Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Sonoma coast: Are students breaking down the doors to get accepted to MIT? STUDENTS still aren't breaking down doors to get into CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch for Free-to-Students' Bach. PhD Law MD IB degrees YET https://maps.app.goo.gl/9hQibXGtQUUU5PHd7 :new CAMPUS has no doors:) * * * When will we be able to #ReverseHeartDisease with #SmartWatch? * * * Dream * MacFarlane's four o'clock: May start 'clocking' the centuries ahead in upcoming WUaS Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital STEAM field work and WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute too ... Wherever that finds form ... * Dream (continued))

Next: Anemonastrum obtusilobum: Thanks, Mwende, Universitians @WorldUnivAndSch on #Google my Business ... New #WUaSCampus - Explore building it out further by adding instructive or research pics/videos ... M 3/28/22 WUaS News and Q&A ... * open World Univ & Sch (WUaS) News and Q&A Monday, March 28, at 10 am Pacific Time recording ... (and someone joined this today!) * * * is Angela Merkel a key Vladimir Putin advisor? ... Could this inform Russia, Germany & European Union's approaches, backed by central banks, to #SingleCryptocurrency like #StanfordMinePi https://minepi.com/sgkmac to #EndPoverty? * * * Also, in today's open World Univ & Sch (WUaS) News and Q&A explore recruiting students in India, having reached out to some GEG India group educators ... and might they have to communicate too with Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google too ? * * * CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch's ~200 online Medical Schools & Teaching Hospitals are possibly 4 years away


Are students breaking down the doors to get accepted to MIT? . . . STUDENTS still aren't breaking down doors to get into CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch for Free-to-Students' degrees

Are students breaking down the doors to get accepted to MIT? STUDENTS still aren't breaking down doors to get into CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch for Free-to-Students' Bach. PhD Law MD IB degrees YET https://maps.app.goo.gl/9hQibXGtQUUU5PHd7 :new CAMPUS has no doors:)

Are students breaking down the doors to get accepted to MIT? STUDENTS still aren't breaking down doors to get into CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch for Free-to-Students' Bachelor PhD Law MD IB degrees YET https://maps.app.goo.gl/9hQibXGtQUUU5PHd7 :new CAMPUS has no doors 

* * * 

When will we be able to #ReverseHeartDisease with #SmartWatch?

When will be able to #ReverseHeartDisease w #SmartWatch, SUCH THAT THIS IS PROVEN TOO, per #Yoga origins' Ornish MD's #ClinicallyProven research that #HeartDisease is reversible, & Esselstyn MD's research, & stream this data from #smartwatch > #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords?







Been reading this and if you have #heartdisease you should read it too! #preventheartdisease #reverseheartdisease #plantbaseddiet #vegan #veganforhealth


When will be able to #ReverseHeartDisease w #SmartWatch, SUCH THAT THIS IS PROVEN TOO, per #Yoga origins' Ornish MD's #ClinicallyProven research that #HeartDisease is reversible, & Esselstyn MD's research, & stream this data from #smartwatch> #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords?


* * 
Participate in a #Baseline study? What is #ProjectBaseline? https://www.projectbaseline.com/studies/project-baseline/ -https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-020-0290-y -https://medicine.stanford.edu/annual-report-2018/the-project-baseline-study.html Extend to 7.9 billion people on planet w #WikidataPin # & in #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords @WorldUnivAndSch in2 00 https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital s?

-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * * 

Saturday, March 26, 2022


Good morning Ma!

How are you? And how was your week? 

I woke up recalling a dream that I had met a friend in her mid 20s, a MD too, and that she was seeking a partner, and had a connection with the UU Church ... and I might have met her last summer, but I can't pin down who this is ...

Such was this dream ... 

Love, Scott

Some Tweets you might find interesting ... 

Build in Google Stanford Duke's #ProjectBaseline (physical samples to DATA to pathway to health) as electronic medical records, into #SmartWatch, for adding #GeneticDrugTherapies, for #WUaSLongevity beyond 122 yo w #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarth 

Languages - World Univ: 

Again ... 

Participate in a #Baseline study? What is #ProjectBaseline? https://www.projectbaseline.com/studies/project-baseline/ -https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-020-0290-y -https://medicine.stanford.edu/annual-report-2018/the-project-baseline-study.html Extend to 7.9 billion people on planet w #WikidataPin # & in #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords @WorldUnivAndSch in2 00 https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital s?



