A brick thru the window of the University to revolutionize learning w this #SpikePrimeBrick& #HarbinRobotics#PhysicalDigital#RealisticVirtualHarbin#HarbinAndAvatarBots Calhttps://t.co/CFGjoi25M6https://t.co/1Ogzh6qLh3 Visit #VRHarbinGate& add Pix: https://t.co/UA5zaqL7ys ~ https://t.co/Pj3F0kIod8
— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) September 20, 2023
Happy Coding! What are your students programming in the SPIKE App this week? #SPIKEprime#SPIKEapp#LEGOlearningsystem#LEGOeducation#coding#STEAMpic.twitter.com/oG1P2OkyGc
— LEGO Education (@LEGO_Education) February 8, 2022
A brick thru the window of the University to revolutionize learning? A brick from the academy of #WUaSHomeRobotics@WorldUnivAndSch for playing in learning, & coding, and making good old #HomemadeRobots? This is a brick, but not just any old brick> #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego? https://t.co/Krjx5hqAuL
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) February 8, 2022
#HarbinRobotics #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualHarbin
#HarbinRobotics#PhysicalDigital#RealisticVirtualHarbin#HarbinAndAvatarBots:#RoboticsAndTourism Calhttps://t.co/Oca89PbMduhttps://t.co/F3xULcUXWshttps://t.co/uHbmCE3kUD
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) September 18, 2023
5 #HarbinBooks: https://t.co/Qv5gdSly57 Visit #VRHarbinGate: SOAKING, Add Pix: https://t.co/rwcH9IsYw7 ~
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Cuttyhunk W Sep 20, 2023 - Bill Ardinger (Harvard Law)
New #IowaLawSchoolatWUaS -https://t.co/fujiLJLvsZ& in #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch seeking to add #IowaSupremeCourt cases > #generativeAI, with #WUaSWikidata as datasource#IowaLawSchoolWUaS#IowaLawSchWorldUnvAndSchhttps://t.co/MxuIq0BBFo w https://t.co/iC7rxFsip7 ~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) September 20, 2023
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New #IowaLawSchoolatWUaS -https://t.co/fujiLJLvsZ& in #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch seeking to add #IowaSupremeCourt cases > #generativeAI, with #WUaSWikidata as datasource#IowaLawSchoolWUaS#IowaLawSchWorldUnvAndSchhttps://t.co/MxuIq0BBFo w https://t.co/iC7rxFsip7 ~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) September 20, 2023
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Developing a plan, talking when I'm in Massachusetts? ~ A number of recent related Cuttyhunk observations, and in growing an abolition movement:
John Sargent MD <jsargent@tuftsmedicalcenter.org>, Edward Smyth <esmythmd@gmail.com>, Sid Mazumdar <sid.mazumdar@gmail.com>, Janie MacLeod <jkbmacleod@icloud.com>, Peter Norvig <pnorvig@google.com>, Alden Briscoe <abriscoe@brakeleybriscoe.com>, Robin Appleberry <robinappleberry@yahoo.com>, Byron Hann <byronhann1@gmail.com>, Henry Cutter <vfhc@nyc.rr.com>, Dick Robb <rrobbmd@verizon.net>, Erica Robb Thaler <erica.thaler@uphs.upenn.edu>, Shawn Flaherty <stf@pghfirm.com>, "Hugh M. Thomas"<h.thomas@miami.edu>, Joichi Ito <Joiito@gmail.com>, Larry Viehland <viehland@chatham.edu>, Lydia Pintscher <lydia.pintscher@wikimedia.de>, Lillian & Ruben Thomas <lillianbthomas57@gmail.com>, Marc Dupuis <marco.dupuis@gmail.com>, Nick Thompson <npt134@gmail.com>, olfroth@gmail.com, Roland Vogl <rvogl@law.stanford.edu>, Barbara van Schewick <schewick@stanford.edu>
@WorldUnivAndSch@WUaSPress is planning to move #PhysicalDigital#WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter w #VirtualHarbin#WarmWaterCure& a #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute back > #Canyon94516 on 11/1/23 from #EastCoastUSA: Speed up #AgingReversal w #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmaceuticals? pic.twitter.com/6MYwWA0MVt
— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) September 15, 2023
