Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Diplacus rupicola: INSPIRING - With @WorldUnivAndSch PARTNERING with edX in Jan., so WUaS students will be able to learn from Harvard Professors for free, in Jan., #WUaSComputerGaming will BE FUN * * Harvard's David Malan introducing computer science for newbys: https://youtu.be/_QhY6EAdeJ0Malan's"CS50's Introduction to Game Development"https://www.edx.org/course/cs50s-introduction-to-game-development With @WorldUnivAndSch PARTNERING with edX https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/10/juniper-agenda-news-for-open-world-univ.html?m=1 in Jan., #WUaSComputerGaming will BE FUN * * * Scottish bagpiping, lyrical beauty, and rock & roll's connectedness * Scottish Small Piping lessons


INSPIRING - Harvard's David Malan introducing computer science for newbys: https://youtu.be/_QhY6EAdeJ0 Malan's"CS50's Introduction to Game Development" https://www.edx.org/course/cs50s-introduction-to-game-development With @WorldUnivAndSch PARTNERING with edX https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/10/juniper-agenda-news-for-open-world-univ.html?m=1 in Jan., #WUaSComputerGaming will BE FUN



David J. Malan @davidjmalan

Oct 10 Live via @zoom_us from @americanrep at @harvard on Mon Oct 12, @cs50's live lecture on Python, aka Week 6, including a look at facial recognition, speech synthesis, #APIs, and #deepfakes. Register at https://cs50.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrduGuqzIiE9G3lHw7GqtVxoPT_rmdku-P…. Also at https://youtu.be/kM4oZTJaO8k.




Tabebuia roseo-alba: Seeking to develop 'rockin' #WUaSComputerGaming track in EECS free undergrad Bachelor's major 


in addition to #WUaSHomeRobotics' track in WUaS Gen. Engineering major (beginning in January with verified edX courses) https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/10/tabebuia-roseo-alba.html… ~


* *

Hi David, 

I just unsubscribed you from the Reed list for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch, and please let me know if I missed your email elsewhere.

How's your computer coding going? Are you making Computer Games much? 

Reed regards, 

INSPIRING - Harvard's David Malan introducing computer science for newbys: 
"CS50's Introduction to Game Development"

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  
- World University and School

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

. . . 


On Oct 16, 2020, at 1:24 PM, Info WorldUniversity <info@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:

Dear Universitians and friends, 

Our open World Univ & Sch monthly business meets on Sa 10/17/20 at 9am PT if you might be interested in joining the hour-long conversation.

And thank you for your support of World Univ & Sch. Please find attached the financial reports for the NP World Univ and Sch, AND the FP WUaS Corp.

Please join us at our OPEN (& hour-long) World Univ & Sch 
@WorldUnivAndSch (@WUaSPress) Monthly Business Meeting this Sat 10/17/20, at 9 am PT, 12 pm ET, electronically: Email info@ worlduniversityandschool.org if interested in joining! & from time zones in Asia, Africa & Europe too!

World University's open monthly business meeting Agenda for October 17, 2020:

The next WUaS Monthly Business Meeting will meet on the 3rd / THIRD Saturday of the month, on November 21, 2020.

Sincerely, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod


- Languages - World Univ - https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/

https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States (~200)
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages (7,117 known living languages)

World University and School

Glad to have received a dollar amount from edX for WUaS partnering with edX Online Campus: unlimited course enrollments for 50 WUaS students of $17,450 for one term (for January - April 2021?) which money WUaS will now seek to fundraise for (and eventually seek a $55,000 per year per student as reimbursements from nation states' and their counties' departments of education, and as WUaS seeks to build to MIT VALUE online degrees. 

WUaS continues to seek 50 - 400 students for January 2021 to take verified edX courses (which edX said they would help with in terms of outreach too).

(See, too, below: "Your edX Online Campus Inquiry (from edX's Marissa DePaolo to Scott MacLeod at WUaS) Thursday, October 15, 2020)

WUaS is seeking a coder or programmer at edX, or at Google, to take on the WUaS G Suite for Education for our WUaS matriculating undergraduate program this January, as well as for planning for reimbursement from all ~200 countries (and even, brainstorming-wise for all 7.8 billion people on planet). 

WUaS Medical Schools online

a- first in Romania in Europe?
b- for online training of Physicians' Assistants too?
c- case study at Project ECHO?  - Project ECHO case study on Oct 27 ? 
d- WUaS avatar bot electronic medical records in Hong Kong re Stanford Asia Health talk

Photo: China News / TT
Healthcare in Romania near collapse
 A record number of people infected in the country with the EU's worst healthcare.

