Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Gold stars (in a way): A bright gold star to you in playing on the Scottish Small Pipes' bagpipes "The Company's Lament" Piobaireachd, (a first, in a firmament of stars of Piobaireachd and Ceol Beag, little Scottish 'energy centers,' and where virtuosic Stuart Liddell plays his oft-played, old favorites like 'My Home' so brightly, - and music we create beyond this, Gordon Duncan-wise, for example, but in so so many other ways) * Exploring the 'classical music' idea regarding Piobaireachd, or Ceòl mór, and in comparison with Ceòl beag or bagpiping light music ~ ~ ~ classical - "(typically of a form of art) regarded as representing an exemplary standard; traditional and long-established in form or style: a classical ballet" music - "vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion" Ceòl beag or SSP light music - folk - "relating to the traditional art or culture of a community or nation" (from the Apple dictionary on my MacBook Air laptop:) (but perhaps we can pipe these linguistic distinctions out of the air:)

Previous: Fritillaria persica: Harvard / MIT geneticist George Church, in this time of probable incredible genetics' advances (due to Covid-19) - and at the NIH? - has me wondering whether we could be living in 30 year old bodies in some years at 148 years of age (about which he's talked in one video), * * * Joan (from Tanzania, living in central Europe, and formerly a student in my online course, "Network Society and Information Technology, and the Global University" * Tanzania World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Tanzania,_United_Republic_of for free-to-students' online CC-4 MIT OCW-centric degrees and similarly - Kenya WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Kenya - both partly in the Swahili language - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Swahili ~


A bright gold star for you, Taylor, in playing 'The Company's Lament" (a first, in a firmament of stars of Piobaireachd and Ceol Beag, little Scottish 'energy centers,'  and where virtuosic Stuart Liddell plays his oft-played, old favorites like 'My Home' so brightly, - and music we create beyond this, Gordon Duncan-wise, for example, but in so so many other ways). 

What I appreciated much is your playing of it in a relaxed and slow way (and per Ma and Marsalis - http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm - and I could write something similarly for each of these 12 approaches to playing a musical instrument), and your learning of the Piobaireachd as a musical form, from the online resources. Great learning, and musical expression in playing your  first Piobarieachd ever, and 'in recital,' (and in video conferencing!) 

Appreciatively musically, 

returning to language first to explore 'classical music' ideas regarding Piobaireachd, or Ceòl mór:

classical - 
"(typically of a form of art) regarded as representing an exemplary standard; traditional and long-established in form or style: a classical ballet"

music - 
"vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion"

Ceòl beag or SSP light music - 

folk - 
"relating to the traditional art or culture of a community or nation"
(from the Apple dictionary on my MacBook Air laptop:)

(but perhaps we can pipe these linguistic distinctions out of the air:)

... and yet your Piobaireachd playing of an exemplary standard was wonderful, and regarding how understanding what classical music is can inform playing :)

On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 10:20 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:

Hi Taylor, 

Greetings! Here's the Piobaireachd "The Company's Lament" for your enjoyment.  

(As I was watching newly an Angela & Victor Yoga video class - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/10/northern-white-cedar-thuja-occidentalis.html- from Greece (for the LA based but online Embodiment Conference), whose freeing teaching I appreciate, )

... and bagpiping-wise, it occurs to me that I'd like to record the Piobaireachd "The Company's Lament," - as a kind of teaching - and send it to you before tomorrow when you're doing an e-recital of the same piece. We're getting into learning performance, in a sense too :) (Conceptually, am not sure if this means that I'm teaching SSP performance, - like at Juilliard and Curtis Music Schools, et al. teach "Performance" ... but I may be heading in this direction in conceiving of my teaching some:)

Will send from sgkmacleod@worlduniv re more email account space therein than here :)

(As I've mentioned, and FYI, I don't think however that I'm going to include any Piobaireachd on my upcoming "Honey in the Bag" album). 

Looking forward to your playing The Company's Lament tomorrow evening. 

