Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Mojave and Colorado Deserts Biosphere Reserve - Death Valley National Park: Yoga in Pittsburgh, in the Quaker Meeting House? * Here's the beginning of a book I began writing about Victor and Angela's Yoga, but which I never published - http://www.scottmacleod.com/AVGreetings.htm 🙂 * And interestingly, there are quite a few of Angela and Victor's Yoga teachings here at bottom - https://www.youtube.com/@LuluBandhas - for further streamlining in exploring co-teaching Yoga, Linda 🙂 * but 8) this is what's emerged for me teaching Yoga in recent years which I would seek to teach further in a variety of ways, Linda, "Yoga Notations" ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html * * next 2 book projects in the Academic Press at @WorldUnivAndSch on "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" and my second Physical-Digital Harbin Hot Springs' Ethnography book project newly published from a #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarth (in Google Street View with Time Slider) ... and potentially a realistic virtual earth for Yoga too.

Next: Fire-crested alethe: Is it possible yet to '#WalkThrough' entire #LouvreMuseum in #VirtualReality in #GoogleStreetView (& w #TimeSlider too) & see every #ObjetDArt? Not yet (e.g at #WUaSmuseums, ALL) but these are #ReallyCool -https://earth.app.goo.gl * * * Next 2 book projects in #WUaSAcademicPress @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch - "#SocietyInformationTechnologyAndTheGlobalUniversity"& next #PhysicalDigital #HarbinHotSpringsEthnography #WUaSbookProject newly published from #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarth #StreetView - * * * #MDPsychiatry #WUaSpsychiatry - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry - in all languages #LargeLanguageModels - Talk w your #MDPsychiatrist freely here > * #FrenchPsychiatry #MDPsychiatry in French #MDpsychoanalyticPsychiatry #JacquesLacanMD #JohnMoneyPhD #PsychiatricDialogues >#ChatGPT #LargeLanguageModels dist. fr. culturally #BritishPsychiatry #AmericanPsychiatry * Free #MDPsychiatry #AmericanPsychiatry (culturally) at #WUaSpsychiatry >https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry w #YogaMDPsychiatry too? How to add #GeorgeLudovicAlexanderMD #JacquesLacanMD #JohnMoneyPhD #PsychiatricDialogues >#ChatGPT #LargeLanguageModels #DatasetTraining #MDpsychoanalyticPsychiatry ? * #YogaMDPsychiatry? Would be great if #PsychiatricDialogues btwn #YoginiAngelaFarmer & #GeorgeLudovicAlexanderMD #ChatGPT #MDpsychiatry #LargeLanguageModels & #YogiVictorVanKooten #AngelaAndVictorsYoga #DatasetTraining w #JacquesLacanMD #WUaSpsychiatry @ * Brainstorming, would be great IF #PsychiatricDialogues btwn #YoginiAngelaFarmer & @dr_mcgilchrist were added >#LargeLanguageModels' #ChatGPT #MDpsychiatry for #BritishPsychiatry (eg and with the British cultural privileging of the Theater culturally - and see MIT Prof of Shakespeare Diana Henderson's related Tweet, ... and regarding Yogini Angela Farmer and Dr. Ian McGilchrist)
Previous: Panamint daisy (Enceliopsis covillei): 118 elements in #PeriodicTable as atoms: Combine & code in #NDimensional #VirtualReality in #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics in #wuAsVR too https://www.vedantu.com/chemistry/118-elements-and-their-symbols-and-atomic-numbers for #AgingReversal #WUaSlongevity in ALL #WUaSmolecule combos @GeoChurch #immortality 8min * Combine & code in #NDimensional #VirtualReality in #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #WUaSSTEM #WUaSGenetics * * * 3 new trippy ideas for writing and publishing new books and regarding BOTH ChatGPT and Google Bard: @WUaSPress will publish to 1) paper & 2) in #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarth 1/3, 2 In writing books about #SocietyInformationTechnologyAndTheGlobalUniversity, ADD in conversation w #ChatGPT A) #WUaSYoutubeVideos & B) #WUaSBlogPosts & create books 2/3, 3 Since #ChatGPT is #trippy & @davidchalmers42 wrote #RealityPlus: #VirtualWorlds & the #ProblemsOfPhilosophy" w it, Explore writing 2nd #HarbinEthnography from #RealisticVirtualHarbin for #WUaSPublishing #STEMResearch (text & equations in sidebar of #StreetView w #TimeSlider) 3/3 * * * Some further aging reversal thinking - Longevity by Design video with Dr George Church (with further time markers and notes below, re longevity questions) * Glad to have heard back from Stanford Mine Pi regarding partnering with WUaS Corporation - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/03/gazania-flower.html?m=0 Am feeling a bit in limbo with World Univ & Sch accreditation ... but maybe their next Application cycle begins April 1 - https://www.msche.org/accreditation/application-and-candidacy/ - and perhaps WUaS is waiting for further communications between say Peter Norvig and MSCHE re a Google-WUaS platform too ... Thanks to Peter Norvig for his support of WUaS * * * Gert de Cooman CMU - 3/21/23 * Thanks @gertekoo @gertdecooman for your "PFEW (#Pittsburgh #FormalEpistemologyWorkshop) & Center for #FormalEpistemology Talk" Tuesday, March 21, 2023 #GertdeCooman (Foundations Lab, #GhentUniversity) GHC 4307, 3:30–5:00pm (EDT) at @CarnegieMellon #PghPA talk @WorldUnivAndSch ~

