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Trinity Alps Wilderness: WUaS CA Franchise Tax Board Form 100 2017 (successful re-filing on September 7, 2021 of this tax form for the WUaS Corporation in CA) * Calling for the abolition of the illegal sex industry in all ~200 countries as WUaS plans to code, brainstorming-wise, for all 7.8 billion people on the planet ... could take 20 years to abolish (following on the centuries' long struggle to abolish slavery)

Previous: Eastern Himalayan broadleaf forests: Fractured Himalaya: How the Past Shadows the Present in India-China Relations ~ Stanford Hoover, September 14, 2021 * In planning for all 7. 8 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Q-item # or Wikidata Pin #, as wiki teachers and learners for open teaching and learning, and for avatar bot electronic medical records, in the WUaS online teaching hospitals, and especially for UBI experiments to end poverty, distributed via something like Stanford Mine Pi free cryptocurrency (mine-able daily) and backed by most of ~200 countries' central banks - https://minepi.com/sgkmac. If World Univ & Sch is able to code for all of the people in India, China, Taiwan, and the fractured Himalayan region, for the above reasons and more, what role could this play in improving present India-China relations? * * * Google Search Console - Coverage issues successfully fixed for site worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com


WUaS CA Franchise Tax Board Form 100 2017 (successful re-filing on September 7, 2021 of this tax form for the WUaS Corporation in CA)

World University and School MailScott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>

CA Franchise Tax Board Form 100 2017

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 5:47 PM
To: Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>, Peter Bothe <peter.bothe@kabelmail.net>, Lydia Pintscher <lydia.pintscher@wikimedia.de>, Joan Kidder <kidderjoan@gmail.com>, John Kidder <jkidder@vtc.edu>, Ann <anniebrownbrown@excite.com>, Catherine Muller <catherinemuller57@gmail.com>, Alden Briscoe <abriscoe@brakeleybriscoe.com>
Cc: Larry Viehland <viehland@chatham.edu>, Edward Smyth <esmythmd@gmail.com>, Sid Mazumdar <sid.mazumdar@gmail.com>, Tym Lenderking <Lenderkingta@yahoo.com>, Janie MacLeod <jkbmacleod@icloud.com>, Jim Spohrer <spohrer@gmail.com>, Sandy MacLeod <sandysculpture@hotmail.com>, Henry Cutter <vfhc@nyc.rr.com>, Nancy Bevilaqua <nancysdp@gmail.com>, Nancy O'Sullivan <n.osullivan@cox.net>, Greg Highlands <dreadlockcowboy@cheqnet.net>, Peggy Lovell Lynch <plovelllynch@gmail.com>, Matt Lovell <mlovell44@gmail.com>
Dear Pin, Tym, Henry, Victoria, Greg, Larry, Ed, Ma, All,

Following up further, and in successfully re-filing the WUaS Corporation 2017 tax returns for a seocnd time this year last week, and calling for the abolition of the illegal sex industry re planning to code for all 7.8 billion people on the planet, ... this email group may be a bit like a Quaker Meeting, ... where no one is in charge ... However there is an election RECALL of gov in CA tomorrow ... What to do then about risks outlined in previous emails? talk with Stanford's HR McMaster ( re uniformed services, for ex., - who seems very smart and is a general and probably experienced in such situations with possible weapons) to check the situation out ... And develop a plan, including a longer term plan ... Including making WUaS financially operational .... Or put a canopy over the Doshi's walkway (asking landlord Navin Doshi, who after the WUaS News and Q&A this morning - with recording here - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1437473979992707077?s=20 and https://twitter.com/WUaSPress/status/1437474372248227841?s=20 - and just as I had put the green cushion out to sit outside on ... Navin texted me that it's time to water the flowers on the upstairs deck ... :) ... so I then apologized for including him in the 'socked in' email yesterday (some of you received), having thought I had already removed his email from these ~75 friends), and he then texted me 'not to worry' and I replied "Thanks, Navin - not to worry you too!" (see text messages' below - and he may have a problematic history with this house, and users of the space I'm in ... over nearly 20 years)  .... Or ignore possible risks in a money driven world, (and regarding also John Money's grand paraphilic strategems ... relating to 1) religious, 2) warlike, 3) mercantile, 4) fetishistic ... And a few more, but explaining old societal processes, and see - http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyLustLoveParaphilia.html - as they relate to sexual kinds of sick paraphilias ... and as a schema for thinking about societal processes) ... Start traveling in a newly obtained hippy van ... And yet something may well emerge from another quarter unanticipated, in networking and communicating with you ... 

