Project ECHO for Social Emotional Learning | Tuesday Sep 8, 2020, 3:30-4:30 PM MT
Project ECHO The University of New Mexico
Mon, Sep 7, 3:59 AM (1 day ago)
ECHO for Social and Emotional Learning Program Director: Michael Stanton, PhD Tuesday, September 8, 2020 3:30pm - 4:30pm (MT) Addressing the Social and Emotional...
Scott MacLeod
2:26 PM (2 hours ago)
Congratulations on such great news, and expanding to Oklahoma, Sanjeev, Michael and all, and with an education focus to complement your telemedicine group video
Scott MacLeod
3:31 PM (1 hour ago)
to Sanjeev, educationecho, Lynn, Michael
Sanjeev, Michael and All,
Thanks for the focus on meditation and self-care in this interesting session, Michael, Sanjeev and All,
Very valuable in this major transition time to online learning.
Am glad World Univ & Sch's second matriculating undergraduate class this autumn is learning from edX courses, and one of our online students is in India.
(And please remember that if anyone you know of might be interested in free-to-students', online, MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees in a 4 year program, that WUaS currently has rolling admissions; See: WUaS News Q&A Livestream M 9/7/20 10a PT i) ROLLING ADMISSIONS at WUaS with edX courses, ii) Current matriculated students' studies
WUaS News and Q & A 9/7/20 i) ROLLING ADMISSIONS at WUaS with edX courses, ii) Current matriculated~ eventually > To take part in video conf on Mons: info@— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) September 7, 2020
WUaS News and Q & A 9/7/20 i) ROLLING ADMISSIONS at WUaS with edX courses, ii) Current matriculated ... ~ - To take part info@
@WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch ~ ).
Regards, Scott
- -
see, in the middle of this page, the WUaS links' section, also -
World University and School Links[edit]
Brain and Cognitive Sciences:
Relaxation Response:
Watsu - water shiatsu:
OSU's Project ECHO helping school leaders, teachers adjust to educating during a pandemic
! ECHO for Social Emotional Learning | Tuesday Sep 8, 2020, 3:30-4:30 PM MT
Inbox | x |
Project ECHO The University of New Mexico | Mon, Sep 7, 3:59 AM (1 day ago) | ||
Scott MacLeod | 2:26 PM (2 hours ago) | ||
| 3:31 PM (1 hour ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Sanjeev, Michael and All,
Very valuable in this major transition time to online learning.
Am glad World Univ & Sch's second matriculating undergraduate class this autumn is learning from edX courses, and one of our online students is in India.
(And please remember that if anyone you know of might be interested in free-to-students', online, MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees in a 4 year program, that WUaS currently has rolling admissions; See: WUaS News Q&A Livestream M 9/7/20 10a PT i) ROLLING ADMISSIONS at WUaS with edX courses, ii) Current matriculated students' studies WorldUnivandSch/live https:// worlduniversityandschool. for-sat-aug-15-2020-world.html https://scott-macleod. firebush-embothrium-coccineum. html To take part info@ http://
@WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch ~, Scott
see, in the middle of this page, the WUaS links' section, also -
World University and School Links[edit]
Brain and Cognitive Sciences: http:// wiki/Brain_and_Cognitive_ Sciences
Meditation: http:// wiki/Meditation
Neurobiology: http:// wiki/Neurobiology
Neurophysiology: http:// wiki/Neurophysiology
Relaxation Response: http:// wiki/Relaxation_Response
Watsu - water shiatsu: http:// wiki/Watsu_-_water_shiatsu
OSU's Project ECHO helping school leaders, teachers adjust to educating during a pandemic
Scott MacLeod
1:20 PM (3 hours ago)
to Sanjeev, Lynn, Michael, Project
Thanks, Michael, Sanjeev and All,
Looking forward to this session soon. I've blogged a bit about this here - - and with regards especially to World Univ & Sch's planned online medical schools with teaching hospitals for online clinical care and clinical research.
Thanks for this definition of telemedicine re Project ECHO -
The ECHO model is not traditional “telemedicine” where the specialist assumes care of the patient, but is instead telementoring, a guided practice model where the participating clinician retains responsibility for managing the patient.
Regards, Scott (planned in ~200 countries each a major online MIT OCW-centric university in countries' official / main languages - and offering online Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, M.D. and I.B. high school degrees from home). (planned in 7,117 known living languages, each a wiki school for open teaching and learning)
| 1:58 PM (3 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Dear Scott
I thought you would like to see this article in the newspaper form yesterday.
