Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Eastern Himalayan broadleaf forests: Fractured Himalaya: How the Past Shadows the Present in India-China Relations ~ Stanford Hoover, September 14, 2021 * In planning for all 7. 8 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Q-item # or Wikidata Pin #, as wiki teachers and learners for open teaching and learning, and for avatar bot electronic medical records, in the WUaS online teaching hospitals, and especially for UBI experiments to end poverty, distributed via something like Stanford Mine Pi free cryptocurrency (mine-able daily) and backed by most of ~200 countries' central banks - https://minepi.com/sgkmac. If World Univ & Sch is able to code for all of the people in India, China, Taiwan, and the fractured Himalayan region, for the above reasons and more, what role could this play in improving present India-China relations? * * * Google Search Console - Coverage issues successfully fixed for site worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com



Fractured Himalaya: How the Past Shadows the Present in India-China Relations ~ Stanford Hoover, September 14, 2021

Dear Secretary Rao, Ambassador Mulford, Dinsha, Glenn, Larry, (I couldn't find all of your email addresses online, so could you please forward this? - and will send this too via Secretary Rao's contact form),

Greetings. I'm writing to follow up on your excellent Stanford Hoover conversation this morning - https://www.hoover.org/events/fractured-himalaya-how-past-shadows-present-india-china-relations - and with the question I asked in the text below.

Thank you for this excellent panel. What role could major online CC-4 MIT OCW-centric (https://ocw.mit.edu) wiki World Universities & Schools, for free-to-students’ online Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD and IB high school degrees, scalable on the Google Workspace for Education platform, in all 22 official languages in India for free degrees, and in all languages in India, China, Taiwan, Tibet, Nepal and other Himalayan countries (many as wiki schools for people-to-people open teaching and learning), and in one one realistic virtual earth (see below) - think Google Street View with Time Slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, Translate, with realistic avatar bots too (and for avatar bot electronic medical records, even for tele-robotic surgery - for all citizens in India, HImalayas, Tibet, Nepal, China, & Taiwan), play in improving present in India-China relations? Thank you, Scott GK MacLeod (sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org)

Here are examples of a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery and #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords - 

HarbinBook @HarbinBook Sep 12, 2020
re #StanfordBiodesignBuildathon, how to build a #FilmTo3D into #GooglePoly, at #StreetView, Cellular & Molecular levels in the Google Pixel 4a phone + ? & for #WUaSTeleroboticSurgery in #MachineLearning #RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery for 7.8 bill. people for #vrforsocialchange~


HarbinBook @HarbinBook Jan 9
Into #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords as new #WUaSavatarBots (think artificial humans aka Samsung Neons) for all 7.8 billion people each a #WikidataQitem # in an #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery (think Google Street View w #TimeSlider)~
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School ~


MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch is planning major online universities in all ~200 countries (per the Olympics) from here - 

And in all their official languages, as well as in all 7,139 known living languages, as wiki schools for open teaching and learning - 

- and, indeed, planning to code, brainstorming-wise, for all 7. 8 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Q-item # or Wikidata Pin #, as wiki teachers and learners for open teaching and learning, and for avatar bot electronic medical records, in the WUaS online teaching hospitals, and especially for UBI experiments to end poverty, distributed via something like Stanford Mine Pi free cryptocurrency (mine-able daily) and backed by most of ~200 countries' central banks - https://minepi.com/sgkmac.

If World Univ & Sch is able to code for all of the people in India, China, Taiwan, and the fractured Himalayan region, for the above reasons and more, what role could this play  in improving present India-China relations? Thank you. 

Best regards, 
Scott GK MacLeod

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

Secretary Rao

David Mulford

Dinsha Mistree

Glenn Tiffert

Larry Diamond

World Univ and Sch Twitter - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch
WUaS Press - https://twitter.com/WUaSPress

Scott MacLeod - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod
Languages - World Univ - http://twitter.com/sgkmacleod

“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - http://twitter.com/HarbinBook
OpenBand (Berkeley) - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


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Hi Scott GK,

This is a reminder that "Fractured Himalaya: How the Past Shadows the Present in India-China Relations" will begin in 1 hour on:
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Dear Secretary Rao, Ambassador Mulford, Dinsha, Glenn, Larry,

For your information, I just further blogged about your excellent discussion, and related questions, here - 

Sincerely, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

12:40 PM (51 minutes ago)
to dmistreehooverarchivesldiamond
Dear Secretary Rao, Ambassador Mulford, Dinsha, Glenn, Larry,

* * * 

Referring to this - worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com - am still learning what the significance of this is: 

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