Professor Gabriel Leung - 

Thanks for your excellent Stanford Asia Health talk just now - https://twitter.com/StanfordSAPARC/status/1316888979581460480?s=20.

I'm curious in addition to the question I asked - 
"Thank you, Prof. Leung, How could you see the Apple-Google Coronavirus tracing App being helpful at this stage of the pandemic, and given the media about 2nd and 3rd waves - especially in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, the US, Canada (and other countries you’re familiar with, out of the ~200 countries in the world)? Thank you and best regards, Scott (sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org)" ...

about planning for avatar bot electronic medical records and, brainstorming-wise, for all 7.8 billion people on the planet, and eventually for tele-roobotic surgery, as well as potentially mapping individuals' genome, and re Covid-19 too. 

Thanks for your "trust in governance ..." reply to my question too.

Such an Apple-Google Coronavirus tracing App, as well as electronic medical records and, brainstorming-wise, for all 7.8 billion people on the planet would be for the next epidemic too - 
and regarding CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric online Medical Schools in all ~200 countries -
with online teaching hospitals - 
in all ~200 countries - 
and in their official and main languages 
Languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages

... at CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World University and School, and since MIT doesn't have a Med Sch (or a Law Sch), I'm seeking for these to emerge in collaboration with Stanford Medicine, (and Stanford Law).. Looking forward to staying in touch. 

Wiki developments at World Univ & Sch - MOMENTOUS - (and can we get 7.8 billion user IDs out of this?)

It looks like WUaS wiki teachers and learners can newly develop an end user ID - 

World University and School Wiki page World University Medical School has been changed by anonymous user 

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Feedback and further assistance:

Regarding WUaS's 6 majors - EECS, Gen. Science, Gen. Engineering, English, History, Business - initially, and for undergraduates, 

WUaS is exploring offering a hands-on online 'WUaS Computer Gaming' track in our EECS major, and with edX courses.

Could the introductory course for this be: 

This would be in addition to - 

'WUaS Home Robotics' re our General Engineering Major

- and a - 
'WUaS realistic virtual earth for history' - re our History major 

Wondering how a Prof. Hugh Thomas who wrote 'The English and the Normans: Ethnic Hostility, Assimilation, and Identity 1066 - c.1220' could develop history in a COMPLETELY NEW way in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory @WUaSPress #RealisticVirtualEarth thinking Google Streetview+



And how to create as interesting tracks for our other three majors? -

General Science



.... and all initially via verified edX courses (eg. from MIT OCW > edX???) in part?

WUaS Corporation / WUaS Press

The WUaS Corporation - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - seeks to create 

2.2 million jobs, in our actual-virtual, physical-digital 'big box,' medium-sized box, and small boxes' retail WUaS Educational Services Stores for books, computers, robotics, and hospital technologies + - with some cafes for food - in all ~200 countries' universities, and in all 7,117 known living languages;

(and World University and School seeks too to create an enormous numbers of faculty careers, and in all ~200 universities, and 7,117 known living languages) 

How to begin to sell 'officially' WUaS Lego robotics - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - in other countries, besides the USA, and both online and on-the-ground? Combine with WUaS-edX roll out?

How best to proceed with WUaS facilitating a single cryptocurrency distributed via UBI experiments in most of all of ~200 countries - to alleviate poverty - and with Wikidata PIN #s for all 7.8 billion wiki teachers and learners? 

How best to develop an IT platform and for WUaS Educational Services' Store 
http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - and for students to buy and sell their own textbooks too in a kind of open market place? Collaborate with Google in a WUaS-edX roll out?

* * * 
See, too: 

Your edX Online Campus Inquiry
(from edX's Marissa DePaolo to Scott MacLeod at WUaS)

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Dear Marissa, 

Since you began this email thread, I'm writing to you as well as to Matthew, Cameron (and Carolina) as a an edX team regarding World University and School. 

Thanks to Matthew for sending pricing for 50 matriculating WUaS undergraduate students this January 2021 in 6 majors - of $17,450, as WUaS proceeds with licensing and accrediting potentially edX courses for both Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees. And thanks too to Matthew for letting WUaS know that edX doesn't have native integration with G Suite for Education, which G Suite (for Education) World University and School has been in for a number of years. It's in G Suite for Education that WUaS will eventually seek reimbursement from departments of education in all ~200 countries, and, with time, at what MIT itself asks for for an undergraduate degree (about $55,000) per year. In these regards, glad to see this morning on Twitter from Anant Agarwal that Google is joining edX - https://twitter.com/agarwaledu/status/1316732494394404864?s=19 - and in offering a course.

