Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness, NM: How ~200 https://ocw.mit.edu/ - centric #WUaSunivs will grow with AI & ML THNX! #PeterNorvig for #ToolifyAIWUaS ~ "Expanding #MITOCW thru ML #LanguageDiversity Creating a #RealisticVirtualEarth Exploring Bliss in a #VirtualHarbin #HotSprings" https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 THNX! #PeterNorvig for #ToolifyAIWUaS ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Expanding #MITOCW thru ML #LanguageDiversity Creating a #RealisticVirtualEarth Exploring Bliss in a #VirtualHarbin #HotSprings" * * * In #GStreetView w #TimeSlider? @clmorgan #VirtualÇatalhöyük https://colleen-morgan.com/2008/10/10/catalhoyuk-in-second-life-update/ grows (& re http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/colchicum-stanford-complexity-of-open.html & #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook)>#PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology w #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics #WUaSHumanoidRobotics #THR3s ? * * * Just playing on #ScottishSmallPipes the pretty "His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie" #Piobaireachd from "#HoneyPiobaireachd" album https://scottmacleodpiobaireachdscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ (https://youtu.be/p4utkMgygIE) Code @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSMachineLearning #GeminiAI for feedback from http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm ?

Next: Seaside gilia (Gilia millefoliata): Google Deep Brain's "AlphaFold 3 predicts the structure and interactions of all of life’s molecules" - WOW: "#AlphaFold3 takes us beyond proteins to a broad spectrum of biomolecules. This leap could unlock more transformative science" - to accelerate #WUaSDrugDesign & #WUaSgenomics research"-Steps to #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #ForProteins #ForPharmaceuticals #AgingReversalMachine? * * * Stanford Law CodeX Mtg (5/9 @1.30p PT): Tower; Maind Logics * * * WUaS accreditation further with MSCHE Middle States Commission on Higher Education - "Have you and your institution been thinking about #AI? Join us for “Harnessing the Power of AI in Higher Education” on May 14" and @ #MSCHE & w #WUaSaccreditation seek reimbursement from 50 US states'& all ~200 countries' Depts. of Ed. Departments of Education (re $63000 / yr from rich countries and per - https://sfs.mit.edu/undergraduate-students/the-cost-of-attendance/annual-student-budget/) * * * Fettes' College high school in Edinburgh, Scotland, "Drinks and Canapés" on W 4/10/24 in Washington DC. Just following up with a little further Scottish bagpiping - and just posted the following to https://fettescommunity.org/feed ... Just playing on #ScottishSmallPipes the pretty "His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie" #Piobaireachd from "#HoneyPiobaireachd" album & WUaS accreditation re Scotland WUaS
Previous: Arc Dome Wilderness, NV: With this INCREDIBLE article https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 could #PeterNorvig further develop ~200 #WUaSUnivs w "Expanding MIT OpenCourseWare through Machine Learning Language Diversity ... & w #ToolifyAIWUaS art. how w @geochurch @harvardmed to grow #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #AgingReversal #TeleroboticSurgery #ForMedicine @WorldUnivAndSch AND w #ShawnFlahertyAttorneyPghPA the #WUaSEducationalServicesStores @WUaSPress - in ~200 countries & in their main languages? * WUaS Music School too and for ALL instruments in ALL languages ever? * * * Fascinating article MIT @TechReview {Antonio Regalado} "...says Jiang. “But we have all the technology.” " But do we on Digital side #FilmTo3DApps #FilmToNDimensionalApps & #RealisticVirtualEarthForEmbryos #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics in #GStreetView w #TimeSlider w #GCellView w #GAtomView+? * * * Searched on yoga and the desiderata scott gk macleod, Found http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html & https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html & https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga +

How ~200 https://ocw.mit.edu/ - centric #WUaSunivs will grow with AI & ML  THNX! #PeterNorvig for #ToolifyAIWUaS ~ 

"Expanding #MITOCW thru ML


Creating a #RealisticVirtualEarth

Exploring Bliss in a #VirtualHarbin #HotSprings"

#ToolifyAI created: "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI" : #WUaSunivs 

#WUaSunivs will grow with AI & ML 
"Expanding #MITOCW thru ML


Creating a #RealisticVirtualEarth

Exploring Bliss in a #VirtualHarbin #HotSprings"

AMAZING @WorldUnivAndSch art. fr #PeterNorvig #ToolifyAIWUaS ~
"Expanding MIT OpenCourseWare through Machine Learning

Language Diversity and Machine Learning

Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth

Exploring Bliss in a Virtual Harbin Hot Springs"





And regarding 200 planned online WUaS law schools too from

#ToolifyAI created: "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI" : #WUaSunivs ...