Dear Linda, 

Greetings! How are you? Thanks for your email and survey, and Yoga conversation opportunity. 

Just sent in these ideas and in response to your survey - 

What do you think? I'll give you a call in the morning here - (412) 427-4781. 

Namaste, abolition-ally, Yoga regards, 

[1] Have you been a regular participant in Linda's online yoga offerings? 

hi Linda, I've been looking occasionally for in-PERSON-physically RESTORATIVE classes that you might be offering in Pittsburgh, in Squirrel Hill, or elsewhere in Pittsburgh, ... and am deeply appreciative of Angela AND Victor's inner body explorations in a few ways, (but think they are 'down and out for the count' ... post-coronavirus pandemic ... and possibly seeing MD psychiatrists even online). I've also noticed that your Yoga teaching calendar - http://www.lindameacciyoga.com/calendar -  has been blank for a number of months ...  And am also interested in teaching an inner body releasing restorative Yoga course in Pittsburgh potentially this April and before I may head back to a newly safe SF Bay Area beginning September 1, 2023 and per - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html ... Would you like to explore co-teaching an in-person course beginning April, either online or in a physical room? :) Friendly, Yoga regards, Scott (sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga ... could be fun and a mutual learning opportunity too ... and a bit inspired too by Angela and Victor's Yoga co-teaching, which can be very far-reaching ... and great). Namaste, Scott

[2] ONLINE YOGA WISH LIST -- What is your wish list or what have you seen done in other spaces that you think works well for online yoga offerings -- for both live and recorded classes?

Linda, it could be fun - and for learning together - to watch a series of 4 yoga classes' recordings (and which recordings I have on my computer) by Victor and Angela and streamed from Lesvos Greece, and regarding what doesn't work for me for online classes. I also enjoy Rodney Yee's AM / PM yoga class, both on CD and VHS.

[3] LINDA'S LIVE CLASS on SUNDAYS -- If Linda continues to offer a weekly Live Online Class on Sunday mornings, how often do you think you would attend? 

Linda, please let me know what you think about the above writing - and perhaps in a conversation over the phone or similar: 412 478 0116. 

[8] FINAL WORD -- Please share any other comments or suggestions you may have.

Looking forward to talking if we can, and regarding a Yoga conversation, Linda!


Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

Hi Linda, 

Greetings. How are you?

One possibility to talk about tomorrow: explore co-teaching a restorative Yoga course over 10 weeks or similar in the Pittsburgh Quaker Meeting house in Shadyside. We could do this on a Saturday morning, or possibly on any week day, morning or evening. I'd get in touch with the Meeting House to inquire how teaching in the Meeting Room itself might work, and see if they have some possible times open. Might you, brainstorming-wise, be able to reach out to your students via email and grow a class? I think co-teaching in a physical room could be fun, full of Yoga learning in a whole variety of ways, and lead to synergies, - and that there's a great need for Yoga post coronavirus pandemic, and possibly also in the Quaker Meeting house itself. There aren't any Yoga props in the Friends' Meeting House that I know of, but people could bring perhaps a sticky mat, blanket, belt and block with them ... And the Friends' Meeting Room is a lovely or great space for Yoga teaching and learning too, with a nice wood floor, and lots of Friendly Silent Meeting (meditation ... I went to this Quaker Meeting in the 1970s as an attender occasionally) to dovetail with teaching Yoga restorative meditation asana or similar. 🙂

And you might be able to continue to teach in the Pittsburgh Quaker Meeting House in the autumn and beyond, - for diversity of locations in order to reach out to different groups of students and Pittsburgh neighborhoods, including CMU, Pitt and Chatham students from Shadyside, beyond online your further planning for online Yoga teaching. 

