Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus): Flywire connectome - INCREDIBLE - #FlywireDrosophilaFly #Connectome #CitizensScienceEditing fly brain modeling project #HMSProf "Wei-Chung Lee Presents: The BANC" (Th 4/4/24) Asked: add to #AgingReversalMachine in #GSTreetViewRoom w #TimeSlider? a good Q Wei said >How forward? * * * India - Session on AI assistant for teacher ~ And how, please, might UT Lin AI Assistant develop for a specific MIT OCW course say in Hindi or in Tamil or similar?

Previous: Absaroka–Beartooth Wilderness, MT & WY: Stanford Asia - "Procurement Institutions and Essential Drug Supply in Low and Middle-Income Countries" * * * Robot Dancing Made 1st #HumanoidRobot with #LegoSpikePrime of which the @WUaSPress is an authorized reseller - & Dear #TomohiroNomi #ToyotaHumanoidRobot #ProjectLeader https://toyotatimes.jp/en/spotlights/1008.html : Toyota's "#BasketballRobotCUE!" https://youtu.be/EPyWukECudw?si=Z5lB9kCfjs6ok2ss How might #MITOCW-centric @WorldUnivAndSch collaborate to develop Cue & #THR3robots into #MDProfessorsofSurgery working in van at end of video? * * * Airtable SF (bookstore databases with AI) - Reminder - Getting Started in Airtable * * * Moving forward into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 and Chase bank and credit card email - Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23 (continuing) - & in growing a WUaS abolition movement worldwide * * Satyagraha (holding firmly to truth) and Yoga? * * * Glad too to ask a Harvard professor Wei yesterday about an aging reversal machine in a #GSTreetView room ... in a Princeton Univ Flywire Drosophila fly Connectome citizens' science editing fly brain modeling project ... and for him to say it's a good question, and suggest a comparison at two time points of aging in a fly's brain, potentially with biomarkers, I think:)


Flywire connectome - Introducing BANC (Brain And Nerve Cord) Th 4/4/24 

Flywire connectome - INCREDIBLE - #FlywireDrosophilaFly #Connectome #CitizensScienceEditing fly brain modeling project #HMSProf "Wei-Chung Lee Presents: The BANC" (Th 4/4/24) Asked: add to #AgingReversalMachine in #GSTreetViewRoom w #TimeSlider? a good Q Wei said > How forward? 

INCREDIBLE - #FlywireDrosophilaFly #Connectome #CitizensScienceEditing fly brain modeling project #HMSProf "Wei-Chung Lee Presents: The BANC" (Th 4/4/24)
https://youtu.be/o1qjC5OI9mc Asked: add to #AgingReversalMachine in #GSTreetViewRoom w #TimeSlider? a good Q Wei said >How forward?

See too - 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Twitter - 

#FlywireDrosophilaFly #Connectome #CitizensScienceEditing fly brain modeling project #HarvardProf
Wei-Chung Lee Presents: The BANC (Th 4/4/24)
Was glad too to ask about adding this to
an #AgingReversalMachine in #GSTreetViewRoom w time slider and for him to say it's a good question >

(Was glad too to ask a Harvard professor Wei yesterday about an aging reversal machine in a #GSTreetView room ... in a Princeton Univ Flywire Drosophila fly connectome citizens' science editing fly brain modeling project ... and for him to say it's a good question, and suggest a comparison at two time points of aging in a fly's brain, potentially with biomarkers, I think:)

* * 
Stunningly beautiful too:  

Wow: #FlywireConnectome Introducing BANC (Brain And Nerve Cord) https://youtu.be/44p6v1PVDVE Check out FlyWire Town Hall on Th 4/4/24 at 11a ET w registration below vid. Add to #RealisticVirtualEarthForBrains #wuAsVR for #CitizenScienceEditing & here w time: https://youtu.be/q9FBhEAXRY4 ?

Thanks for RSVPing for FlyWire's Town Hall. The event takes place today at 11 am US ET.  Join us for a paper package update, Codex news, and the launch of the brand new BANC (Brain and Nerve Cord) dataset from Wei-Chung Lee of Harvard Medical School. You won't want to miss it!

* * 

From texting just now - 

Hi Ma! 

How are you? Would you like to meet together for a meal or tea and a walk tomorrow? What are the nicest walks right along a river here I wonder? The Emerald View and Grandview Parks Loop 
https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/pennsylvania/emerald-view-and-grandview-parks-loop is pretty nice, varied, with views of all 3 rivers, a loop, and can go by Jim West's Guyasuta - Washington sculpture near Mt Washington, and we could do part of it only too ... What do you think ? ❣️, Scott 

What are you up to this weekend otherwise, Ma? Wondering if connecting with D.... L... is possible out west this autumn - and  how? Glad to have asked a Harvard Med Sch professor Wei-Chung Lee re the amazing Flywire Connectome project about adding this to an aging reversal machine and see - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1776667039488209394 ... and hearing it's a good idea  