Warm regards
From: Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@>
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 2:20 PM
To: educationecho <>; Sanjeev Arora <>; Lynn M Waln <>; Michael P Stanton <>
Subject: Re: Tomorrow! ECHO for Social Emotional Learning | Tuesday Sep 8, 2020, 3:30-4:30 PM MT
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 2:20 PM
To: educationecho <>; Sanjeev Arora <>; Lynn M Waln <>; Michael P Stanton <>
Subject: Re: Tomorrow! ECHO for Social Emotional Learning | Tuesday Sep 8, 2020, 3:30-4:30 PM MT
[[-- External - this message has been sent from outside the University --]]
| 2:26 PM (2 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Congratulations on such great news, and expanding to Oklahoma, Sanjeev, Michael and all, and with an education focus to complement your telemedicine group video conferencing education approach - local/education/osus-project- echo-helping-school-leaders- teachers-adjust-to-educating- during-a-pandemic/article_ 079f3c3a-eca5-11ea-9162- e712ece24397.html.
Warm regards, Scott
Am wondering how such practical IT instantiations of online medicine, with a mentoring aspect, and learning, will inform, even, theories of learning - https://wiki. wiki/Theories_of_Learning (accessible from https://wiki. wiki/Subjects) - and check out the developing MIT OpenCourseWare here too). See you in 5 minutes!
| 3:31 PM (1 hour ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Sanjeev, Michael and All,
Very valuable in this major transition time to online learning.
Am glad World Univ & Sch's second matriculating undergraduate class this autumn is learning from edX courses, and one of our online students is in India.
(And please remember that if anyone you know of might be interested in free-to-students', online, MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees in a 4 year program, that WUaS currently has rolling admissions; See: WUaS News Q&A Livestream M 9/7/20 10a PT i) ROLLING ADMISSIONS at WUaS with edX courses, ii) Current matriculated students' studies WorldUnivandSch/live https:// worlduniversityandschool. for-sat-aug-15-2020-world.html https://scott-macleod. firebush-embothrium-coccineum. html To take part info@ http://
@WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch ~, Scott
see, in the middle of this page, the WUaS links' section, also -
World University and School Links[edit]
Brain and Cognitive Sciences: http:// wiki/Brain_and_Cognitive_ Sciences
Meditation: http:// wiki/Meditation
Neurobiology: http:// wiki/Neurobiology
Neurophysiology: http:// wiki/Neurophysiology
Relaxation Response: http:// wiki/Relaxation_Response
Watsu - water shiatsu: http:// wiki/Watsu_-_water_shiatsu
OSU's Project ECHO helping school leaders, teachers adjust to educating during a pandemic
* *
Scott MacLeod
3:04 PM (2 hours ago)
to Jane
A reTweet from Stanford Law's Hank Greely, re major smoke in Califonia -
It looks like a volcano chain that all went off at once.— Hank Greely (@HankGreelyLSJU) September 8, 2020 ... Could these have been set to pollute California environment even? Where there's smoke there's fire ... What could be getting 'cleaned up' in CA - in Canyon even, and legally too - in these regards too under the cover of the smoke, I wonder? Am glad it's cooler today, that my evaporative cooler, and fan, are on, that the curtains block enough of the smoke to keep the windows open, that it's manageable to be inside today, compared with ever too hot yesterday, when I had the windows closed due to the smoke too! I won't seek to replace the curtains with more filtering ability, since I'm moving out, but staying cool in Canyon for the next 2 months will be valuable.
Could Angela & Victor teach meditation online in my big educational project, I wonder - and for students in all ~200 countries? Victor posted new art recently - - and are they the PRODUCTS - - this new art refers to ? Could be ... am not entirely comfortable with the 'products' word, but Yoga is a way of thinking, in terms of going into your own 'stuff' - which I find relevant here. :_)
Love, Scott
Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations !
- -
Hi Ma,
Blogged a bit about this Angela & Victor Yoga thinking here today - https://scott-macleod. grey-hornbill-project-echo. html - (where social emotional learning here could be meditation, and re Sanjeev Arora MD's Project ECHO with which my big educational project seeks to collaborate, and for online Medical Schools ... )
Am curious about this Jim Spohrer Tweet - Foundation/status/ 1301866629958184962?s=20 re the implicit LIFE re AI word ( JimSpohrer) since also Jim might know Ellin Barrett here in Canyon (a senior woman) whose brother, like Jim, is a long-time IBMer.
