118 elements in #PeriodicTable as atoms: Combine & code in #NDimensional #VirtualReality in #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics in #wuAsVR too
We asked. You delivered!
Congrats to the winners of our very first ARCore #GeospatialAPIChallenge. Here's a look at their innovative creations that are expanding the world.
Watch now ↓
Combine & code in #NDimensional #VirtualReality in #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #WUaSSTEM #WUaSGenetics
118 elements in the periodic table as #WUaSatoms
* * *
3 new trippy ideas for writing and publishing new books and regarding BOTH ChatGPT and Google Bard:
#ChatGPT is a #trip (a #hallucination a #dream): 2 new #trippy ideas for writing & publishing new books
http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html in 7k langs & as #generativeAI #conversationalML & since @WUaSPress will publish to 1) paper & 2) in #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarth 1/3
Announcing GPT-4, a large multimodal model, with our best-ever results on capabilities and alignment:
In writing books about
#SocietyInformationTechnologyAndTheGlobalUniversity re
ADD in conversation w #ChatGPT A) #WUaSYoutubeVideos -
Here it is, the cover for LIVE FROM THE UNDERGROUND: A HISTORY OF COLLEGE RADIO. Scheduled for publication in Fall 2023! It's real!!
Since #ChatGPT is #trippy & @davidchalmers42 wrote #RealityPlus: #VirtualWorlds & the #ProblemsOfPhilosophy" w it, Explore writing 2nd #HarbinEthnography from #RealisticVirtualHarbin for #WUaSPublishing #STEMResearch (text & equations in sidebar of #StreetView w #TimeSlider) 3/3
Retweeting -
"Can a large language model be conscious?
Can a #LLM think?"
Join us
Fri Jan 20 4 PM ET
at the #LearningSalon
to listen to & discuss with prominent philosopher of mind @davidchalmers42
@blamlab @MelMitchell1 @csuncodes & I are excited to discuss w David!
#ChatGPT is a #trip (like a #hallucination #dreamlike); 2 new #trippy ideas for writing & publishing
https://twitter.com/WUaSPress http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html new books and regarding BOTH ChatGPT (check it out -
https://chat.openai.com/chat) and Google Bard (which I just joined the waiting list for) as generative ML conversation AI - and since the Academic Press at World Univ & Sch seeks beyond publishing to 1) paper, and 2) to create a #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarth for research publishing format (text and equations in the sidebar of Google Street View with time slider), AND newly 3) add all the A) WUaS Youtube videos, and B) Blog posts ( eg
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/global%20university) I've created over the years to i) Google Bard and ii) ChatGPT and maybe iii) another generative conversational AI ... and see if and how they differentially could create books from these to publish to paper. See "Live from the Underground" PPS for some WUaS Youtube video channels below -
Thanks Chris Mohr @chrismsf for retweeting this, as former clerk of San Francisco Friends' Meeting in the mid 2010s before you left with your wife and kids to become professional Quakers in Philadelphia
* * *
'Talking Together ?' (email thread continuing)
Ken, Ed, John, Janie, Larry, Tym, All,
Good morning and good to hear from you, Ken. How are you all? Hoping this finds you well.
Looking forward to a walk together when you're less busy, Ken. Thanks to my mother on 12/31/23 for inviting me to talk with you. Looking forward to heading back to California in late summer - and potentially with a life partner. Just shared this with my mother in these regards -
Some things I loved about Susan and Anke were their kind of innocence in the first half of their 20s, and in coming from the state of Washington in the early 1980s and the former east Germany (Chemnitz), as a Quaker, a traveling Friend, in the second half of the 1980s ... and their sincerity, and their radiance too ... How to circulate in circles where such a woman might be these days, a bit off the 'radar' too (were both of them, - meeting Susan in a Reed (communal) house where I was living, near People's Food Coop in SE Portland, and Anke at Pendle Hill Quaker center for Study and Contemplation SW of Philadelphia, both school environments ) :) Love, Scott
Looks like I may go on a walk or similar with Ken Thompson MD ... How to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in September ... And With a life partner possibly from Pgh? Love, Scott
Ma, could I possibly meet my life partner to be through Ken somehow ? Through someone he knows in Shadyside even, a MD resident at UPMC Shadyside hospital I wonder?
