Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Juniper: Agenda & News for open World Univ & Sch Monthly Business Meeting AND the WUaS Corp on Sat. 10/17/20 at 9am PT


Dear Universitians and friends, 

Our open World Univ & Sch monthly business meets on Sa 10/17/20 at 9am PT if you might be interested in joining the hour-long conversation.

And thank you for your support of World Univ & Sch. Please find attached the financial reports for the NP World Univ and Sch, AND the FP WUaS Corp.

Please join us at our OPEN (& hour-long) World Univ & Sch 
@WorldUnivAndSch (@WUaSPress) Monthly Business Meeting this Sat 10/17/20, at 9 am PT, 12 pm ET, electronically: Email info@ worlduniversityandschool.org if interested in joining! & from time zones in Asia, Africa & Europe too!

World University's open monthly business meeting Agenda for October 17, 2020:

The next WUaS Monthly Business Meeting will meet on the 3rd / THIRD Saturday of the month, on November 21, 2020.

Sincerely, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod


- Languages - World Univ - https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/


World University and School

Glad to have received a dollar amount from edX for WUaS partnering with edX Online Campus: unlimited course enrollments for 50 WUaS students for $17,450 for one term (January - April 2021) which money WUaS will now seek to fundraise for (and eventually seek as reimbursements from nation states' and counties' departments of education), and as WUaS seeks to build to MIT VALUE online degrees. So WUaS continues to seek 50 - 400 students for January to take verified edX courses (which edX said they would help with in terms of outreach too)

someone at edX to take on the WUaS G Suite for Education for our WUaS matriculating undergraduate program this January, as well as for planning for reimbursement from all ~200 countries (and even, brainstorming-wise for all 7.8 billion people on planet). 

Someone alternatively in the US state department to do WUaS's G Suite for all 200 countries' students? 

WUaS Medical School first in Romania - re Europe?
for training of online Physicians' Assistants too?

Photo: China News / TT
Healthcare in Romania near collapse
 A record number of people infected in the country with the EU's worst healthcare.

Case study at Project ECHO? 

Project ECHO case study on Oct 27 ? 

Regarding WUaS's 6 majors - EECS, Gen. Science, Gen. Engineering, English, History, Business - initially, and for undergraduates, 

WUaS is exploring offering a hands-on online 'WUaS Computer Gaming' track in our EECS major, and with edX courses.

'WUaS Home Robotics' re our General Engineering Major

'WUaS realistic virtual earth for history' - re our History major 

Wondering how a Prof. Hugh Thomas who wrote 'The English and the Normans: Ethnic Hostility, Assimilation, and Identity 1066 - c.1220' could develop history in a COMPLETELY NEW way in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory @WUaSPress #RealisticVirtualEarth thinking Google Streetview+



And for ... ?

General Science



and all initially via edX (from MIT OCW > edX???) courses in part?

WUaS Corporation / WUaS Press

2.2 million jobs and careers many faculty in all 200 universities
both wings

Lego robotics ...
in other countries? ... with edX roll out?

Cryptocurrency distributed via UBI experiments in most of all of ~200 countries - to alleviate poverty - and among all 7.8 billion wiki teachers and learners? 


IT platform

and for WUaS Educational Services' Store 

* * * 
See, too: 

Dear Marissa, 

Since you began this email thread, I'm writing to you as well as to Matthew, Cameron (and Carolina) as a team. 

Thanks to Matthew for sending pricing for 50 matriculating WUaS undergraduate students this January 2021 in 6 majors - of $17,450, as WUaS proceeds with licensing and accrediting potentially edX courses for both Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees. And thanks too to Matthew for letting WUaS know that edX doesn't have native integration with G Suite for Education, which G Suite (for Education) World University and School has been in for a number of years. It's in G Suite for Education that WUaS will eventually seek reimbursement from departments of education in all ~200 countries, and, with time, at what MIT itself asks for for an undergraduate degree (about $55,000) per year. In these regards, glad to see this morning on Twitter from Anant Agarwal that Google is joining edX - https://twitter.com/agarwaledu/status/1316732494394404864?s=19 - and in offering a course.

Unfortunately, however, and regarding edX pricing, WUaS doesn't have any money to speak of whatsoever. I could share with you the small list of grants WUaS has applied for unsuccessfully, as well as the October 2020 Grants' newsletter out of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's office in SF, if this helps. And since WUaS doesn't have a fundraising track record, would you by any chance be able to 'introduce,' or put WUaS in contact with, a first key funding source, before WUaS can set up WUaS Suite for Education for reimbursement from all ~206 countries - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Summer_Olympics_Parade_of_Nations - and their counties or states departments of education (as WUaS seeks their 'academic Olympic athlete students')? 

I think WUaS could also benefit with someone at edX, or similar (eg for WUaS to hire, or engage someone at Google itself), to take on the administration of the WUaS G Suite for Education for our WUaS matriculating undergraduate program this January, as well as for planning for reimbursement from all ~200 countries (and even, brainstorming-wise for all 7.8 billion people on planet, each a wiki teacher or learner). 

WUaS may also explore reaching out to contacts in the US State Department initially - and regarding the $17,450 for 50 students for unlimited edX enrollments beginning in January. 

Thanks to Matthew for having done his edX business development job, and for giving WUaS some edX dollar figures to work with. Marissa, might you also be in a position to put us further in communication with Cameron Kaubris, for ex., about potential introductions to funding sources? 

Also, Matthew, is the $17,450 for a 4 month period, - or for what time period does edX have in mind for the dollar figures of ~$349 per student or $17,450 for 4 months?  I'm wondering also about WUaS's 4 month terms (Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sep-Dec), and what edX has planned for the self-pricing model of $350 per student - and toward WUaS's planned 4-year (with students basically taking 40 15-week-long CC-4 MIT OCW courses, roughly 10 per year, conceptually adapted into MITx or edX courses) for free-to-students' best STEAM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric degrees (as WUaS licenses and accredits with agencies in California). 

Thank you. 

Sincerely, Scott


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 



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