In moving back into a newly safe #Canyon94516 on 9/1/23 from the #EastCoastUSA to create a #PhysicalDigital#WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter#VirtualHarbin#WarmWaterCure& a #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute, in what ways could @WorldUnivAndSch best partner w the #USFederalGovernment? https://t.co/ENAxLhXWcv
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) August 15, 2023
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பிரசாந்த் (@thamizhsound) has sent you a Direct Message on Twitter
| 7:58 AM (8 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
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MacLeod's Cuttyhunk oven not working, for banana bread
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>
10:24 AM (5 hours ago)
to Janie, Will, juditharcher1@gmail.com, cuttyhunk.wright, Robin, Charles, Ed, John, Shawn, George, Hugh, Joichi, Friend, Matt, Nick, Peter, Prasanth, Pin, Dick, Roland, Seth, Scott, Alden, Don, Serena, Joan
Hi Ma (Janie), Will, Russell, All,
Good morning from Cuttyhunk! I started to make banana bread with 10 day old bananas, having gotten my first ever order of groceries from WM yesterday on the Cuttyhunk ferry, but while the pilot lights on the stove are all on, the oven didn't pre-heat. Thank you, Will (via your wife J) re borrowing the MacLeod golf cart for Leslie's wedding on Saturday, and Russell (via your wife L) re your not being able to turn on the water (I found a way to turn it on anyway), for your recent emails.
(I'm so glad Harvard Law professor emeritus replied to a number of us in another email thread the other day, and regarding all 3 of the MacLeods being owners of the MacLeod Cuttyhunk house - and that he's no longer on the Massachusetts' bar, but is teaching at Harvard Law School still, and that he can't recommend a lawyer to talk to about ownership questions. Sadly, my brother Sandy MacLeod seems to have tried to steal the house this summer from me (and possibly my mother too). I continue to wonder, in calling for the abolition of the illegal sex, drug, and violence industries, and their latent networks of violence on Cuttyhunk and internationally - how entangled Sandy is in these, tragically, and hope that he's seeing a MD psychiatrist, licensed in Maine regarding his delusions or hallucinations especially).
Ma, Will, Russell, who is the 'official' caretaker of our MacLeod Cuttyhunk house, please? Thank you, Seth Garfield, for asking this the other day in front of your / Alan Wilder's house, and re my saying, possibly either Russell Wright, or Will Archer, I'm not sure - and your saying good. (I have recollections that Laura 'Frisky' Thurston - David, Elliott and Charlie Hulley's mother - tragically was trying to put her head in the oven, around the time she passed away.) Seth said that both you, Will and you Russell are gentlemen ... good to hear!
And how best to make the oven function now please? Try to get in touch with Lee Lombard - or could one of you, Russell or Will, whoever might be the official caretaker of our MacLeod Cuttyhunk house, come over and please turn it on?
Thank you! The bananas are in the refrigerator, and ready to bake with!
I'm writing my next 6th book
"Society, Information Technology & the Global University" (Academic Press at World Univ & Sch, 2023)
and beginning to write World Univ & Sch's NSF 'Major Research Instrumentation' proposal for a realistic virtual earth for everything - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2023/09/wuas-mit-ocw-centric-wiki-world.html?m=1 - and may be on Cuttyhunk on and off until toward the end of October - and would also like to get some baking done too.
Could someone please come over and get the oven working again, for banana bread?