And how to meet, connect with, a life partner friend, and begin to bear children ... are at stake as well. ...here, and following successfully re-filing the WUaS Corporation 2017 tax returns' Form 100 ... 

Somehow calling in uniformed services could seem most logical ... (but this might also involve a realizable plan to grow both wings of WUaS as financial entities ahead ...)

Friendly regards, 

As I shared with my mother earlier today, am more on the cultural, religious, nontheistic Friendly Quaker sociocultural side of things in some of these regards - 


Nice to hear from you, Ma! What is ahead of you this week?

Filial piety on my part? I think so ... Re my seeking to communicate and connect with you fulsomely.

Your email to this Yoga Mac Flower address leads me to seek to revisit these Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations, 
http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html (written somewhat from a hippy perspective) - where I've also dropped out in a 1960s' sense of Angela & Victims' (Victor's) yoga circles.

Appreciating too 1) Angela Merkel's Christian roots since her father was a pastor, and having also (while living in Germany in 1981-82 - in Scotland in 1977-78 too, and became a member of the Religious Society of Friends in Scotland in 2003-04, but with Non-theist Friends leanings too) become a bit familiar with this Christian culture of Germany, and 2) Angela Merkel's roots in the former eastern Germany (ehemalige DDR) with its sincerity (Ehrlichkeit) and very different culture from the West, being very separate socioculturally for about 40 years from western Germany from 1949-1990. 

But doing & teaching Yoga (with certificate in CA) ... And with Dad's full support of my pursuing Yoga (re cultures too I think, appreciating his individualism and free thinking ... And regarding much long travel for learning immersively from other cultures) ... hasn't led to connecting with a life partner, yet, and for kids.

Seeking further in California to create a kind of culture at CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School which emerges also from the better Christian cultures of Friends (QuakerQuaker), Unitarian Universalist, and possibly better aspects of Yoga (and Hindu too?) cultures, learning-wise, but people-wise too especially (and re democracy-thinking too). 

Playing, learning, teaching the Scottish Small Pipes involves engaging in cultures of music ... With their own good sides which are ways of connecting and expressions of profound beauty - even loving bliss generation, beyond joy & happiness, together via sound and communication - but which also also have their downsides.

I think and hope Ed is doing well in this culture of the SF BAY AREA ... See email from earlier today.  

Ongoing circulating for life partner & as friend too ... 

How are you doing 😊?

Love, Scott 
Thanks for your email, Ma, - re Yoga email address received on smartphone at UU Church of Kensington Berkeley (a zoo culturally too???  ... is it possible to create a welcoming familiar family culture online ... Like meeting over Thanksgiving and Christmas last year with family ...into a realistic vertical earth and generate flourishing cultures ? ...did we make a start ?:)  )...

Abolition-ally yours, Scott 


Thought about blog-posting this 'cultures, and values' (too in a way) email to you today ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/tardigrades-how-best-to-send-this.html ... but may keep my 'cards close to my chest' instead ...(many of these ideas are spread throughout my blog anyway!) ... 

How are you doing?

Love, Scott

searched on 
'species in space any at all?' ... and found interesting ... 

6 Fascinating Facts About the Tardigrade, the Only Animal That Can Survive in Space. All hail the toughest organism on Earth. Tardigrades are one of the most fascinating creatures on Earth—and the moon

I think Tardigrades evolved in the antarctic / arctic ... which perhaps makes them able to withstand space temperatures .. and also may have evolved various chemistries, or chemical compounds in their bodies, that make this possible too :) Pretty interesting :)

Good Morning Scott,

Will start watering plants 🪴 soon.
Apologies for including you in that 'socked in' email yesterday, Navin + I thought I had removed your email (per my mother's suggestion). Abolition-ally yours, Scott
Not to worry!
1:43 PM
Thanks, Navin - not to worry you too!
1:43 PM·SMS

On Mon, Sep 13, 2021, 4:40 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Pin, Tym, Henry, Victoria, Greg, Larry, Ed, Ma, All,

Beautiful day here ... But time to move to new location, re previous email recently? Sharpshooter heaven I just noticed - from the 4am broken limb episode right up to the top of the hill across the street, which is a new building site I just noticed for the first time... And perfect perch for sharpshooters  ... Step out my door aware or unaware and bye bye ...