Unfortunately, however, and regarding edX pricing, WUaS doesn't have any money to speak of whatsoever. I could share with you the small list of grants WUaS has applied for unsuccessfully, as well as the October 2020 Grants' newsletter out of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's office in SF, if this helps. And since WUaS doesn't have a fundraising track record, would you by any chance be able to 'introduce,' or put WUaS in contact with, a first key funding source, before WUaS can set up WUaS Suite for Education for reimbursement from all ~206 countries - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Summer_Olympics_Parade_of_Nations - and their counties or states departments of education (as WUaS seeks their 'academic Olympic athlete students')? 

I think WUaS could also benefit with someone at edX, or similar (eg for WUaS to hire, or engage someone at Google itself), to take on the administration of the WUaS G Suite for Education for our WUaS matriculating undergraduate program this January, as well as for planning for reimbursement from all ~200 countries (and even, brainstorming-wise for all 7.8 billion people on planet, each a wiki teacher or learner). 

WUaS may also explore reaching out to contacts in the US State Department initially - and regarding the $17,450 for 50 students for unlimited edX enrollments beginning in January. 

Thanks to Matthew for having done his edX business development job, and for giving WUaS some edX dollar figures to work with. Marissa, might you also be in a position to put us further in communication with Cameron Kaubris, for ex., about potential introductions to funding sources? 

Also, Matthew, is the $17,450 for a 4 month period, - or for what time period does edX have in mind for the dollar figures of ~$349 per student or $17,450?  I'm wondering also about WUaS's 4 month terms (Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sep-Dec), and what edX has planned for the self-pricing model of $350 per student - and toward WUaS's planned 4-year (with students basically taking 40 15-week-long CC-4 MIT OCW courses, roughly 10 per year, conceptually adapted into MITx or edX courses) for free-to-students' best STEAM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric degrees (as WUaS licenses and accredits with agencies in California). 

Thank you. 

Sincerely, Scott


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * *

Scottish Small Piping lessons

Good playing, Taylor!

'The Company's Lament' Piobaireachd in full next week ... 

'The Glasgow Police Pipers' jig at 105? (and maybe 120 bpm even)



thanks for sharing the tune Gingling Geordie ... appreciating Callum Armstrong's explorations of it ... and both with an accompanying instrument (cello?), and in other keys (I think), and experimentally (eg at around 2:55 - I hear some Steeleye Span-like sounds in it too, which I enjoy) ... as well as his bringing music to the academic library (looks like a very 'Edinburgh library' too) from the inside ... by playing from the Dixon manuscript with bagpipes there ... and while it's not bringing rock and roll piping inside this Edinburgh library, it could head in that direction:)

Am appreciating again and again too this week the what I hear as exploding FIREWORKS (throughout due to his fingering technique) and unfolding BEGINNINGS of Yuan Sheng playing Bach Partitas here - https://youtu.be/s_num0eZIQ8 - (which amazing recording I've shared with you before). Am wondering how to bring such FIREWORKS and unfolding BEGINNINGS into both my upcoming SSP album, and our learning together. 

I cam across too this Tweet this morning - 
'Jimmy Page says he “reconnected with guitar” during lockdown'
(& also re these Ma & Marsalis Guidelines - http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm - re # 12 esp,, in a new way)

... and am wondering how further to connect with our bagpipes in the way Led Zeppelin band members connected with their music and instruments.

While Gingling Geordie isn't the metaphorical 'Bach music' of some of the tunes on my upcoming "Honey in the Bag" album (for me), it's fun (for me) to explore how Gingling Geordie might even become so ...  but there's something about the metaphorocal 'JS Bach composition' in great bagpipe tunes (for me) that I'd like to explore fulsomely too. (What is a lyrical tune (for me)? and What is a metaphorical JA Bach bagpipe tune?)

Taylor, "MacKintosh's Banner" is a lovely Piobaireachd (a 'Bach composition' in a sense too, for me) and looking forward 'to PIobaireachd-ing' with you tonight :) ... as well as to 'The Glasgow Police Pipers' and 'Gingling Geordie.'

Musical Cheers, 
(and just found this from 2017 - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/06/aurora-played-piobaireachd-companys.html - and re "The Company's Lament") ...

beauty and Piobaireachd? - again and to revisit -

All apart from what I'll coin as 'Piobaireachd philosophy,' here are a definition and some thoughts/connections about beauty (re Ma & Marsalis, initially) and Piobaireachd ...

