Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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male coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) spawners: Build in Google Stanford Duke's #ProjectBaseline into #SmartWatch * * * Yogic Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations and Stanford Mine Pi Cryptocurrency coin Free Money Daily, ~ https://minepi.com/sgkmac ~ & with UBI experiments .... * * * riffs with Inspiring #Nvidia #StarWars Youtube FILM with CEO Jensen Huang: * * * For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? What? How? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 yo?, -more supple bodies, how #YogaEthics work?

Previous: Primula capitata: India students for Autumn 2022 recruiting? * * * Mwende in Africa - CC-4 LICENSED "Computer Science CS FIRST WITH GOOGLE AT WUaS" Scratch programming language * * * #RegenerativeYoga online? (with major update to these #HippyAnjaliYogaNotations ~ * * * Inspiring #Nvidia #StarWars Youtube FILM with CEO Jensen Huang: * * * Thanks so much again for your $50 donation to 501 c 3 World Univ & Sch * World Univ & Sch also has a growing CAMPUS in Google Street View with Time Slider, - and not just of Harbin Hot Springs, but potentially the whole earth, and at the cellular and molecular levels too ... and with AI and machine learning!, Thank you again! * * * * "Wondering how specific molecules of genes will be added to our bodies and what their myriad effects will be ! 🙂 * * * MIT Tech Review: "In this debate, George Church just called mRNA vaccines gene therapy. This is sufficient to be banned from further speech" ? * * Virtual hiking with data in digital masks from 2 different places (eg in CA) in the virtual Sierras associated with All Trails, - and then meet in person?

Build in Google Stanford Duke's #ProjectBaseline into #SmartWatch

Build in Google Stanford Duke's #ProjectBaseline (physical samples to DATA to pathway to health) as electronic medical records, into #SmartWatch, for adding #GeneticDrugTherapies, for #WUaSLongevity beyond 122 yo w #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarth 


Participate in a #Baseline study? What is #ProjectBaselinehttps://www.projectbaseline.com/studies/project-baseline/ -https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-020-0290-y -https://medicine.stanford.edu/annual-report-2018/the-project-baseline-study.html Extend to 7.9 billion people on planet w #WikidataPin # & in #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords @WorldUnivAndSch in2 00 https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital s?







* * * 

Yogic Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations and Stanford Mine Pi Cryptocurrency coin Free Money Daily, & with UBI experiments  ....

1. Helpful guidelines for care / love in living? Be ethical.


In the information age re Hippy-Yoga,
am appreciative too of Google's "Don't be evil" philosophy, Creative Commons, and Stanford Law thinking re law in each of all ~200 nation states

2. Positive observances ~ unwind with daily Yoga meditation 

as inner releasing actions

(eliciting relaxation response neurophysiology)

3. Yoga bodymind explorations including inner movement ~ play

4. Breathing ~ Mmmmm feels so good {easing & visionary Pranayama-wise} ~ explore

5. Come home inside into your bodymind at times to regenerate yourself

6. Focus in releasing ways to connect in a kind of oneness in neurophysiology
(and re Csikszentmihalyi's "Flow" experience & see: http://www.scottmacleod.com/EudaimoniaFlow.htm)

7. Connectedness and "it's just happening"

8. Bring it on home ~ Oneness ~ Cosmic Consciousness


Non-harming (yummy vegetarian food with an egg and multi-vitamin a day is a boon)

Truthfulness, Integrity, Honesty


You can get free money daily here ~ https://minepi.com/sgkmac ~ (Stanford Mine Pi coin cryptocurrency)  . . . for Universal Basic Income EXPERIMENTS too to all 7.9 billion people on the planet


Yogic Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations and Stanford Mine Pi Cryptocurrency coin Free Money Daily, & with UBI experiments  

You can get free money daily here ~ https://minepi.com/sgkmac ~ (Stanford Mine Pi coin cryptocurrency)  . . . for Universal Basic Income EXPERIMENTS too to all 7.9 billion people on the planet


1. Helpful guidelines for care / love in living? Be ethical.


In the information age re Hippy-Yoga,

am appreciative too of Google's "Don't be evil" philosophy, Creative Commons, and Stanford Law thinking re law in each of all ~200 nation states

2. Positive observances ~ unwind with daily Yoga meditation 

as inner releasing actions

(eliciting relaxation response neurophysiology)

3. Yoga bodymind explorations including inner movement ~ play

4. Breathing ~ Mmmmm feels so good {easing & visionary Pranayama-wise} ~ explore

5. Come home inside into your bodymind at times to regenerate yourself

6. Focus in releasing ways to connect in a kind of oneness in neurophysiology

(and re Csikszentmihalyi's "Flow" experience & see: http://www.scottmacleod.com/EudaimoniaFlow.htm)

7. Connectedness and "it's just happening"

8. Bring it on home ~ Oneness ~ Cosmic Consciousness


~ Non-harming (yummy vegetarian food with an egg and multi-vitamin a day is a boon)

~ Truthfulness, Integrity, Honesty

~ Non-stealing

You can get free money daily here ~ https://minepi.com/sgkmac ~ (Stanford Mine Pi coin cryptocurrency)  . . . for Universal Basic Income EXPERIMENTS too to all 7.9 billion people on the planet

* * 

Yoga genetics-wise too, scientifically, and Ethics too . . .

Yoga genetics-wise too, scientifically ...

Yoga GENETICS and Yoga Ethics too even re Yoga Athletics, and possibly with the Olympics and vaccines for performance ... see below). ...

