Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Google Earth: What is a 'Realistic Virtual Earth'? (Stanford Professor Richard Dasher asked me after this Stanford Asia talk) " * "Autonomous Vehicles and the Digital Transformation of the Automotive Industry in Asia" - https://events.stanford.edu/events/890/89022/ - Stanford US-Asia Technology Management Center * * * And what is a realistic virtual earth for Tourism Studies?

Next: Ring Nebula: Shady Side & @Fettes_College students! Interested in FREE-to-students' online Bachelor degrees beginning in January 2021, & studying verified courses from edX (founded by Harvard & MIT), email info@ http://worlduniversityandschool.org. * * * Leanna Prater - Lego robotics * * * Wonderful presentations - Yale University Professor Ana De La O on "Crafting Policies to End Poverty" at Stanford as Zoom talk * Thanks for your Stanford talk - Professor Maria Victoria Murillo * * * Seems like there's more of a vision of love in the 'church' than in any other institution in society eg govts, companies, universities, phil depts in univs etc, & am appreciative of the Unitarian Church in these regards, since you & Dad met & married there, & I've learned to love - as in caring & loving - much from your wonderful love, and experientially inside
Previous: Gold stars (in a way): A bright gold star to you in playing on the Scottish Small Pipes' bagpipes "The Company's Lament" Piobaireachd, (a first, in a firmament of stars of Piobaireachd and Ceol Beag, little Scottish 'energy centers,' and where virtuosic Stuart Liddell plays his oft-played, old favorites like 'My Home' so brightly, - and music we create beyond this, Gordon Duncan-wise, for example, but in so so many other ways) * Exploring the 'classical music' idea regarding Piobaireachd, or Ceòl mór, and in comparison with Ceòl beag or bagpiping light music ~ ~ ~ classical - "(typically of a form of art) regarded as representing an exemplary standard; traditional and long-established in form or style: a classical ballet" music - "vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion" Ceòl beag or SSP light music - folk - "relating to the traditional art or culture of a community or nation" (from the Apple dictionary on my MacBook Air laptop:) (but perhaps we can pipe these linguistic distinctions out of the air:)


What is a 'Realistic Virtual Earth'? (Stanford Professor Richard Dasher asked me after this Stanford Asia talk)


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Fri, Oct 23, 10:58 AM (1 day ago)
to contactsRichardpengjpeng
Dear James, and Richard, 

Thanks so much for your edifying "Autonomous Vehicles and the Digital Transformation of the Automotive Industry in Asia" - https://events.stanford.edu/events/890/89022/  - Stanford US-Asia Technology Management Center talk, and conversation, yesterday. I'm writing to follow up about Richard's 'explain your realistic virtual earth concept' regarding mapping and infrastructure inquiry. 

In asking:
"Following on some Waymo questions here, how could modeling/simulations and combined in a single realistic virtual earth for Autonomous Vehicles help Pony.ai with the development of innovations (am thinking re Waymo of Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth with TensorFlow) and a single realistic virtual earth for Robotics https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?src=hashtag_click - and for aggregating data? How do you / can Pony.ai partner with Google's Waymo for simulations potentially - and in combination with Toyota's? Thanks, Scott (sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org)" ... 

World Univ & Sch seeks to facilitate a single realistic virtual earth for this - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarth?src=hashtag_click - and check out the best STEM CC-4 MIT Open Course Ware courses at World Univ & Sch that WUaS (of which I'm the founder and head, and see too China World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/China and - planned in the Mandarin language - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Mandarin_language_(Chinese)) will offer for credit with time -

And while Richard asked me to describe the Realistic Virtual Earth idea, I think I may have, in asking you about Pony.ai collaborating with Waymo digital infrastructure, only mentioned Google Street with time slider, Maps, Earth and with TensorFlow in response, so I'm just writing to suggest that a developing single realistic virtual earth would incorporate predictive analytic information technologies like Lidar, and this image is a great example of what I have in mind in combination with Google Street View infrastructure - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1056927933556711424?s=20 - and, in my conceiving of this, would have a developing focus on the ACTUAL < > VIRTUAL, the PHYSICAL < > DIGITAL. So think in these terms of a Realistic Virtual Earth for Lego robotics - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForLego?src=hashtag_click - with a film-to-3D application - https://twitter.com/hashtag/FilmTo3D?src=hashtag_click - (not yet made for smartphones, for ex.), where you could video your physical Lego robotics' creations, and then add them to a developing single Realistic Virtual Earth for Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles - and even ones which were ambulances in China and eg for https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery?src=hashtag_click . Glad to write in some of these regards that the MIT OCW-centric WUaS Educational Services' Store is officially carrying the 3 Lego Robotics' kits now - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

In what ways could we explore building this single realistic virtual earth at the cellular and atomic levels too in China, for all its people in its rooms - and even in collaboration between Pony.ai and MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch? 