Cuttyhunk regards, Abolitoinally, Friendly greetings, Yogic-ally, best wishes, thank you,
* * *
when is it be time @WorldUnivAndSch to create 200 new Twitter feeds, one for each country & for #WUaSunivs to post on each in its main langs & about free online #MITOCW -centric #WUaSdegrees so @ #DeutschlandWorldUnivAndSch or @ #DeutschlandWUaS re bloghttps://t.co/uU7ffSndOI ?
— Languages-World Univ (@sgkmacleod) September 20, 2023
Wann ist es an der Zeit, dass @WorldUnivAndSch 200 neue Twitter-Feeds erstellt, einen für jedes Land & für #WUaSunivs, um auf jedem in seinen Hauptspr. & über kostenlose Online-#MITOCW-zentrierte #WUaSdegrees zu posten, also @ #DeutschlandWorldUnivAndSch oder @ #DeutschlandWUaS ?
— Languages-World Univ (@sgkmacleod) September 20, 2023
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Re borrowing the MacLeod's Cuttyhunk golf cart for Leslie Archer's wedding on Sat 9/23/23
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>
10:57 AM (4 hours ago)
to Will, Russell, Janie, Seth, Robin, Shawn, Don, Dave, Dick, Ed, Friend, Robin, Nancy, Joan, John, juditharcher1@gmail.com, Barbara, Barbara
Will (Archer), all,
Greetings - and glad we may be going to talk sometime, re your "Let's talk" or "We'll talk" comments some days ago.
might you possibly be able please to come over to make the MacLeod Cuttyhunk house oven work, on Saturday morning, when someone comes over to pick up the golf cart, between 8 and 9 am, for Leslie's wedding? Congratulations, Leslie! (Here's Leslie and Jordana both piggy backing on me in front of Seth Garfield's and Alan Wilder's houses some years ago - https://www.flickr.com/photos/40632665@N00/3203718735/ ).
Abolition-ally, thank you, best wishes, Cuttyhunk greetings, Friendly regards,
* * *
See you around Saturday 9/30, or possibly for an early morning breakfast on Sunday 10/1/23, in Pittsburgh if I drive through the night Saturday, and in flying west to the SF Bay Area on Sunday morning ... and some text messaging
Hi Ma! How are you? How is your week going back in Verona, Pittsburgh? Am finding the new Dustbuster vacuum is fairly effective at catching fruit flies, and I kind of go hunting for them with it, and think it's a good non-harming way to get rid of them ... and I also vacuumed up a gray spider on the peanut butter the other day, so think there's a whole ecosystem going on in the holding tank of the little vacuum, having vacuumed in some wasps and yellow jackets too ... but I'm seeking in the WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute potentially in Canyon to figure out to create an immortal Drosophila fly by adding back in the correct genes, so that it lives forever past its 3 month maximum life span, and blogged about this here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.
Dear Universitians,
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) May 30, 2022
M 5/30/22 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A on Mondays at 10am PThttps://t.co/HYEVBEfSzm (accessible from: https://t.co/zLWNXqMWQw& in today's blog post in daily blog https://t.co/TL9oPOXvQR) ~& #ImmortalDrosophilaFly genetics https://t.co/yPBqLjW9Sh?
Love, abolition-ally, warm regards, Scott
Ma, FYI, The WM driver tipped himself too on my WM order, something like $6.43, and on top of the delivery fee of $7.50?, and it all could have come in one banana box (which I couldn't request on WM's otherwise awesome developing IT and possibly with AI too), instead of 5 bags in 2 milk crates (so $10 at the Cuttyhunk ferry), and they didn't deliver the socks I ordered, only things from their groceries' department, but I did get the 2 vacuums and some AA batteries before, from possibly 2 other different departments ... so I"m glad to be able to order things from WM to Cuttyhunk via a website ... and it seems like ordering a very large number of things in one order, very infrequently could be the sensible value approach ... (and Pea Pod may still work too) ... Love, abolition-ally, warmly, Scott (How are you doing? - https://scott-macleod.