With a Harvard undergrad degree and a Stanford PhD, she is {Holly K Tabor}  very skilled language and thinking-wise. Here are 4 foundations of ethics, and for her too -

beneficence, nonmaleficence (non-wrongdoing), autonomy, and justice -

which I appreciate a lot (and Regarding also newly exploring Yoga GENETICS and Yoga Ethics too even re, again, Yoga Athletics, and possibly with the Olympics and vaccines for performance ... see below). ... and regarding calling for abolition, and possibly seeking asylum soon on the east coast or in Europe ...


 the first exploration of Yoga genetics, which I first added here - scottmacleod.com - a few weeks' ago, in significantly updating my home page


For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? What? How? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 yo?, -more supple bodies, how #YogaEthics work?



Exploring Yoga big S (Self) small s (self) ... re self learning

Hoping my brother is doing alright, and beginning potentially to see a psychiatrist, and possibly regarding the big S in Yoga (Self or Soul even) re the small s in Yoga (re low, or small or wrongful, harming behavior), Ma and All!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>
8:35 AM (3 hours ago)
to Claudia, Barbara, Alden, Peter, Marc, edsmythmd, Nancy, Roland, David, David, Janie, Larry, Edward, Henry, Sandy, Susan, Hugh, lillianbthomas, John, Sid

🙏 Thanks for your email, David, All!

Appreciate the Jacques Lacan MD focus on talking (parole = speech act, since the 'unconscious is structured like a language,'  in his writing),  and
YogaPoses integrity with Yoga bringing together
big S (Self) and small s (self) thinking (newly exploring this here - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html) ... Appreciate too Lacanian psychiatrist psychoanalyst family friend Lacanian psychiatrist psychoanalyst
George Alexander MD's standing by the Desiderata -
https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html - one of last times my mother and I visited him at the Quaker place near Philadelphia. Tuft's University psychiatrist Dr. John Sargent MD ISN'T a Lacanian psychoanalytic psychiatrist MD, but could be of help. Thanks 🙏👍.

Talk to you later, love,

... all regarding self-learning :)

Inner releasing action bodymind pose explorations ...


Yoga genetics-wise too, scientifically, and Ethics too ...

Yoga GENETICS and Yoga Ethics too even re Yoga Athletics, and possibly with the Olympics and vaccines for performance ... see below). ...

With a Harvard undergrad degree and a Stanford PhD, she is {Holly K Tabor}  very skilled language and thinking-wise. Here are 4 foundations of ethics, and for her too -

beneficence, nonmaleficence (non-wrongdoing), autonomy, and justice -

which I appreciate a lot (and Regarding also newly exploring Yoga GENETICS and Yoga Ethics too even re, again, Yoga Athletics, and possibly with the Olympics and vaccines for performance ... see below). ... and regarding calling for abolition, and possibly seeking asylum soon on the east coast or in Europe ...



 the first exploration of Yoga genetics, which I first added here - scottmacleod.com - a few weeks' ago, in significantly updating my home page



For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? What? How? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 yo?, -more supple bodies, how #YogaEthics work?



Exploring Yoga big S (Self) small s (self) ... re self learning

Hoping my brother is doing alright, and beginning potentially to see a psychiatrist, and possibly regarding the big S in Yoga (Self or Soul even) re the small s in Yoga (re low, or small or wrongful, harming behavior), Ma and All!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>

8:35 AM (3 hours ago)

to Claudia, Barbara, Alden, Peter, Marc, edsmythmd, Nancy, Roland, David, David, Janie, Larry, Edward, Henry, Sandy, Susan, Hugh, lillianbthomas, John, Sid

🙏 Thanks for your email, David, All!

Appreciate the Jacques Lacan MD focus on talking (parole = speech act, since the 'unconscious is structured like a language,'  in his writing),  and

YogaPoses integrity with Yoga bringing together

big S (Self) and small s (self) thinking (newly exploring this here - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html) ... Appreciate too Lacanian psychiatrist psychoanalyst family friend Lacanian psychiatrist psychoanalyst

George Alexander MD's standing by the Desiderata -

https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html - one of last times my mother and I visited him at the Quaker place near Philadelphia. Tuft's University psychiatrist Dr. John Sargent MD ISN'T a Lacanian psychoanalytic psychiatrist MD, but could be of help. Thanks 🙏👍.

Talk to you later, love,


... all regarding self-learning :)


Inner releasing action bodymind pose explorations ...

* * *

riffs with 

Inspiring #Nvidia #StarWars Youtube FILM with CEO Jensen Huang:

Inspiring #Nvidia #StarWars FILM: https://youtu.be/39ubNuxnrK8 How best to riff @WorldUnivAndSch WITH? 1) CC4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric WIKI Univs in 200 countries/langs 2) #WUaSHomeRobotics in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth in #StreetView:

Inspiring #Nvidia #StarWars FILM: https://youtu.be/39ubNuxnrK8 How best to riff @WorldUnivAndSch WITH? 1) CC4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric WIKI Univs in 200 countries/langs 2) #WUaSHomeRobotics in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth in #StreetView:
https://maps.app.goo.gl/9hQibXGtQUUU5PHd7 w Earth #AI #ML Lab







Riff-able with in so many ways for World Univ & Sch ... 


Global warming reversal in a single realistic virtual earth for climate change and global warming 


World Univ & Sch interactive film up on the ridge in Canyon in the Academic Medical Center and the WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute ?



Two male coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)  spawners.






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