Will call you in the morning! Looking forward to talking Yoga a bit. 

Namaste, Scott

San Francisco Bay Area - East Bay Hills
415 480 4577

World University and Schoo's wiki, 'Yoga,' subject page - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga :) - with an invitation to 'edit this page' and explore yoga. 

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Penn's Woods, 
412 478 0116

Scott MacLeod

World University and School

P.O. Box 442, 
(86 Ridgecrest Road), 
Canyon, CA 94516

415 480 4577

Skype: scottm100


Linda, Greetings, further to our Yoga conversation: Am also interested in growing an abolition movement in Pgh, in Yoga, (abolishing the wrongful buying and selling of people eg in the illegal sex industry, in Yoga, internationally too,  and their latent networks of violence, - as modern forms of slavery even tragically - and with regards to the Anti-Slavery Act of 1833 in Britain, and the Emancipation Proclamation of 1865 in the USA, and the end of slavery in Italy in 1861 by one account for example - 

When Italy was founded, which mean when the Kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia became the Kingdom of Italy, 1861, slavery was already illegal in all of Western Europe ... 

(having read that you've brought Yoga workshops to Italy) 

and also (not) riffing with the Brahmacharya idea, in Patanjali's writings or aphorisms - but also the ideas here in these Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html.

Am appreciative of where hippies' (English) Angela and (Dutch) Victor head in this 25 second video - 

- and what they've created with Yoga that's very wonderful, but am not in their circles (have dropped out) and am also a bit of a critic of where they have found themselves or wound up ethically - in a jam, and a big pickle, I'd think. 💕

There is so much that is wonderful in exploring the inner body yogic-ally, for example, and with vision, and in so many natural and profound ways, and with language and asana and prana (or breath energy awareness subtle movements in the bodymind, that inform other related envisioning) - that I'm excited about potentially exploring co-teaching a class together with you, and for co-learning ... learning from you too. 

Will call in the morning.

Yoga Friendly greetings, Scott

Hi Linda, What do you think about exploring co-teaching a Yoga class in the Pittsburgh Quaker Meeting? (When I just told my mother about this, she texted back: "Sounds like a great idea.  Hope it works out. Love, Ma". Do you communicate via text messaging, as an alternative to phone or email or surveys? Namaste, Scott (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Yoga)


Good morning Scott, thanks for reaching out. Text is a good way for me to communicate. I did see that you also communicated through our survey. 

I have some tentative ice traveling coming up in April so it's difficult for me to commit right now. 

I would have a few questions I think:

1) How are you envisioning a potential collaboration? 

2) Do you have a student base that might attend? Or would we be relying on my student base? 

I'm most interested in collaborating now when fellow teachers/facilitators who have a student base and network that they can also share with me. 

I've been in too many collaborations when I was upholding the entire student base and the logistics. 

3) what kind of charge does the Friends Meeting House have?  

I think it's nice to open a conversation about this for sure. Many thanks! Linda 

Good morning Linda, and thanks for your text message. To reply to your questions: 1) Explore the possibility of co-teaching 10 classes in a series together (recognizing you may be traveling in April), 2) I last taught Yoga in Pittsburgh in 2006-2007 (when living here after my father had his 2 brain injuries, and was impaired) ... and don't know if I could find any of Yoga class emails from that time (I can think of one African American woman from my Homewood library class who might still be around). I also just returned to live Pittsburgh last September 2022, and will likely head back to the SF Bay Area in late summer. I am listed in the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting directory, with Pittsburgh Quakers' emails too ... and would explore taking the chance at emailing everyone about this possible Yoga class in the Friends' Meeting Room. Some of these people could conceivably join your classes after I head west again; 3) the Friends Meeting House charge has been nominal in the past, but I would have to check. Many thanks to you, as well. Yoga regards, Scott 


Thanks Scott for your reply. 

More questions arise

1) How do you envision us co-teaching? We aren't really familiar with one another's styles so I think this would take some time to sort through. 