In calling for, abolitionally, the end of the intl Illegal sex industry (post abolition of  slavery), I'd think that my analysis that there are a lot of deeply (sick too) vested interests that don't want it to end at all ... And abolition movements can be stopped ... It only took a couple of centuries to end institutions of slavery ... What to do? Materialize a hippy van and travel ? Get experts to check it out like uniformed services' people (since I'm a whistle-blower many times over about some this ) ? More in this thread ... Glad the WUaS Corporation got the 2017 tax returns in a second time this year days' ago ...

Hoping you're all having a good autumn! How are you?

Fond regards, Scott 

On Mon, Sep 13, 2021, 4:11 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:

Dear Larry, Ed, Jim, Ma, Tym, Sandy, Pin and Henry, 

Greetings, and following up further ... 

Could this be a Peter Norvig-informed, amazing Machine Learning coding project (actual-virtual dance student-centric even?) ... https://twitter.com/GoogleAI/status/1437516603449556994?s=20
 ... with 10 different dance forms that can generate "novel dance sequences for 10 different dance genres" ... incredibly cool and innovative! ... and if so, and if this could even be Peter - as envisioning, - why else might she be dancing this way in this example on Twitter??  ... per what no one of us knows (probably) or could know ...  (and could it have even anything to do with calling out Fritz's potential 'racism' over the weekend, and furthermore even his networks in the SF Bay Area ???... at Google even???)

Again ...
Google AI
Check out FACT, an #ML model based on a new large-scale, multi-model 3D dance motion dataset (AIST++), which can generate novel dance sequences for 10 different dance genres, from ballet jazz to hip-hop. https://goo.gle/3EdYyTa

... and even regarding the WUaS Bay Area Stammtisch Bots' example as new form of conference method, or university seminar, or learning dialogue among a group, which I revisited again in today's WUaS News and Q&A, with recording here - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1437473979992707077?s=20 and https://twitter.com/WUaSPress/status/1437474372248227841?s=20 . ... there's a different form of ethical practices among different identities in Germany compared with possibly somehow different countries' and cultures' ethics' practices among their other identities ... 

Time to start reading the Google Blog further? 

I see Jim your IBM email just sent me a bounce back for the first time. Happy retirement further, Jim! And happy retirement, Ed, especially ! (And to you too Larry, and Ma!)

In what ways is it possible to further abolition, and even regarding questions of George Church's, Jane Metcalfe's 'future food' - as legal sex even? - idea and thinking - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/galapagos-tortoise-abolition-of-illegal.html ... and in a realistic virtual earth ... not cartoon-esque (possibly per cartoon here, as in in SL)  ... and even re actual-virtual robotics somehow ... ?  

Glad the Form 100 with 2017 WUaS Corporation is successfully filed for a second time this year!

Sincerely, Scott
May add further some of above emails' today here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/08/bird-of-paradise-erythrostemon-gilliesii.html - further ...

On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 3:09 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Larry, Ed, Jim, Ma, Tym, Sandy, Pin and Henry, 

I hope this finds you all well. How are you? Am including some recent emails and texts below as a follow up to getting the WUaS Corporation further along ... and perhaps even to making it financially operational ... and regarding too risks and approaches to navigating calling for the abolition of the illegal sex industry world wide as WUaS seeks to create free universal education that is wiki and people to people, in all 7,139 known living languages ... 

Any chance please, Larry, I could get the 2 WUaS Financial Reports soon-ish as I prepare to get out the WUaS Agenda and News for Monthly Business Meeting this Saturday? 

Regarding the other 190 Canyon critters' related critters (see previous email newly in this thread below) or was that 8321 critters distributed across northern California (with some rogue or criminal background?), and the sick tomtom wooylie, Ivan the killer of Kyle?? Terrible schneller, and chester the dock,band illegal sex slavers outa canyon, which has its own very old culture of wood cutters, I don't think the tree cutter above the loud the chipping trick )as I was holding the WUaS News & Q&A this morning + a loud annoying Canyon thing too)  in the tree across the street from where I live on Arlington Blvd this morning, with good site line of door, is a risk even among his possible phone networks because it takes a little skill to take out an abolitionist movement by force ... And re too the Zen Koan of what sound does a tree make if it falls in a forest and no one is around ... And my happening to be awake at 4:00am that day and hearing the limb split off - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/08/bird-of-paradise-erythrostemon-gilliesii.html - and my also happening to go out to my car at 8am that my morning, and find Navin and Sarla's car gone, very unusually, and to learn they were sleeping at a friend's house (could they be swingers from back in the 1970s even)??? ...is a risk for example, as a possible cultural cleanup of the illegal s x industry proceeds over the next 2 decades ...(since it took far longer to abolish slavery for example ...) 