Ma, came down to check out the new store on the gas dock which I just saw the other day, and which sign said it's open from 9-11 W today ... But it's closed ... will check back on Friday possibly ... glad to b3 in communication with John Sargent MD and re his being a psychiatrist at Tufts ..
and re protecting. kids, women victims on Cuttyhunk ..
Am wondering if I can get a Bullseye sailboat this autumn too ... and sail it over to near the Elm Street garage and even go shopping on a day sail :) Glad to be in communication with Holt Maness in New Bedford and wondering if he's been a Navy Seal in the past, as an aspiring Olympic swimmer at Princeton Love, Scott (http://scott-macleod.

Dear Ma,I just checked and there are no flights on Southwest Air from Boston or Providence on Sunday evening after 6:30 pm ... Hmm ...I could potentially drive to Pittsburgh for my existing SW flight, arriving on Saturday, 9/30/23, with my existing flight departing Sunday around 8:30 am, and arriving in Oakland, CA around 4:30 pm ...And then if I can book a hotel and rental car on Sunday evening in Oakland, get there at a reasonable time, for checking in and sleeping well.It's a fairly long drive to Pgh leaving from where I am now, but I could leave Friday Sep 29, or Saturday Sep 30, and possibly drive through the night ... to catch the flight from Pgh on Sunday morning ... which may be worth it ...And it would be great to see you, to meet you for a meal, walk or similar, Ma!Love, Scott
--Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2023, forthcoming)Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)- https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand (Berkeley) - Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually (2021)Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune (2020)Order Book #4 To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality (2019)Order Book #3 Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering & the Poetry of Loving Bliss (2018)Order Book #2 Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry (2017)Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography (2016)- Scott GK MacLeodFounder, President, CEO & ProfessorCC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,World University & School (WUaS)- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 945161) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public CharityMIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org 2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ AcademicPress.html (o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org (m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.comWorld Univ & Sch Innovation Research - scottmacleod.com- https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod (all 7,168 known living languages at WUaS) World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you.On Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 3:08 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com> wrote:Ma,Thanks again for your email.Planning here further -When Ed called me on 8/25/23 on Cuttyhunk, he also suggested my staying in a motel or hotel in the SF Bay Area when I fly there - and having not heard back from Ed or Gantt about staying with them (with their own home dramas) - I just found this Motel 6 near the Embarcadero on the SF Bay in Oakland / Alameda ... at 1801 Embarcadero, Oakland, CA 94606 ... for $71 / night ... relatively good value comparatively.If I'm able to change my flight to leave Boston around 9pm on Sunday Oct 1, 2023 or similar ... and arrive in the SF Bay Area after midnight on Monday October 2, I could just head from the Oakland airport to this relatively close Motel 6 on the Oakland Embarcadero.I may see too if I can rent a low cost Budget car from the Oakland airport late on Sunday 10/1 night, or early on Monday 10/2 morning.If this flight et al to the SF Bay Area can lead potentially to a house, possibly for a song, at 670 Ridgecrest Road Canyon 94516 (with Ed in communication with the district 7 CA state senator's office), it will be a great investment.Love, Scott
--Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2023, forthcoming)Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)- https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand (Berkeley) - Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually (2021)Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune (2020)Order Book #4 To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality (2019)Order Book #3 Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering & the Poetry of Loving Bliss (2018)Order Book #2 Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry (2017)Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography (2016)- Scott GK MacLeodFounder, President, CEO & ProfessorCC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,World University & School (WUaS)- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 945161) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public CharityMIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org 