2) How many students would you want to draw and what would you want to charge the students? 

3) What kind of props would be involved? What props do you have access to? 

4) would you want to create a hybrid experience - online and in-person? If so, would you have students from other areas that might attend ? 

These are all questions I contemplate when setting up events. 

I'm in a place of needing to keep my energy very streamlined and so I need to approach my teaching this way too and any collaborations. 

Hi Linda, thanks too again for your reply and your organized focused thinking . 

1) An improvising duet comes to mind, as I mentioned on the phone (and inspired by the conversation that Angela & Victor share when teaching Yoga together, with their shared freeing Yoga vision and amazing imagistic language but who are very different teachers, yet have created a fascinating Yoga marriage) ... But am appreciating your question with it organized focus, and perhaps we could develop in conversation further.  

2 & 3) Could we draw 15-20 students to the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting room ... on a Saturday morning, if space is available, or on a Tuesday or Thursday evening at 5:30, brainstorming-wise ? As I emailed, and since this wouldn't be a Yoga studio (and probably wouldn't have any props), I have only 2 sticky mats, a blanket, a belt and a Yoga block,  and was wondering about asking interested people to bring their own Yoga props? How has this worked for you in the past in non-Yoga studios? Could we ask in Pittsburgh for $10-15 per hour and a half class? Thanks for your streamlining questions, Linda!

4) Brainstorming in terms of the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting House, if it's available at a time that might work, and for a nominal fee, I'm not sure about internet access there, but with your vast experience during the coronavirus pandemic with teaching Yoga online, in what ways could we best create a hybrid class, so a) in the physical Meeting House room, b) live streaming it, 3) possibly recording the classes for later teaching (eg with parallels to these recent World Univ & Sch News and Q&As, and open WUAS Monthly Business Meetings - https://www.youtube.com/@ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/videos ) 4) engage creatively innovative new information technologies like even ChatGPT and Google Bard AI conversation software, 5) possibly avatar bot teachers, 6) possibly with some online Yoga emerging in a realistic virtual earth for Yoga such as in Google Street View with time slider 7) and connect some of this together in the Yoga Wiki School at World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga ? Am thinking some of the above brainstorming could all be streamlined with having a MacBook Air laptop in the Meeting House room with internet connection as we co-teach Yoga experimentally ... but perhaps exploring even getting together to watch snippets of the Angela and Victor coronavirus pandemic course from Lesvos Greece during the coronavirus pandemic, re learning what doesn't and does work (for me), could further lead to streamlining in some ways how we teach, or if the video files were small enough I could possibly email one or two to you - for learning about one other great approach to co-teaching  Yoga, but here's a 45 second video of Angela and Victor which may give us enough ideas in their regards - 

https://youtu.be/aFOC0vo8OSk (https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga - "Farmer, Angela and Victor van Kooten. 2010. Angela Farmer and Victor van Kooten Partner Nadi Sodhana Balance Technique. "), but 8) this is what's emerged for me teaching Yoga in recent years which I would seek to teach further in a variety of ways, Linda, "Yoga Notations" ~  http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html  ~ (I also could reach out to the people in my weekly class in Canyon 94516 from before I moved out in September 2020, and to students of mine before that in San Francisco from even the 1990s ... with email ... but the Coronavirus pandemic has created a gap with regards to connecting with these people, so I would focus on finding new students here in Pittsburgh, potentially through the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting Directory and emails ... re streamlining in creating an event ... and finding students in Pittsburgh, having moved back here in September of 2022 ... and in likely moving back to a newly safe Canyon 94516 in late summer). Thanks for your great questions in setting up Yoga events ... and appreciating this streamlining focusing in your Yoga teaching too ... perhaps coming together to co-teach and riffing together as a duet could be a most streamlined way of co-teaching Yoga and for co-learning purposes too. Namaste, Scott 

Appreciating the opportunity in exploring co-teaching in the Quaker Meeting House in Pittsburgh that you might find your way to teaching there in the autumn, and to expand your Pittsburgh student base - re your Yoga teaching organized focus streamlining into the future in Pittsburgh ... If we develop these co-teaching possibilities further, what would be some good possible times for you to co-teach a class together say over the next few months?

