagerInnen von Grünen und Linkspartei im Bundestag.

"Black Books Matter": Sklaven, Schwestern, Serienkillerinnen
"Black Books Matter": slaves, sisters, serial killers

A Low-Profile Regulator Is Catapulted Into a Political Fight
Jay Clayton, the head of the S.E.C., is now the Trump administration’s intended nominee to be the top prosecutor for the Southern District of New York.

More Oregonians catching coronavirus because the virus is spreading more, not just because of increased testing.

‘Yoga brings people together’: PM Modi on International Yoga Day
‘Yoga brings people together’: PM Modi on International Yoga Day
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address is the highlight of the International Day of Yoga which is being observed on electronic and digital platforms this year.

St. Petersburg Railway |The train track from Finland to St. Petersburg took many people's health and lives - As a result of the sacrifices, a train connection was completed, the importance of which to neighboring countries has only grown
foreign countries
21.6. 2:00
Wasn't delivered in the middle of tge (fabricated?) Coronavirus pandemic
John Palfrey on libraries in 2015

Lina Lund: In Germany, schools are closed - for safety's sake

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Coronavirus F June 19 2020 - Black Lives Matter

Lots of hard work has gone into this, but much more to do in this changing landscape of the pandemic. @verilylifesci @vivianleemd @ASlavitt @KBDeSalvo
Today we launched Healthy at Work for organizations across the country looking for better integrated testing and data analytics in their return to work and school.

The Africa Meneke
DIE WELT photo shoot 2016
By Christian Putsch
Alarming: More than a quarter of all infections on the continent are in South Africa
Source: dpa
WHO Mauritius

As of today, the Corona warning app is available for download from Google and Apple .
What can the app do  , where can you download it and how does it actually work?
Here you will find all the answers to the Corona warning app.

Ian Holm
Ian Holm, star of Lord of the Rings, Alien and Chariots of Fire, dies aged 88
The versatile actor went from the RSC and Harold Pinter to international movie stardom with roles as the hobbit Bilbo Baggins and an android in Alien
Ian Holm: a life in pictures
Peter Bradshaw remembers Ian Holm

" Earlier this month, he expressed his sadness that he was unable to participate in a virtual reunion for the films, saying: “I am sorry to not see you in person, I miss you all and hope your adventures have taken you to many places, I am in lockdown in my hobbit home, or holm.” "
Dagens Nyheter

Lord of the Rings and Chariots of Fire actor Sir Ian Holm dies aged 88
By Elle Duffy  @ElleDuffy_
Social Media Journalist

Bagpiping mention of coronavirus

SNP politician labels Scottish Government blended learning plans 'absolutely unacceptable'
By David Bol  @mrdavidbol

Photo: Beatrice Lundborg
"I'm very worried about summer"
Will a new covid wave come? Sweden goes on vacation - but for the staff at SÖS, the summer's leave can be canceled at any time.

Editorial: Make Juneteenth a national holiday
Honor the sacrifice of African Americans and spotlight our history of racial discrimination, the Houston Chronicle Editorial Board writes.

If anyone is to suffer from corona death, it should be cruise tourism
Christina Pletten
BERGEN (Aftenposten): The tourists are gone, and Western Norway is in despair. At the same time, nature and locals get a breather.

Photo: Fredrik Persson / TT
The EU condemns racism and police violence in the United States
Resolution was voted on - the European Parliament recognizes similar problems in Europe.

Photo: Salvatore Di Nolfi / AP
WHO: The pandemic is entering a new and dangerous phase
Director General: "Many people are tired of staying at home."

Study: The corona virus in Italy in December
Wastewater testing shows: The Corona virus arrived in Italy two months before the first confirmed case.

Tegnell: "Sure we have passed the summit"
Public Health Authority: There is still uncertainty about how many people have had the infection.

Student’s pro-democracy human chain protest cancelled after Hong Kong police warn schools
A human chain demonstration organised by secondary students in Tseung Kwan O has been called off, after police wrote to school principals warning that the event could be seen as an unauthorised assembly. The Tseung Kwan O Student Front (TKOSF) – one of the event organisers – announced on Friday morning that a joint school […]
16:48, 19 JUNE 2020

Japan's coronavirus contact-tracing app launched amid privacy concerns
"It does not collect personal data at all. People can use it without worry," Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said in urging its use to curb the pandemic. ..."