Hoping the WUaS Corporation can get out educational services' stores going with WUaS as authorized Lego Robotics' kits' reseller ... At the same time as possibly listing Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency on the brand new Silicon Valley long-term stock exchange.

Beautiful day out here with views of the bridge and work proceeding ... How are you all doing?


town council troubles

Dear Larry and Kim, Ma, Pin, Tym (who 3 have visited me in Canyon), Jim, Henry, Sandy,

Thanks for asking or talking about this 'Next Door''classifieds and community''web neighborhood' platform when we were going out to dinner in the car in Pittsburgh PA earClier this summer, Larry and Kim. (And thank you for bringing this up - am not sure why you brought this up, but i'm glad you're thinking about this). Here's an example of what I get, but possibly a little less with 'hints of aggression' in it, than most of the others I receive in spam ... from having signed up with Next Door last summer from Canyon 94516 - with their at the time beautiful cottage for rent ('truth in advertising' questions) on their homepage (as we talked about) - when beginning to look for a place to live, a 'safe house' (at my mother's suggestion). 

And on Thursday as I was walking up to the UU Church and emailed all of you, a little 'parade' of vehicles of what could be Canyonites drove by, with 2-3 gray painted cars (which is a curious cultural 'expression' of Canyon, and none 2 obvious way of disguising the color of a stolen car), two big motorcycles, one with slightly obvious pop-like music playing, and some other vehicles. And living in a 'safe house' (from perpetrators, offenders, purveyors of the international illegal sex industry, I hypothesize, - & in Canyon too esp) I wondered whether this was a parade or even a funeral - New Orleans Dixie land style even - and what the significance could be of them coming from a 'rendezvous' at my next door neighbors even, to the north, who could even be on the wider Canyon rogue-like community side of things. Canyon CRITTERS, in their numbers, can get 'into' things, in the night, for ex., and vandalize etc. And what would happen 'safe house' wise if their 'critter vandalizing' started coming across the fence even somehow in the future ... and per my mentally ill perpetrator offender criminal previous landlord (tom wylie, as well as Ivan the terrible Schneller, and chester the rid, and 20-190 others, some of whom may be even more deeply disturbed as well as invested in the gains if a intl Illegal s x industry ... and even julie adams and bob hartley of harbin hot springs, 2 hours away ... where this parade had a dramatic flair feeling echoing these last 2 key - and potentially quite sick - people at harbin). I don't think there would be much I could do about it ... So why haven't federal authorities done something about Canyon 94516 - if Canyon has state of California law enforcement 'over a barrel' (possibly a scary metaphor, where scary is a word Ed here has used about Canyon before too)?

While I continue to call for the abolition of the illegal s x industry (and the 1833 anti-slavery act I recently learned of seemed early - 
"The Slavery Abolition Act was passed by the British Parliament in 1833 ... "- 
https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/transcendentalism/ - and re New England and wider transcendentalism too of which UUs were a great part) ... I also don't want to become a victim ... 

Am glad I got the Minutes for World University and School out yesterday - 
https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2021/09/minutes-for-82121-at-wuas-both-np-world.html - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/umpqua-national-forest-oregon.html (and that its 'back bench' of possible criminals in the forest, and distributed, having moved out of Canyon may be deep indeed) ... 

- but I am also aware that Canyon really doesn't have a functioning town council or polity ... that I know of beyond a possible 'tribe' of long-time (offending?) residents as culture ... And has a < ~150 year history of perhaps what might be called 'frontier crime' or a new phrase for me 'frontier sin' ... And that any attempts to clean it up by say federal authorities ... might benefit from taking this into consideration.

Tym ... Just called you this morning to say hi :) thanks to Pin (Siddhartha), Ma x2, & Tym for coming to visit in Canyon over the past 10-12 years I was there at different times ... Let's end the creation / generation of victims (just had a slightly unsettling talk with Fritz Lebowsky in Bavaria, whom I met at Stanford, who at the very close seemed to be making a racist allusion Europeans not liking Africans generating trash in Europe ... to which I responded that, metaphorically, the issue re abolition for me would be how not to create victims in the first place) ... due to the latent culture of violence in the illegal sex industry and Canyon. 

May be moving toward Stanford in April 2022 or the east coast or a bit farther.

