WUaS News and Q & A 9/7/20 i) ROLLING ADMISSIONS at WUaS with edX courses, ii) Current matriculated ... ~
| 9:08 AM (2 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi Universitians,
This WUaS News / Live Stream Q&A meets in about 50 minutes - and it may include a conversation with named WUaS Corp CEO, Julian Dumitrascu!
WUaS News Q&A Livestream M 9/7/20 10a PT i) ROLLING ADMISSIONS at WUaS with edX courses, ii) Current matriculated students' studies https://www.youtube.com/user/ WorldUnivandSch/live - https:/ /worlduniversityandschool. blogspot.com/2020/08/minutes- for-sat-aug-15-2020-world.html https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2020/08/chilean- firebush-embothrium-coccineum. html To take part info@ worlduniversityandschool.org @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch ~
WUaS News Q&A Livestream M 9/7/20 10a PT i) ROLLING ADMISSIONS at WUaS with edX courses, ii) Current matriculated students' studies https://t.co/RDDLrvNGDwhttps://t.co/x8dS1eTQwvhttps://t.co/qeySIGESUn To take part info@ https://t.co/N22Ucd0wg2@WUaSPress@WorldUnivAndSch ~ https://t.co/lSr62cfvNL— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) September 7, 2020
https://twitter.com/ scottmacleod/status/ 1302852533149261824?s=20
https://twitter.com/ sgkmacleod/status/ 1302852839748722688?s=20
Cheers, Scott
In defense of California
In defense of California https://t.co/Kk26gpvboA— MIT Technology Review (@techreview) September 6, 2020
| Thu, Sep 3, 10:20 AM (4 days ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Rohit Sharma
Anant Agarwal
Shankar Raman
Swapnil Mehta
More about welcoming you, and them here - http://scott-macleod.
You write on your LinkedIn page "I will work my heart out to achieve it" - https://www.linkedin.com/in/
A full load at World Univ & Sch is nearly four 15-week long CC-4 MIT OCW courses - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/
World Univ & Sch Cheers,
Shall we map out ~50 WUaS credit units of courses for you this autumn, and from - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/English_Literature - and - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ literature/ - and - https://www.edx.org/course/ subject/literature - and regarding distribution requirements from - http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv. html - in addition to the 13 credit units you're signing up for initially this autumn?
| Sep 3, 2020, 11:22 AM (4 days ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Thanks Scott for your help and support. I really appreciate it.
Just to clarify on the last conversation we had, I am not dropping out of the Degree program of WUaS. I share the vision and goal of free education to all with WUaS.
I would love to recommend the available Degree programs to the students I know.
Yes, I am ready to map out 50 credit units this fall.
| Thu, Sep 3, 11:57 AM (4 days ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi, Shahbaz and Larry,
Thanks for the re-confirmation that you aren't dropping out of WUaS. How did the edX enrollment go? And how are you doing? How are your classes going?
Again, please include Larry Viehland here, as WUaS Academic Registrar, in emails about your academic developments.
Please let me know how you are doing with edX, especially, before WUaS considers other students in your area. The time commitment at World University and School for a free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Bachelor's degree is great, and WUaS is going to seek reimbursement from Indian departments of education. And WUaS would like the initial edX classes to be something that you can do first, since the edX or WUaS Open edX courses are what WUaS will WASC-accredit and BPPE-license upon - and thus assure quality of our WUaS degrees (in seeking to become the Harvard / MIT of the internet) ... and with the study time that entails. Consider your perseverance since January as part of your application, and WUaS, as we license and accredit, seeks to develop further our application process in new ways. Let's wait to explore your friends contacting WUaS until you've completed the AdelaideX 5-week course, and share the results with Larry, as a kind of further step in your WUaS matriculation process. WUaS seeks for you to be as persevering with your courses as you were in applying to and getting into WUaS (and your friends as well).
Please remember too that WUaS informed edX CEO Anant Agarwal of your planning to take "Poetry in America: Modernism" and "Shakespeare Matters," which WUaS will explore doing with some of your academically highest achieving friends in 5 weeks and after you've completed the "Shakespeare Matters" course.
How did the edX enrollment process go?
And are you going to attend Stanford Prof. Pascal Dupas's talk tomorrow evening, Indian time?