Very speculatively, ... and re the 3 states that Ed mentioned in his supportive email yesterday (Oregon, Wyoming or Minnesota), I wonder what ... would choose?
Am continuing with my meditation practice daily - and Angela explicitly explores the role of emotion in learning (and perhaps in response to I-Anger, Yogi BKS Iyengar, as Dona Holleman has called Iyengar, - but where emotion for Angela could also refer to social emotional learning re Project ECHO's teaching of this!)
Love, Scott
Hi Scott,
Will definitely do so. There should be lots of opportunities. Between job loss and jobs going virtual, people are looking for less crowded (and less costly) places to live--Oregon- Wyoming- Minnesota-like less crowded.
* * *
Cuttyhunk Island houses older than 50 years, and a realistic virtual earth for history in Google Street View with a FilmTo3D App ... (in MA)?
Your "House on Survey List" email (it's not my house)
Inbox | x |
| 12:34 PM (4 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Gail and All,
Am not sure whether this email which I just sent went through or not (since I got a gmail 'failure' notice):
Scott MacLeod <>
12:28 PM (1 minute ago)
to Seymour, Jim, Grant, loon40, David, cuttyhunk.wright, Matt, elkan, Cuttyhunk, Peggy, Joan, John, Nancy, George, s, Scott, Nancy, Sandy, GAIL, Janie
Dear Gail, (Jane, Seymour, George, Nancy, and All),
Thanks, Gail, for getting back to my mother and myself just now about "...the work that PAL planned to do (and did) on Cuttyhunk last Friday on ZOOM." I looked up PAL -
With regards to what I just sent you and my mother:
"Am wondering how the process you write about could become further digitized (and even from a state of Massachusetts' perspective) re -
a Realistic Virtual Earth for History -
& Film-to-3D App -
I'd like to bring to your attention also the "Realistic Virtual Earth for Archaeology" #hashtag -
Church of England to launch a 'Google Maps for graves' w/i five years enabling family historians to search for burial records & locations in an online database -
Could the/ is the Cuttyhunk Historical Society with PAL, I wonder ... and even regarding such future digital developments?
Thanks, too, regarding the clarification about entering Cuttyhunk houses regarding PAL: "They did not enter anyone's property unless the owner was home and told them they could enter the property." Thank you!
Regards, (& So give 3 cheers for Cuttyhunk ... :),
Thank you, Gail!
10:53 AM (1 hour ago)
to Janie, me
Janie and Scott: Perhaps I wasn't clear with respect to the work that PAL planned to do (and did) on Cuttyhunk last Friday on ZOOM. They were gathering information with respect to buildings and houses over 50 years old. They did not enter anyone's property unless the owner was home and told them they could enter the property. As far as I know, this only occurred twice to property not owned by the Town. No "surveying" of land/building was done. Perhaps the word "surveying" is not the word that should be used, but that is the word that PAL uses. The information that was gathered on each house/building was information that could be seen from the street - such as type of roof, siding, number of chimneys/type, number of stories, etc. Photos were taken.
The reasoning behind this project is that no community-wide inventory of historic, architectural, landscape, or archaeological resources has been done on Cuttyhunk. The Board of Selectmen believes there is a need to document those properties that have historical significance to the community, Massachusetts, and the country.
For example, in the event that one of these houses is either torn down or destroyed by fire, there will be preserved some documentation and photos of the house. Some individuals may want to use the information to place their homes on the National Register, but a decision to do this is the owner's - no one else.
Hope the above answers your questions. Let me know if it hasn't, or you have additional questions.
Regards. Gail
Your "House on Survey List" email
Scott MacLeod
12:34 PM (4 hours ago)
to GAIL, Janie, Seymour, Jim, Grant, loon40, David, cuttyhunk.wright, Matt, elkan, Cuttyhunk, Peggy, Joan, John, Nancy, George, s, me, Nancy, Sandy
Gail and All,
Am not sure whether this email which I just sent went through or not (since I got a gmail 'failure' notice):
Scott MacLeod
12:28 PM (1 minute ago)
to Seymour, Jim, Grant, loon40, David, cuttyhunk.wright, Matt, elkan, Cuttyhunk, Peggy, Joan, John, Nancy, George, s, Scott, Nancy, Sandy, GAIL, Janie
Dear Gail, (Jane, Seymour, George, Nancy, and All),
Thanks, Gail, for getting back to my mother and myself just now about "...the work that PAL planned to do (and did) on Cuttyhunk last Friday on ZOOM." I looked up PAL - - and find it interesting that it stands for Public Archaeology Laboratory, and has a "MA HERITAGE LANDSCAPE INVENTORY" !