Again, I also continue to call for the abolition of the illegal s x industry (like abolishing slavery ... (and for moral reasons, too, and many other different kinds of reasons) - and at World Univ & Sch (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/bald-eagle-abolition-nontheist-quakers.html?m=0) ... and could the federal government further create abolition laws, if speculatively California doesn't head in this direction (either publicly or under the radar?)

Friendly regards, Scott

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Sat, Sep 11, 12:45 PM (2 days ago)
to LarryClaudiaJanieTym, SidHenryJimSandyEdward
Dear Larry and Kim, Ma, Pin, Tym, Ed (who 4 have visited me in Canyon), Sandy, Jim, Henry, 

Some further thoughts in some of these regards - 

So, as federal and state law enforcement MIGHT BE playing their Game of GO (surround the other sides' colorful stones, and remove them from the board), are the 'rogueys' playing the game with slightly different game rules (any ones they can make up on the terra firma board of NorCal in this questioning), both potentially armed, and neither perhaps Quaker, UU, Yogic, or otherwise common sense non-harming or similar? And what if they intermingle - and do drama performance or performativity (a social science / anthropology concept, post-modernity wise esp.) well - a hypothetical 'gray car motorcycle parade' of both sides, and everything in between ... and what if it was a funeral for another 'kid in a box' too ... very very speculatively, the rogueys flaunting their stuff ... and letting us know about them ... as well as tracking them with some kind of 2021 Google-Apple Coronavirus tracing App etc.? And what if too, however, some of the people running this inforamtion technology are very very sick themselves, psychiatrically - but they know the code, and its history? And what about the role of messaging - re email lists, Next Door, other social media ... and the law ... and re abolition? 

And while abolition law enforcement may be partly an English-language British-American-informed thing as I'm conceiving of this, there are quite different sensibilities, legal histories ... etc. in Germany for example ... i am reminded of Fritz's comments that they could refer too to Americans (not Africans) sending or 'exporting''broken women' - so American victims of the illegal sex industry, for example, to Europe re his trash comment ... for example ... Tragic ... re industry, and business, for example ... Returning to meditation, ... could the US and WUaS get psychiatrists to the 'breakers' (men?) .. and the offenders, perpetrators, purveyors ... and for the victims ... regarding especially too prevention with abolition law?

Calling for abolition of sex industry (post aboltion of slavery) - 
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/bald-eagle-abolition-nontheist-quakers.html?m=0) - in 200 countries too ... and sort out the 'hippie defense' coding in all of this too ... ????

Recent text messaging between Ed and myself ... 

Ed, I didn't get the WUaS Minutes done today, so I'm going to stay focused on finishing these until I get them done, and ask for a rain check if that might be possible ? Might we go for a hike after I get the Minutes for WUaS done please?
It's still a kind of working week for me, Ed ... And I don't think I'll retire for a couple of decades at least since it's good focusing (and I still need to build retirement funds - and have money or career re connecting with a life partner to begin to bear kids!) Fondly, Scott (appreciating the Tao of hiking weekdays and Friday, but may be a weekend hiker for a while yet re my career !)
Yes, of course, of course. A rain check would be wonderful! Rain, rain!
PS. I get it about work.
Friday · 12:41 PM
career, love - "Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time." .,."Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass" ... https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html ... Using language and re sociality are all in The Desiderata (thanks, George A., MD ! :), Ed ... 2 key Minutes for WUaS done, Ed .. seeking to speak my "truth Quietly and Clearly" ... :)
Friday · 4:19 PM
Minutes are drafted for both wings, Ed! 🙂
Friday · 5:55 PM
Ed - Minutes for 8/21/21 at WUaS (both NP World Univ & Sch AND the FP WUaS Corp) @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress -https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2021/09/minutes-for-82121-at-wuas-both-np-world.html
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/umpqua-national-forest-oregon.html Prospective PhD & Bachelor students: #FreeToStudents' best STEM CC4 OCW degrees. Read on & email WUaS

