'Honey in the Bag' Scottish Small Piping upcoming album ~ on BANDCAMP?
We’re waiving our revenue share again on Friday, November 6, 2020
A friendly reminder that to support musicians during Covid-19, we’re once again waiving our revenue share on all sales next Friday, November 6, 2020, from midnight to midnight Pacific Time.
Details are here, and please help us spread the word!
![bandcamp logo]()
P.S. isitbandcampfriday.com?
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com> |
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to Patti, Barbara, Taylor, Bruce, David, Heather |
What is this Bandcamp Friday Nov 6th? Have any of you used Bandcamp?
It looks like artists can upload for free to Bandcamp, and it's from the fans who buy the music that bandcamp earns money, but that on these pandemic Fridays that bandcamp waives the 15 - 20% they normally take
May give it a try ... :)
Regards, Scott
How does Bandcamp work for artists?
When you buy something on Bandcamp, whether it's digital music, vinyl, or a t-shirt, ticket or cassette, 80-85% of your money goes to the artist, and we pay out daily. The remainder goes to payment processor fees and Bandcamp's revenue share, which is 10-15% on digital items, and 10% on physical goods.
About | Bandcamp
Do artists make money from Bandcamp?
Artist accounts are free. We make money through our revenue share on sales, which is 15% for digital, 10% for merch. We also offer Bandcamp Pro (our premium tier for artists), and Bandcamp for Labels, both for a monthly fee.
Pricing | Bandcamp
Am exploring this for my upcoming Honey in the Bag album, and it's free for musicians.
Will explore playing outside today with video recording from Smartphone short clips to post to Twitter ...
This would be as a first step to going into the wild plum studio for a professional recording, and possible production of a CD too - both of which I could then upload and also sell on bandcamp ... thinking through next steps ... now to head outside to play ... am inspired by Stuart Liddell's virtuosic piping I'm hearing as I type :)
How are you? :)
What is this Bandcamp Friday Nov 6th? Have any of you used Bandcamp?
It looks like artists can upload for free to Bandcamp, and it's from the fans who buy the music that bandcamp earns money, but that on these pandemic Fridays that bandcamp waives the 15 - 20% they normally take
May give it a try ... :)
Regards, Scott
How does Bandcamp work for artists?
When you buy something on Bandcamp, whether it's digital music, vinyl, or a t-shirt, ticket or cassette, 80-85% of your money goes to the artist, and we pay out daily. The remainder goes to payment processor fees and Bandcamp's revenue share, which is 10-15% on digital items, and 10% on physical goods.
About | Bandcamp
Do artists make money from Bandcamp?
Artist accounts are free. We make money through our revenue share on sales, which is 15% for digital, 10% for merch. We also offer Bandcamp Pro (our premium tier for artists), and Bandcamp for Labels, both for a monthly fee.
Pricing | Bandcamp
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com> |
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to Patti, Barbara, Taylor, Bruce, David, Heather, Scott, Janie |
Recording outside to include the Golden Great Bridge is difficult with smartphones, smartphone holders and too bright light in the afternoon ...
A slight smile seems nicer than a serious face in video too ...
(and how to connect Google photos / videos with a different Gmail account to keep account size limit down?)
Thoughts, ideas, questions, comments?
Warm regards,
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com> |
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to Patti, Barbara, Taylor, Bruce, David, Heather, Janie, Scott |
Here's Scots' fiddler Lauren MacColl with her nice bandcamp site -
https://laurenmaccoll.bandcamp.com/ - and with physical CDs and physical Prints for sale too, which bandcamp makes possible the sale of ...
And here's the amazing, instructive, and inspiring -
* * *
Yujie Zhu
Oct 25, 2020, 8:11 PM (16 hours ago)
to me
Hi Scott,
It was nice to see you again at the talk, and thank you for your questions.
I am also grateful for these interesting ideas and projects. The paper you share is great. Do you know content tourism in Japan? I think that is relevant.
I am developing a new project on ethics of digital heritage.I would be very interested in joining your seminar. Look forward to your virtual hot spring.
Thanks for your email, your talk, and very nice to see you again as well. I don't know content tourism in Japan. What might you suggest looking at?
Regarding your new project on ethics of digital heritage, and ethics and tourism, - and the information age as new condition with which to interpret tourism - I wonder if "The Hacker Ethos" by Pekka Himanen might be of interest to you, re interpreting the ethics of the IT Revolution (and which book and ideas I teach about -
http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html). Also re ethics, in my peer reviewed chapter on Tourism in the Middle East to online virtual UNESCO World Heritage Sites, I argue that German UNESCO WHS producers engage in a form of orientalism (per Edward Said)
And regarding, further, UNESCO WHS, my Univ of Edinburgh MSc dissertation was on visiting virtual St. Kilda, Scotland, as an emerging, or nascent, online 'place' - http://scottmacleod.com/MacLeod%20Physical%20and%20Online%20St%20Kilda%20A%20%20Comparison%20of%20Senses%20of%20Place%20MSc%20Dissertation%20University%20of%20Edinburgh.pdf - regarding your interest in heritage too.
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Here's Pekka HImanen's book (with Linus Torvalds and Manuel Castells - and again I'm a Castellian) actually, and it's called "The Hacker Ethic" (not the Hacker Ethos) - http://index-of.co.uk/Hackers/hacker%20ethic.pdf - re your digital ethics' project.
Have blogged about some of this here further -
Cheer, Scott
By the way, if you look at this Onsen in your smartphone
click on the little mask to go into stereo-optic mode, and slip it into a Google Cardboard mask if you have that. Am seeking for this to become an ethnographic research field site too, and re my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project.
How to make this virtual Harbin part of a single realistic virtual earth, so that on my Google Smart TV I could 'travel' anywhere virtually at any time in history and visit anything, and it would keep iterating on itself with more and more data (and at the cellular and atomic levels too)?
For genetics too and heritage, and where we could add data with a back pack like this
Church of England to launch a 'Google Maps for graves' w/i five years enabling family historians to search for burial records & locations in an online database -
https://dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8068893/Church-England-launch-Google-Maps-graves-five-years.html #RealisticVirtualEarth #
ology #
cs ~
I have a specific ACTUAL-VIRTUAL, PHYSICAL-DIGITAL focus, and these two Tweets would bring together a realistic virtual earth like Google Street View with physical Lego Robotics for learning even, and in an Anthropology / Tourism Studies' field -
Robotics & Archaeology
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Archaeology /Robotics in #GoogleStreetView w/ #TIMESLIDER, Maps, Earth #LegoRobotics at first, w/ a developed #BrickStreetView in #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #
cs #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego in 1 #VirtualEarth?
Archaeology with robotics? - in #GoogleStreetView with #TIMESLIDER, Maps, Earth with #LegoRobotics at first, with a developed #BrickStreetView in an #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #
cs #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego in a SINGLE #RealisticVirtualEarth?
Anthro book shelves in the UC Berkeley Anthropology library, and regarding Maritime Archaeology -
Ships in #Wikidata
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237795 as #FieldSites & re Maritime Archaeology books for
ology in #UCBerkeleyAnthroLibrary >#RealisticVirtualEarth #
pology & for
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy?m=0 ? & re my
@HarbinBook at Cal