Here's the beginning of a book I began writing about Victor and Angela's Yoga, but which I never published - http://www.scottmacleod.com/AVGreetings.htm🙂

And interestingly, there are quite a few of Angela and Victor's Yoga teachings here at bottom - https://www.youtube.com/@LuluBandhas - for further streamlining in exploring co-teaching Yoga, Linda 🙂

Hi Linda, in looking for videos of your Yoga teaching on Youtube, found this nice video regarding your organizing Yoga events - https://youtu.be/-NUpIfKm31A ... I think I'm going to continue to focus on developing MIT OCW-CENTRIC WIKI WORLD UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL (including its Yoga wiki subjects for home learning - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga) rather than to explore further co-teaching a possible 10 week long Yoga course with you, since, for one, I don't think we can get 15-20 people (or more) to take our classes - and so thus you can streamline your own Yoga endeavors further. Please consider contacting the Friends Meeting House as a site for your Pgh Yoga teaching -  412-683-2669 or pfmoffice7@gmail.com https://www.pittsburghquakers.org/facilities if helpful. Namaste, abolition-ally, and thank you, Scott (http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html)

I may explore further teaching a ~15 week Yoga course online when I return to the West Coast to a newly safe Canyon 94516 around these ~15 themes or streams http://www.scottmacleod.com/AVGreetings.htm on the right ... and after too I finish my next 2 book projects in the Academic Press at @WorldUnivAndSch on "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" and my second Physical-Digital Harbin Hot Springs' Ethnography book project newly published from a #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarth (in Google Street View with Time Slider) ... and potentially a realistic virtual earth for Yoga too. Namaste and thank you, Scott


https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1316139012348805120 AND

https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1331276851650695168 :)

Dear Scott, thank you for letting me know your new plans. That sounds interesting to explore the online course. I think in the big picture, it would be more serving. 

I appreciate that you thought of me and I will certainly check out what you shared. I am not interested in teaching so much in person in Pittsburgh at the moment. I'm developing an online presence and our retreat business. I'm happy to teach in-person in Pittsburgh every so often. I will however continue with my Donation Class in the Park when the weather turns warmer. 

It sounds like you have lots to focus on and this is wonderful. I will check out what you shared with me. 

Thank you so much for thinking of me. ☮️Linda 

* * 

Friday, March 24, 2023

Hi Linda, thanks again, and have added our co-Yoga learning conversation here in yesterday's 3/23/23 blog post - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/03/mojave-and-colorado-deserts-biosphere.html ... and started riffing further about Yoga psychiatry and re Angela and Victors' Yoga and even ChatGPT Large Language Models - 

"#YogaMDPsychiatry? Would be great if #PsychiatricDialogues btwn #YoginiAngelaFarmer & #GeorgeLudovicAlexanderMD #ChatGPT #MDpsychiatry #LargeLanguageModels & #YogiVictorVanKooten #AngelaAndVictorsYoga #DatasetTraining w #JacquesLacanMD  #WUaSpsychiatry @ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry ~"







"Brainstorming, would be great IF #PsychiatricDialogues btwn #YoginiAngelaFarmer & @dr_mcgilchrist were added >#LargeLanguageModels' #ChatGPT #MDpsychiatry for #BritishPsychiatry #DatasetTraining w #JacquesLacanMD #GeorgeLudovicAlexanderMD #WUaSpsychiatry -https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry ~"







(and I think Ian McGilchrist lives on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, and that Angela Farmer may have some Scots' / Celtic background, but is at this point in "longevity genetic drugs / aging reversal drugs"' history, English)

... will add to this "Mojave and Colorado Deserts Biosphere Reserve ... " blog post with further related Tweets ... Good luck with teaching Yoga in person physically in Pittsburgh, and let me know if you explore teaching at the Friends' Meeting House (with its nominal fee) ... in your streamlining teaching Yoga (In some related Yoga MD psychiatry Tweets that I'll post in today's daily blog post, I #hashtag the #Alexanders, members of the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting for decades, and family friends ... and re Large Language Model MD psychiatry ... something to offer your students on Yoga trips to beautiful places?: ) Namaste, ☮️Scott (You'll see a couple of Jacques Lacan MD psychiatrist references here - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html - in these "Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations" ... and an interesting video of Lacan giving a lecture with a young French hippy too, and this version has subtitles - https://youtu.be/byNaVrE0KrA). Cheers, and good luck further with streamlining teaching Yoga in person in Pittsburgh, Scott (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Yoga& https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/03/mojave-and-colorado-deserts-biosphere.html







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