Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Indian Ocean oriental sweetlips (Plectorhinchus vittatus): Harvard Anthropology - "The University as an Ethnographic Question (Part 1) ... " * * * * Van Halen: Panama ~ You Really Got Me ~ Runnin' with the Devil ~ Dance the Night Away ~ They started in '72 too - Did they ever make it to Harbin? RIP EDDIE ~ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Rock_and_Roll … ~

Previous: Red kite: Interesting that Harbin Hot Springs says it's open now - . . . Yet the stay-at-home California directive due to Covid-19 quarantine is still in effect ... * * * Is Live View in Google Maps on the Google Pixel 3a smartphone a kind of ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy? * * * One thing that seems missing from the Covid-19 epidemic news' and medicine conversation (with very little genes' testing focus in the US, and re the threat of a SARS, for example) of the past 6 months or so, is how a pandemic can be politicized - from an academic conversation analysis (ie Berkeley, Michigan, Harvard, MIT, Stanford from the 1960s' forward). Perhaps academics and intellectuals learned how to politicize this Covid-19 pandemic from this academic discourse of the past 50 years or so * * How to riffingly characterize a new covid-19 culture we're living through ?

Fascinating opening Harvard conversation (but which wasn't recorded we were told) between Stefano Harney & Fred Moten on "The University as an Ethnographic Question (Part 1)" with much relevance for World University and School (planned as major online "Harvards" in all ~200 countries and in their official / main languages for free-to-students' online degrees ...)

(and congratulations to Fred Moten who was awarded a MacArthur Grant the next day I think ... )

Fred Moten

Cultural Theorist and Poet | Class of 2020

Creating new conceptual spaces to accommodate emerging forms of Black aesthetics, cultural production, and social life.


Please join us for:

The University as an Ethnographic Question (Part 1)


a conversation with Fred Moten & Stefano Harney

For those unfamiliar with Fred Moten and Stefano Harney's work, please see the following: 

The Undercommons: Fugitive Study and Black Planning [Link]
The University: Last Words [Link]


The University as an Ethnographic Question

The American university as a financialized institution within late capitalism and the American university as a site for scholarship have long been at odds, and the COVID-19 pandemic has brought many of these tensions into stark relief. Faculty have been asked to reimagine the pedagogical mission of the university, while contending with a changed landscape for both research and resources -- libraries closed, offices locked, laboratories diminished, travel restricted, immigration statuses threatened, and fieldwork halted. Staff and contract laborers are facing layoffs, furloughs, and pay reductions and in many universities hiring is at a halt. Graduate students, caught between the push to graduate and pandemic related interruptions to research, as well as postdoctoral fellows and untenured faculty face heightened precarities, most obviously in the form of a devastated job market. As abrupt as many of these changes may seem, they in fact are unfolding in keeping with a set of deeper and more longstanding dynamics that define the contemporary American university, including the changing value of academic labor; the flexibilization and ballooning administration of academic work; the deep institutional racism structuring the university and the role of “diversity” talk in its whitewashing; and the opaque yet spectacular financialization of the university. 


The 2020-2021 seminar series is anchored in these critical themes: participants are encouraged to engage creatively with the conditions of our scholarly labor and turn ethnographic attention towards the university itself. The series will be conducted online, moving away from the traditional lecture followed by Q&A and towards more dynamic event formats that can encourage virtual participation. This year's theme is a necessarily interdisciplinary conversation, and we invite attendees from across academic fields to join us. 


Unless otherwise stated, all events take place at 3pm EST.


Stefano Harney & Fred Moten - Faculty Interview - 2019-08-07

'The university: last words' by Fred Moten & Stefano Harney 


Stefano Harney & Fred Moten - Faculty Interview - 2019-08-07



And after their conversation, and in the Q&A, I asked the following .. 

Hand raising - 

am reminded of: 

"Everyday life invents itself by poaching in countless ways on the property of others." Michel De Certeau

and regarding ... 

The University as an Ethnographic Question (Part 1) ... 


WOW! I went to this Onsen https://youtu.be/X6YBetANDUI on #Pixel3a phone & I see now how best to create a #virtualHarbin experience in #GoogleCardboard & in a bath tub for de facto #RelaxationResponse #Meditation of #VirtualSoaking What else :)? @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin ~







How to bring these questions (demand, the managerial with the practical) into a realistic virtual earth for Anthropology - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForAnthropology?src=hashtag_click

Map of #FieldSites 1901-2001 for

Anthropology dissertations in the  #UCBerkeleyAnthroLibrary How to move these into #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualEarthForAnthropology for ongoing research even & via http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy?m=0 ? & re My 

@HarbinBook in library's collection - 

- https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1176985961848135680?s=20

re the University as ethnographic field site ... ?

* * * 

WUaS News and Q&A M 10/5/20 10a PT https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch/live i) FURTHER Partnering with edX Online Campus! ii) 9/19/20 MINUTES https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/09/vaquita-phocoena-sinus-minutes-for-19.html iii) 

edX's RESEARCH - & in MIT McGovern Brain Institute 

https://edx.org/about/research-pedagogy< > WUaS's https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Research -

@WUaSPress -




* * * * 

Van Halen's 

Eddie Van Halen passes away ... 

Van Halen: Panama https://youtu.be/fuKDBPw8wQA 

You Really Got Me https://youtu.be/9X6e7uctAww 

Runnin' with the Devil https://youtu.be/i5txwFv-zYM

Dance the Night Away https://youtu.be/llfjDUB66Z4

They started in '72 too - Did they ever make it to Harbin? RIP EDDIE ~ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Rock_and_Roll… ~









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