Saturday · 3:52 PM
Hello Ed (and world!) ... How are you, and how is your post dentist healing process going? Any interest in a hike next Saturday or Sunday morning in the Cupertino area? Maybe for some further keystone cops' action even? ... Heading into the Boulders' area just now (thanks 🙏 for saying 'sorry about the Boulders' - and am wondering too what this could mean further? ... But maroon ~1997 Subaru Legacy spotting just now at corners of Beloit and Kenyon, I think, a corner I turn often at (heads' up wise) ...and abolitionally even ... Wondering too re the 'Canyon 'funeral???' parade' on Arlington Blvd on Thursday - which I just emailed you and Larry & my mother and other friends about ... What role which GPS(s) is playing in ongoing ways and which ones ... With some situations, but only some, we've communicated about (like Pandora music app death threat' for ex :( ) ... And how best to effect freedom (re abolition) via IT ? Thoughts, questions,videos, suggestions ? Friendly regards, Scott
Saturday · 8:12 PM
Hi Ed! Up at the UU Church hill bench (where you've called me before!) ... What did you mean when you said you have a serious mental illness when hiking in Marin and close I think to the foot path turnoff back entrance into possibly the Tassajara US Buddhist monastery or similar? Wondering too if a Jim Spohrer, another friend - like you n'est-ce pas? - could follow two other blue GPS dots as they crossed paths with you or me. What do you think re questions of my living in a safe house, calling for abolition, and re that noncreditable death threat' and canyon break in, with my calling the police twice, etc? Back a ways on my walk up this evening, two 'hippies,' dressed in full regalia (haven't seen this in long long time), came out of a house, heading to two cars, his on the side of the street I was on, with very long hair, and carrying a drum ... We're they heading to a party (in 'authentic' hippy party clothes) ... Even a former student of graburn for hire speculatively?... He looked a bit rogue-like, could HAVE a Harbin or churl history already recorded in his electronic medical records, with Covid-19 vaccine, or not ... Could he network with illegal sex trade perps,... Even get hired ? ... How does such a history of crossing paths work digitally from a hypothetical Jim Spohrer perspective, who may have taken a vow ('aeiou') of service (which could mean something to some people), or from a KP perspective for ex? Looking forward to learning more, Ed ! Friendly regards, Scott
Hmmm. I thought you knew that whole story. Too much for a text. Talk tomorrow? Or saunter in Tilden?
Wanna come with me Ed to the Cupertino area for a hike? Am sorta planning this ... rendezvous around 9:30 at one of those hikes? ... Golden the following Sunday?
Sunday · 8:58 PM
Hi. Sorry not to reply. Very tired Slept poorly. Will call tomorrow.
Hoping you had a good weekend in parts, Ed! Sleep well. Let's talk soon ... -Cheers, Scott
Thanks for the cheery msg. Me, to bed.

On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 5:05 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Ed, Larry, Jim, (Ma, All),

Correction here of the double negative in previous email just now ... From this Gmail...

Thanks for your texts last night, Ed, ... and were you suggesting that you didn't call me - or especially TEXT me all those messages, that instead a 3rd party on text might have sent some of them? - Am thinking that in calling for abolition of the sex industry, and potentially offering a way to end poverty too via UBI Experiments to distribute a single cryptocurrency to 7.8 billion people,
that the illegal sex industry (KP too?), and tragically with kids??, WILL "not go gentle into that good night" per this successful WUaS Corporation 2017 Form 100 tax returns refiling email thread too. (Jim am I correct in thinking gmail may be more secure communications that texting - n'est-ce pas? - and that other 3rd parties could add text messages? ) Am also thinking that you as a KP MD, Ed, may be wearing many hats here, having just retired with Nest egg, and with a serious mental illness diagnosis that you told me about. Am seeking not to be a victim ... seeking instead for WUaS to become financially operational.

Will WUaS be 'golden' by the end of the week? I hope so ... 

Reading the Desiderata ? ...

Larry, could I please get the WUaS financial statements - for both WUaS wings - for WUaS Monthly Business Meeting this Saturday (loosely conducted in the manner of Friends)? 

Friendly regards, and abolition-ally yours, Scott

Just heard from Fritz, whom I met at Stanford, what I think was partly a profound expression of racism on Saturday in the Bay Area Stammtisch, and then in email afterward, and that he might be seeking in communication to become somehow a pimp or purveyor even in the illegal sex industry in Bavaria re his brand new 'waste management' (metaphorically) email. See - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/galapagos-tortoise-abolition-of-illegal.html?m=0 - and will add newly his email. Abolish the illegal sex industry, which abolition seems to have worked for slavery over centuries.

Sincerely, Scott

On Mon, Sep 13, 2021, 5:01 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Ed, Larry, Jim, (Ma, All),

Thanks for your texts last night, Ed, ... and were you suggesting that you didn't call me - or especially TEXT me all those messages, that instead a 3rd party on text might have sent some of them? - Am thinking that in calling for abolition of the sex industry, and potentially offering a way to end poverty too via UBI Experiments to distribute a single cryptocurrency to 7.8 billion people,
that the illegal sex industry (KP too?), and tragically with kids??, won't "not go gentle into that good night" per this successful WUaS Corporation 2017 Form 100 tax returns refiling email thread too. (Jim am I correct in thinking gmail may be more secure communications that texting - n'est-ce pas? - and that other 3rd parties could add text messages? ) Am also thinking that you as a KP MD, Ed, may be wearing many hats here, having just retired with Nest egg, and with a serious mental illness diagnosis that you told me about. Am seeking not to be a victim ... seeking instead for WUaS to become financially operational.