With regards to what I just sent you and my mother:
"Am wondering how the process you write about could become further digitized (and even from a state of Massachusetts' perspective) re -
a Realistic Virtual Earth for History - -
& Film-to-3D App -"
I'd like to bring to your attention also the "Realistic Virtual Earth for Archaeology" #hashtag - - for related brainstorming. This would be part of the idea regarding Google Street View -
Church of England to launch a 'Google Maps for graves' w/i five years enabling family historians to search for burial records & locations in an online database - #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ~
Church of England to launch a 'Google Maps for graves' w/i five years enabling family historians to search for burial records & locations in an online database - ~— Languages-World Univ (@sgkmacleod) March 5, 2020 - and in 5 years.
Could the/ is the Cuttyhunk Historical Society with PAL, I wonder ... and even regarding such future digital developments?
Thanks, too, regarding the clarification about entering Cuttyhunk houses regarding PAL: "They did not enter anyone's property unless the owner was home and told them they could enter the property." Thank you!
Regards, (& So give 3 cheers for Cuttyhunk ... :),
Thank you, Gail!
10:53 AM (1 hour ago)
to Janie, me
Janie and Scott: Perhaps I wasn't clear with respect to the work that PAL planned to do (and did) on Cuttyhunk last Friday on ZOOM. They were gathering information with respect to buildings and houses over 50 years old. They did not enter anyone's property unless the owner was home and told them they could enter the property. As far as I know, this only occurred twice to property not owned by the Town. No "surveying" of land/building was done. Perhaps the word "surveying" is not the word that should be used, but that is the word that PAL uses. The information that was gathered on each house/building was information that could be seen from the street - such as type of roof, siding, number of chimneys/type, number of stories, etc. Photos were taken.
The reasoning behind this project is that no community-wide inventory of historic, architectural, landscape, or archaeological resources has been done on Cuttyhunk. The Board of Selectmen believes there is a need to document those properties that have historical significance to the community, Massachusetts, and the country.
For example, in the event that one of these houses is either torn down or destroyed by fire, there will be preserved some documentation and photos of the house. Some individuals may want to use the information to place their homes on the National Register, but a decision to do this is the owner's - no one else.
Hope the above answers your questions. Let me know if it hasn't, or you have additional questions.
Regards. Gail
| 1:07 PM (4 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Gail (George, Nancy), and All,
Regarding your
House on Survey List
Inbox | x |

| Thu, Aug 13, 9:58 AM | ![]() ![]() | ||
Scott: Just wanted to let you know that your house is on the list of properties to be surveyed later this month.
Can we all keep an eye on each other's houses when we're on island please, - and let each other know if there's illegal activity going on, that we might not know of otherwise?
Thanks, Scott
re a # RealisticVirtualEarthForArchae ology -
what is a #Viking #Berserker Isle of Lewis chess set? Lewis_chessmen
- 43558321366132190/
- 01/norse-berserker-warriors- as-medieval-chess-pieces/
- wiki/Berserker
#OldNorse #OldNorseLanguages # RealisticVirtualEarthForArchae ology https://wiki. wiki/Archaeology
~ scottmacleod/status/ 1163612523532210176?s=20
what is a #Viking #Berserker Isle of Lewis chess set?
#OldNorse #OldNorseLanguages #
Scott MacLeod
1:07 PM (4 hours ago)
to GAIL, Janie, Seymour, Jim, Grant, loon40, David, cuttyhunk.wright, Matt, elkan, Cuttyhunk, Peggy, Joan, John, Nancy, s, me, Nancy, Sandy
Gail (George, Nancy), and All,
Regarding your
House on Survey List
Thu, Aug 13, 9:58 AM
to me
Scott: Just wanted to let you know that your house is on the list of properties to be surveyed later this month.
Can we all keep an eye on each other's houses when we're on island please, - and let each other know if there's illegal activity going on, that we might not know of otherwise?
Thanks, Scott
re a #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology -
what is a #Viking #Berserker Isle of Lewis chess set?
#OldNorse #OldNorseLanguages #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology
what is a #Viking#Berserker Isle of Lewis chess set?— (@scottmacleod) August 20, 2019
- ~
Thank you, Gail!
| 1:08 PM (4 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Sounds good. - Scott
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
* * *