3 ladybug pics & from above Drake's Bay Beach in Pt. Reyes National Seashore @scottmacleod @sgkmacleod The Park Service closed the beach at 4, so I hiked up on a deer trail to the astounding plateau above, grassy, wildflowers WOW https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Species @WorldUnivAndSch #wuAsVR~

It's a dream high up above Drake's Bay Beach on a bluff on a wonderful day sitting in the grass cross legged ... Lady bugs abounding too :)

How was your day?

Love, Scott

-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

7:55 AM (4 hours ago)
to EdPinClaudiaLarryHenryJohnJoanScottAldenBarbaraDavidSusanHughlillianbthomasNancyRichardDavidJane
Ma, Ed, Pin, Larry, ALL,

Good morning. How are you? Greetings on this Sunday!

At Pt. Reyes' yesterday, - on a great exploration (below) - I was curious afterwards about a sign in front of the visitor's center, to the effect:

Point Reyes national seashore "masks are  optional indoors but the state of California strongly encourages masks" and just found this on the web -

Masks are no longer required indoors in California, with a few exceptions. But they are still strongly recommended.

On this page:

What do you think? Why, if not to protect you from SARS COV 2 ...?

State of California law, and cameras, and AI and employees (239,000) and culture/identity which are still in flux here regarding the last 2 years of the pandemic self-quarantine - as California seeks 'to get the cat back in the bag' (hypothetically)?

As I and WUaS continue to call for abolition of the illegal sex and drug industries, and their latent networks of violence, and continue to prepare for asylum on the east coast (perhaps on Cuttyhunk) as I wait to learn what's going on with Canyon unfolding, or in Europe, post pandemic self-quarantine, am appreciating state of California seeking to get its act Together ... even with the above mask guidance. And the ~5 Park Service rangers I asked about a hike near Drake's Bay Beach, and most of the visitors, were not wearing masks.

Thanks Ed for your communication Friday night that you were going on a birthday party for your daughter Brianna to Safari World in Santa Rosa, with an overnight last night Saturday.

And thanks to Stanford Law's Hank Greely retweeting both a Michelle MELLO (Stanford Law Prof) ...
... and am seeking to stay mellow

 ... And an abolition Tweet from a different identity, along with a Fractals' Tweet ... 
https://twitter.com/tessalaprofessa/status/1507452431289884674 (where Tessa Brown describes herself as an abolitionist)

(And Stanford Medicine Ethics' Prof Holly K Tabor, a colleague of Hanks re Genetics' ethics is talking here https://twitter.com/StanfordBioethx/status/1507390129714855936 - per Hank if you might be interested.

And am seeing a Muslim American abolition Tweet or messaging (please let me know) ...

And thanks to Harvard Professor Karen Brennan for retweeting - 




From the hike exploring the plateau overlooking Drake's Bay, the Seek by iNatruralist App, after WiFi signal kicked in again up top on heath ... is so helpful for identification of flowers in a new way. 

Fond regards,

Ma!  Dwarf checkermallow, Common yarrow, Douglas Iris AND 3 ladybug pics & from above Drake's Bay Beach in Pt. Reyes National Seashore @scottmacleod @sgkmacleod The Park Service closed the beach at 4, so I hiked up on a deer trail to the astounding plateau above, grassy, wildflowers WOW https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Species @WorldUnivAndSch #wuAsVR~

It's a dream high up above Drake's Bay Beach on a bluff on a wonderful day sitting in the grass cross legged ... Lady bugs abounding too :)
ONE of the nicest walks I've been on ... Off trail:) will show it to you if interested when you are out here next :)

 . . . 

MacFarlane's four o'clock: May start 'clocking' the centuries ahead in upcoming WUaS Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital STEAM field work and WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute too ... Wherever that finds form ...

MacFarlane's four o'clock: May start 'clocking' the centuries ahead in upcoming WUaS Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital STEAM field work and WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute too ... Wherever that finds form ...



Dream (continued)

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

7:55 AM (4 hours ago)

to Ed, Pin, Claudia, Larry, Henry, John, Joan, Scott, Alden, Barbara, David, Susan, Hugh, lillianbthomas, Nancy, Richard, David, Jane

Ma, Ed, Pin, Larry, ALL,

Good morning. How are you? Greetings on this Sunday!