Here's a definition of beauty: 
"a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, (especially the sight)"

2 never make a sound without hearing it first; hear it in your mind.

4 join feelings into your music when you feel bad, to integrate your feelings with your mind and body.

5 Relax and practice slowly.

7 Practice expressively.
Be serious – invest yourself expressively.

10 Think for yourself.
Don’t become a robot, but don’t dismiss what you’re taught.

12 Look for connections. (Make the social aspect of practicing regenerative - S.M.)
Music washes away the dust of everyday life from your feet.

and ... 
synthesize all 4 Piobaireachds in CoP Yellow Tutor Vol. 4 together in your bodymind into 'one computer program' for playing all 200-300 'major' Piobaireachds (and not just the form underlying "The Company's Lament"? :) ... would take 'deep listening' and internalization :)

and ...
exploring the Dixon manuscript may be a fascinating way to bring into circulation again new great tunes ...

"William Dixon manuscript - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › William_Dixon_manuscript
The William Dixon manuscript, written down between 1733 and 1738 in Northumberland, is the oldest known manuscript of pipe music from the British Isles, and the most important source of music for the Border pipes" 

... and even regarding - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipes - with Scottish smallpipes not only emerging from the GHB but also from Northumbrian and borders' piping ... 

But how too to find the most lyrical tunes, in general, to each of our ears? ... Write an algorithm for this (with echoes of brilliant Tufts' Anthropology Prof. Nick Seaver's work on the culture of algorithm and recommender systems ... and now there's some similar in Google Tensorflow https://twitter.com/npseaver/status/1308872685661888514?s=20 ... )

I'd like to be able to think & speak as remarkably as Princeton philosopher, and Humean, David Kellogg Lewis - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/david-lewis/ - does philosophically, but regarding beauty and Piobaireachd, and maybe we can explore with time in conversation ... (since this Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article says he wrote in the field of aesthetics too :) 

... and here's something with David Lewis in the title from UC Davis Social Sciences (as a kind of expression of a 'California school of philosophy' even? ... I went to a Stanford conference on this a few years ago (in blog too))

A Philosophical Problem: From David Lewis to Signaling Networks

Looks like Siubhal may have been misspelled in Yellow Tutor - 


A type of Piobaireachd variation, pronounced "shoo-al", similar to the Dithis. Consisting of a G gracenote to Low A, followed by the theme note. If the theme note is a B or C, it is accompanied by a D gracenote.


Let's explore further the Canntaireachd too for the siubhal :)

Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions? 


- Scott MacLeod


How to connect with one's instrument in new ways - here now SCOTTISH SMALL PIPES (and inspired by rock and roll in some ways) ? ... IS A QUESTION I'd like to teach (and learn further, beyond Stuart Liddell's meditation-brain with drones I'll call this) ... So that one feels connected with and gets connected esp - in transformative ways too esp ...

Garage band bass and guitar jamming ... into rockin' folk rock (and maybe solo-wise too) ... :) 

(Open Band could help ... But also freely, as well as possibly via online sessions in real real time :) ...

Musical regards,

Cuddy - a small room or compartment, especially on a boat ... 
Sea chest too? 

- Scott MacLeod


Taylor Warren

Thu, Oct 15, 8:26 PM (3 days ago)
to me
Did some googling and found this entry on the tune's background and meaning:

Bit of a bawdier connotation than I thought! 

Regarding accompaniment, I found two recordings of the tune on Youtube on both smallpipes and borderpipes with fiddle accompaniment. They're both playing in unison. I honestly like the second recording a bit more; I feel like the fiddle drowns out the smallpipes a bit on the first tune. 

I'll let you know if I can find anything else...


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Fri, Oct 16, 8:30 AM (2 days ago)
to Taylor

Fantastic music conducted by Marc Minkowski in this trailer from Digital Concert Hall - Berlin Philharmoniker ...

The orchestral sections play as ONE so well together - like GHB pipe bands

Nice oboe solo from a double-bladed reed 'cousin' of Pipers 

There's a lot of beauty (for me) in this European orchestral music - re thinking about what music is, - and it's so dynamic - and they make music so well technically, but appreciating the dynamic rebel aspect of rock and roll too :) ... Gordon Duncan comes to mind - and his piping, and technically (but Stuart Liddell's technique and beautiful playing come into conversation with this symphonic trailer for me, more so :) how to learn aspects of all of this ?