Scott (appreciating again The Desiderata - "Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass."
https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html ...) As friends with Ken do you ever talk about these questions, Ma? ...so glad Ken is your friend! ... A daughter of the man named Ross I met at the Ligonier Highland Games last September, and whose mother brainstorming-wise (like Victoria Fisher-Cutter might be able to direct her daughter Alice to connect with me - but am really not interested in Henry's daughter ... so some woman from Pgh, and local this spring) could conceivably help this daughter, if Ross has one, and I connect? A daughter as poet mom-to-be, caregiver, UU? A poet, if not a MD?
Ross and Ken were walking together in departing the Games when I ran into them ... Could he be a psychiatrist in Pgh too, and have a pretty daughter of Scottish background?)
Could his hypothetical daughter be 24 and even seek a partner? Could she be open to heading west this summer brainstorming wise?
And just shared this with Ed in related veins (with further time markers and notes below, re longevity questions) -
Hi Ed, how are you? Where are you traveling these days? How is your family? Looking forward to potentially heading back to California in the autumn - and thanks for seeking to precipitate my moving back into Canyon 94516 last March 2022! Thanks too for that little emergency poncho symbol gift - which you got one of too - when we went on that hike in Marin! From governor G.N. possibly??? Some further aging reversal thinking - Longevity by Design video with Dr George Church -
26 minutes
George Church takes
as an aging reversing drug
as prediabetic
What are you thinking, Ed, if we all live longer than 122 years of age (and in relatively good health)?
Larry, when I was staying with you, in moving back from California last autumn seeking asylum in Pennsylvania, and you were injecting yourself regularly and newly as a diabetic ... were you taking Metformin ... Re aging reversal questions too, and per George Church above?
Am feeling a bit in limbo with World Univ & Sch accreditation ... but maybe their next Application cycle begins April 1 -
https://www.msche.org/accreditation/application-and-candidacy/ - and perhaps WUaS is waiting for further communications between say Peter Norvig and MSCHE re a Google-WUaS platform too ... Thanks to Peter Norvig for his support of WUaS.
... getting an .edu domain ?
Since October 29, 2001, only postsecondary institutions and organizations that are institutionally accredited by an agency on the U.S. Department of Education's list of nationally recognized accrediting agencies are eligible to apply for an edu domain.
So this may be part of the accreditation/licensure World Univ & Sch wait, and regarding WUaS IT and even WUaS Pi cryptocurrency reimbursement questions too.
Abolition-ally, thanks, Friendly regards, Scott
Longevity by Design video with Dr George Church -
26 minutes
George Church takes
as an aging reversing drug
as 'pre-diabetic'
FDA discussion
length of human clinical trials
10 minutes
Aging reversal over longevity reasoning too
15 minutes
Longevity ... gives one more time to invent new technologies
5-10 year horizon
George published first paper in 2005 about aging reversal as a latecomer to the field
23 minutes
9 different pathways' focus
$2 /dose
George regarding aging reversal and
Sociality love human affection
26 minutes
George Church takes
as an aging reversing drug
as 'prediabetic'
regarding helping others
Here again at the 8 minute mark is where George Church mentions the 'immortality' word -
And see this related blog post -
Ma, Ken, Ed, John, Larry, Tym, All,
I guess writing together is a bit like talking together, n'est pas? :)
A bit trippy, ChatGPT was described by two Stanford professors as both hallucinating, and dreamlike (see March 10 2023 tweets below, and for ChatGPT psychiatry psychoanalysis) ... Texted Tym yesterday evening in these regards:
"Appreciating ChatGPT AI conversation software and Google Bard much! Want to try Google Bard soon -
Two new trippy ideas for writing new books and regarding BOTH ChatGPT (check it out -
https://chat.openai.com/chat) and Google Bard (which I just joined the waiting list for) as generative ML conversation AI - and since the Academic Press at World Univ & Sch seeks beyond publishing to 1) paper, and 2) to create a #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarth for research publishing format (text and equations in the sidebar of Google Street View with time slider), AND newly 3) add all the A) WUaS Youtube videos, and B) Blog posts ( eg
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/global%20university) I've created over the years to i) Google Bard and ii) ChatGPT and maybe iii) another generative conversational AI ... and see if and how they differentially could create books from these to publish to paper. See "Live from the Underground" PPS for some WUaS Youtube video channels below -
NYU Philosophy of Consciousness Prof David Chalmers said in this learning salon on 1/20/23 -
