wiki teaching & learning about anything - @WorldUnivAndSch Enter into a Realistic Virtual Earth or Harbin- #RealisticVirtualHarbin Presently, you can only walk down the Harbin "road""4 miles" to Middletown, CA here ~ ~ @HarbinBook~
wiki teaching & learning about anything- Enter into a Realistic Virtual Earth or Harbin- #RealisticVirtualHarbin Presently, you can only walk down the Harbin "road""4 miles" to Middletown, CA here ~ ~ @HarbinBook~— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) September 9, 2020
walk down the Harbin "road""4 miles" to Middletown, CA here ~ ~ @HarbinBook~ in #GoogleStreetView (but not yet get into #VirtualHarbinWarmPool from our home bathtubs), Perhaps later to hike the #PacificCrestTrail in a digital mask
walk down the Harbin "road""4 miles" to Middletown, CA here ~ ~ @HarbinBook~ in #GoogleStreetView (but not yet get into #VirtualHarbinWarmPool from our home bathtubs), Perhaps later to hike the #PacificCrestTrail in a digital mask— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) September 9, 2020
* *
(There are some other PCT - Pacific Crest Trail - Tweets in this blog too)
— Jim Smith (Gravity) (@hikewithgravity) September 4, 2020
Trailside Reader: As noted in the prior post, when you are fortunate to pass...: As noted in the prior post, when you are fortunate to pass through Glacier Peak Wilderness in good weather, there are few places along the PCT that are…— PCT News (@pctnews) September 9, 2020
Friday, March 20, 2020
Friday, June 7, 2019
Siskiyou Wilderness: 3 books in the Academic Press at World University and School, for * * * A vision of Reed College in a single book - John Sheehy's "Comrades of the Quest: An Oral History of Reed College" (2012) ... like a vision of Stanford University - John Hennessy's "Leading Matters: Lessons from My Personal Journey" (2018) * * * Some photo Tweets from the journey ... in California it sunned, & presto, crossed the border int Oregon it fogged, {and then it rained!}. Eureka Way from I-5 on 299 at Redding, then North & East on 96 thru Orleans, the Kartuk 'Res', then Happy Camp GLORIOUS FORESTS! Crossed too Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) hiked in 1980, south & north of here, the year Mt St Helen's erupted. :) * * * Glad too to bring the beginning WUaS Bookstore to Reed Reunions' Marketplace*
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Cyclamen: Just planted a garden in a box on my porch, 'Culture tripping? As an anthropologist ... what does this mean?, Somehow engaging other cultures very vividly and generatively in my mind, virtually in a way, and appreciating and engaging the richness of their ideation, their art, their languages, their ways of being and also 'riffing' in mind with this ... And it crossed my mind last night that I'm kind of culture tripping sometimes when I go Scottish Country Dancing, for example, Perhaps an actual < > virtual realistic Harbin (visit a very early virtual Harbin here ~ ~ and "walk" down the road to Middletown, CA, to "amble" around the streets there, if interested) will open very new ways to explore this, Garden in a box ... To … & ... seeking to explore some home genetics' experiments ... eg a TatoTom?, Home gardening, and home genetics, into a realistic virtual earth at the cellular and atomic levels too ... and via photography!* * *
Canyon, CA 94516, ...
| 12:09 PM (3 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi Ellin, Lois, Sonya and Casey, and Theo,
Just checking in to find out how you are all doing in this intensely smokey, and eerily orange and grey day? Am hoping you are all copacetic!
Sincerely, Scott
| 12:13 PM (3 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
It is very eerie, isn't it?
Regards, Ellin
| 12:21 PM (3 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Am glad to be able to keep the smoke out with windows closed ... while surfing the internet, and even regarding wiki teaching and learning about anything - https://wiki. wiki/Subjects - for ex.! :)
Hopefully we'll be able to enter into a Realistic Virtual Earth or Harbin - RealisticVirtualHarbin?src= hashtag_click - and continue surfing there! Presently, you can only walk down the Harbin "road""4 miles" to Middletown, CA here ~ ~ ~ ~ in Google Street View (but not get into the virtual Harbin warm pool from our home bathtubs), but perhaps later we'll be able to hike the Pacific Crest Trail in a digital mask too, and from home. :)
Friendly regards, Scott
In a somewhat related vein, check out too:
Yoga from the inside out #AngelaAndVictorYoga 'Underground Yoga' in Eftalou, Molyvos, Lesvos on Greece http://scott-macleod.blogspot. com/search/label/Angela%20and% 20Victor%20yoga?m=0 ~https://wiki. wiki/Yoga ~
~https://wiki. wiki/Subjects ~Wonderful #RealisticVirtualHarbin inner body explorations HarbinBook/status/ 1300870131183054848?s=20 http://scott-macleod.blogspot.