Nicolas Nova: "The smartphone does not only embody a form of withdrawal"
The Geneva researcher dissects this ambivalent object in a meticulous anthropological investigation. His work, which has just appeared, distances itself from an alarmist vision

AT Balthasar Glättli: "I dream of being the green president who will install the first or rather the first green federal councilor"
Balthasar Glättli will be elected this Saturday to head the Swiss Greens. The Zurich citizen claims more than ever a place on the Federal Council for his party. He fears that the coronavirus crisis has distanced Romansh and Alemannics and generates a phase of austerity

Business Updates: Apple is closing stores in four states after a rise in virus cases, and AMC reversed course on masks.

Corona virus in Germany
Laschet no longer excludes regional lockdown
After the massive corona outbreak at meat producer Tönnies, the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia is considering suitable solutions.
Overview of news from Germany

The bracelet that warns you if you have covid-19 even if you are asymptomatic
An Italian startup, Empatica, created it. It is able to detect the presence of coronavirus even when there are no symptoms (both for the asymptomatic, or those who will never manifest them, and for the presymptomatic, that is, those who will develop them soon)
June 19, 2020

Antje Vollmer: "All real progress is pacifistic"
Former Vice President of the German Bundestag and Green Party politician about Germany, Europe and the dismantling of enemy images.
June 19, 2020 - 21:13 , Michael Maier

" Antje Vollmer at the federal press conference.
Photo: Imago / Metodi Popow
The Green politician Antje Vollmer, Protestant theologian and for many years Vice President of the German Bundestag, is convinced that any really progressive time is pacifistic in its basic tendency. She talks about her efforts to bring Germany closer together and explains why peace is a European task - and what she misses about today's Greens.
Berliner Zeitung: Ms. Vollmer, the words "peace" and "pacifism" seem to have disappeared from public discourse ...
Antje Vollmer: Even ... " 
Turn of the times
Corona crisis: have we missed the opportunity?
How the crisis no longer brought society together, but drove it apart. And how the old countries learned from the new ones and there was no recognition. An interim balance.
June 19 , 2020 - 21:56 , Sabine Rennefanz
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Coronavirus Th 6/18/20 + BlackLivesMatter
Californians must cover their face in public. How to wear masks and where you can get one

Calif. to require face coverings in ‘most settings’ as it sees record number of cases

At Northern Spirit Radio (Mark Helpsmeet) we avoid the adrenaline-jangling “flash in the pan” type of news, preferring instead thoughtful, continually relevant, helpful resources for making a better world. We've hesitated to allow the urgency that is often manufactured by the media machine to dictate our subject matter, but it has felt important and responsible to highlight a couple major societal upheavals on Spirit In Action, doing so without degenerating into the obsession that is the current US media norm.

Pandemic: During the COVID-19 crisis we've featured a special show from Peterson Toscano of Citizen's Climate Radio entitled Crisis Living: COVID-19 & Climate Change, which puts the pandemic in proper societal perspective, and then we sought to put the crisis in proper historical perspective when we spoke with Michael Luick-Thrams of the TRACES Center for History and Culture with a show called Not Our First Pandemic-Rodeo: 1918 & 2020. And finally, we shared a very offbeat show about an extremely alternative approach to the disease, Transcendental Medicine & COVID-19.

Racism: There has been dramatic upheaval across the country and world following the murder of George Floyd (and others), with millions of folks finally taking a good look at racism and how to deal with it. We've been engaging the learning curve with this for years, as you'll find by browsing our archives. While others are relatively new to the concern, the past 2 weeks we rebroadcast last year's Raising White Kids Beyond Color-Blind show, followed by a repeat of Healing Black & Brown Girls, when we spoke with Monique W. Morris. There's much more, completely applicable to today's issues, if you simply search 'racism' on our site.

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Coronavirus W 6/17/20 + BlackLivesMatter

Stanford Tweet
65000 downloads of corona tracing app in Germany
MIT tweet
Norway stops using it due to low # of infections 

Stanford Center for Digital Health
@StanfordCDH · 19h
German coronavirus tracing app downloaded 6.5 million times in the first 24 hours since its launch

MIT Technology Review
@techreview · 19h
Norway is halting its coronavirus contact tracing app after the Norwegian Data Protection Authority said that the country’s low rate of infections meant that the app’s privacy invasions were no longer justified.


