Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Periwinkle: '[UUCPA Choir] Suggestions please for laptop and car replacement" (for the record) * * * Am wondering if a consequence of the intense seeking to produce a Covid19 vaccine by 2021 will be the creation of an aging reversal vaccine too - Are all 7.8 billion people on planet going to make huge STEM progress in DEVELOPING a #covid19 vaccine by 2021, but also an #AgingReversal 'vaccine,' as byproduct * * * WUaS Monthly Business Meeting letter afterward - Minutes to follow. Here's a math question: can you get 7.8 billion unique IDs or numbers out of '' or '0z337ya3q5rqcd' (see below too) ... and more!


[UUCPA Choir] Suggestions please for laptop and car replacement

Unitarian Universality Church of PA Choir

For the record of good technologies in the midst of the information age ...   

to Choir
Hi All:

My 3 year-old Samsung laptop (love it) has died. It worked fine yesterday; won’t boot up today. Want to replace it ASAP! Went to local Best Buy where I was told it’s not repairable. It also doesn’t have the newest version of mine. Now have to find out if Samsung still makes it.

Two requests. If you have a laptop (not Apple) with a 15” or larger screen that you can recommend please do. When I get one I’ll likely need help setting it up. Can you assist? Fortunately I did a backup a few days ago so not much will be lost.

Second dilemma. My 2013 Prius (love it) needs major, expensive  repairs. I want to replace it. I can’t afford an EV, so looking at late model hybrids. Thinking another Prius, though not fond of newer body shape. I’ll be shopping this weekend.

If you have a Prius, 2016 or newer, please let me know if your‘re happy with. If you have a different make/model  of hybrid to recommend please do. If you know of a good Toyota dealer please let me know. I plan to look at and drive cars at the dealership, then search elsewhere.

I’ll stop now. Writing this on my phone, thumbs getting tired! Thanks in advance for your input.



Diane, UUCPA, 

CNET.com for laptop reviews - https://www.cnet.com/news/best-laptop-for-2020-dell-xps-hp-spectre-macbook-pro-more/ - but one from 2017 or 2018 ??

A Prius 2016 (4th generation - this is the first year of these), and Toyota Palo Alto?

UU singing cheers, 


Diane Meier

Fri, Oct 16, 8:57 PM (1 day ago)
to me
Thanks Scott!


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

11:24 AM (11 hours ago)
to ChoirDiane
Thanks for your thanks, Diane!

It's a 2016 Toyota Prius c that is the first year of the 4th Generation Prius, by the way, and I hope you find a laptop that's helpful - https://www.cnet.com/news/best-laptop-for-2020-dell-xps-hp-spectre-macbook-pro-more/ .

I'd have hoped for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch to have figured out real real time music making / singing / online virtual choir by now ... am hoping for WUaS to make this happen (Google Stanford-centric wise) but not yet still ...

Did you ever hear of or know of UU Minister Paul Sawyer as well ? See his video here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/10/spicebush-swallowtail.html (and https://youtu.be/jmsWXa5D-As ) - and he's great (and was pretty involved in the '60s and '70s, a time I study and regarding my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project esp ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~ ). From Massachusetts, and a Harvard grad, Rev Paul Sawyer invited the Grateful Dead to play at a Unitarian Church in southern California on Feb 6 1966 - http://deadsources.blogspot.com/2017/06/february-6-1966-acid-test-unitarian.html - but this show isn't in Archive.org - https://archive.org/search.php?query=Grateful%20Dead%201966 - interestingly, and I appreciate his 2010 conversation in this video. Check out the closed UU Church of Kensington (Berkeley) in these photos too. 

UU singing cheers, 

* * * 

Ma, Sandy,

How's the weather treating you in Maine, Sandy? Ma? It's been in the 90s here in afternoons! 

Am wondering if a consequence of the intense seeking to produce a Covid19 vaccine by 2021 will be the creation of an aging reversal vaccine too -

Are all 7.8 billion people on planet going to make huge STEM progress in DEVELOPING a #covid19 vaccine by 2021, but also an #AgingReversal 'vaccine,' as byproduct, & in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics with #WYSIWYG #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords ~https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity ?

... as geneticists come to master their science research-wise (not an easy science, but human genome was mapped in 2000! )

Love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


My new 3 chamber suite in El Cerrito 94530, just north of Berkeley,  with spectacular views of the SF Bay and its 3 main bridges stays relatively cool because it's close to the earth, below the house, and behind it, with a big porch above extending over the pretty garden patio too (a 4th out of doors' living space 'space' ...

HOW TOO TO connect further with N...., after she followed me on Twitter a few weeks' ago, and since she's from the Bay Area too (her sisterK 's web page said, who's also ...), speaking of Genetics' further :)?

Love, Scott


Atlantic horseshoe crab as species (in images) is among aldest at 445 MILLION years old ... 

And familiar from Cuttyhunk waters, having lived all those geological periods through time, replicating itself successfully generation after generation ... (in fairly cool water!:) ... 

But I'm wondering what a MIT / Harvard Genetics' Professor George Church thinks is possible for a single organism like you, Ma, or me, ... And from what he's learned already genetically from mice and dogs for example ... In terms of genetic engineering aging reversal for humans ... 445 million years for a single organism or body mind is a very very long time :)

Speculatively, scientifically and interestingly ... :) 

Love, Scott

Would be fun to have a costume party on Cuttyhunk where everybody came dressed as a local species, a periwinkle, a horseshoe crab - such an interesting shaped creature, almost a helmet, a seagull a lobster, a striped bass :)) I'd come as seaweed - eelgrass :)


Jane MacLeod

5:05 PM (5 hours ago)
to me
Hi Scott,  While you have 90 degrees we had our first frost last night.  I bought some brackets to have installed in the storage closet here to maximize the space: need to put away three outdoor chairs and the garden hose; hope that plan works out.