Will WUaS be 'golden' by the end of the week? I hope so ... 

Reading the Desiderata ? ...

Larry, could I please get the WUaS financial statements - for both WUaS wings - for WUaS Monthly Business Meeting this Saturday (loosely conducted in the manner of Friends)? 

Friendly regards, and abolition-ally yours, Scott

Just heard from Fritz, whom I met at Stanford, what I think was partly a profound expression of racism on Saturday in the Bay Area Stammtisch, and then in email afterward, and that he might be seeking in communication to become somehow a pimp or purveyor even in the illegal sex industry in Bavaria re his brand new 'waste management' (metaphorically) email. See - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/galapagos-tortoise-abolition-of-illegal.html?m=0 - and will add newly his email. Abolish the illegal sex industry, which abolition seems to have worked for slavery over centuries.

Sincerely, Scott

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 8:21 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Hi Ed, Ma, Jim, Larry, Sid/Pin, Tym, All, 

Just shared this with my mother from the UU Church of Kensington / Berkeley: 

Greetings, Ma !... From the UU Church hill bench! My tie dye scarf is tied to it, having dropped it on a warm evening recently. Nice cool evening ! Remember how I mentioned that house abuzz with chatter, - near the UU CHURCH months ago - by a party of people who reminded me of an ethnic group in Oakland who speak Amharic? Well after that one night, and silence since then, a woman tonight was walking up to this house, looking twice at her smartphone, and the second time near her driveway she turned around and took a selfie pic or a photo of me ... Why I wonder, if (taking a pic) me? And not many people speak Amharic for internet monitoring of unethical behavior! Am reminded of Abraham Verghese at Stanford Medicine originally from Ethiopia, and his great similarity to this woman, and his seeming to try to frame me in an interview in his office several years ago, and my whistle-blowing quite loudly about this in emails to Stanford Law"s  Roland Vogl and Hank Greely and other Stanford faculty and the Stanford faculty senate itself ... And while I haven't seen directly a post from @cuttingforstone to Twitter (but could he write some of Bob Harrington MD's for example?), I do wonder about his seeking to harm me, perhaps a couple of times (when the first time he was kind of lurking around the Stanford Law buildings when I was there) and his potential serious badness and lack of good ethics - eg in his career climb in a difficult career environment like Stanford (while perhaps lying that he had a brother as professor at MIT) ... I'm aware also of the potential for bad actors - very - in my calling for abolition of the intl Illegal sex trade ... Writing from a UU CHURCH that has a deep history in the northern US / New England esp., in the abolition movement to end slavery (and that as I observed earlier my messaging seems to be being read by some people like George Church Jane Metcalfe OR their Boston/SF Bay Area colleagues ! Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions - re a 'caring and loving mind space,' Ma'? (Blogged about a 'caring and loving mind space' here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/american-beech-fagus-grandifolia.html recently). Abolitionally, yours & Sending love, Scott 

I had thought to include Roland, Hank, Bob Harrington MD, and Barbara van Schewick, in this email and thread just now - to let them know that the WUaS Corporation in CA sent the April 2017 Form 100 tax forms for the second time this year ... AND as a follow up to not hearing back YET from the Stanford faculty senate, and regarding my multiple whistle-blowings about Stanford, but perhaps some of them will dip, or are dipping, into this thread in other ways.

Ed, I didn't get the WUaS Minutes done today, so I'm going to stay focused on finishing these until I get them done, and ask for a rain check if that might be possible. 

