Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Cosmos sulphureus: Poverty Action wiki subject for open teaching/learning with 7 best STEM CC4 OpenCourseWare courses at present; WUaS is seeking our 2nd online undergraduate class this fall, taking potentially edX courses from home & #UBIexperiments * Appreciating too AFSC Tweet * * * Cosmic Skeptic Atheist Alex, the non-theist Oxford theology graduate student: "DEBATE: Would God Allow Evil? @CosmicSkeptic vs @InspiringPhilosophy" * * * Black Books Matter! Black Lives Matter! - Am non-harming inclined however in a NtFriendly, atheist Quaker (ahimsa) sense * * * Friends' Dalton Letter * Haiku-ish poem from Friends' Dalton Letter in 2014* * CoronaVirus: From Richard Dawkins: "Here's Why It's Taking So Long to Develop a Vaccine For The New Coronavirus" * * "Infrastructure online to develop vaccine for #CoronaVirusCOVID19 @WorldUnivAndSch ? ... Friends' Dalton Letter itself - http://scottmacleod.com/daltonletter.htm - which explicitly touches on Nontheist Friends, but which letter is much about an envisioning of love and caring, and many other aspects of love, *Loving Bliss as Friends"


Hi nontheist Friends, 

Appreciating too: 

Our General Secretary
 wrote in the
 about why
 is mobilizing our community and resources to amplify the message for moral revival and economic equality being put forward by
. #PoorPeoplesCampaign


which former clerk of San Francisco Friends' Meeting, Chris Mohr (https://twitter.com/chrismsf - and now Director of Friends' Center in Philadelphia), just shared. Glad the media @PennCapitalStar is focusing on the so-called 'Holy Experiment' of Penns' Woods and its current legislative developments.

Here's the 'Poverty Action' wiki subject for open teaching and learning at World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Poverty_Action - with only a few best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare courses at present. WUaS is seeking our 2nd online undergraduate class this autumn, taking potentially edX courses from home, for free-to-students' 4-year Bachelor degrees, as WUaS licenses and accredits with institutions in the state of California - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/06/lotus-corniculatus-agenda-news-for.htl . 

WUaS is also exploring facilitating UBI experiments to all 7.5 billion people on the planet as you'll see in this Agenda and News for WUaS ! 

NtFriendly cheers, Scott
2 related Tweets: 

Poverty Action wiki subject for open teaching/learning https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Poverty_Action with 7 best STEM CC4 OpenCourseWare courses at present. WUaS is seeking our 2nd online undergraduate class this fall, taking potentially edX courses from home & #UBIexperiments https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/06/lotus-corniculatus-agenda-news-for.html ~


Appreciating too AFSC Tweet which former clerk of SFFM, @chrismsf now Director of Friends' Center in Phil) shared. Glad the @PennCapitalStar is focusing on the so-called 'Holy Experiment' of Penns' Woods & its current legislative developments. #NontheistFriends #AtheistQuakers ~


* *

Hi Nontheist Friends: 

Cosmic Skeptic Atheist Alex, the non-theist Oxford theology graduate student: 

DEBATE: Would God Allow Evil? @CosmicSkeptic vs @InspiringPhilosophy

I wrote one of my Reed College qualifying exams in Religion (with both social science focus, as well as feminist theology focus) on the so-called 'problem of evil' (an old debate from Augustine, Aquinas and more recently John Hicks' ) ... but not from an atheist or non-theist (let alone NtF Friendly/Quaker) perspective. 

But Cosmic Skeptic Atheist Alex offers new ways (for me) for addressing such questions, and potentially in a non-theistically Friendly way ... Alex's opening begins at 22 minutes. 

I find that my more current research interests focus on the ethnography of actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs, where Harbin is also 2 churches (HCC, and NACOB) interestingly (but where actual Harbin is now closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, and before closed due to the Valley Fire of September 2015 in Lake county CA). My research focuses partly on the ethnography of meditation in warm pools - with parallels to sitting in Quaker Silent Meeting - and even with developing brain research (where philosophical theodicy questions for me are something of the past (1983)). 

Appreciating this Oxford debate philosophical thinking and structure too, (where Quakers have only engaged modestly in debates eg https://www.jstor.org/stable/2710672?seq=1 and https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/07/debate-on-god-language-doesnt-mean-all-quakers-are-losing-faith ) ... and NtFs haven't yet engaged in questions of debate that I know of (and anthropology / ethnography is a very different form of inquiry, than this kind of philosophy :).

Appreciating, too, the freedom in non-theistically Friendliness! :)

NtF cheers, 

Here are some beginnings of where my further virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic research may head: 

* * *

Black Books Matter! Black Lives Matter!


"Black Books Matter": Sklaven, Schwestern, Serienkillerinnen
"Black Books Matter": slaves, sisters, serial killers

Am non-harming inclined however in a NtFriendly, atheist Quaker (ahimsa) sense.

* * *
Friends' Dalton Letter

Haiku-ish poem from Friends' Dalton Letter in 2014

CoronaVirus: From Richard Dawkins: "Here's Why It's Taking So Long to Develop a Vaccine For The New Coronavirus" * * "Infrastructure online to develop vaccine for #CoronaVirusCOVID19 @WorldUnivAndSch ? in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForCRISPR #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics begin with simulation - in GooglePoly ? * * * Many thanks for sharing this Nontheist Friends' Network (in Britain) annual conference information at Friends’ House, Euston, London * * In a non-theistic yet quite friendly-vein (Friendly/Quaker as well), am exploring some of the recent developments concerning CoronaVirusCOVID19 * * Non-theist Friends Network A 2020 NFN Conference Bibliography * Thanks, Trevor, Tim Regan, and Nontheist Friends' Networks, for this conference bibliography - https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/2020/03/01/a-2020-nfn-conference-bibliography/. You reminded me of my Friends' Dalton Letter's bibliography - http://scottmacleod.com/daltonbiblio.htm - and Friends' Dalton Letter itself - http://scottmacleod.com/daltonletter.htm - which explicitly touches on Nontheist Friends, but which letter is much about an envisioning of love and caring, and many other aspects of love.

CoronaVirus: From Richard Dawkins: "Here's Why It's Taking So Long to Develop a Vaccine For The New Coronavirus" * * "Infrastructure online to develop vaccine for #CoronaVirusCOVID19 @WorldUnivAndSch ? in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForCRISPR #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics begin with simulation - in GooglePoly ? * * * Many thanks for sharing this Nontheist Friends' Network (in Britain) annual conference information at Friends’ House, Euston, London * * In a non-theistic yet quite friendly-vein (Friendly/Quaker as well), am exploring some of the recent developments concerning CoronaVirusCOVID19 * * Non-theist Friends Network A 2020 NFN Conference Bibliography * Thanks, Trevor, Tim Regan, and Nontheist Friends' Networks, for this conference bibliography - https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/2020/03/01/a-2020-nfn-conference-bibliography/

You reminded me of my Friends' Dalton Letter's bibliography - http://scottmacleod.com/daltonbiblio.htm - and - 

Friends' Dalton Letter itself - http://scottmacleod.com/daltonletter.htm - which explicitly touches on Nontheist Friends, but which letter is much about an envisioning of love and caring, and many other aspects of love.

Loving Bliss as Friends



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