If you think of it, could you take a couple of photos of the inside and outside of your digs and attach them to an e-mail?  It’s nice to visualize where you live.  (And thanks for a couple of photos that might have been part of an ad for your new place — showing a car parked in front of the house?

I’m going to watch via live stream the first concert of Chamber Music Pittsburgh’s current season, with my new sound enhancing ear phones.  Hope I can make it all work.

Beautiful day here - in the fifties and sunny.  Rain forecast for the next three days.  We need it, but I prefer sun.

Love, Ma


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

5:15 PM (5 hours ago)
to SandyAnnCathyAldenJane
Hi Ma, 

Thanks for your email, and hearing the first concert of Chamber Music Pittsburgh sounds great ... Stay warm! 

Can you see these photos? - 

pic 1 - my place from garden patio, with Navin Doshi wearing maske

pic 2 - main view, Golden Gate bridge in distance 

pic 4 - living room
pic 5 - bathroom

pic 6 - kitchen 

pic 7 - bedroom


* * * * 

Juniper: Agenda & News for open World Univ & Sch Monthly Business Meeting AND the WUaS Corp on Sat. 10/17/20 at 9am PT

World University's open monthly business meeting Agenda for October 17, 2020:

- https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/10/juniper-agenda-news-for-open-world-univ.html

- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/10/juniper-agenda-news-for-open-world-univ.html

Dear Larry, 

Thanks for the 10/17/20 WUaS monthly business meeting this morning. Minutes to follow. Here's a math question: can you get 7.8 billion unique IDs or numbers out of '' or '0z337ya3q5rqcd' (see below too). How would one approach such a question? :)

I'm really not fundraising oriented whatsoever (and, - look at the WUaS track record in these regards), so I'll follow up with my friend Shahrzad Shirvani re her following up on her contacts - and potentially regarding connecting with departments of education in counties in Iran, through her neurosurgeon father, for example - and possibly also with the Iranian community in the US, re students, and the counties they live in for reimbursement. If you'd like to generate a list of 500 possible donors (outside of Iranians), I'd invite you to do so, since I think you'd be much better at fundraising in these areas than I, partly because I think you know the language of fundraising, with a feedback loop, from both Chatham and MIT communities, and related patterns of giving regarding these groups of alumni. The idea of fundraising sort of shuts me down, or turns me off, as well. 

I'm also going to postpone teaching my course beginning in mid-October (per last month's Minutes) until January 2021, and minute this too ... it would be great to get to know WUaS students in person in group video, and add many many other personal interactive elements (in a Friendly Quaker sense too) to our WUaS online education in all 200 countries, and 7117 languages - i.e. 1-1 tutorials, for example, in the Cambridge / Oxford model for human contact - and to create academic careers too. How to create this personal element well or extraordinarily (and re MIT and Stanford, and STEM majors, esp. too) this well - re Oxbridge as a best example, perhaps, is a fascinating questions

Here are all subjects, as a kind of course catalog at edX - https://www.edx.org/subjects - but best too for prospective students to go to the edX front page and click on the 'courses' pop down menu ...(and let's not lose track of EECS at MIT OCW -https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/ - for example, with its multitude of adaptable into WUaS Open edX possibilities, as well as its MIT Experimental Study Group Lego Robotics' course - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/experimental-study-group/es-293-lego-robotics-spring-2007/ - which I hope WUaS can adapt into our 3 Lego Robotics' kits as semester long Home Robotics and beginning programming courses, and with - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html).

Sincerely, Scott

Please see these initial approaches to create a single WUaS student sign on process, regarding 3 separate databases of names, in order to take edX courses for credit - 

EDX - database
Thinking through how a WUaS student might register in verified edX courses, and how WUaS would retain their contact info (re legit edX, WUaS G Suite for Education, and our WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki/Wikidata), I first went to (without logging into my edX account)  - 

And it took me to this register page - 
https://courses.edx.org/register - 

with this information - 

"Already have an edX account? Sign in.
Create an account using
... Microsoft.
or create a new one here
Full Name  
Public Username  
Country or Region of Residence  
By creating an account, you agree to the Terms of Service and Honor Code and you acknowledge that edX and each Member process your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
 Support education research by providing additional information
Create Account"

and importantly the honor code -

and then I logged in, and got to - https://courses.edx.org/course_modes/choose/course-v1:HarvardX+CS50G+Games/ - with NO PLACE to add WUaS as a user ...


having put a GDocs' sign in form on the WUaS home page for years - worlduniversityandschool.org - without the back end form working (and it's now removed), I just searched on 'how to use g suite for education for matriculating classes' and found - https://support.google.com/a/answer/2856827?hl=en - so it looks like it's doable.

and then we'd have to figure out how to integrate the edX catalog in this process, so WUaS retains the students' names, emails


Head of Sri Lanka WUaS unique WUaS G Suite ID - https://admin.google.com/u/1/ac/users/0z337ya3q5rqcd 

Peter Bothe / My Livestram at World Univ & Sch unique WUaS G Suite ID  - https://admin.google.com/u/1/ac/users/4bvk7pj0lk29q5

(I'm assuming WUaS could get 7.8 billion WUaS G Suite IDs which would be secure)


And as a student logs into G Suite they could also be assigned a secure WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki permanent ID (as part of the database process)


Contact the editor:

mail: No email address
wiki: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/User:

(I'm assuming WUaS could get 7.8 billion WUaS WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki IDs which would be secure, and that these could work/be intraoperative with 7.8 billion WUaS G Suite IDs)




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