https://www.crowdcast.io/e/learningsalon/58 - that he had written his new book "Reality" with ChatGPT interestingly ... And when Larry in WUaS Monthly Business Meeting mentioned something about the WUaS Youtube videos ... It occurred to me to draw my concluding chapters in my upcoming (2023) book "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" (WUaS Press) from these Youtube channels. (See, too the "Consciousness Learning Salon" for some thoughts about virtual Harbin as a large language model and for studying consciousness, from an anthropological perspective ... at 2 hours and 50 minutes. ... when I joined this conversation thanks to an invitation I think from Dave Chalmers ... )
I'm holding off a bit from asking my ChatGPT any further questions like "What is consciousness for Dave Chalmers?," and see ChatGPT's 2 great trippy responses here -
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/03/sand-cat-felis-margarita.html - LIKE "What degrees is MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School seeking to offer?" or "How many languages is World Univ & Sch seeking to create wiki schools for open teaching and learning in?" ... since I'm not sure what will be added to the 'OpenAI" ChatGPT databases they draw from ... And in thinking about adding WUaS Youtube videos over a decade to Google Bard (which might protect my data better than ChatGPT for example) ... and for even writing the last chapters of my book, I'd like to maybe stay off the bleeding edge of these new generative conversational Artificial Intelligences ... until they get further along, and even for writing books (learning from David Chalmers' experiences in writing his new "Reality" book ... and as an Aussie! )
In seeking to engage generative AI with my "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University" course -
http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html - and for my book this year (apart from all the other potential books that might come out of my tome blog ... since 2008 ... where both blogspot and Youtube are part of Google ), I think even waiting a few months ... might bring leaps in quality of such new generative AI software as Google Bard and Chat GPT and for new forms of book writing to publish to paper ... (And since the WUaS Corporation articles of incorporation were created in 2017 with chatbot AI software, but not with voice yet, - and thanks to a Stanford Law CodeX talk by Tom Martin of LawDroid ... )
(Could the craven, psychopath?, murderer? frederic khayat have gotten a new job with the allegheny county police ... along with Stephon Owens ... since a red and a blue milk top were next to each other on the kitchen sink top ... and could the mentally ill, now on the US payroll, ... be seeing legal prostitutes in Pgh? and even registering prostitutes, re Tom Martin's ethical legal hack Tweet ... in the PPS) ...
Abolitionally, still alive and in asylum from CA in PA, Friendly regards, thanks, Scott
How to develop @WorldUnivAndSch #MDpsychiatry
"Thus, explication as a coping strategy is characterized by actively construing, inferring, conceptualizing, formulating, designating, evaluating, confabulating, and in general, trying to make sense of what happens."
"Explicatory Strategies. Causal explanation; mirth and the comic; fantasy; dream; hallucination; depersonalization.#
In 2 #Stanford #ChatGPT talks today from #StanfordMedicine & #StanfordLaw have heard #StanfordFaculty describe #OpenAIChatGPT as #hallucinating #confabulating Am reminded of #JohnMoneyPhD's #ConceptsOfDeterminism & his #Explication #ExplicatoryStrategies >
Live from the Underground
Both @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress are #LiveFromTheUnderground
Thanks Chris Mohr @chrismsf for retweeting this, as former clerk of San Francisco Friends' Meeting in the mid 2010s before you left with your wife and kids to become professional Quakers in Philadelphia
118 elements in the periodic table as atoms
Combine & code in #NDimensional #VirtualReality in #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #WUaSSTEM #WUaSGenetics
118 elements in the periodic table as #WUaSatoms
This is an old digital idea -
Disney's digital cinderella opening fire with a gun into the physical
AND SEE ATTACHED ... of a screenshot of a related idea that popped up in my browser ...
Glad this Open Fire TV ... did not materialize ... from the digital to the physical out of our TV
And the other photo from July 1977 from a Cuttyhunk Yacht Club camp out just emerged on the Shutterfly digital platform ... which is going commercial ...
Scott MacLeod P.... S.... Cuttyhunk Yacht Club July campout 1977.jpg
... from a different time and world in my teenage years ... Cuttyhunk in the 1970s ... and teaching sailing ... and where Cuttyhunk had a quite radical side to it ... in the context of the 1960s and 1970s and in liberal Massachusetts ... have blogged much about Cuttyhunk in the 1970s, and remarkable senses of community too there (see the "1970s" and "Cuttyhunk" labels some years ago ...
On with seeking a wonderful life partner ... and with whom to begin a family :)
* *
Friday, March 24, 2023
John, Ken, Ed, Ma, Susan, All,
Good to hear from you, good morning, and how are you?
