Central Edinburgh Quaker Meeting (Scotland, where I became a member of the RSOF in 2004) - 1st Day March 17 2024 (continuing Sunday, April 7, 2024 ... and re WUaS abolition)
Good day, Central Edinburgh (Scotland) Quaker Meeting Friends, Oxford (GB) Quaker Meeting Friends, friends, Al,
Greetings from Penn's Woods, Pennsylvania, western side (in asylum I would write, and partly from whistle-blowing about the SF Quaker Meeting loudly in the mid 2010s forward).
How are you? Having not heard back from you at Edinburgh Central Meeting (where I became a member in 2004) with a Zoom link to Edinburgh Quaker Meeting's Silent Meeting for Sundays, I just tried for the second week to attend the Oxford Quaker Meeting, at about 4:30 am Eastern Time USA, and this week, their website is completely down (with a GoDaddy message screen), while last week, I was actually able to attend this Oxford Quaker Meeting at 4:40 aM ET briefly in Zoom in the Oxford Quaker Meeting House Meeting room -
See my email to good friend T.L. (from Reed College in 1979, and now a diplomat in the US State Department oin the Middle East) below for questions about why I wasn't able to get into the Oxford Quaker Meeting's Zoom video call meeting this morning at about 4:30 am. And dear Oxford Quaker Meeting, could you please add me to your Oxford Quaker Meeting email list?
Mailing list:
If some of your Oxford Meeting web technologies are still working, I would like to receive the Zoom link to the Oxford Quaker Meeting on Sundays, and other times, if at all possible please. While Sunday's Quaker Meeting is very early at 4:30 am ET, and I'm not sure how often I will attend at this time, it would be great to see if attending might be possible information technologically, and with an email from you.
Friendly-informed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch / WUaS Bookstore/ Academic Press / WUaS Corp, of which I'm the presiding clerk, the founder, its president, CEO and head too, is also exploring seeking to end poverty worldwide with UBI experiments, and see below too.
Friendly regards, abolition-ally, thanks,
T and T,
Thanks so much for your texts just now (in PS).
In seeking to stay alive, and re eg the murderous run through attempt of me (by a Swiss or Lebanese or m.e. soldier?, receiving US federal Social Security Admin funding after some months) last year at 210 East End avenue Pgh PA, I've sought over the past few months US federal protection for myself, my mother and my brother Sandy in Maine and especially in reaching out many times to US Senator and Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, and including you and your emails in such emails adds some CREDIBILITY for example (thus helping to keep me alive). Since moving into this new 'asylum' place at 5816 Callowhill St 7 Pgh 15206 November 9 2023, there have been 7-8 construable as arson events here (the occasional occupant of #5 next door, with the green vest and ladder initially, a male prostitute too??? pimp possibly too, and john as well??? ... & a warrior or soldier in a middle eastern army possibly too? and deeply disturbed or mentally ill too??) ... both possibly re the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs, violence etc industries internationally, I think it's very appropriate to include your emails in such emails seeking to stay alive, and to US Senator and Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, and local law enforcement, like Lt. John Tadler ... and regarding our long friendship especially.
While you live a very political existence too, in many worlds, and as a US foreign service officer in the US State Department, and diplomat in the Middle East, I much appreciate our long friendship ... and continue, at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch in 200 countries, to seek to grow a worldwide abolition movement to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people - modern slavery - among all 7.9 billion people on the planet, and potentially by WUaS distributing a main single cryptocurrency like Stanford Mine Pi -
https://minepi.com/sgkmac - to end poverty and to protect people with AI, machine learning, law, law enforcement, tracing, and avatar agent electronic health records for all 7.9 billion people (
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University), and free universal education people to people, and wiki for speakers of a all 7164 known living languages. (I haven't searched our email correspondence re what I recall you saying about African Americans and blacks for example ... but continue to have a focus on satyagraha, holding to the truth, and re Yoga meditation too here). Am not sure what complex state cultural discourse you're navigating in your US government career here, but recognize that it may be complicated ... and regarding even your seeking to stay alive, T.., re your upset word in the text messages.
It would be great to see you on Wednesday, and to talk & reconnect in person (rather than in writing, in text messaging, or in email, or on the phone), but I'm an appreciator of writing (and could writing help find out what happened to my father in Belize on 12/30/24, and re -
Hugs, abolitionally, Friendly Quaker greetings,
Sunday, April 7, 2024
9:35 am ET
Hi Scott! There's no reason for you to be upset with me. I don't care for seeing our friendship in group emails. It's our friendship, not a group friendship. I don't know those people. It's not appropriate. If they want their engagement with you shared with dozens of other strangers, that's their business. But I don't, and I made this point before.
I never made such a remark about blacks or showed any racism either, neither in your presence nor in another person's. You must have misheard something.
I am sorry we will miss out on Wednesday! Hope you have an enjoyable time. Hugs to you!
Tried again this morning at about 4:30 am ET to try to attend Oxford Quaker Meeting in Zoom, but newly their website is down. Last week I was able to attend the Oxford Quaker Meeting in Zoom briefly -
Expectant waiting as Quaker meditation in a sense? ...