Love, abolitionally, see you soon, Scott 

RE Citizens Science Princeton and Harvard virtual FLYWIRE project - 

Thursday, April 4, 2024
Streaked Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris strigata): Professor Wei-Chung Lee of Harvard Medical School ~ FlyWire Town Hall (and Peter Norvig too?) *.* * Could #PeterNorvig have become #WUaSChief of #WUaSInformationTechnology #WUaSArtificialIntelligence @WorldUnivAndSch w INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI - #WorldUniversityInSchool" -https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 

INCREDIBLE - #FlywireDrosophilaFly #Connectome #CitizensScienceEditing fly brain modeling project #HMSProf "Wei-Chung Lee Presents: The BANC" (Th 4/4/24)
https://youtu.be/o1qjC5OI9mc Asked: add to #AgingReversalMachine in #GSTreetViewRoom w #TimeSlider? a good Q Wei said >How forward?

See too - 

* * * 

India - 

Session on AI assistant for teacher ~ And how, please, might UT Lin AI Assistant develop for a specific MIT OCW course say in Hindi or in Tamil or similar?

Subject: AI assistant for teachers

Dear Educators, 

You are cordially invited to attend our Professional Development session on”AI assistant for teachers”

Who Should Attend: School owners, Principals, Computer Teachers, Tech Savvy Teachers and key decision makers.

Why to attend:

We're excited to introduce a new AI tool that's set to revolutionize the way you create teaching materials. This platform allows you to quickly generate everything from interactive mindmaps and presentations to quizzes and case studies, all customized to your curriculum.

Key benefits include:

Time-saving resource creation

Editable math and science equations in Word format

No expensive monthly subscriptions

We believe this tool will make a significant difference in your teaching by cutting down preparation time and costs. Say goodbye to generic responses and hello to context-perfect content.

We’d love for you to see it in action. Please join us for a live presentation on Saturday, April 6th at 5 p.m. See firsthand how this tool can enhance your teaching experience.

Mark your calendar and stay tuned for a link to the online presentation.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Pls register here:


The session expert is Mr. Harish Iyer, Founder and CEO, Flinnt.com. An Entrepreneur, Consultant, Researcher and Trainer with the belief that education is exciting and offers immense opportunities to individuals and institutions.

Join in for the session and get aware about how AI will assist a teacher in day-today tasks.

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Best Regards, 

Dr. Vishal Varia


GEG Ahmedabad

Note: Registration is a must. Join link will be provided to registered candidates on the day of the event.


Dr. Vishal Varia
GFE Certified Innovator
GFE Certified Trainer
LinkedIn: Dr. Vishal Varia | Wakelet: Dr. Vishal Varia
Member - GEG Pune, GlobalGEG
Leader - GEG Ahmedabad, Global GEG 
FB Group: GEG Pune | GEG Ahmedabad
YouTube: GEG Pune | GEG Ahmedabad


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pradipofficial82 pradipofficial82@gmail.com

7:55 AM (13 hours ago)
to GEG

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

8:05 AM (13 hours ago)
to HarishReshmaPayalDeeptiRitikaDrpradipofficial82GEG
Here it is - 

Dear Educator,

We are glad to have your registration for the above event.

Pls find the google meet link as under:

UTLin AI Assistant for Educators
Saturday, April 6 · 5:00 – 6:00pm
Time zone: Asia/Kolkata
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/iui-sgae-zwz
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 669-244-0235‬ PIN: ‪438 012 014‬#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/iui-sgae-zwz?pin=6564447942975

pls join 5 min prior to the session. so we can start the session as scheduled.

Calendar invite is also sent separately for the same.

See you soon.

Dr. Varia


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

Dear Harish, Vishal, all, 

Greetings, and thanks for this timely and topical UTLin AI Assistant session. Good for @WorldUnivAndSch - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1776566697287152046
 - to be here especially


Starting from MIT OCW as a kind of syllabus - 

CS First With Google at World University and School 

And how, please, might UTLin AI Assistant develop for a specific MIT OCW course say in Hindi or in Tamil or similar?

And how might UT Lin be able to focus these MIT OCW World Univ & Sch online courses toward free degrees in India's 22 scheduled languages?  

I can't seem to add this question to the Google Meet chat, so I'm emailing you.


Professional Development session on ”AI assistant for teachers”
#UTLin #AIAssistant for Educators with
Mr. Harish Iyer, Founder & CEO, Flinnt.com. 
7:30a ET 4/6/24 
Pls register here:
-https://utlin.com/ #WUaS_AI~

Retweeting -


UTLin AI Assistant for Educators
Saturday, April 6 · 5:00 – 6:00pm

Professional Development session on ”AI assistant for teachers”
UTLin AI Assistant for Educators 
Mr. Harish Iyer, Founder and CEO, Flinnt.com. 
7:30a ET 4/6/24


Dear Harish, Vishal, all, 

What kind of organization is UT Lin Please? How many people are involved in coding it? 

And in what ways please could we explore UT Lin developing CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric WUaS courses for Indian students free-to-students' WUaS degrees -  and in Indian languages?






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