Stanford: We are extremely happy that @DupasPascaline (Professor @Stanford ) would be joining us as speaker for our next interactive session! If challenges around global poverty interest you, then do join us for this session on Sept 4, 2020, 8:30 pm IST. Register here https://bit.ly/34w9wnj
We are extremely happy that @DupasPascaline (Professor @Stanford) would be joining us a speaker for our next interactive session! If challenges around global poverty interest you, then do join us for this session on Sept 4, 2020, 8:30 pm IST. Register here https://t.co/6HybdXt1Q4pic.twitter.com/hkViytJFoi— Women in Econ/Policy (@weconpol) August 25, 2020
| Sat, Sep 5, 7:14 AM (2 days ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi Scott and Larry,
The enrollment process was cake. I have enrolled in "Poetry in America: Modernism" and "Shakespeare Matters" as recommended by you and Anant.
I want to know how would I be assessed in these courses and how would they lead me to a 4-year Bachelor's degree?
Thanks, Shahbaz
| Sat, Sep 5, 7:48 AM (2 days ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi Shahbaz,
Cheers, Scott
Thanks for reaching out to Larry and myself. Am glad you found it easy to enroll in the 2 edX courses regarding your matriculation at World Univ & Sch. Congratulations!
I think when you finish each course you'll learn something from the edX system evaluation-wise. Pass that information on to Larry as WUaS Academic Registrar. (I've only taken as an 'auditor' The edX HarvardX JuryX course in 2016 so I'm not sure how edX has developed, but I think I did get some kind of evaluation from edX).
If you look back at the email on the 50 credit units for the autumn 2020 (as a full load) at WUaS, I think you'll see what the answers to your questions. (See too the Reed College links I shared with you to a) an English major, and b) distribution requirements). Roughly, and at this stage, one week of an edX course is worth one credit unit, so since you're taking an 8 week, and a 5 week, course, you would receive 13 credit units, upon completion of these courses.
Begin to look through the edX literature course offerings - https://www.edx.org/course/ subject/literature - for another 37 units of a variety of courses. (My course 'Society and Information Technology' is beginning sometime in October will be 10 weeks long - potentially in video conferencing on Friday evenings at 8:30 pm India Standard Time, and potentially one other time per week, possibly Tuesday evening IST - DID YOU HAPPEN TO ATTEND STANFORD Prof Pascaline Dupas' talk on Friday at 8:30 IST?). Roughly, you'll be studying 150 credit units per an academic year of three 4-month terms toward your free-to-students' Bachelor degree (so roughly 600 credit units over 4 years). Please remember that this is rough at this stage until, in part, WUaS sees how it develops with WUaS Open edX from CC-4 MIT OCW courses in January 2021.
Cheers, Scott
| Sun, Sep 6, 12:03 AM (1 day ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Shahbaz, you can ask me for any help if you need. I will always be on mentorship board of WUAS whenever Scott needs me for India. Rohit
| Sun, Sep 6, 8:15 AM (1 day ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Thanks so much, Rohit, for your wonderful offer of mentoring! Shahbaz, feel free to reach out to Rohit in these regards.
Will create new mentorship section here -
How are your edX courses going, Shahbaz?
Warm regards, Scott
Some of Shahbaz's, Larry's and my recent previous correspondence is here (at bottom) - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2020/08/ridgways- rail-heat-came-to-this-land- in.html - including regarding distribution requirements, and Reed College's approach to an English major, seminar / the conference method and more.
RE support (care) mentoring ...
| Sun, Sep 6, 12:52 PM (22 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hey Scott, as these courses are self-paced credit units, can I finish them as fast as I can and accelerate the degree process? Shahbaz
| Sun, Sep 6, 1:05 PM (22 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
That would be great, Shahbaz,
Just let Larry know as the WUaS Academic Registrar as soon as you can what the edX results are for each course. Eventually these WUaS results' / Academic Registrar process will be more automated than it is (and Larry could check in with edX CEO Anant Agarwal if he's unclear about how edX works in these regards too); it' s probably worth emailing the results to Larry and not include me in the email, as these results will become part of your official transcript (which is another further important aspect of WUaS licensing / accrediting), and a kind of independent WUaS Academic Registrar process is an important part of growing CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch probably into WUaS Open edX to become a great university toward free-to-students' CC-4 OCW-centric Bachelor degrees.