Yoga from the inside out #AngelaAndVictorYoga'Underground Yoga' in Eftalou, Molyvos, Lesvos on Greece ~ ~ @WorldUnivAndSch ~ ~Wonderful #RealisticVirtualHarbin inner body explorations— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) September 1, 2020
Angela and Victor blog label - https://scott-macleod. Angela%20and%20Victor%20yoga -
- Scott MacLeod
* *
Th September 10, 2020
| 1:02 PM (2 minutes ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi Lois and Glory, (and All),
Are you all still in touch? And thanks for the nice dinner 3 or so years ago, Lois (and Glory)!
Glad we've moved on from an "intensely smokey, and eerily orange and grey day" yesterday - to an intensely smokey grey day! Progress!
Blogged a bit about all these realistic virtual Harbin and hiking the virtual Pacific Crest Trail ideas yesterday - https://scott-macleod. commelina-communis-wiki- teaching.html.
Scott* *
Yoga from the inside out #AngelaAndVictorYoga 'Underground Yoga' in Eftalou, Molyvos, Lesvos on Greece… ~ ~
~ ~Wonderful #RealisticVirtualHarbin inner body explorations
Yoga from the inside out #AngelaAndVictorYoga'Underground Yoga' in Eftalou, Molyvos, Lesvos on Greece ~ ~ @WorldUnivAndSch ~ ~Wonderful #RealisticVirtualHarbin inner body explorations— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) September 1, 2020
* * *
(classical bagpiping music for the Scottish bagpipe - and newly on the Scottish Small Pipes)
Here's this email in this thread, and since ...
Piobaireachd the College of Piping's yellow tutor, Vol. 4, is a kind of Scottish small pipes' theory too.
Am looking forward to beginning Piobaireachd with you on Thursday - and with "The Company's Lament," the first tune in the CoP Yellow Tutor, Vol. 3. Am appreciative of how helpful the CD is for learning Piobaireachd - and Cantaireachd especially - between lessons especially, and how my oft-played CD, which I just put in my only CD player has some skips in it. Shall I try to play the CD for you in the lesson, so you might have a record of it (of the Crunluath, the Cantaireachd, the Ground or Urlar - and much more, albeit with skips), and of me playing too? The Yellow Tutor also begins with playing the Crunluath (and Taorluath) finger movements - and again the CD is invaluable. It might be helpful for you in learning these 4 Piobaireachds if you got the book and CD - if you think you would 'drink them in' - play with them a lot, for all their remarkable teachings! "The Company's Lament" is a beautiful Piobaireachd! (And where are you with ordering or not the B flat SSP chanter?) Both I think you would enjoy, learn with, and benefit from. If each Piobaireachd has 5 or so parts, and there are a number of new fingering movements too, it might make sense to focus more on Ceol Mor than Ceol Beag in the upcoming lesson too.
See you Thursday!
Musical cheers,
Here's the great PM Donald MacLeod playing
(much faster than in the CoP Yellow Tutor, with its helpful Cantaireachd, as well as finger movement instruction)
The Company's Lament
(and as Donald MacLeod says at the close, there's no Crunluath A Mach movement in "The Com;pany's Lament" in case you were wondering:)
And a further amazing related resource -
Pipe Major Donald MacLeod M.B.E. - Topic channel/ UCec8vbgGUmTWPLqbNiFd6nw
(and as Donald MacLeod says at the close, there's no Crunluath A Mach movement in "The Com;pany's Lament" in case you were wondering:)
And a further amazing related resource -
Pipe Major Donald MacLeod M.B.E. - Topic
Playing Piiobaireachd is Scottish bagpiping theory, I'd suggest :)