Oxford Quaker Meeting midweek sometime @chrismsf @dumbledad @iSamways @EricStarbuck
Oxford Friends Action on Poverty #OxFAP
Oxford Quaker Meeting midweek sometime @chrismsf @dumbledad @iSamways @EricStarbuck
Oxford Friends Action on Poverty (OxFAP)
Friendly informed @WorldUnivAndSch
invites you to attend #OxfordQuakerMeeting near #OxfordUniv on Sundays
It could be for many reasons, but could one of them be that the website coders for the Oxford Quaker Meeting are involved in the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex drugs and violence industries internationally ... and even regarding my whistle-blowing to you back in around 2017 about the SF Quaker Meeting ?
Am seeking to explore MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS Corporation collaborating further with Oxford Quaker Meeting's OXFAP process and re Universal Basic Income experiments possibly to the poorest 1 billion people (with electricity and smartphones) out of 8 billion people with - -
https://minepi.com/sgkmac (
with which WUaS Corp has a partnering email from the Pi Organization, and through a Reedie Swaroop Poudel) to end poverty.
In order to continue to seek to stay alive, it could be really great to see you on Wednesday, T..!
Hugs, Scott
Greetings, and further, Central Edinburgh (Scotland) Quaker Meeting Friends, Oxford (GB) Quaker Meeting Friends, friends, All,
A related set of Tweets from this morning -
I haven't been to Quaker Meeting in a 3D virtual world (rather than Zoom video calls) for a long time, but I did look up and find these this morning too -
AND blogged about Quaker Meeting in the 3D group buildable virtual world of Second Life (which I haven't been in for years) here -
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Puma concolor coryi: Definition of loving bliss, "Loving Bliss and friends" letter, Love as connecting, NtF-wise,
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Spider monkey: Way beyond Youtube, IN SITU VIRTUALLY - "in place" in a realistic virtual earth where
Scott GK MacLeod's Blog
October 15, 2021
Egyptian goose: Singing in the Unitarian U choir of Kensington~Berkeley? * * WUaS is continuing to call for abolition, following Quakers and Unitarians' long history with this, and in planning to code for all 7..8 billion people on the planet (re machine l
WUaS is continuing to call for abolition, following Quakers and Unitarians' long history with this, and in planning to code for all 7..8 billion people on the planet (re machine learning and artificial intelligence)
re a related realistic virtual earth for an aging reversal machine -
Flywire connectome - Introducing BANC (Brain And Nerve Cord) Th 4/4/24
BRILLIANT w #AcademicCitations #FlyWireBrainAndBANC #FlyWirePrinceton
https://youtu.be/sdZ5zVghjeQ Add all to #ShropshireEngland #IglooVision #GStreetViewRoom in #GStreeView w #TimeSlider
https://youtu.be/q9FBhEAXRY4 in #AgingReversalMachine #
hing @WUaSPress?
GStreetViewRoom pic
Flywire connectome gold pic
and -
from these 8 Tweets w #FlywireFly @amplesa @geochurch #PeterNorvig & think in #GStreetView w #GCellView #GAtomView in #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenomics #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ?
Flywire connectome - Introducing BANC (Brain And Nerve Cord) Th 4/4/24
INCREDIBLE - #FlywireDrosophilaFly #Connectome #CitizensScienceEditing fly brain modeling project #HMSProf "Wei-Chung Lee Presents: The BANC" (Th 4/4/24)
See too -
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Streaked Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris strigata): Professor Wei-Chung Lee of Harvard Medical School ~ FlyWire Town Hall (and Peter Norvig too?)
How, brainstorming, might we best add Oxford Quaker Meeting and Central Edinburgh Quaker Meeting to Google Street View with a time slider, and for Quaker Silent Meeting too, and in one realistic virtual earth for everything ? (And regarding my visiting virtual St Kilda project at the University of Edinburgh from 2004 when I wrote a MSc paper on this in the School of Celtic and Scottish Studies)
Best, Abolitionally, Friendly regards,
MacLeod, Scott Gordon K. 2004. Physical and Online St. Kilda: A Comparison of 'Senses of Place.' M.Sc. Dissertation. Edinburgh, Scotland: University of Edinburgh.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Lilies in garlands: Can World University and School design the online Taj Mahal in all 7,938 languages and 259 countries with an Universal Translator and which is beautiful ... perhaps together with a virtual earth for STEM research ... and for all Libraries and Museums in ALL languages ... such as in UNDERSTAND Google Street View with film-realistic avatars? I was focusing on studying virtual place (how it emerges online, and thus in a sense creating it too idea-wise) in 2003-2004 with my St., Kilda, Scotland, at the University of Edinburgh
* * *
putting 2 #WUaSUnivs' stickers on the front of the LEASED old #WilliamsSonomaStore @WUaSPress #WUaSEducationalServicesStores flagship #WUaSBookstore on #WalnutSt after a lovely walk with #JanieMacLeod near #3Rivers #PghPA & to see #GuyasutaWashington sculpture
Janie MacLeod
flagship #WUaSBookstore @WorldUnivAndSch posted these 2 #WUaSUnivs' stickers on the front of the old #WilliamsSonomaStore
The @WUaSPress #WUaSEducationalServicesStores flagship #WUaSBookstore @WorldUnivAndSch posted these 2 #WUaSUnivs' stickers on the front of the old #WilliamsSonomaStore on #WalnutSt after a lovely walk with #JanieMacLeod near #3Rivers #PghPA & to see #GuyasutaWashington sculpture
7164 living languages -
A tree marks the location of the actual spring along the Rock Springs Loop trail. The spring does not always have water in it