Musical cheers, Scott


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Hi Taylor, 

(As I was watching newly an Angela & Victor Yoga video class - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/10/northern-white-cedar-thuja-occidentalis.html- from Greece (for the LA based but online Embodiment Conference), whose freeing teaching I appreciate, )

... and bagpiping-wise, it occurs to me that I'd like to record the Piobaireachd "The Company's Lament," - as a kind of teaching - and send it to you before tomorrow when you're doing an e-recital of the same piece. We're getting into learning performance, in a sense too :) (Conceptually, am not sure if this means that I'm teaching SSP performance, - like at Juilliard and Curtis Music Schools, et al. teach "Performance" ... but I may be heading in this direction in conceiving of my teaching some:)

Will send from sgkmacleod@worlduniv re more email account space therein than here :)

(As I've mentioned, and FYI, I don't think however that I'm going to include any Piobaireachd on my upcoming "Honey in the Bag" album). 

Looking forward to your playing The Company's Lament tomorrow evening. 

Musical cheers, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Excellent "The Company's Lament" this evening, Taylor!

Loved it, and thank you FOR PLAYING IT.

"MacIntosh's Banner" thru the Crunluath Singling (fingering movement) for next week ...

The Glasgow Police Pipers at 110 bpm + 120 bpm ...

And what makes Piobaireachd a classical music (and not)?

What is a classical music (am thinking Carnatic music from India, in addition to Western Classical Music) and how might this knowledge inform playing beautiful Piobaireachd even (and re it as a classical music from a Scottish way of thinking too:)

Super 'TCL' :) 💖 Piobaireachd :)

Musical cheers, Scott


Hi Taylor, 

Just as a heads' up, -in beginning to listen to our music-making just now, the recording  of your playing of "The Company's Lament" didn't come through, but another 27 minutes of the lesson did come through. So unfortunately I won't be able to give you any further direct feedback about it at a later date for example. I guess there's a mystery (from my perspective) editor. 

Great playing of "The Company's Lament"! 

Warm regards, Scott

- Scott MacLeod



Here's a somewhat related Tweet re thinking about learning Scottish Small Pipes in terms of 'performance' as a focus at a music school ... And regarding your lovely playing of "The Company's Lament" ...

The 20 #BestMusicConservatories in U.S. http://bitly.com/usconservatories where @WorldUnivAndSch seeks to create ~200 best #WUaSMusicConservatories in online Music Schools https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Music_School & eg for #ScottishSmallPipes #ScottishSmallPiping ~ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipes & for performance


The person holding the pipes here reminds me of a friend, Andrew Lownie, with whom I went to Fettes College in Edinburgh in 1977-78 together, and who was learning the practice chanter at the time - https://twitter.com/BallindallochC/status/984131916969467905?s=20 - and Andrew now lives in London, and his son went to the University of Edinburgh, so I think Andrew, although English, may have some Scottish roots. 

And here's the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow with a GHB Bachelor's degree - https://www.rcs.ac.uk/courses/bmus-with-honours/traditional-music-piping/ (and Finlay MacDonald in picture has been a teacher of mine, prior to Connor Sinclair, at the National Piping Centre).

Re Hannah Fisher, and her fiddling, and with hints of Scottish whimsy, and a wholesome{?} vision, too - 
you'll find a young guy on the left in the home music lesson by Hannah Fisher I think in a Scottish village somewhere - 

And check out all her photos in her Twitter - https://twitter.com/HaannahFisher - for an interesting 'vision' of Scotland or glimpse of life there that's a little artistic too.

And, liking Hannah's fiddling a lot, am appreciating her Gordon Duncan focus and mention here - https://www.perthshireamber.com/index.php/test/general/artists/143-hannah-fisher. Came first across her here with Scots' fiddler Duncan Chisholm - https://twitter.com/HaannahFisher/status/1319576862834724864?s=20 - in an innovative wind powered woolen mill, possibly progressively Scottish in a sense (but there's also an staged authenticity aspect to Scottish culture in my experience, and in these regards), which Tweet I retweeted to Open Band. 

Further aspects of Scottish culture re Scottish Small Piping in some ways ... 