Could #PeterNorvig have become #WUaSChief of #WUaSInformationTechnology #WUaSArtificialIntelligence @WorldUnivAndSch w INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI - #WorldUniversityInSchool" -https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306> https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Research?

All 7164 known living languages - 

Added to the main WUaS Research 


"Expanding MIT OpenCourseWare through Machine Learning" AND with @WorldUnivAndSch's "Language Diversity" So GLAD for this INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAI #WUaSunivs' article from #PeterNorvig ~
https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 re 7164 living Langs https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages : https://gemini.google.com/ ~

Gemini AI logo


WUaS logo 


#LearningAsFlowExperience @WorldUnivAndSch ? per #Csikszentmihalyi1991 w #EudaimoniaFlow -http://scottmacleod.com/EudaimoniaFlow.htm THNX #PeterNorvig: https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306"The Study of Bliss & Enjoyment in Learning~Flow: Exploring Bliss in #RealisticVirtualHarbin" in every #MITOCW course? How?


#LearningAsFlowExperience @WorldUnivAndSch ? per #Csikszentmihalyi1991 & even #EudaimoniaFlow per - http://scottmacleod.com/EudaimoniaFlow.htm THNX #PeterNorvig: https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306"The Study of Bliss and Enjoyment in Learning Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience - Exploring Bliss in a Virtual Harbin Hot Springs" in every #MITOCW course too? How?

* * 

#ToolifyAI created: "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI" : #WUaSunivs


#ToolifyAI created: "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI" :
#WUaSunivs @WorldUnivAndSch SEE: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/03/tulipa-suaveolens.html"Creating a #RealisticVirtualEarth
The Study of Bliss & Enjoyment in Learning
Flow: Psychology of Optimal Experience
Bliss in a #VirtualHarbin"

Retweeting -

Tulipa montana 
Markazi province, Iran
May 2023
Altitude: 1800m 
#tulipa #wildflowers #picoftheday #botany #ecology #forestry


#ToolifyAI created: "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI" :
#WUaSunivs @WorldUnivAndSch SEE: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/03/tulipa-suaveolens.html"Creating a #RealisticVirtualEarth
The Study of Bliss & Enjoyment in Learning
Flow: Psychology of Optimal Experience
Bliss in a #VirtualHarbin"

* *
IN Searching for where ToolifyAI is published and noticing that Peter Norvig and Google are a focus of the article, I choose to include 'Mountain View, CA:' as the place where TooifyAI is published.

ToolifyAI. 2024. [https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI: WUaS - World University and School]. (Updated on Mar 02, 2024). Mountain View, CA: toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306.

Please note:

In searching for where ToolifyAI is published and noticing that Peter Norvig and Google are a focus of the article, I choose to include 'Mountain View, CA:' as the place where TooifyAI is published.

Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI: 
WUaS - World University and School
Updated on Mar 02, 2024

#ToolifyAI & Peter Norvig created this Amazing article about @ with AI 
Touching ON SO MANY Salient POINTS  in a brand new way for #WUaSunivs Thank you Peter !

* * * 

GStreetView w #TimeSlider? @clmorgan #VirtualÇatalhöyük  

In #GStreetView w #TimeSlider? @clmorgan #VirtualÇatalhöyük
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/colchicum-stanford-complexity-of-open.html & #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook)>#PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology w #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics #WUaSHumanoidRobotics #THR3s ?


Retweeting - 

A model of the Neolithic proto-city Çatalhöyük (in modern-day Turkey) in 7300 BC. Around 5,000 people lived there in a dense jumble of homes (most homes could only be accessed by walking across the rooftops). Crazy to me that something this legit was happening 93 centuries ago.


* * * 

Just playing on #ScottishSmallPipes  the pretty "His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie" #Piobaireachd

Just playing on #ScottishSmallPipes 
the pretty "His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie" #Piobaireachd 
Code @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSMachineLearning #GeminiAI for feedback from

(hear too 
1993 William Morrison His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie Concert Pibroc'h Commana 29 

Just playing on #ScottishSmallPipes 
the pretty "His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie" #Piobaireachd 
(hear too 
1993 William Morrison His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie Concert Pibroc'h Commana 29 
How best could @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSMachineLearning code #GeminiAI to even give feedback from 
"12 Guidelines for Practicing a Musical Instrument"
By Wynton Marsalis and Yo-Yo Ma

Related wiki schools at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch -


- Scott (GK MacLeod, Kimmerghame house 1978)

Posted the above on W May 8 2024 to 





Map of the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness

FLICKR Slideshow




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