Thanks for that auto-respond message John the other day mentioning medications and
compliance@tufts.edu ... Things have quieted down again with craven psychopath? murderer? frederic khayat (him not being yet evicted ... but who was away during cmu spring break, a quiet time too when 'de facto evicted'). Could f.k. be now taking psychiatric medications? That's my primary hypothesis now for this change in 'psychodynamics' here on the top floor of 210 East End avenue Pgh 15221 while I'm in asylum from CA in PA. And how to 'theorize''psychodynamics' newly with every new psychiatric drug that's developed compared to a theoretical reading of psychodynamics pre psychiatric drugs, say pre 1950?, and see -
"People also ask:
When were psychiatric drugs first used?
In 1954, the F.D.A., for the first time, approved a drug as a treatment for a mental disorder: the antipsychotic chlorpromazine (marketed with the brand name Thorazine).
Could f.k. be newly on chlorpromazine / Thorazine, or similar now?
If not he could still be a very serious security and safety risk, as a possible psychopath. Is he seeing a MD psychiatrist now? Is Stephon Owens too? Who are their CMU mental health counselors or similar?
The mail (federal USPS) pile for disappeared Harold Tyler was removed about yesterday from the downstairs' main entrance way hall table. Could Harold Tyler even have RETURNED (eg hypothetically from visiting his sister in the deep south?) No, I don't think so, since the door on the 2nd floor to what I think was his dwelling is still open with the light on too. New mail for him continues to be delivered. Was Harold Tyler murdered unjustly, off-premises - and as an African American? Don't know - but what happened to him, and if murdered?
And how did Jackson Shannon NYC die, after he was moved out of 210 East End avenue 15221? Could he have been murdered too and as a dwarf?
Could both of these people have been murder victims as minorities, so of racism?
Were mentally ill, craven, psychopath? frederic khayat ... and other housemate, Stephon Owens, accomplices in these possible murder cases? Who else might have been involved ? Lisa Ximei Peng, owner of KK Rentals company, who showed the new "pimp" man and the woman Karen the front porch room here before they moved in and Jackson Shannon was moved out? The psychopath? frederic khayat said he was friends with this new couple. The hypothetical father of the outlaw owner mentally ill son in Hawaii?
What roles could MD psychiatry have played here differently to protect or help Harold Tyler or Jackson Shannon NYC - from dying?
In seeking to develop MIT OCW wiki World Univ & Sch online MD psychiatry, even with WUaS ChatGPT MD psychiatric conversational AI software and Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency Universal Basic Income UBI experiments, ... and preventively even, I think WUaS in this possibly murderous house would inquire about the groans I hear coming from downstairs occasionally, for one, and also what has happened to kristen betz whose mail is now continuing to pile up, curiously.
And how WUaS ChatGPT MD psychiatric conversational AI software help with police MD psychiatry too?
Ken, when we go on a walk together next, can we talk about how to improve MD psychiatry - and for all, and potentially with WUaS ChatGPT MD psychiatric conversational AI software too re your Twitter post last Oct 2022 -
Interesting to come upon this new News' source and re Scottish Independence
Abolitionally, in asylum in PA from CA, thanks, best wishes, Friendly regards, Scott
Added the 2 previous emails in this thread here in
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 blog post -
#MDPsychiatry #WUaSpsychiatry -
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry - in all languages w #WUaSartificialIntelligence #GoogleBard #ChatGPT conversation theoretically #JacquesLacanMD #GeorgeLudovicAlexanderMD w #TuftsMedicalCenter #UnivPittMedCtr #KaiserPermanenteNorCal #LargeLanguageModels?
* * *
Gert de Cooman CMU - 3/21/23
Dear Gert,
Nice to meet you at your CMU epistemology talk yesterday -
https://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/philosophy/events/workshops-conferences/index.html - (with 2 different write ups about this, and see the PS and the PPS below, with the PS on the webpage, and PPS coming in email, and which is what you talked about so well), and greetings again (from behind the coronavirus bandana mask and under the hat) from MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School.
MIT OCW-centric Belgium World University and School will emerge from here -
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - as a major online
ocw.mit.edu -centric wiki university, offering free online Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, IB high school / similar, AA and Masters' degrees, as well as being in all the languages of Belgium (eg in Dutch, and Flemish, etc -
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages - and WUaS is planning to create wiki schools in all 7151 known living langauges), as wiki schools for open teaching and learning.