Cheers, Scott



Fantastic music conducted by Marc Minkowski in this trailer from Digital Concert Hall - Berlin Philharmoniker ...

The orchestral sections play as ONE so well together - like GHB pipe bands

Nice oboe solo from a double-bladed reed 'cousin' of Pipers 

There's a lot of beauty (for me) in this European orchestral music - re thinking about what music is, - and it's so dynamic - and they make music so well technically, but appreciating the dynamic rebel aspect of rock and roll too :) ... Gordon Duncan comes to mind - and his piping, and technically (but Stuart Liddell's technique and beautiful playing come into conversation with this symphonic trailer for me, more so :) how to learn aspects of all of this ?

Cheers, Scott


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Oct 16, 2020, 9:02 AM (2 days ago)
to Taylor
Conductor Marc Minkowski's instrument is the bassoon, another double-bladed cousin of Pipers ...

He's French, with an American mother ...

(out of curiosity ... )




Maestro Marc Minkowski has posted some further lovely recordings (Mozart and Bach) at the bottom of his French identity page -

Identity-wise, he's a variety of identities (mentioned right above the videos), - and I'm interested in questions of identity and Scottish Small Piping music re learning SSPs esp (and theoretically, and identity-wise, and as an anthropologist, one key text for me is Manuel Castells'"The Power of Identity," - and I'm a Castellian - which is the middle book in his trilogy "The Rise of the Network Society," 2nd edition aka "The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture").

As a Frenchman and conductor, I'd think that Maestro Minkowski knows - and even teaches' musicians - all the opera and theater narratives in word and image - of some aspects of the French landscape of the mind, its wit, history, irony, and thinking, and ways of being French cosmopolitan ... 

And Scottish identity, piping-wise - for ex., the landscape, heritage, narratives, thinking, Scots' Gaelic the Highlands and Islands, can all inform one's Scottish Small Piping in fascinating ways - am not advocating an ethnological or anthropological approach to understanding Scottish culture or ways - and even Celtic Knot-wise, as well as the 6 Celtic nations - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtic_languages - or languages' minds, esp., but it's worth it, I'd think, not to tune out this identity aspect of learning SSPs :) 

Cheers, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


Another thought:

all these symphony musicians (in Maestro Minkowski's videos, for ex.) have successfully competed musically - and intensely and skillfully technically - in their careers to get the best paid positions in the musical world ... and they all look so relaxed in concert (and have practiced so so much in their lives!:)

And while I've listened to all 3 of Conductor Minkowski's videos at the bottom of the Agence-France page, I am appreciating in particular the trailer - ttps://www.lagence-management.com/en/artists/conductors/marc-minkowski/ -as well as the Bach (and first short Mozart) ... 

... and re competitions in GHB too? And newly online for Scottish Small Pipes (at WUaS even eventually?)

Gordon Duncan, and Stuart Liddell, for ex., are / were significant competitors too ... appreciating Gordon Duncan's rebelliousness out of the '60s (which has different 'effects' culturally in Scotland, than perhaps in the USA) ... 

Thanks for 'Cuddy Clauder' ...

Where's the rock and roll in symphonic music (but not pop:)?,


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Fri, Oct 16, 10:58 PM (2 days ago)
to Taylor
Hi Taylor, Did you do the money transfer ? I don't think I saw a notice. Thanks, Scott


Taylor Warren

Oct 16, 2020, 11:01 PM (2 days ago)
to me
Whoops! Just sent it. Totally slipped my mind today. 


Thanks! That was quick :) 



Scott MacLeod

11:24 AM (54 minutes ago)
to Taylor

Some further thoughts in the vein of this thread - 

Just came across this 2016 'The Atlantic' article on the web by Sheila Liming, who teaches English in VT or ND and (as well as plays) the GHB and the Scottish parlor pipes too (but I can't find any Youtube videos of her piping) - 

Bagpipes: A Rock-and-Roll History
For decades the instrument has played a cacophonous—and subtly political—role in popular music.
https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2016/07/the-bagpipes-legacy-of-noise/490217/ - with no mention of Gordon Duncan. 

Am curious, brainstorming-wise, how to write interesting seconds, or harmonies, for "The Glasgow Police Pipers" for a duet too ... at 120 bpm (like Stuart Liddell ... ), played well and then leading to improvisation in a whole series of jigs after this ... 

Searched on "Bagpipe harmonies or seconds for GHB jigs" but didn't find anything ... 

Looking forward to your playing of the Piobaireachd "The Company's Lament" on Thursday ... 

Cheers, Scott



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