Best regards, Scott


Autonomous Vehicles and the Digital Transformation of the Automotive Industry in Asia

Following on some Waymo questions here, how could modeling/simulations and combined in a single realistic virtual earth for Autonomous Vehicles help Pony.ai with the development of innovations (am thinking re Waymo of Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth with Tensor Flow) and a single realistic virtual earth for Robotics https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?src=hashtag_click - and for aggregating data? How do you / can Pony.ai partner with Google's Waymo for simulations potentially - and in combination with Toyota's? Thanks, Scott (sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

World Univ & Sch seeks to facilitate a single realistic virtual earth for this, and check out the best STEM CC-4 Open Course Ware courses at World Univ & Sch that WUaS will offer for credit with time -



LiDAR #sensors produce accurate, real time #3D maps of the environment for #RealisticVirtualEarth Seeking still to convert maps into interactive AVATAR BOTS for ex. for even tele-robotic surgery https://twitter.com/MikeQuindazzi/status/1056893828567912450 -#RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery -https://opentopography.org/blog/lidar-beginning-appear-google-maps-terrain-layer -


LiDAR #sensors produce accurate, real time #3D maps of the environment for #SelfDrivingCars >>> Luminar via
 >>> #IoT #autonomousvehicle #AI #Machinelearning #Deeplearning #BigData #autonomousdriving #Insurtech #DataScience #Digital >>>


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * * 

Scott MacLeod

4:25 PM (0 minutes ago)
to yujie.zhu
Dear Yujie, 

Thanks for your edifying UC Berkeley TSWG talk - 
"Memory, Homecoming and the Politics of Diaspora Tourism in China" - 

With your mentioning Dean MacCannell's work on authenticity, - a theory I'd suggest which emerges from a modernist approach to Tourism Studies - and your also mentioning "staged authenticity" with regard to a postmodern approach to interpreting tourism, I'm curious, regarding my information technology question, and case example of Richard Peng, autonomous vehicles in China, and Google's Waymo into a realistic virtual earth for tourism (my project), how the information age as a new condition (beyond modernity post-modernity, and advertising discourse - see paper) might inform an interpretation of "Memory, Homecoming and the Politics of Diaspora Tourism in China"?
I explore some of these ideas here in a 2000 'theoretical' paper I wrote in Nelson Graburn's "Tourism, Art and Modernity" UC Berkeley course -
"Gazing at the Box: Tourism in the Context of the Internet and Globalization (Internetity)"

In all of these regards, I might explore developing new definitions of internet 'authenticity' - eg seeing/engaging in bodymind paintings in the Louvre museum in person (Dean MacCannell, thanks to the touristic guidebook in part), vs. seeing them on the internet in a virtual Louvre in a myriad of new ways). In what ways is authenticity a helpful concept in your heritage research, Yujie? Would the information age as a condition informing interpretations of tourism yield different approaches than MacCannell's modernity approach, Urry's staged authenticity re post-modernity,, questions of authenticity regarding advertising discourse (Thurot and Thurot - see my paper), and newly what I'm calling internetity' where conditions emerging thanks to the internet and information age encompass and supersede previous approaches in tourism studies to this key concept?

Per my question to you, and 'case example' (of James Peng, his Pony.ai and Google's Waymo data) and RoboTaxis, the idea re Xi'an and Kazakhstan and Muslim ethnic minorities' tourism, with their own languages, would be how they and all of us might shape this single realistic virtual earth, new data, and for heritiage studies, history, and so much more, and via a new social science method I'm calling 'ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy - and for their and our own academic studies, tourism studies' wise, heritage wise, and regarding the virtual.
Here's the example I shared (at the online University I'm creating in all ~200 countries, their official & main languages, and in all 7,117 known languages, emerging from CC-4 MIT OCW in its 4 languages, and as wiki, in initially Wikipedia's 300 languages) - 

https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1056927933556711424?s=20 -

In ways could we convert these LiDAR images, for example, of people into avatar bots (think Samsung Neons, aka 'artificial humans') of your anthropological touristic subjects, - and even for further research, and in a single realistic virtual earth we all create (almost as an emergent library and museum all in one - am thinking Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow, and the virtual world and data created too by Google's Waymo in the USA, China, Kazakhstan + ).

As Nelson mentioned, I'll be giving a TSWG talk about this in December, with a tentative title of 

"Creating a realistic virtual earth for tourism and tourism studies with actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs: A Case Study"

Thank you for your edifying talk, Yujie. Looking forward to staying in communication, and would welcome reading any thoughts you might have about the above in relation to your talk, the information age theoretically for tourism studies, and your heritage studies approach to tourism. 

Best regards, Scott
More about a realistic virtual earth in my daily blog and in particular about James Peng and Stanford Professor Richard Dasher's recent conversation: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/10/google-earth-what-is-realistic-virtual.html

4 Tourism Studies’ talks in recent years - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/02/blue-borage-4th-harbin-hot-springs.html regarding my actual-virtual, physical-digital Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project. 

The Fourth Lecture the 2020 Online Lecture Series by Dr Yujie Zhu

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 






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