2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ AcademicPress.html (o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org (m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.comWorld Univ & Sch Innovation Research - scottmacleod.com- https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod (all 7,168 known living languages at WUaS) World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you.On Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 2:52 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com> wrote:Hi Ma,Thanks so much for your communication here.Like a dandelion to the wind (a phrase I learned from George Alexander MD), ...I'll make sure the key to the Cuttyhunk house garage is under the house, so the Archers can borrow the golf cart for Leslie's wedding on September 23. (Glad I have a set of keys to the MacLeod Cuttyhunk house after all these years too! - thanks to you, and the Archers too??? )-...and I hope I might meet a life partner in the SF Bay Area after moving potentially west beginning around October 23, potentially arriving November 1.I may also seek to call Southwest Air or similar, and change my flight to fly out of Boston (instead of from Pgh) on around October 1st, but am not sure where to park my car in Boston for 4 days (not in Logan airport parking) ... although it would be very nice to see you in Pittsburgh then too. I had thought to park my car on or near Oakland Road near the Robbs, having seen on Google Street View a car parked on a 'no-outlet' street near them, with no parking signs in Google Maps, but this seems unfeasible ...Leaving the car in the Elm street garage in New Bedford and taking a taxi from New Bedford is new option too, and I just noticed the new Peter Pan bus line from New Bedford to Boston departs NB at 4:25 pm and gets to Boston 3 hours later at 7:23 pm ... a possibility!Thanks so so much for your email here, Ma!Love, Scott& Re ...Dear John, Ed, Ma, Sid,Greetings. How are you? I hope this email finds you well, and happy on what's a bright sunny day where I am.It's a new dynamic, not communicating with my mother very much, and not talking often at all in recent weeks - and Oedipally, or even 'double Oedipally' somehow ... and while this could allow me in new ways to meet a life partner, potentially in the SF Bay Area, for example, I'm appreciative of my wonderful mother in many many ways, and miss our communicating often. (John, where do you head with the Lacanian Oedipus complex, riffing-wise or brainstorming-wisepsychoanalytically?:) And could the Desiderata be read as a response to this concept or tool in psychiatry - https://www.desiderata.com/ desiderata.html ? Planning-wise, am very glad Ed called me on F 8/25/23 on Cuttyhunk to suggest flying out to the SF Bay Area, and with the further idea to plan to move the WUAS Academic Medical Center back to the the Bay Area, and possibly to 670 Ridgecrest Rd., Canyon, 94516In this time of uncertainty and limbo - of not knowing - whether, for example, 670 Ridgecrest Rd., Canyon, 94516 will be newly safe and open (even with state of CA and US federal law working together and with Kaiser Permanente ) ... my mother's suggestion in a recent email to rent a place in Pittsburgh seems deeply misguided, planing-wise ...Ma, might we talk today or tomorrow please?As a conscientious objector ... which I explore further here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/09/white- variety-orchid-gm-national- flower.html - am exploring coming to Pittsburgh on Thursday 9/21/23 ... and possibly to go to the Shady Side Academy Homecoming on Friday & Saturday ... and potentially for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch Board collaborations.Ed, as you know, I've scheduled a flight from Pittsburgh PA to the SF Bay Area on Sunday 10/1/23 ... and while I'm hypothesizing that you don't know yet if 670 Ridgecrest Rd., Canyon, 94516 will be newly safe and open ... am very glad that you called me on Cuttyhunk on 8/25/23 with the ideas you shared.Am not sure where I'm going to be living in these intervening weeks in September and October,, but am hoping I can communicate with my mother about some of these questions soon, and re possibly returning to Cuttyhunk from Pgh after I return from the SF Bay Area on October 4, so possibly to stay on Cuttyhunk from October 7 - October 23, and then begin moving my things with a mover, and then driving myself from Pgh to the SF Bay Area from around 10/23-11/1/23.Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions?Thanks, abolitionally, Friendly regards, best wishes,ScottDesiderata -"Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, ..."On Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 4:52 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote: Dear Ma (Janie), John, Ed, Pin, Charles,Planning-wise ...this asylum journey on the eastern seaboard is long but I am optimistic that my flight to the SF Bay Area on Sunday 10/1/23 will open the way to move back into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon Ca 94516, abolitionally, love, Scott (http://scott-macleod.