When Söder talks about the Corona app, Merkel has to laugh
Die neue Corona-Warn-App war auch Gesprächsthema zwischen Markus Söder und Kanzlerin Angela Merkel. Die beiden lieferten sich dazu bei einer Pressekonferenz ein kleines Scharmützel.
Quelle: WELT
"Auf einer Pressekonferenz wird Angela Merkel gefragt, ob sie die Corona-App nutzt. Sie antwortet ausweichend. Bayerns Ministerpräsident Markus Söder nutzt das, positioniert sich eindeutig – und liefert sich ein verbales Scharmützel mit der Kanzlerin. ..."

„Die Bundesregierung steckt dann immer den Kopf in den Sand“
Green foreign minister Trittin ...

866 Haftbefehle infolge von Corona-Grenzkontrollen vollstreckt
Stand: 17.06.2020 | Lesedauer: 3 Minuten
Marcel Leubecher
Von Marcel Leubecher

(Maybe a serious coronavirus doesn't exist ????)
US election campaign:
As if Corona had never existed
Donald Trump wants to go back to the arena, the US president urgently needs pictures of a victory. But it does not show up against the virus or the political opponent.
An analysis by Johanna Roth 454 comments

* * *

Friends' Dalton Letter

Haiku-ish poem from Friends' Dalton Letter in 2014

CoronaVirus: From Richard Dawkins: "Here's Why It's Taking So Long to Develop a Vaccine For The New Coronavirus" * * "Infrastructure online to develop vaccine for #CoronaVirusCOVID19 @WorldUnivAndSch ? in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForCRISPR #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics begin with simulation - in GooglePoly ? * * * Many thanks for sharing this Nontheist Friends' Network (in Britain) annual conference information at Friends’ House, Euston, London * * In a non-theistic yet quite friendly-vein (Friendly/Quaker as well), am exploring some of the recent developments concerning CoronaVirusCOVID19 * * Non-theist Friends Network A 2020 NFN Conference Bibliography * Thanks, Trevor, Tim Regan, and Nontheist Friends' Networks, for this conference bibliography - https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/2020/03/01/a-2020-nfn-conference-bibliography/. You reminded me of my Friends' Dalton Letter's bibliography - http://scottmacleod.com/daltonbiblio.htm - and Friends' Dalton Letter itself - http://scottmacleod.com/daltonletter.htm - which explicitly touches on Nontheist Friends, but which letter is much about an envisioning of love and caring, and many other aspects of love.

CoronaVirus: From Richard Dawkins: "Here's Why It's Taking So Long to Develop a Vaccine For The New Coronavirus" * * "Infrastructure online to develop vaccine for #CoronaVirusCOVID19 @WorldUnivAndSch ? in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForCRISPR #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics begin with simulation - in GooglePoly ? * * * Many thanks for sharing this Nontheist Friends' Network (in Britain) annual conference information at Friends’ House, Euston, London * * In a non-theistic yet quite friendly-vein (Friendly/Quaker as well), am exploring some of the recent developments concerning CoronaVirusCOVID19 * * Non-theist Friends Network A 2020 NFN Conference Bibliography * Thanks, Trevor, Tim Regan, and Nontheist Friends' Networks, for this conference bibliography - https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/2020/03/01/a-2020-nfn-conference-bibliography/

You reminded me of my Friends' Dalton Letter's bibliography - http://scottmacleod.com/daltonbiblio.htm - and - 

Friends' Dalton Letter itself - http://scottmacleod.com/daltonletter.htm - which explicitly touches on Nontheist Friends, but which letter is much about an envisioning of love and caring, and many other aspects of love.

Loving Bliss as Friends

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Coronavirus Tu 6/16/20 + BlackLivesMatter

For some biotech employees in the age of COVID-19, the workday starts at the bathroom sink
Tango Therapeutics in Cambridge tests workers' gargled samples, then e-mails the results later that day.