Sincerely, and abolition-ally yours, Scott
Umpqua National Forest, Oregon: Minutes for 8/21/21 at WUaS (both NP World Univ & Sch AND the FP WUaS Corporation)

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 4:36 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ed on one hike in Marin a few months ago said he had a very serious psychiatric disorder - but I don't see this in him whatsoever - but I'm also not an expert, and don't know either the thinking of Kaiser Permanente MDs and psychiatrists if they gave him this diagnosis on some of their electronic medical records, re possible kinds of controlling processes, a Professor of Anthropology (and mine) Laura Nader word at UC Berkeley  - (and even their investments in an illegal sex industry ... and even possibly with minors????) ... Time to move to the east coast in the Spring of 2022 ... to a safer house ??? (since I think abolition will take years, and that the illegal sex industry will not give up its investments, and that its cultures of violence wont' disappear in any short time ... although is the Mafia history??? ... Jim just having attended and shared with me 2 plenary talks from a current virtual Naples, Italy, conference Youtube video links - https://twitter.com/JimSpohrer/status/1434144702341664772?s=20) ... And his wife Valerie MacFarlane MD will be working in a retirement community for the next 7 years or so until she's 65. 

Abolitionally (post the abolition of slavery) yours, Scott

Abolition - 

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 4:25 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Larry and Ed, Jim, Ma, Sandy Henry, Pin, & Tym,

... Ed and I later that "Boulders' morning met out on a road along Skyline Blvd area  - Grizzly Peak - I think, where I could get internet access again (not having it in Tilden Park to communicate with Ed) ... and Ed just texted me that he was sorry about the boulders - 

Ed -
Sorry for that time at the boulders.  

Sounds good to me ... And as I recall, one morning after you had given me this App - I think - we were going to meet at the 'Boulders' (re in case of earthquake thinking, natural setting meeting place thinking) for a hike ... and you didn't show up ... but it's possible that perpetrators on the other end of AllTrials' did show up in numbers (??? from some cars I observed at the time if I recall correctly, after I had returned from the Boulders to the road) ...brainstorming-wis could we possibly at some point draw some perpetrators into a law enforcement situation somehow I wonder? (Or could a Jim Spohrer tomorrow with IBM folks - although he's retired - observe via the internet ... who might be misusing GPS information, potentially remotely ...) ... and lock up the leads and their cronies at AllTrails? We may be knowledgeable folks who the perpetrators and offenders of illegal sex industries might be better off not being about to talk in courts of law ... or on Kaiser Permanente Electronic Medical Records for example! - Cheers, Scott

Ed -
Sorry for that time at the boulders.  

Scott -
Follow the little 'named' blue dots (associated with named electronic medical records, Wikidata Pin #s, etc. organized by Kaiser Permanente or the US State department, ... or another organization that might not be quite so imbricated, speculatively, in the illegal sex industry, for example ... and capable of navigating IT and legal systems too), might this called?

Ed -
More in a bit.
On a bouncy, twisty road (Val driving.)

Scott -
Thanks ... see you tomorrow!
See my "Follow the Little Blue Dots" email just now too ... what do you mean metaphorically by Val driving, if anything (since you're retired, for example)?
Anything to do somehow with a loss of 'agency' on your part, having retired, or for other MD professional reasons, or otherwise, for example, Ed?

Please remember that I write from a place of poverty, living in a safe house, and perhaps possibly because of the illegal sex industry and its financial interests even ... and after around 14 years of developing World Univ & Sch - where numerous startups have become successful in very short order. Why I ask myself.

Sincerely, Scott

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 4:07 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Hi Jim, Larry and Ed, Ma, Sandy Henry, Pin, & Tym,

Ed, just texted me briefly about the time at the boulders, to which I replied with a "Follow the Blue Dots" email:

Follow the little 'named' blue dots (associated with named electronic medical records, Wikidata Pin #s, etc. organized by Kaiser Permanente or the US State department,  or the September 2021 Google Apple coronavirus tracing App... or another organization that hypothetically might not be quite so imbricated, speculatively, in the illegal sex industry, for example ... and capable of navigating IT and legal systems too), might this called?

law enforcement label in daily blog - 

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 3:52 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Jim, Larry and Ed, Ma, Sandy Henry, Pin, & Tym,

Jim, would you like to come for a hike with Ed and myself tomorrow? The following describes 3 potential hikes, 2 near you in Cupertino initially, but I think Ed and I have decided to go on the one near us. It also raises some questions about possibly following the perpetrators and offenders of illegal sex industries via the AllTrials' A[[ ... as they might seek to follow Ed and myself via GPS ... and potentially to begin to identify them, prevent them from doing harm, and maybe even get them into courts of law, or seeing psychiatrists. There's a full circle below of texts, starting with the same first and last one ... about some possible precedents for this. Since you're reflecting on it all (https://twitter.com/JimSpohrer) - and could this mean that you've 'seen it all' tragically too??? - would you like to come for a hike with us, Jim, tomorrow, and possibly explore some of this remote thinking in the future on another hike? Thoughts about all of this if this could be the tip of





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