blogspot.com/search/label/ Canyon?m=0) Ed, am grateful for your call on F 8/25/23 ... and looking forward to seeing you on around 10/1/23 in the SF Bay Area potentially
--Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2023, forthcoming)Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)- https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand (Berkeley) - Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually (2021)Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune (2020)Order Book #4 To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality (2019)Order Book #3 Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering & the Poetry of Loving Bliss (2018)Order Book #2 Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry (2017)Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography (2016)- Scott GK MacLeodFounder, President, CEO & ProfessorCC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,World University & School (WUaS)- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 945161) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public CharityMIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org 2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ AcademicPress.html (o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org (m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.comWorld Univ & Sch Innovation Research - scottmacleod.com- https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod (all 7,168 known living languages at WUaS) World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you.On Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 2:22 PM Jane MacLeod <jkbmacleod@icloud.com> wrote:Scott,
Before I left Cuttyhunk this summer, I promised the Archers the use of our golf cart for a family wedding the weekend of Sept. 23. We left them a key under the house for that purpose. Please be sure the key we left them is there for their use.
Also, if you are flying out of Pittsburgh on Oct. 1, you may need to book a motel if you get here before the day of your flight. (I would be happy to meet with you for a meal or a walk before you fly out, if you would like.)
Love, Ma
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David Thurston, and who's Bullseye 16' sailboat on land is that near the Cuttyhunk ferry dock? - Scott
Scott -
Hi David, greetings from Cuttyhunk. How long do you think it would take to sail a Bullseye sailboat with a little anchor from here to the old Cuttyhunk Alert dock towing a dinghy on a nice 12 knot wind from SW day ... And how long for the return tacking into the wind pretty much? Do you know who owns the 'Cold Smoke' Bullseye now out of the water near the Cuttyhunk ferry dock by any chance? And do you also know of a Bullseye available on Cuttyhunk possibly for sale even? Cheers, Scott (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/sailing?m=0 ... am seeking to sail over to visit New Bedford NEAR ELM street garage and get groceries even.:) -Scott
David -
Hey Scott,
Nice you are still out there. I think that is Nick Porter's bullseye. I don't know of any sailboats for sale. Good luck on your adventures!
Scott -
Thanks for your message and the Nick Porter's Bullseye information, David! Just created the following new email - Cuttyhunk island MA exchange Google group -
in these regards. Cuttyhunk is beautiful and gets cooler by the day - my next 6th book 'Soc, Info Tech & the Global Univ" is coming along. Flying to the Bay Area on Sun 10/1/23 to explore planning to move the WUaS Academic Medical Center /WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 or similar, adventures-wise.
How is your tutoring going this autumn, (and your seeking a possible life partner too?) Cheers, Scott ( http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/sailing?m=0 )
Scott -
David, one reason to move back into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516, where you visited me ... is to grow an abolition movement to protect people & re Canyon criminals for ex, federal & state law, & similar, and re WUaS seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University ... It seems like Nick Porter's Bullseye if I could possibly borrow it (re CYC membership too) put it back in the Water etc - could open ways with Nick in growing free MIT OCW- centric wiki World Univ & Sch in the Middle East even and re peace making there too ... but it's a very turbulent area, with its religions' history esp ... and I could adventure to the mainland from Cuttyhunk too ... Yet Friendly-led or -informed WUaS could help with peace making in the Middle East potentially and dramatically possibly too ... and in collaboration with Nick .
. Thanks for the info that the Bullseye may be Nick's, Cheers, abolition-ally, regards, Scott
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#RainbowGatherings' pics: #RainbowGathering2008 -WY, #RainbowGathering2009 - NM, #RainbowGathering2011 - WA,https://t.co/YL8NgRJcdg as I was in the middle of doing @HarbinBook#HarbinWarmPool#EthnographicFieldWork& re #RealisticVirtualHarbinhttps://t.co/YwU2xFkpaY#wuAsVR ~
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) September 20, 2023