Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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dark purple trichoglottis: World Univ & Sch - :Your edX Online Campus Inquiry" - WUaS platform & edX & credit units (re Reed College's and MIT OCW's continued)


World Univ & Sch -

'Your edX Online Campus Inquiry'

Marissa DePaolo mdepaolo@edx.org

8:46 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
Hello Scott GK,
First, a sincere thanks for your interest in partnering with edX! As an MIT and Harvard-founded nonprofit, over the last 8 years edX has leveraged our founders and 18 of the global top 20 schools to democratize education through Massive Open Online Courseware.

If you would like additional information about how our content library is being leveraged in the current global environment by hundreds of other educational institutions, please use this link to book a mutually convenient time.

If your interest is in creating or uploading your own courses, please visit Open edX.

Looking forward to your response,

Marissa DePaolo
Sales Development Representative

Dear Marissa,

Thank you for your email. I'm including below an email from this morning to a matriculated student (in India) in World Univ & Sch's second undergraduate matriculating class, toward free-to-students' licensing and accrediting Bachelor degrees, for your perusal. This student is currently studying edX courses toward his WUaS Bachelor's degree as an auditor. It would be great to talk further about this regarding the edX online campus and MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch. Thanks to edX's Leslie Good for suggesting signing up for edX online campus to address "questions about using edX content with school curriculums" (below).  

Regarding WUaS Open edX, WUaS cancelled our startup kit with Open edX service partner MOOCit France fairly recently partly because WUaS doesn't have the expertise to migrate or adapt, for example, 6 initial CC-4 MIT OCW courses into WUaS Open edX in our initial majors of EECS, General Science, General Engineering, English, History and Business - worlduniversityandschool.org (toward free-to-students' Bachelor degrees). One approach that WUaS would take in these regards (if WUaS were to have any money) would be for WUaS to hire MIT graduate students (who had even taken the MIT course) to divide a MIT OCW course into two 7-8 week long courses on the WUaS Open edX platform, which we could then offer to our WUaS students for credit as WUaS licenses with BPPE and accredits with WASC senior. But until now, WUaS hasn't been able to ask edX about this. Thank you for this opportunity. I just signed up for 11:30 am PT (in the SF Bay Area) I think, which is 2:30 pm ET in Cambridge, MA, on Monday, 14 September 2020. Looking forward to talking with you, Marissa!

Best regards, 
Scott GK MacLeod
President, CEO, Founder, Professor

Best STEAM CC-4 OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch -

The WUaS Press / Corp and WUaS Educational Services' Store -

I am writing also to let you know that questions about using edX content with school curriculums should be addressed to edX's online campus team who will be happy to discuss options. 

Best Regards,

Leslie Good
Executive Assistant to Anant Agarwal and Adam Medros | edX
141 Portland Street | 9th Floor | Cambridge, MA 02139O: +1 617-324-7058 | M: +1 857-408-5892 | lgood@edx.org | www.edx.org

edX Online Campus helps you create engaging online learning experiences
Access More Digital Resources and Courses
Spend more time on student support and mentorship and less on developing online content.

Expand Online Catalogs with New Courses and Subjects
Attract, engage and serve more students with new course offerings in critical and emerging subject areas.

Promote Lifelong Learning throughout your Community
Use edX courses with faculty, staff, and alumni for professional development and lifelong learning.

Th, September 10, 2020

Hi Shahbaz, Larry (chair of the WUaS Board), Rohit (recently graduated lawyer in India), All,

Thanks for your thoughts. 

I'll wait to see how edX gets back to World Univ & Sch (today I think). If we can partner with them, it's a very remarkable opportunity for World Univ & Sch, which would allow you to take edX courses (including from Harvard and MIT), in full, for example. And therefore, you could also take MITx from MIT OCW courses, too, - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mitx-related-courseware/ (but not yet developed with a kind of Stanford ethos or culture, only a MIT ethos) - if there were any MIT OCW>MITx courses in English literature (but which may come in the future). At this point, I haven't seen what the downsides of collaboration with the edx online campus are. 

Having been invited from the edX - https://campus.edx.org/ - online campus page to this panel discussion yesterday - https://studyportalsacademy.com/supporting-international-new-students-in-a-covid-impacted-intake/ - with edX CEO Anant Agarwal in conversation with Physics' Nobel Laureate Brian Schmidt in Australia and Edwin van Rest from the Netherlands), I want to make sure however that WUaS can continue to develop our own Academic Press at WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Academic_Press_at_World_University_and_School - planned with machine translation first in all ~200 countries' official languages, and then for all 7,117 known living languages, as well as our WUaS Educational Services' Store (having seen some of the edX sponsors on Anant's first slide) - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html.   

Shahbaz, as you may know, World Univ & Sch is seeking to develop what you suggest from CC-4 MIT OCW in its 4 languages 
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects (with Wikidata in 300 languages as back end structured knowledge database) 

and - G Suite for Education 

all accessible from 

So these are our own WUaS platform's beginnings, with study materials and syllabi at MIT OCW and on the WUaS wiki subject pages (see, the syllabi section, for example, in the English Literature wiki subject - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/English_Literature - as well as its own CC-4 MIT OCW courses). G Suite for Education may further complement edX regarding evaluations. And then World University and School will also grow on our own in all ~200 countries' official languages, and in all 7,117 as wiki schools for open teaching and learning - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States and https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages

edX will add much credibility to the free-to-students' Bachelor, and Ph.D. degrees, first in English (re BPPE licensing), at WUaS, and potentially the Law and MD degrees, as well as IB high school diplomas at WUaS - and in all ~200 nation states' official and main languages online. I also think WUaS will be able to license edX courses with the state of California's BPPE - https://twitter.com/CaBPPE - and become accredited by WASC senior - https://twitter.com/wascsenior - also based in the state of California. 

What are your thoughts about this? (And what did you think of "A Midsummer's Night's Dream" https://youtu.be/ftqoy2JPU2I in film online, and regarding your 'Shakespeare Matters" edX course? ... Watching a film while reading a text is a very different way of 'reading' a text in a new way, thanks to the internet)

Some of our recent communications in these regards:


Are you really certain that this collaboration with edx online campus work for WUaS?

I think we should develop our own platform on the WUaS website for learners and provide them with study materials such as ebooks, videos, etc. And when they are done with the syllabus, lead them to an assessment system on the website where they can write their exams. 

I suppose it will add more credibility to the free to degree University. What are your thoughts?


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Shahbaz Sanjer

12:06 PM (47 minutes ago)
to me
Very well, if the collaboration benefits the WUaS and it's students.

One thing that I'd like to confirm is the fact that a typical 4 year BA degree requires 120 credit hours. Then, how come Reed College requires 600 credits for the same?



Glad you're looking at the Reed College credit hour system. Presently, as WUaS begins to explore partnering with edX and on the edX online campus, WUaS seeks to develop a rough credit hour system with edX courses -  per week - as the basic credit unit, roughly, and for now (per what I described earlier) - and with WUaS's 600 credit unit system for a free-to-students' 4-year CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degree. Please translate roughly from the typical BA credit hour system or the Reed College credit hour system. 

In terms of credit units at WUaS, and licensing accreditation in California, basing a system further on MIT OCW's 15-week long courses - https://ocw.mit.edu/ - (which the above 600 credit unit system is, in a sense but roughly, ie 10 MIT OCW courses per year over 4 years) makes most sense.

Thanks, Scott
Re Reed College links - 
WUaS platform & edX & credit units (continued)


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