Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Self-Heal: How might we digitally make this #Viking #Berserker Isle of Lewis chess set come alive? Via #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego |Robotics > #WUaS3DPrinting #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress ~ * * * the 'church' - word ... A) Seems like there's more of a vision of love in the 'church' than in any other institution in society eg govts, companies, univs, phil depts in univs etc, & am appreciative of #UnitarianChurch since, B) Harvard & MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church ... :) "How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?" ... Greetings from a new 'safe house' just north of Berkeley, with amazing views of the SF Bay * * * Quakerly Nontheist Friends NtFs and church? ... Annual General Meeting (AGM) via Zoom on 9 December 2020 at 7 pm (British Time) ~ Thanks for sharing!


How might we digitally make this #Viking #Berserker Isle of Lewis chess set come alive? Via #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego |Robotics > #WUaS3DPrinting
-https://thornews.com/2014/06/01/norse-berserker-warriors-as-medieval-chess-pieces/ #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology
@WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress ~


* * *  

Good morning, Ma, 

Seems like there's more of a vision of love in the 'church' than in any other institution in society eg govts, companies, univs, phil depts in univs etc, & am appreciative of #UnitarianChurch since my parents met & married there, re my learning to care https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Caring_and_Loving !



Openly wiki teach & learn about
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Caring_and_Loving @WorldUnivAndSch in all 7117 languages eventually Seems like there's more of a vision of love in 'church' than in any other institution; Am appreciative of #UnitarianChurch since my parents met & married there, re my learning to love/care



re the UU church esp ... at bottom here -  

Thoughts? How are you today? 

Love, Scott

Recent email to David and Heather, and I'm not sure what the apostrophe means in the middle of his " we'll " :

Thanks, David, 

Many years could be a long time regarding Harvard & MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church ... :)

"How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?"

And re the church word, and your occasional Unitarian signature, did you grow up in an UU church in part? Here are some related recent Tweets:

Seems like there's more of a vision of love in the 'church' than in any other institution in society eg govts, companies, univs, phil depts in univs etc, & am appreciative of #UnitarianChurch since my parents met & married there, re my learning to care https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Caring_and_Loving !



Openly wiki teach & learn about
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Caring_and_Loving @WorldUnivAndSch in all 7117 languages eventually Seems like there's more of a vision of love in 'church' than in any other institution; Am appreciative of #UnitarianChurch since my parents met & married there, re my learning to love/care



Thanks for your email, and cheers, David and Heather! 

If I ever find my way back to living at 670 Ridgecrest Road in Canyon 94516, please come and visit, David (I know Heather has a couple of times, but without you!)

... in response to - 

David Newitt

8:56 AM (23 minutes ago)
to meHeather
Congratulations Scott. Hope the new house works out we’ll for many years - sounds quite idyllic.

... in response to - 

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

8:38 AM (42 minutes ago)
to DavidHeather
Hi David and Heather, 

Greetings from a new 'safe house' just north of Berkeley, with amazing views of the SF Bay, the Golden Gate Bridge to the west, the new mast and rigging architecture of the Bay Bridge to the south, as well as views to the north of the Richmond bridge.


Just shared the following with Reed College friend Byron (from the early 1980s), and his wife Cindy, in these regards:

Byron and Cindy,

Thank you, Cindy, for your encouragement to call the Moraga police the first time I had evidence there was an illegal break in, and make an official report. As a whistleblower, I'm moving out of Canyon for the time being, and would like to return your helpful bookshelf, Byron, to you if you want it back (for Tahoe? etc). I'm hoping to move some of my other furniture to my new place north of Berkeley, and would gladly return it to you / your driveway if this sounds good to you. I'll plan to drop it off this week, unless you suggest something else.

Thank you so much,

(After at least 3 illegal Canyon break-ins, entries (over the summer), thefts and over years, reported officially to the Moraga police, and hypothetically homicidal, psychopathological, paraphilic, and kleptomaniac of mentally ill former landlord, there's a possibility CA legal action COULD MOVE THEM OUT to protect the innocent even ... ) ...Could I come into that place for a song? Stay tuned.

- Scott MacLeod



David signature says something about a Unitarian jihad ... and refers to a John Carroll piece in the SF Chronicle - not clear of its meaning ... 

David C. Newitt,
Brother Pepper Spray of Courteous Debate

Learn all about the Unitarian Jihad :

Love, Scott

* * * 

Quakerly Nontheist Friends NtFs and church? ...

Nontheist Friends' Network in Britain ~

Annual General Meeting (AGM) via Zoom on 9 December 2020 at 7 pm (British Time)

[New post] AGM by Zoom on 9 December 2020 at 7pm


Non-theist Friends Network comment-reply@wordpress.com

1:51 PM (1 hour ago)
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New post on Non-theist Friends Network

AGM by Zoom on 9 December 2020 at 7pm

by Trevor

AGM by Zoom on 9 December 2020 at 7pm THIS IS FIRST NOTICE OF OUR FORTHCOMING AGM, WHICH WAS POSTPONED IN MARCH 2020 BECAUSE WE WERE OVERTAKEN BY COVID-19 LOCKDOWN. AS currently paid-for membership was suspended until the next AGM due to Covid restrictions, all past and recent members and friends who have expressed an […]

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Trevor | October 27, 2020 at 8:51 pm | Tags: AGMEventsNews | Categories: AGMNFN Events | URL: https://wp.me/p7MyWc-xg

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Scott MacLeod

2:17 PM (58 minutes ago)
to Non-theistnontheist-friends@googlegroups.comPlanning
Thanks for sharing!


- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 






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