Looking forward to keeping in touch, and created some Tweets in these regards, and am much on Twitter, in email, and write a daily blog post too -
Where is Belgium with a main single cryptocurrency, and what role might Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency for all 7.9 billion people on the planet and to end poverty play in Belgium, and regarding the 2nd wing of World Univ & Sch (planning wiki schools for speakers of all 7151 known living languages), the WUaS Corporation, and even regarding a cryptocurrency to come to replace the Euro in 19 out of 18 EU countries? See this Wednesday, March 15, 2023 blog post in some of these regards -
Best wishes, abolitionally, thank you,
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Gert de Cooman (Foundations Lab, Ghent University)
GHC 4307
3:30–5:00pm (EDT)
Title: Cooperation, Maximin, and the Foundations of Ethics
Abstract: I intend to discuss the representation of indifference in inference and decision making under uncertainty, in the very general context of coherent partial preference orderings, or coherent sets of desirable options.
I’ll begin with a short discussion of the basic model—coherent sets of desirable options, and intend to show how it can capture many relevant aspects of so-called conservative probabilistic inference. In particular, I’ll explain how this model leads in particular to coherent lower and upper previsions or expectations, conditioning, and coherent conditional (precise) previsions.
I’ll then discuss how a notion of indifference can be introduced into this context, and what its effects are on desirability models, through representation results. In this context, the different notions of *conservative inference under indifference* and *updating under indifference* make their appearance.
I’ll then present a number of examples: specific useful and concrete instances of the abstract notion of option space and the abstract notion of indifference. Such as:
- observing an event and conditioning a coherent set of desirable gambles on this observation;
- observing the outcome of a measurement and Lüders’ conditionalisation in quantum mechanics;
- exchangeability and de Finetti’s representation theorem in an imprecise probabilities context.
From: Lisa Everett <ls2y@andrew.cmu.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 8:40 AM
Subject: Announcement: PFEW & CFE Talk - Gert de Cooman (Foundations Lab, Ghent University) - Tuesday, March 21st @ 3:30pm
PFEW (Pittsburgh Formal Epistemology Workshop) & Center for Formal Epistemology TalkGert de Cooman (Foundations Lab, Ghent University)
Tuesday, March 21, 2023 GHC 4307
3:30–5:00pm (EST)
Zoom link:
https://cmu.zoom.us/j/92197481088?pwd=SFd6NU9nS3JaazEwU1ZFTk40alYzQT09Meeting ID: 921 9748 1088
Passcode: Bayes?
Title: Indifference, symmetry, and conditioning
Abstract: I intend to discuss the representation of indifference in inference and decision making under uncertainty, in the very general context of coherent partial preference orderings, or coherent sets of desirable options.
I’ll begin with a short discussion of the basic model—coherent sets of desirable options, and intend to show how it can capture many relevant aspects of so-called conservative probabilistic inference. In particular, I’ll explain how this model leads in particular to coherent lower and upper previsions or expectations, conditioning, and coherent conditional (precise) previsions.
I’ll then discuss how a notion of indifference can be introduced into this context, and what its effects are on desirability models, through representation results. In this context, the different notions of *conservative inference under indifference* and *updating under indifference* make their appearance.
I’ll then present a number of examples: specific useful and concrete instances of the abstract notion of option space and the abstract notion of indifference. Such as:
- observing an event and conditioning a coherent set of desirable gambles on this observation;
- observing the outcome of a measurement and Lüders’ conditionalisation in quantum mechanics;
- exchangeability and de Finetti’s representation theorem in an imprecise probabilities context.
Lisa Gay Everett
Senior Administrative Coordinator, Department of Philosophy
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue, Baker Hall 135A, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(and I'm not a mathematician or a statistician)
Indifference, symmetry and conditioning
Foundations Lab for imprecise probabilities (FLip)
Ghent University
Decision theoretic model
extend probability theory to make it richer
nice ideas that are simple
which also join together ideas
WE consider a real linear option space consisting of options u.
A preference order strictly great than represents Your preferences between options
you strictly prefer option u over option v means that you strictly prefer option u over option v ...
Consider a quantum system in a state tripod in a Hilbert space X
You are uncertain about the value of this tate tripod
In the context of decision-theory
assume a utility function to a measurement
as a function of the sate
Desirability : the
Born's rule in Quantum mechanics
2nd preference
The indifference relation === is completely determined by the LINEAR SPACE
If D is a coherent set of desirable options in V, then D|J is a coherent set of desirable options in V
Moreover, D is then I-indifferent if and only if D = D|| J
de Finetti-like conditioning (>Bayers's Rule)
That is exactly what de finitti's theory tells me
nice generation to probability theory
namely sets of desirable options
if you combine with notion of indifference leads to a simple
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221