At Pt. Reyes' yesterday, - on a great exploration (below) - I was curious afterwards about a sign in front of the visitor's center, to the effect:

Point Reyes national seashore "masks are  optional indoors but the state of California strongly encourages masks" and just found this on the web -

"Masks are no longer required indoors in California, with a few exceptions. But they are still strongly recommended."

On this page:

When to wear a mask

Upgrade your mask

Mask-wearing exemptions

Masking at work


What do you think? Why, if not to protect you from SARS COV 2 ...?

State of California law, and cameras, and AI and employees (239,000) and culture/identity which are still in flux here regarding the last 2 years of the pandemic self-quarantine - as California seeks 'to get the cat back in the bag' (hypothetically)?

As I and WUaS continue to call for abolition of the illegal sex and drug industries, and their latent networks of violence, and continue to prepare for asylum on the east coast (perhaps on Cuttyhunk) as I wait to learn what's going on with Canyon unfolding, or in Europe, post pandemic self-quarantine, am appreciating state of California seeking to get its act Together ... even with the above mask guidance. And the ~5 Park Service rangers I asked about a hike near Drake's Bay Beach, and most of the visitors, were not wearing masks.

Thanks Ed for your communication Friday night that you were going on a birthday party for your daughter Brianna to Safari World in Santa Rosa, with an overnight last night Saturday.

And thanks to Stanford Law's Hank Greely retweeting both a Michelle MELLO (Stanford Law Prof) ...


... and am seeking to stay mellow

 ... And an abolition Tweet from a different identity, along with a Fractals' Tweet ... 

https://twitter.com/tessalaprofessa/status/1507452431289884674 (where Tessa Brown describes herself as an abolitionist)



(And Stanford Medicine Ethics' Prof Holly K Tabor, a colleague of Hanks re Genetics' ethics is talking here https://twitter.com/StanfordBioethx/status/1507390129714855936 - per Hank if you might be interested.

And am seeing a Muslim American abolition Tweet or messaging (please let me know) ...

And thanks to Harvard Professor Karen Brennan for retweeting - 





(near ... https://twitter.com/karen_brennan/status/1504221627193729024)

From the hike exploring the plateau overlooking Drake's Bay, the free Seek by iNatruralist App, after WiFi signal kicked in again up top on heath ... https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/seek_app ... is so helpful for identification of flowers in a new way. 

Fond regards,



Ma!  Dwarf checkermallow, Common yarrow, Douglas Iris AND 3 ladybug pics & from above Drake's Bay Beach in Pt. Reyes National Seashore @scottmacleod @sgkmacleod The Park Service closed the beach at 4, so I hiked up on a deer trail to the astounding plateau above, grassy, wildflowers WOW https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Species @WorldUnivAndSch #wuAsVR~


It's a dream high up above Drake's Bay Beach on a bluff on a wonderful day sitting in the grass cross legged ... Lady bugs abounding too :)

ONE of the nicest walks I've been on ... Off trail:) will show it to you if interested when you are out here next :)


Henry Cutter

10:23 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
Sounds like a lovely walk.


On Mar 27, 2022, at 10:59 AM, Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com> wrote:

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

10:45 AM (1 hour ago)
to Henry
Would love to be able to share it with you just like that in #wuAsVR (https://twitter.com/hashtag/wuAsVR?src=hashtag_click) or similar, so that you could walk it too (or better possibly go on some walks in the high Sierra from your home:), Henry! (Thanks again for your kind hospitality in Randolph last summer, and for our walk to the waterfall esp.:) Regarding realistic avatar bots, and the Google avatar bot they made in front of that waterfall, thanks to Victoria for taking the picture ... wish it were easier to find the Tweet again to add it here :)

Are you getting out for a NYC walk today? Hi to Victoria and your family, Henry!


But I did just search in blog from with blogspot, and bingo I found these pictures of all of us from that walk to the waterfall, and your great grandfather's ? bridge esp - 

(from https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/07/sea-marigold-calendula-maritima-randoph.html - but I still can't find the animation in front of the waterfall as an initial easily-made avatar bot in the Google ecosystem) 

These all came up with a Randolph NH search:

-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

And here's another blog post, Henry, that came up upon searching from within blogspot, with Randolph in it - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/07/starling-freedom-trail-see-too.html - and more explicatly regarding the FREEDOM Trail last summer in driving east and west across the country, visiting you, but not so much about our walk to that waterfall :)


-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * 

Duxbury Reef State Marine Conservation Area



Cambria State Marine Conservation Area wikipedia



 Sonoma Coast State Marine Conservation Area 







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