Musical Cheers, Scott

* *

Hi in Ligonier

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Fri, Oct 23, 8:42 AM (1 day ago)
to Janie
Good morning, Ma, 

How are you in Ligonier? How is your 2 day adventure with Chris going? Where have you hiked?

A bright gold star for Taylor, in playing 'The Company's Lament" (and another good or very good lesson) - see my email to him below. Did you pass by the Ligonier Highland Games' fair grounds, by any chance? 



What did you think of the last 'debate' ... ?

Appreciating you much, Ma, in these transitional times I'm in :) Thank you! Hi to Ligonier :) ... are you getting once last hike in on your way home?

Love, Scott

Scott MacLeod

8:21 AM (2 minutes ago)
to TaylormeScott
A bright gold star for you, Taylor, in playing 'The Company's Lament" (a first, in a firmament of stars of Piobaireachd and Ceol Beag, little Scottish 'energy centers,'  and where virtuosic Stuart Liddell plays his oft-played, old favorites like 'Scotland the Braves' so brightly, - and music we create beyond this - Gordon Duncan-wise, for example, but in so so many other ways). 

What I appreciated much is your playing of it in a relaxed and slow way (and per Ma and Marsalis - http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm - and I could write something similarly for each of these 12 approaches to playing a musical instrument), and your learning of the Piobaireachd as a musical form, from the online resources. Great learning, and musical expression in playing your  first Piobarieachd ever, and 'in recital,' (and in video conferencing!) 

Appreciatively musically, 

returning to language first to explore 'classical music' ideas regarding Piobaireachd, or Ceòl mór:

classical - 
"(typically of a form of art) regarded as representing an exemplary standard; traditional and long-established in form or style: a classical ballet"

music - 
"vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion"

Ceòl beag or SSP light music - 

folk - 
"relating to the traditional art or culture of a community or nation"
(from the Apple dictionary on my MacBook Air laptop:)

(but perhaps we can pipe these linguistic distinctions out of the air:)

... and yet your Piobaireachd playing of an exemplary standard was wonderful, and regarding how understanding what classical music is can inform playing :)

- Scott MacLeod

* *

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Good morning, Taylor, 

Here's Callum Armstrong with first some kind of innovation, before playing the jig I think "Cutty Sark" 
I think he explores laterally re a variety of 'technically-oriented' piping traditions ... riff with him? 

Worth riffing with (and learning from?) ... (and re performance thinking too ...)? ...

Steve Martin on banjo on a park bench

amazing variety of facial emotions here with JS Bach I think by the VIRTUOSIC
Yo Yo Ma

and re -
7 Practice expressively.
Be serious – invest yourself expressively.


Kathryn Tickell (pic only) after a hiatus on the stage performing  -
(who does something really uniquely wonderful and differently musical among border pipers, and pipers in general - and re Yogini Angela Farmer too artistically )

Was practicing jigs last night with facial emotions re Yo Yo Ma's video, and it opened a lot of horizons :) 

All re learning performance too ... 

May smartphone video record today, too, and Tweet, today re both Steve Martin and Yo Yo Ma ... 

Musical Cheers, 


A bit out of the box further 
Guidelines for practicing loving bliss vis-à-vis practicing a musical instrument
Articulating 12 Guidelines for Practicing a Musical Instrument (by Marsalis and Ma) with developing how to practice loving bliss

Guidelines for practicing a musical instrument

and in brand new ways re practicing the emotion, or neurophysiology, or feeling, of loving bliss brain chemistry (or bodymind chemistry), innovatively and brainstorming-wise ... 

And here appears to be 
The Glasgow City Police Pipers jig 4 part sheet music

without doublings, grace notes etc.

Let's explore further for Thursday :)



blogged a bit about your "The Company's Lament" here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/10/gold-stars-in-way-bright-golden-star-in.html :)

And do I detect a bit of Kathryn Tickell activism here at the top here presently - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand - in these 3 Tweets from her Twitter feed - 

The idea of building an audience, and re performance, and regarding one of these Tweets where her actual performance (after a hiatus) is sold out, and so livestream 'passes' are available is pretty interesting :)

Cheers, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


searched on 'stars that appear gold in the universe'



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