Judge orders town of Oxford to shut down gym that defied state order to stay closed
The judge said the town of Oxford may take whatever measures necessary — including changing the locks, boarding up the building, and turning off the utilities — to close the gym down and secure the premises

Protestteilnehmer in Kopenhagen positiv getestet – Schulen in Peking geschlossen
Protest participants in Copenhagen tested positive - schools in Beijing closed
Status: 00:38 a.m. | Reading time: 2
For almost two months, no new infections with the new corona virus were reported in Beijing. Now the number of cases has risen to over 100 since Thursday. The authorities react strictly.
Source: WORLD
"15,000 people demonstrated against racism in Copenhagen. The corona virus was found in one. Now the other participants should also be able to be tested. In Beijing, the classes are taking place online again. All developments in the live ticker...."

Tegnell: Everything speaks to being immune
"There are no verified cases that someone has had the disease twice."

FC Bayern Munich wins championship again
FC Bayern became German champions for the eighth time in a row - and for the 30th time overall. A goal record is still possible for the club.

Grundeinkommen: Das wären die Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft
Basic income: That would be the impact on society

Berlin gets a round bridge for pedestrians and cyclists
Almost like in the Netherlands: the striking building is supposed to upgrade a crossing in the east of the city. A new street will start there.

Home page International Asia & Pacific
20 Indian soldiers dead after confrontation with Chinese soldiers
The armies of both countries have been facing each other at different locations on the controversial border for several weeks
Startseite International Asien & Pazifik
20 indische Soldaten nach Konfrontation mit chinesischen Soldaten tot
Die Armeen beider Länder stehen sich seit einigen Wochen an verschiedenen Orten der umstrittenen Grenze gegenüber

Home / India News / A timeline: India-China’s deadliest border clash since 1975 explained
A timeline: India-China’s deadliest border clash since 1975 explained
The weeks-long stand-off snowballed into the deadliest clash between India and China in 45 years

Major airlines, including United, say face mask scofflaws can’t fly. But enforcement may be tricky.

LIVE | Latest news today June 16: report of infected and deceased on day 93 of the emergency
Coronavirus in Peru LIVE | Latest news | To date there are 237,156 infected and 7,056 deceased | Review the situation in Peru on day 93 of the state of emergency by COVID-19, today Tuesday June 16, 2020.

WHO: Look beyond virus case numbers, study clusters

While Europe is open to tourists and swimming, funerals never end in Bergamo
BERGAMO (Aftenposten): Europe is getting back to normal. But in Europe's hardest-hit region, church bells are ringing continuously, and the funerals are gathering. Day after day.

Do the grades get better if the children get paid? The researchers have some clear and perhaps unexpected answers.

They risk everything
Greece has fewer coronary deaths than Norway. Now they open to the tourists.
Konk or corona? Now Greece is risking everything.
For ten years Greece has thought it couldn't get any worse. Then came the corona

EU agrees to coordinate tracing apps
EU agrees to coordinate tracing apps
Some EU Member States have reached a number of technical agreements to exchange information from tracing apps. In this way, contacts can also be maintained abroad.
Yesterday at 4:39 PM Inland
With summer approaching and several inter-European borders opening up again, contact researchers are facing a challenge. Six European member states currently have an anonymized tracing app, eleven will follow later. The European Union has therefore already devised a number of technical agreements to connect different national apps. The Commission announced this today.

The reunion of Switzerland and Italy after the crisis
Ajouter l'article à vos favorisRetirer l'article de vos favorisModified 6 hours ago
Federal Councilor Ignazio Cassis met his Italian counterpart, the Minister for Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio, on the Ticino border. On the menu: post-pandemic Italian-Swiss collaboration, agreement on cross-border workers, immigration and Campione d'Italia

All codes of conduct, but the students have nowhere to go
Why do issues of transgressive behavior continue to float on the surface in universities? "Universities say they want a safe environment, but that is not clear from the choices they make."