Cheers, Scott
| 3:45 AM (7 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hey Scott, I wonder if there's a BA General degree available(like India) which consists different Art subjects. This might be interesting for many Indian students.
| 4:38 AM (7 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi Shahbaz and Larry,
The World Univ & Sch 6 undergraduate degrees are all Liberal Arts' degrees - with majors - so they are general degrees. The majors within them allow for specialization, approaches to learning knowledge in depth, and career preparation. Liberal Arts' education is also accreditable / licensable in the US in a way that offers a career focus too - and newly online. With an English degree, you may be able to go on to study for a Ph.D. in English, teach English as a second language (and in a way that you might not with a General Degree), become a writer or a journalist, or any number of other careers, and with a history degree, an Indian student might be able to go on to a Law degree, for example. In seeking to become the MIT / Harvard / Stanford of the Internet, and newly in the information age, WUaS seeks to offer Indian students in a sense the opportunity to get a free-to-students' MIT-centric degree, and is eventually heading in the direction of MIT OCW's 32 departments - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ find-by-department/ - with regards to further majors, and liberal arts' degrees, with a technical focus (see below). Given, also, the number of Indian students at MIT in the USA, I think many Indian students will be interested in online MIT OCW-centric degrees. Perhaps you're Indian student friends will enjoy the new opportunities in WUaS liberal arts' degrees (or else matriculate in India at a university for a general degree there).
How are your edX courses going? Appreciating your persevering to become a matriculated English major student at WUaS.
MIT pioneered by combining technical training with a liberal arts education. Classes in literature and languages, psychology, politics — as well as participation in musical groups — were offered at MIT from its earliest days.
| 5:12 AM (6 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi Scott,
Yeah, courses are going all right. I want to point out that "Poetry in America: Modernism" has long ended in December, so there are no quizzes or assessments. Should I pursue this course?
| 8:50 AM (2 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi Shahbaz and Rohit,
Glad your Shakespeare AdelaideX course is going well, Shahbaz. Students change classes at the beginning of a term all the time.
Rohit, could you please help mentor Shahbaz here? Since the course he had signed up for, "Poetry in America: Modernism," ended long ago/has been archived, and since therefore "there are no quizzes or assessments," Shahbaz writes, he's looking for a replacement course. And he's also looking to plan out 50 credit units of courses this autumn, where a 12 week edX course equals 12 credit units (at this stage, so a 1 week of an edX course equals 1 credit unit).
Would this course - https://www.edx.org/course/ masterpieces-of-world- literature - work for you? I'm not sure what students who are 'auditing' courses have access to in edX in terms of evaluation either. And could you both find out together please?
Over 4 years, for a free-to-students' online Bachelor's degree in an English major (such as Shahbaz is doing), students would be taking 600 credit units (which is roughly 10 MIT OCW 15-week-long courses per year in three 4-month terms, September-December, January-April, and May-August, or 3.3 MIT OCW per term for a 'full load'). Distribution requirements are part of this process for a WUaS Liberal Arts' degree, and WUaS is currently building from these on Reed College distribution requirements - https://www.reed.edu/ registrar/pdfs/distribution- requirements-effective-fall- 2019.pdf.
And Reed's English major requirements are here - https://www.reed.edu/english/ requirements.html - which WUaS is also building upon. World University and School would also like to develop a Humanities' 101 course online based on Reed College's Hum 110 course as a requirement for all incoming first year students, partly to facilitate learning the Conference Method (https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Conference_Method_of_ Teaching_and_Learning), learning to write, learning critical thinking, and much more, and it's a very big project to make this exciting and extraordinary. Please remember that the 6 majors for Free-to-students' online Bachelor's degrees that WUaS is offering initially are EECS, General Science, General Engineering, English, History, and Business this autumn, and beginning in January 2021 too.
Rohit, I've created a new mentorship section here - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/World_University_ Foundation - and added you to it.
For both of your thinking and planning purposes, World Univ & Sch is seeking to develop into WUaS Open edX from CC-4 MIT OCW courses (courses split in half potentially to 7-8 week long courses, instead of 15-16 week courses), and beginning potentially in January, but would seek too to hire (MIT?) graduate students to help migrate the MIT OCW into WUaS Open edX for this. So many more English major courses should be coming along.
Shahbaz, can you please look through edX Literature courses - https://www.edx.org/learn/ literature - and pick out 50 credit units of courses for the autumn, and talk with Rohit about this, as a first step? Thank you!
Best wishes, Scott
"Yeah, courses are going all right. I want to point out that "Poetry in America: Modernism" has long ended in December, so there are no quizzes or assessments. Should I pursue this course?"
How are your edX courses going, Shahbaz?
Warm regards, Scott
Some of Shahbaz's, Larry's and my recent previous correspondence is here (at bottom) - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2020/08/ridgways- rail-heat-came-to-this-land- in.html - including regarding distribution requirements, and Reed College's approach to an English major, seminar / the conference method and more.
RE support (care) mentoring ...