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Coronavirus M 6/15/20 + BlackLivesMatter

For Warm Springs students, distance learning hinged on the strength of connections, both human and technological
Updated Jun 14, 1:10 PM

New principal at Warm Springs Academy
Desiree Bergstrom  Wednesday, September 04, 2019
Bambi Van Dyke comes via Montana, where she worked at a K-8 school on the Crow Reservation

Global Health Security  Science & Disease
Live  Coronavirus latest news: Britain gets queuing as shops and zoos throw open their doors

Home From College, Old Friends Become Protest Leaders
How four 19-year-olds ended up organizing a 15,000-person march for police reform

Universal Basic Income comes with a mammoth price tag
The last thing we want is a new deal that is a raw deal for our kids.
By Mary Z. Connaughton Updated June 15, 2020

Stockton has been testing a universal basic income since 2019 — it’s working
The Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration, a program funded exclusively through donations, has been giving 125 randomly selected Stocktonians $500 a month.
By Michael D. Tubbs Updated June 15, 2020

 The Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration
The Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED) is the country’s first mayor-led guaranteed income demonstration. We aim to test a simple yet innovative solution to poverty and inequality.

"Anyone who does not want to be vaccinated does so against medical advice"
As of: 3:33 p.m. | Reading time: 8 minutes
By Jens Lubbadeh
A general obligation to vaccinate against coronaviruses has already been excluded from politics

Content from Crescent
What kind of electric cyclist are you?
 Commuters, tech-savvy or security conscious - find who you are on the board.

Red-green pink wants a plan to stop sex purchases
Karin Pleijel (MP): "It's no quickfix"

Rassistische Polizeigewalt in den USA: Endlich wird hingeschaut
Das Verhältnis zwischen Bürger*innen und Staat ist in den USA völlig gestört. Ohne eine Reform der Polizei lässt es sich nicht reparieren.

Here, Swedish tourists are welcome - and not
A man with protective mask on a street in Benidorm, Spain. Photo: Jose Jordan / AFP
More and more countries are opening their borders to tourism - but not everyone welcomes visitors from Sweden.
This is how ...

After the border opens, shopping tourism picks up speed - how Swiss retailers react
The borders are open again after almost three months. A rapid return of shopping tourism can be expected. Local retailers rely in part on targeted discount campaigns.

For direct flights from Sweden, all passengers are measured for fever - the latest developments in corona virus in Switzerland
So far, according to the cantons, 31,116 people in Switzerland have tested positive for the corona virus, and 1939 infected people have died.

The Swiss national borders have been open to EU and EFTA citizens as well as travelers from Great Britain since Monday (June 15th). This means that there is once again full freedom of movement for these countries. Citizens of third countries living in these countries can also enter. However, in addition to your passport, you must provide proof of residence. When the borders open to third countries is still being clarified. Germany officially opens its borders to Switzerland 24 hours later - in the night from Monday to Tuesday. According to the State Secretariat for Migration, the reason is formal and legal.

According to its own statements, Zurich Airport is at the “beginning of a return to the new normal”. On Monday (June 15th), about 50 arrivals and departures were planned, as the airport announced. That is only a little more than at the weekend. Compared to Sunday, when the borders were still largely closed, there was no big difference in eye traffic. The stores were almost fully open on Monday, albeit with shorter opening hours. The range of shops behind the boarding pass control, however, is still greatly reduced. The airport is now expanding steadily, but the airport does not expect the shops to open fully until July 6th.

With direct flights from Sweden to Switzerland, all passengers are measured for fever. For the time being, Sweden is the only country affected by this border sanitation measure, as the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) announced on Monday (June 15th). Switzerland reserves the right to take border sanitary measures if people are arriving from a country that has a ...

Fighting viruses:
Corona warning app is available for download
The federal contact tracking app is available several months after the pandemic begins. Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht warns of fraudulent copycats.

Corona app:
What takes a long time finally becomes an app
The German Corona warning app is coming, this time really. It should warn you if you have been in contact with an infected person for too long. What you should know now
By Meike Laaff 700 comments

Corona warning app:
"Voluntary means voluntary"
Those who do not use the Corona warning app should have no disadvantages, says the federal government. The Greens are pushing for a law that protects workers' rights.

Sun, surf and COVID-19. Jamaica, Bahamas start to welcome back tourists, nationals.

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
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SUNDAY, JUNE 07, 2020

What I've been watching

Over the past week, I have watched the six-part HBO miniseries The Plot Against America, which came out in March. It is based on the 2004 Philip Roth novel of the same title and tells an alternative history in which FDR is defeated in 1940 by the fascist-sympathizing Charles Lindbergh through the eyes of a Jewish family living in Newark, NJ. Compelling story, well acted. It is the best piece of television I have seen in years.




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